re. ML's scathing comments about Russia, its cities and its people, I must have been living in a different Russia these past 29 years to that one which he cannot abide.

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in USA the top destination is governor Ron Desantis’ Florida... looking forward to his nomination for prez in 2024... seems like a reasonable man who respects the individual and has disdain & skepticism for elitist policies💕

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Idea for future content-- I believe it would be useful to write some pieces for the military. Not specific to any country. They'll be the patsies that enforce the impending dystopia.

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

Africa, the unvaccinated land, has been amongst my thought options.

Since I visited Zanzibar, I thought of that place as one where one could retire, to live a humble life, of course.

I mean this even taking into account that health facilities will not be so much available, with the ultimate goal of living until your natural span endures...

After all you will live free, in your home country you know they are trying to short your life span through the poisonous vaccines and probably leaving you without your pension which seems to be going to be put in the hands of NGOs to especulate with ( Gates´, of course, what other thing you thought they meant by "inclusive capitalism" and "public-private partnership"? Would not you think this meant that they were going to share their wealth with you, would you? )

I was also considering Mexico, due the facility I would have there with the language. I could even manage to work there in my own profession for the last years before retiring.

Daniel Estulin seems to be making it great there.

I had the opportunity of visiting Georgia and Armenia before all this nightmare unleashed and got with a great impression of both countries.

Armenians are very warm and kindhearted people, Georgians, quite different, are also warm in depth, and very very polite. Those I met in the mountains, Mesta, seemed also very honest people.

Both countries with an espectacular geography and thriving capitals

You could probably lost yourself in one of those villages in the Caucausus....

You see, I love travelling and meeting different cultures, but I have been stuck here for two years in a round....Always a commited student, and then taxpayer, I have not even a traffic fine, but I will not get their vaccine to get willingly crippled even if that means going to jail...I love studying too..I will take the time to do it..

The people who mostly took the cattle-tag here are of those who never leave Europe...I have a triple vaxxed job companion who almost never traveled before this, but this year she and his family are going to Rome, of all places, under Dragui´s mussolinian dictatorship, with their new flamant Covid Passes...It is as if they would had been waiting for this opportunty to feel themselves unique...Or may be it is that they feel at ease under fascist rule...Probably...

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

While writing about Georgia, I recalled that our guide there, a woman in her thirties, told us about the times when the USSR fell. She told us that your life was valued nothing, that armed gangs could enter the bus your were travelling and stole all your belongings, that if they did not kill you.

I found myself these days thinking of our state of affairs here in Europe as resembling all the way those times in the USSR.

You should have to meet the people I am meeting in the resistance, people who are mostly succesful professionals, working and middle class but all make their living and do not seem to lack anything basic and even a comfortable surplus.

All these people, apart from working hard at their job places, some being health care workers, have passed the past two years reading unending ammount of papers and scientific documents to prove their case.

It seems to me that it is precisely the best part of our societies which our governments are trying to outlaw, and this is not a happenstance, what is happening here is the we approach the time of mafias and, simply, those proved unbribable, those who live by their own effort, and always find time for an additional one, and those who, obviously, will denounce any crime, must dissapear.

This is why I was thinking of leaving even at the first moments, because no nation with a future throws its best people to the lions this way.

Yeah, there have been a coup, scoundrels have been placed at the top so that to allow the looting and raping of our countries, as it happened in the USSR.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

Dear Pessimists.

I have 11 children (Yes—11!)—though only four in Moscow, with the rest in the US. My experience and outlook couldn’t be any more opposite than many on this blog. Misanthropic irony can be useful as humor, but as a practical approach to life pessimism only leads to different forms of misery and dissatisfaction.

Pessimism is nothing more than an insidious form of "excuse making"—with such excuses being little more than thinly veiled rationalizations, i.e. "lies", you tell yourselves in order to cushion the blow of your own inevitable failures. Failure is not to be avoided, but to be embraced. It is our greatest teacher, if we allow it, and it leads us all to the proper use of knowledge through experience, otherwise known as wisdom.

Being pessimistic therefore is just a dangerous form of “laziness” by another name, intellectually or otherwise. The effect of such thinking serves only to encourage and prevent people from making any personal effort, i.e. “I am only one person! I can’t possibly make a difference!”. Pessimists, if they remain persistent, become robotic self-fulfilling prophecies, chanting their mantras, "See I told you so! Run for your lives!”, taking perverse satisfaction in ‘being right’ when the world inevitably burns. Pessimists are victims of their own negative mentality (and so is everyone one around them since they are energy vampires), or more accurately martyrs—and it’s not just contagious, it’s deadly. Its allure lies in its ease. It requires no effort, no planning, no thought, no initiative, and most of all, no responsibility.

