There have been significant developments in Russia’s National QR Code War. For those who are joining us for the first time, the relevant background to this existential conflict can be found here.
We wish we had a SouthFront-esque map to help people visualize the vast craziness currently underway all over Russia. (Alas, as some of you may have noticed from our extremely professional graphics, Edward Slavsquat only has access to an unlicensed copy of MS Paint. But if you want to make us a cool QR Battle Map, we would be very grateful and sing your praises for all eternity.)
To briefly summarize what has been happening: Russia’s completely cucked regional parliaments—infested with United Russia apparatchiks—have skipped the foreplay (“thoughtful discussion and debate”) and are now feverishly rubber-stamping the national QR code legislation.
It’s a bold play from The Uni-Party. An internet poll with 1.4 million respondents suggests that around 92% of Russians believe QR codes are “a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the rights of citizens.” Meanwhile, a survey conducted by RBC found that less than 20% of the country supported the introduction of digital “health” tags. State media claims almost 30% of Russians are in favor of the Ausweis. But when you correct for Kremlin Baloney, this means support for the vax pass is probably hovering around 5%.
What we’re trying to say here is United Russia and its Axis of Boot-Lickers are basically voting against the wishes of the entire country.
By doing so, a large number of completely apolitical Russians are now extremely angry. Even groups on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum are uniting against United Russia. It’s so beautiful to see—United Russia finally living up to its name!
Angry Communists
Credit where credit is due: at the legislative level, Russia’s Communist Party (KPRF) is leading the charge against these insane and depraved digital cattle tags.
Even your humble Moscow correspondent—whose political views can best be described as “Johann Sebastian Bach and Czech Beer”—is starting to feel a bit Red.
Saratov deputy Nikolai Bondarenko came to his region’s parliament dressed as a QR-coded concentration camp prisoner, and then began to unleash Communist rage upon his completely useless “colleagues.” We like Bondarenko:
Before the meeting, Bondarenko approached the chairman of the regional Duma Alexander Romanov [a United Russia member—boo!] and asked what to do with the signatures of people against the law on QR codes, but Romanov asked him to sit down.
“This is segregation. Everyone is equal. And you divide the people in this way. Some have all the rights, since they have codes, others are deprived and cannot enter public places, because they are not vaccinated and they do not have codes,” Bondarenko said at a December 2 meeting of the Duma.
A crowd gathered at the building of the Regional Duma. The authorities blocked the passage with fences.
Please take a moment to appreciate this Absolute Communist Unit:
The Communists get it. They understand.

There are local reports from across Russia detailing similar legislative battles. For example, KPRF deputies showed valiant resistance in Volgograd’s parliament. Unfortunately they got steamrolled by United Russia’s confederacy of dunces, but still—A for Effort.
Angry Christians
The Christians are livid. In an open letter addressed to Putin, the influential traditionalist group Forty Times Forty demanded the current government resign:
[I]mplementation of QR-codes is preposterous and absurd. The actions of the government are not about preventing the spread of infection—they have an illegal goal—to force vaccinations on the people in a country where vaccinations are, by law, voluntary.
We, the undersigned, who are Russian traditionalists, are speaking out in defense of the future of our fatherland, our families, and our children. We demand an end to these anti-constitutional and anti-civil rights policies of the current government of Russia, and demand that it be dismissed, together with the Prime Minister.
Recently a conference of Orthodox laypeople was held in St. Petersburg, where it was decided that the “epidemic of fear, lies and betrayal” in Russia must be resisted at all costs. They even threatened a schism if Church higher-ups continue to be completely lame (and in truth, they have been really, horribly lame).
Angry Everybody
Really we could just keep typing and typing. Russians are not okay with getting QR-tagged! This is very obvious to anyone paying attention.
Last week, anti-cattle tag activists attempted to storm the legislative assembly in Chelyabinsk. The crowd was restrained by security guards—and then the police arrived. We are deciding the future of Russia, no plebes allowed!
At least 15 of Russia’s 85 federal subjects have already approved this totally obscene, aggressively anti-human legislation—but this figure is about a week old, so it’s possible this number is quite a bit larger now. As things currently stand, the Uni-Party plans to vote through this Pure Degeneracy next month, and then it will go into force at the start of February.
Will United Russia continue to mindlessly pursue political seppuku? Stay tuned!
My deep and sincere respect for the Russian people. I wish I saw such massive rejection of the covid tyranny here in Ukraine.
And thank you so much for your posts, Riley. They really help me to maintain those remaining bits of hope that I have.
Love Glenn Gould very much; beers, I prefer the Belgian ones above all; QR-tagging, eggs must fly the next time Putin dares to show off with portrait in hand in processions commemorating the Great Patriotic War.