In mid-March, around 50 million people were put under Virus house arrest in China’s northeastern province of Jilin and in the southern cities of Shenzhen and Dongguan.
More recently, millions of Shanghai residents were ordered into lockdown as hazmat squads carried out citywide testing. These bold “public health” measures have just been expanded to cover all 25 million people who live in China’s main financial hub.

It’s strange there is so little discussion about what the heck is happening in China, considering China’s undeniable importance on the world stage.
So we’ve decided to create an Open Thread where open-minded, thoughtful, very handsome and beguiling people (that’s you) can share their thoughts/URLs/TikToks/etc. on this subject.
Below are a few observations from your humble Moscow correspondent. Please contribute to the discussion in the Comments Section.
Testimonials from westerners: “Food, please”
Let’s start with eyewitness reports from westerners in Shanghai. There are apparently some problems with food acquisition:

A fellow who works for the BBC reported he was gifted government-veggies (and later some chicken) but was still struggling to obtain certain items such as… water:

There’s also this guy, who seems genuinely grateful for his vegetable ration:

And here’s a lockdown hymn made by Chinese rappers:
Slightly concerning videos: It’s what Twitter craves?
There are lots of freaky videos floating around. Have you ever seen a robot-dog inspect a QR code? Now you have.
Are these weird visuals somehow staged or fake or something? Maybe? But… they can’t all be hoaxes:

There are many, many more videos. These are the more “tame” ones, actually. What the heck?
Infants separated from their parents?
There are several reports alleging that children who test positive for the Virus are being separated from their parents.
According to state media, parents can accompany their young ones to quarantine centers only if they also test positive.
But there are a lot of videos which appear to show unattended children—including infants. Authorities claimed that videos showing crying, unattended children were taken at a pediatric ward of a hospital, and are not from a quarantine center. Okay but still…. where are the parents?

Some Chinese people are… unhappy?
Seems so:

Edward’s Official Position
Our position on this matter was perfectly articulated by this Chinese guy who calmly tried to smoke a cigarette as hazmat-goons harassed him:

Holy crap, that maskless cigarette wielder is a badass! I hope he survives!
Does anyone think this is about a virus?
Early on in the "pandemic" it seemed to be about propaganda and convincing the rest of the world that the virus was serious.
What is happening now?
Maybe this is the next phase of their technocratic takeover? Beat the people into submission and get them used to existing as worthless automatons to be controlled and directed at the whim of the state?
The western media silence is deafening.