In fact, we could call “Pessimism” the “Philosophy of No Responsibility”--with failure it’s only hope and goal. It’s a philosophy for the mentally weak and powerless. These are those who choose to give away the enormous power they have inside to the masters of mankind, or leave it to lay dormant unused, benefiting no one.

When we give in to pessimism, the masters of mankind, as they fancy themselves, have won. This is the exact mentality these globalists gleefully have worked tirelessly to instill, through education, repetition and other nefarious means. It’s winning the easy way for them. Wining without a shot ever having been fired. It’s no contest. A forfeit by design.

“THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.”

In contrast, Stephen Pressfield, in his masterful work, “The War of Art” goes on to describe the master fear, the mother fear ironically as: Fear of Success. His book is a prescient, must read. For the full and far more powerful quote:


This is EXACTLY what those who would control us, fear most: People taking personal initiative. Casting yourself as a victim or martyr is the anti-thesis of initiative and doing “our” work, any work that might mold the world into being the wonderful place we all know that it can be. Without the seed of the thought, “I can make a difference!”, watered with persistent effort and belief—we are in fact, all “doomed”.

The first lines of the Dhammapada, "All that we are Is the result of what we have thought." This more often than not, is painfully true, or wonderfully so. Whatever we think, we are usually right. What we think about most we become. Truisms, because they are usually true, within of course, some reasonable limitations.

It's possible to live fulfilling and full lives regardless of our circumstances—but only if you believe it is. On the other hand, if you think, “What’s the use? We are all doomed!” Either way you are likely to be correct.

So, in the first step is to see life, this world, and particularly ourselves, as we really are. This is effort is beyond the scope of this post.

Specifically, in terms, of comments and questions, how could someone bring a child into this horrible world? All roads for such pessimistic thinking (about having children)—stem from ideas leading directly back to Thomas Malthus. Unfortunately, such false (and easily proved as such) Malthusian ideas about populations have thoroughly permeated our modern society--and not by accident. This eugenicist wet dream and false narrative has been pushed aggressively and relentlessly by those who would rule over us. The narrative, on its surface is akin to pessimism, easy to believe--it instantly seems to be common sense. Right? This “common sense” thinking is exactly why is so pernicious. It’s an effortless trap we anyone can fall into. Though these ideas have been thoroughly debunked by simple mathematical analysis and plain observation of actual results, these doomsday predictions continue to prevail.

Julian Simon, convincingly demonstrated in 1981 book, "The Ultimate Resource" that Malthus was completely wrong--and history has continued to confirm this. https://www.cato.org/economic-development-bulletin/julian-simon-was-right-half-century-population-growth-increasing

Since, Thomas Malthus’ rallying cries, results have demonstrated the exact opposite of what “Lord” Malthus predicted, contrary to popular belief and sentiment. For an interesting article that delves more deeply into this, I would recommend my friend, James Corbett’s article/video: “The Last Word on Overpopulation” https://www.corbettreport.com/video-the-last-word-on-overpopulation/

So, instead of being a Chicken Littles, shouting from the rooftops about our inevitable doom, maybe we should start taking some positive actions, start thinking of and implementing solutions in small or large ways, the best way we know how. If we start working together, rather than resigning ourselves to the intended miserable fates, “…living lives of quiet desperation” we may just find ourselves eventually, “meeting with success in uncommon hours.”

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Отлично, прекрасный, исключительный!

Your best work yet. Totally believable unlike the last piece which featured the same metre and tempo throughout. NB: I am NOT saying your interviewees were fake, but it didn't come off as a completely believable effort. Perhaps a little less throttle/brake?

Don“t go anywhere. We are FAR from finished with you ;-)

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"Go west, young man."

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mexico...apologies if I missed that.

Mexico entry details and exceptions:

Mexico is open to travelers regardless of their vaccination status.

A COVID-19 test and a quarantine are not required. However, travelers are required to complete the Health Declaration Form and scan the QR code it generates on arrival.

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What kind of a "doomer" thrusts more children into this automated electromechanical abattoir/chattel-white-slave hatchery called "Earth"?

Is it a sort of incestuous sadism, or merely irrepressible amorous drive to engage in unprotected sexual intercourse, coupled with ignorance of widely-available contraceptive pharmaceuticals?

Methinks "ML" is doing pessimism wrong altogether...let alone "dark lordliness" thereof.

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