Let’s begin with what probably everyone can agree on: yes, undoubtedly there are various disreputable three-letter agencies sticking their dirty little fingers in Kazakhstan right now. This is what they do.
But guys: even the most blatant textbook color revolution requires certain criteria in order to get off the ground. One important criteria is that there needs to be a lot of genuinely angry people who are willing—maybe even eager—to come out into the streets when things get wild.
Amid the fierce clash of narratives over what is “really” happening in Kazakhstan, almost nobody seems to be thinking seriously about why the Kazakh people might not be enthralled with their leaders.
According to Reuters, people were grumpy about fuel prices and then—in a span of several hours—decided it was time for the government to go bye-bye.
But if you read The Incredulous Geopolitical Blogs, it was a top-down Western op that deserves to be violently suppressed.
Maybe there’s some middle ground here?
Our friends at Katyusha.org have a very thought-provoking article which points out that Kazakhstan is ruled by a greedy, incompetent elite who were more than happy to impose forced injections and cattle tags on their people in order to maintain financially expedient relations with the IMF and other altruistic organizations.
Does that sound familiar? It sounds very familiar to us.
“The Russian elite need to study the Kazakh experience very deeply if, of course, they do not want to step on their neighbor's rake,” Katyusha concluded.
Below are some highlights from their excellent analysis.
Last Kazakh warning to Putin: vaccination and greed of elites as the cause of the revolution in Kazakhstan
Another republic of the former USSR and Russia's strategic ally, Kazakhstan, found itself embroiled in the classic color revolution. And although it is obvious that the conductors of current events are located in Paris, London and Washington… the local authorities cared exclusively about their own pockets and followed the COVID instructions of the globalists… That is, they were doing the same thing as the Russian “elite”.
Gas prices shouted about by the Russian state media have become nothing more than a pretext for massive protests. The “technocrats” in power in Kazakhstan (hello to “ours” Mishustin and Kiriyenko) have brought the people to a white heat with a drop in living standards and mandatory vaccination with QR codes…
This—namely, the stupidity and inability to discern the threat even to one's own skin—is one of the main differences between technocrats and traditional rulers, of which Alexander Lukashenko can serve as an example. But Lukashenko sat there because he had someone to rely on. Putin and his comrades have no one to rely on— the people and the army with the Church will not defend the servants of the globalists.
Therefore, the Russian elite need to study the Kazakh experience very deeply if, of course, they do not want to step on their neighbor's rake.
The main thing is that the authorities of Kazakhstan, just like the authorities of the Russian Federation, refused to see people's protests against compulsory vaccination, vaccination of children and pregnant women and QR codes. They were unable to resolve issues with wild food prices, a shortage of gasoline and diesel fuel, drought and deaths of livestock, but, like their Russian colleagues, they followed all the instructions of the WHO and the IMF…
Let's start with the main factors that drove people to the streets. The main one is the fall in the standard of living of the population (which is officially not there) and the rise in prices (hello to Rosstat, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation together with the Central Bank and who else is counting inflation for us).
Also in October, the country faced a diesel shortage. The situation influenced not only the increase in the cost of diesel fuel, but also gave rise to problems for transport companies, KTZ, and also created risks to ensure the stable operation of utilities and road services. Diesel fuel was sold at many gas stations in the country only with coupons during these weeks, some of them did not have it at all. According to official data, the growth in gasoline prices was (+ 15.6% per year), diesel (+ 24.4% per year), or by a quarter. The shortage of fuel was added to the shortage of electricity. In a number of regions, in order to save electricity during peak hours, its supply was suspended. […]
Objectively speaking, the price of petrol in Kazakhstan is several times lower than in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine—even after the increase. But if it was only a question of gas, then there would be no protests. […]
In Russia, the state media are trying to keep silent about this, but one of the main reasons for the current protests is not the economy, but new restrictions that were planned to be introduced there from January 5. Due to the rapid spread of the omicron strain, unvaccinated citizens were promised to stop letting them into crowded places: banks, post offices, baths, fitness rooms, public service centers, not to mention shopping and entertainment centers.
This is after lockdowns and vaccinations in the worst European and Australian traditions. The news of a new lockdown was the second reason for the riot. For understanding—Kazakhstan has become the toughest country in terms of vaccinations…
The current lockdown, after all the restrictions and vaccinations, would have become the 4th for Kazakhstan since the beginning of 2021, although a number of them were not in the entire country. It’s impossible to say how many small businesses were closed because of this. People were left without a livelihood.
But in the summer, the local WHO branch, the “interdepartmental commission on the non-proliferation of COVID-19,” recommended the chief state sanitary doctor of Kazakhstan to prohibit more than 20 people from working in the service sector, in industrial enterprises and in labor collectives with an unpricked experimental potion.
Since November 15 of last year, schools and medical institutions in Kazakhstan began vaccination against the coronavirus with the Pfizer drug for adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. Since November 22, vaccination has begun in the city of Aktobe, and only eight breastfeeding women and four teenagers have been vaccinated. In October 2021, the chief sanitary doctor of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Kiyasov, approved the guidelines for vaccination of adolescents with Pfizer. “We are now seeing that everything seems to be going well. We did not see any obvious problems. Babies, pregnant and lactating women are easily tolerated, ” said the head of their Ministry of Health.
In general, the Kazakh authorities did everything they could to get as many people as possible to hate them and take part in the protests. At the same time, as in Russia, total hatred and distrust of the regime was masked with deliberate lies from the court sociologists, who, like ours, sang the mantras about “Everything is calm in Baghdad.”
Of course, the agents of the United States and Britain, favored by the Kazakh authorities, could not help but take advantage of this.
With all this, the Kazakh elite helped the sorrows as best they could…
Great excerpts from the article by RIA Katyusha, Edward! At this point we could probably say that uprising in Kazakhstan was suppressed, but was the situation there resolved, did the authorities in Kazakhstan and Russia too learn their lessons? I don't think so. If anything, I'm afraid, quick suppression of this uprising with the use of ODKB forces may add boldness to Putin in his negotiations with OSCE, NATO and US coming up in the middle of January, but foremost this will make Duma proceed without looking back with voting for QR Codes law that will be a major step in putting a permanent yoke on the necks of Russian people. All the indicators tell us, political elites in Russia are totally detached from reality. As a famous media figure, Anna Shafran, in her Telegram channel said (she used to work for Soloviev on his morning radio show, but now switched to Tsargrad TV owned by Orthodox oligarch Konstantin Malofeev) - "our ruling class is so detached from reality, they think they are in space and totally believe the picture of the world that they have painted themselves together with their globalist overlords". https://t.me/annashafran/5397
Thank you for bringing attention to this, Edward. Eye-opening and a taste of things to come.