Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Good old JP Morgan and friends, creating artificially induced scarcity and destabilizing markets and then squeezing people for all their assets while they're desperate. They have been running that same racket for well over a century now.

Can you imagine how different our world would look if it wasn't for professional parasites like that crippling the potential of people like Nikola Tesla?

Though, in all fairness, the parasites are not 100% to blame as they could not keep the game going without our complicity, as we all play into holding up their parasitic empire(s) to some degree (well the vast majority of us, including myself) in some way or another.

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First thing I read was Meatshield and I wanted to be the first to comment on it.

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I'm frankly getting overwhelmed by the attitudes within the "resistance" in the US. Seems like the large majority are going along with the Manichean perspective that there are only two sides, the US/NATO elites and Russia's "government" (as if it's not a WEF-friendly elite regime too), and since the US government is screwing us, "we" have to side with Russia, and besides all Ukrainians are Nazis, "the Ukraine" has always been a part of Russia (even claims that the Ukrainian language is an invention of German intelligence from WWI), that "Putin has been good for Russia," ...... Very thankful that a handful of people like you, our mutual friend Tessa Lena, and some others, are trying to maintain some sort of sanity and a clear perspective on what is a clash between global elite interests being passed off on one hand as "fascist aggression" and on the other as "a war against genocidal Nazis." So reminiscent of the early days of WWI, when the various "socialist" parties who had pledged as part of the Second International to never support a global war ended up supporting the war effort of their various nation-states, claiming the other camp represented barbaric imperialism and reaction, which was true, but as if it wasn't true about their side. Sanity did eventually bubble through back then, but do we have enough time before we the human species blow ourselves up, something we couldn't do that fast back in 1914?!!

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I thought that the war ended the "pandemic" in Ukraine, but nooo... On 3rd March, the Cabinet of Ministers signed a $91mn loan agreement with the IBRD to further implement Ukraine Emergency Covid-19 Response and Vaccination Project.


Meanwhile, people are encouraged to donate to the army.

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#Ukraine is tragic but sacrificed to manipulate you. War is #satire.

We are being played as the couldron is fed.

Truth is the first casualty of war but it has a way of sneaking up on you. Only so much #war can be hidden. Motives are revealed by action.

#Bankers were on both sides of all major conflicts of the 20th century. What makes you think this one's different? #Russia.


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Since I don’t read Russian or Ukrainian, I can only watch English broadcasts about these countries hoping to get a clue about what might be happening. The only Ukrainian broadcast in English I have found so far is Ukrinform.net. The news articles seem very exaggerated and verge on complete fantasy. I also watch RT.com and Sputniknews.com which seem, let me repeat, SEEM to be closer to reality. I’m not pro nor anti either side. I get some added confidence about the Russian side from Andrei Martyanov's Blog at https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/

and Patrick Armstrong at https://patrickarmstrong.ca/.

Opinions appreciated.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Guys, I was wondering if any of you heard of Menachem Schneerson and his plans of Slav genocide?


"we will use our old method: divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries together. Draw them into internecine wars with the goal of mutual destruction.

The Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against expansionist Russia, is fighting for his independence, he will think that he has finally found his freedom, while he is completely dependent on us. The Russians will consider the same thing, as if they are defending their national interests, returning the lands “illegally” taken from them, and so on. We will do all this under the pretext of various sovereignty, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to determine themselves on the basis of national values ​​and traditions."

I don't know how authentic this speech or document is, and I'm by no means an antisemite, but I feel like this is unfolding before my eyes.

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Enjoying getting to know your work.

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Привет Natalie. I hope you are holding up well. I recently met one of your countryman from Рівне (family name Lustyuk)! He left yesterday for Poland to assist with relief efforts. Prayers for the slavic world.

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You appear to have missed


The lede says it all: «US Tells All Americans To Leave Russia "Immediately" After Putin Dials Up Threats»

Oh well. I wouldn’t leave either if I was in as deep as you are. Can anyone run far enough away from the globohomocapitalists? Like maybe into the jungles of Borneo or deepest Amazonia? Am fairly certain Brno is «out of condition» at the moment.

What I definitely would do is buy Газпром, Лукойл, and Роснефть hand over fist. You will never again have an opportunity like this.

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Do you think they were planning a pretext for a nuclear attack or not?

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Much ado has been made about PVV’s association with the WEF. I myself have remarked about the famous “handshake” photograph featuring Klaus analSchwab.

Keep this in mind: PVV was formerly a mid-grade field officer of the KGB. The KGB were world-class experts in the infiltration of enemy formations.

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Hard to know what to believe. For years, every time NATO would push farther east, I would brace for impact. Feel like we are getting really close.

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Hopefully you're getting paid!

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