The Russian government is a zealous disciple of the Hermetic Cult of Hospital Capacity, the new esoteric religion that has conquered the world. The meaning of life is to protect hospital beds—this is the central tenet of the global cult.
But what kind of hospital beds are we protecting, here in Russia?
Russians are generally barred from visiting loved ones languishing in COVID “red zones”—ostensibly in order to maintain excellent sanitation and prevent unnecessary viral transmission. We say “generally” because there are creative ways to bypass this rule.
For example, a man from Tomsk dressed up as a doctor and talked his way into a local hospital so he could take care of his criminally neglected grandmother:
Sergey's grandmother was admitted to the infectious diseases hospital on October 21 with COVID-19 and pneumonia. The woman has been living on liquid food for a year now, her grandson had been feeding her from a syringe [before she was admitted to the hospital]. She has Alzheimer's and can't walk.
After some time, the man learned from a roommate that his relative was practically not looked after. He tried to find out about her condition and care in the hospital, but nothing came of it. Then Sergey bought special protective suits for the “red zones” of COVID hospitals and made his way into the department, posing as a doctor.
“I went into the building and asked where this patient was lying, introduced myself as a therapist from another department. When I entered the ward, my grandmother was covered in urine and feces. Her mouth was covered in vomit, an oxygen tube on her forehead,” said the Tomsk resident.
“The situation in the hospital is terrible: women are asking for water. I had the feeling that I was in jail. A slaughterhouse. The doctors say they are overloaded, but the wards are half empty. Why are patients treated like pigs? I asked one nurse why he could not change the patients' underwear, he replied that he was too lazy.”
He provided care to his grandmother for several days before he was found out. She died a few days later:
They offered me money so that I would shut up, or they would tighten the screws. I refused, the screws were tightened, my grandmother died. […]
Sergey said that he was raised by his grandmother. She survived the Great Patriotic War [WWII], she was a pensioner and an honored teacher, and he just wanted a “quiet death” for her at home.
Sergey even documented his “red zone” visits, which greatly angered Russia’s benevolent public health authorities:
As punishment for exposing the Cult, the Tomsk resident was fired from his job and was reportedly threatened by authorities.

The hospital in question—Tomsk’s Medical Unit No. 2—has quite a reputation. In July 2020, a report detailed:
[M]illions of rubles were spent from the regional budget to re-equip the medical unit [for COVID patients]. It would seem that, having good funding, Medical Unit No. 2 should have provided decent maintenance for all patients with coronavirus. And what is in practice? […]
The windows are tightly sealed with paper, the air only breaks through a small gap in the window, from which water drips... It is very difficult for even a healthy person to breathe in such conditions, let alone those who have diseased lungs...
According to some doctors, ideal conditions have been created in this ward for the development of pneumonia in patients. In a stuffy and damp room, where there is no normal ventilation of the air, fungus and mold are bound to grow...
Just an isolated case, some might say. Not so.
Nearly identical conditions were discovered at a “red zone” in Nizhny Novgorod:
Polina Markina (surname has been changed. - Ed. ) recently buried her grandmother. The last pictures of the woman were taken in the COVID ward by her daughter.
The photograph shows a fragile gray-haired old woman in an oxygen mask, lying under a dirty sheet with feces and brown spots.
The photographs were sent to a journalist for publication. When the city became aware of violations at the COVID ward, the hospital administration restricted access to the red zone, and they began to threaten Markina with legal action.
A woman who rescued her father from the same “red zone” had this story to tell:
“He asked him never to bring him to this hospital again, asked for food. He complained that he was not fed or washed. He was emaciated, he was size 40, he begged me not to bring him here anymore. When I began to change his clothes, he had a big bruise on his right thigh, his arm was bruised here, and he had a hematoma on his cheek. They said he fell. My dad says he was beaten, he was injected with phenazepam so that he could sleep,” says Kuznetsova.
Okay, maybe two or three isolated cases? This is not happening anywhere else though, don’t worry.
In Russia, it’s common for relatives to provide bandages and other necessities for hospitalized family members. So what happens when you are barred from visiting relatives who are not able to take care of themselves? It seems we have the answer.
Then there’s the simple matter of budgetary priorities. Unsurprisingly, a decade of neoliberal austerity has damaged Russia’s healthcare system:
“The problem as a whole is not related to COVID,” says the co-chairman of the medical trade union Andrei Konoval. “We have simply destroyed junior medical personnel as a category of workers.”
“On the eve of the pandemic, from 2013 to 2019, their number in Russia decreased by 64%—from 687 to 265 thousand. This is Rosstat data. The cuts were related to health care reform and the implementation of presidential decrees in May.”
Even in Moscow, authorities have openly admitted that a very large number of “red zone” deaths are caused by hospital-transmitted “superinfections.” We explored this topic at length here:
Monstrous gaslighting
At the end of November, the chief doctors of 11 COVID hospitals across Russia signed a letter calling on so-called “anti-vax” lawmakers, celebrities and activists to tour their “red zones” so that they could see the horrors of coronavirus with their own eyes.
Duma deputy Yakov Sidorov responded to the invitation by urging these saints of modern medicine to take an excursion to the Trans-Urals.
“Our virus began not with COVID, but with United Russia,” Sidorov said. “If you are a man of principle, come to us here and see how hospitals, villages, pharmacies are dying here.”
Interesting side note: RT’s schizoid-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, is rumored to be the author of the “red zone” letter. She denies it but said she would have been honored to pen the letter. In other words, she definitely wrote it.
No expense spared for public health
Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed off on the federal budget for 2022-24, which calls for cuts to healthcare and social programs.
As reported on December 7:
In total, the budget will “save” 640 billion rubles ($8.6 billion) on healthcare, as well as economic and social support of citizens. The government plans to spend almost the entire amount on a sharp increase in funding for law enforcement agencies.
This is a bit of a head-scratcher. At a time when the Russian government is rapidly adopting radical, civilization-transforming “public health” measures, it has been decided to… cut healthcare spending? Why, exactly?
“It is through the budget that we are looking for an opportunity to help people solve problems,” State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said at the end of November.
The decision to reel in healthcare spending at a time like this—when society has been reorganized to protect Public Health, no matter the cost—is of course rather scandalous.
But then, when you look at the numbers, you realize Russia doubled healthcare spending between 2019-2020.
Where did all of this money go? Surely not to Russia’s “red zones.”
In truth, we can’t blame the Russian government for reducing healthcare spending: there are now far, far fewer elderly Russians to care for. Twenty-six percent of Russians who lived through the Great Patriotic War have died over the past year-and-a-half—more than 310,000 people.
This is absolutely unprecedented when compared to previous years.
Again, where did the money go?
How many Russians have been sacrificed on the altar of Public Health?
You don’t want to know.
This is how we treat the elderly GLOBALLY.
Old age homes are old age death camps.
Both my parents died at home in my care. I weep for mankind
Absolutely appalling. Hospitals have been turned into death factories. Those people could be alive today if they hadn't found themselves in hospitals.
I know a man whose parents, aged 84 and 83, got sick with what they call covid in April 2021. The symptoms were typical of a cold: sneezing, runny nose, cough, fatigue, high temperature. The man stongly objected to his parents being taken to a hospital and said they might not get out of there alive. The couple were treated at home by a family friend who was a pulmonologist, and both were up and about within a week. Who knows what might have happened if they had been treated at hospital.