A clot-shot brings Russia & the West together
A Kremlin-backed pharma firm is registering AstraZeneca's clot-shot in Russia
NOTE: My sincere apologies—especially to my very generous paying subscribers—for the recent blog-silence. What can I say in my defense? Nothing. I’m sorry. Anyway…
With all eyes focused on the Not-War in Ukraine, something equally confusing is happening in Russia:
The R-Pharm company sent an application to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for registration of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine in Russia.
A few comments:
This has always been the plan. Russia has been pushing for a Sputnik/AstraZeneca cocktail since the earliest months of the virus scam. Last month, the Russian Direct Investment Fund—Sputnik V’s main financer—revealed new Science showing the amazing benefits of combining Sputnik Light with the British-Swedish clot-shot.
R-Pharm is already producing AstraZeneca shots (under the brand R-CoVI) in Russia—but for export. R-Pharm also manufactures Sputnik V.
Coincidentally, the Russian Direct Investment Fund is invested in R-Pharm, meaning the Kremlin is pocketing delicious rubles from Sputnik V and R-CoVI.
Why would Russia even need to deploy a Big Pharma clot-shot? I thought the Not-War in Ukraine had defeated the virus scam forever, particularly in Russia?
I was browsing the internet in search of juicy takes on AstraZeneca’s clot-shot (which is a proven death-shot that murders people) when I stumbled upon this excellent analysis from the prestigious Strategic Culture Foundation:
The fact that the organizations promoting the rise of this eugenics policy throughout Nazi Germany and North America included such powerhouses as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Human Sterilization League for Human Betterment (today renamed “Engender Health”) which have all taken leading roles in the World Health Organization over recent decades is more than a little concerning. The fact that these eugenics organizations simply re-branded themselves after WWII and are now implicated in modern RNA vaccine development alongside the Galton Institute (formerly British Eugenics Association), Oxford’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should give any serious thinker pause as we consider what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate repeating in our presently precarious age.
All this Nazi talk reminds me of the Not-War in Ukraine, which has triggered concerns about biological weapons and other nontraditional ways of culling people. Just the other day, Russia’s defense ministry revealed the United States was studying if migratory birds could potentially be flying biohazards:

I’m not saying Russia shouldn’t be on the lookout for Ebola-birds. It definitely should. You can’t trust the Yankees.
But if you’re genuinely worried about the West trying to annihilate you with unconventional weapons…. why would you even consider approving AstraZeneca’s clot-shot?
Questions, questions….
No stress Riley, we know it's a difficult situation and appreciate whatever you can send along. You sure pose good questions to those who would have us believe that the oligarchs of Russia (and China) are better people than US/NATO oligarchs. One can only hope this will make them think.
The bio lab leaks crap is pure fear porn.
Even anthrax wasn't confirmed cause of death, but hey ignore that those people took cipro, a somewhat toxic antibiotic.
Remdesevir deaths get called covid
AZT deaths get called AIDS/hiv
"Perhaps this explains why the claim that Sars-Cov-2 doesn’t exist is treated with such ardent censorship and disdain compared to the germ-friendly “lab-leak” theory which has now wormed its way into the mainstream narrative, supported even by those on the more alternative side.
Whether true or untrue, what many people fail to realise is the extent to which this theory favours the pharmaceutical industry.
In fact, not only does it favour Big Pharma, it favours the ruling “elite” by strengthening the “deadly virus” narrative, it favours vaccine manufacturers, it favours virologists, it favours the Western powers, it favours the bankers, it favours Hollywood, and it favours the WHO!
The “lab-leak” hypothesis favours just about everyone with connections to the Covid scamdemic."