Will the virus scam fail in Russia? Expats & media veterans weigh in
Part II of an Ongoing Discussion

We are very pleased to present Part II of our Ongoing Discussion, “Your government is actively trying to murder you: maybe try hiding in Russia?”
Today’s installment features the observations of two American expats and an actual living, breathing Russian, all of whom currently reside somewhere inside the Russian Federation. It’s a country next to Ukraine.
All three have quite different backgrounds so it was interesting to see how their views differed on Russia and how it will hold up in the Age of Schwab.
Stay tuned for more thought-provoking perspectives on these issues. For those who feel they are qualified to speak on this subject, feel free to reach out to us: riley (dot) waggaman (at) gmail (dot) com. We are specifically looking for opinions from: self-described Communists, people who live in Russia and hate it, Russians with extremely polarizing views about their country (both pro-and-con). We will also accept emails from anyone who wants to share their credit card numbers and banking details with us. Don’t forget to include the 3-digit security code on the back of your card.
We invite our cherished commenters to mercilessly judge and nitpick the below interviews in the most obnoxious ways possible. Goes without saying, really. (Just remember: all three of these fine people are militantly anti-clot shot. Does anything else matter right now? No.)
Thank you for reading and have a blessed day.
“Karen” (not an actual Karen, thank heavens), an American who has lived in Russia since forever
Edward: It seems like the whole world is being subjected to the same insane soul-crushing “public health” measures. How do you think Russia compares when you read about what is happening in other parts of the world? Are you glad you live in Russia right now? Would you prefer to be somewhere else (assuming you could travel freely, which of course you can't!)?
Karen: At first Russia seemed to be getting off lightly, with people generally ignoring things like masks and lockdowns. I was mostly following the horrors that were going on in the “west”. Then they began to mandate vaccination for certain employment here and I realized we were not getting out of this unscathed. But I think the people here are largely not ready to accept this bullshit, so for that reason I am glad to live in Russia right now. No, I like this place. I’m happy to stick this out with the Russian people, who know what it’s like to undergo hardship.
Edward: Many foreigners probably see Russia as a refuge from some of the most zealous COVID regimes in the West. Do you think trying to move here is a good idea? Maybe in certain circumstances it's worth it? To put it simply, is it worth the gamble, knowing full well that the Russian government is actively pursuing the “public health” measures we see all over the world?
Karen: Yes, in certain circumstances it’s worth it. It’d be a hell of an experience. It all depends why you are trying to come here… I think the chances of outrunning the system in Russia are not that bad for a few reasons, like the vast land mass and the ingenuity of the people. But, as you said, the government sure seems to be singing the WEF’s tune. Personally, I wouldn’t get the stick up my nose [Karen’s name for PCR testing—Edward] to go anywhere now (although I don’t know whether I’d risk it were I living in one of those “zealous COVID regimes”), and other places around the world have some interesting situations forming as well.

Edward: In the English-language “Russophile media” there is a tendency to paint Russia not as a country full of people just trying to live their lives, but as some sort of bulwark against globalist deep state plots and conspiracies. It seems there is also a deep unwillingness to acknowledge basic realities in Russia that may not fit their worldview (compulsory vaccination, for example). As someone who lives in Russia, how do you reconcile what you read vs. what you see with your own eyes? Obviously there is the opposite problem where mainstream western outlets paint Russia as an irredeemable hellhole. What are your thoughts on this phenomenon?
Karen: Who says I read them? I’m really tired of this old worldview. I had political ideas too before we were getting drugged and tagged. Now I’m concentrating on not getting drugged and tagged.
Edward: How do you see things playing out here in Russia? Are you hopeful? Freaked out? Do you see a light at the end of the tunnel, specifically in Russia, but also for the world as a whole?
Karen: I have no idea how they will play out here in Russia or anywhere else. I really think that depends on how we react to it, whether we give in or not. I am hopeful, but of course I see some scary things in our future as well.
This is clearly a global fight. But it’s not nation state vs. nation state. It’s people vs. wannabe people-controllers. There’s no government that’s going to save you. I think that the more people who make their will to not submit to this known, the brighter the light at the end of the tunnel becomes.
Muscovite, an American and longtime resident of a fairly well-known Russian city
Edward: You often see people argue Russia is somehow “different” than other nations when it comes to the COVID scam—they say Sputnik V is actually safe and effective, they deny or ignore anti-human measures like compulsory vaccination and cattle tags, etc. etc. I'm guessing you would argue Russia is in fact “different” when it comes to pushing back against this global madness—but not for the reasons that are often given?
Muscovite: Any observer of the Russian people will notice that they have retained more “humanity” than their Western cousins. They are more emotional, intuitive, and less “rational” in their behavior. European travelers noticed the same in early 20th c., before the revolution. The Communist revolutionaries sought to stamp out this “Russianness”, but by the end of WW2, the Russian “spirit” had diluted the Marxist ideas, and postwar Russia was a curious mix of Communist ideology and Russian nationalism. Thus, Russians developed in a kind of unique time capsule of their own peculiar invention.
Their relative poverty actually bred a kind of spirituality. Fast forward to 2022, and you have a population which is less zombified with empty materialism than in the West, and which, man for man, is more opposed to the vaccines than any developed nation, anywhere. This is a combination of distrust of their rapacious government, intuition, a national talent for resisting and sabotaging anything forced on them, honed to perfection during the dreary socialist experience, a formidable stubbornness, a national trait, and a general red-pilledness of the population.
The government has been trying to force the vaccines in earnest for the last 6 months, and they have recently had to retreat and declare a temporary truce, due to profound disagreement among a large majority of the population, elite and not, country and city, military and civilian. Russian civil society, organically, without much contact with the West, stood up to this effort, and temporarily, defeated it.
This preliminary success has encouraged the resistance, and if the government chooses to resume the offensive, it is not at all clear that they will be successful. The globalist forces, who are deeply embedded in the government, have been exposed, and identified as the enemy by powerful factions in society and government. It is interesting that the resistance was led by nationalist, conservative, Christian, and traditionalist elements of society. These sentiments represent the majority of the Russian population, and this conflict has been the first time since the end of the USSR that the government really clashed with them.
Given this scenario, I would say that Russians have a better chance at throwing back this assault on their freedom, better than in the spiritually more weakened and zombified West. Also, critically, in this story, Putin was on the side of the globalists. He may have made a critical mistake in going along with the Schwabian agenda coming from the West. In doing so, he certainly has lost enormous support from his main power base—conservative Russia. He is unlikely to risk alienating that base further, especially in an environment of possible military conflict with the West.
Edward: Many people see Russia as a potential refuge from clot-shot buglife. From your previous answer it seems you think Russia will fare pretty well, at least in the medium-to-long term. If a westerner asked you about the idea of moving to Russia to escape the global madness, what would you tell them? Are there certain conditions where it may or may not be a good idea?
Muscovite: I think the “Russian World”, i.e. Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine (which I think will gradually gravitate back to Russia), and the Stans, have a better chance of surviving the increasing insanity and chaos that is clearly undermining and destroying the West. So whether an person or family should pull up stakes and head East really depends on their individual circumstances. If they have little keeping them there, it might be a smart move. In general, I think there will be very substantial migration to this part of the world from the West over the coming years.
Edward: What is the deal with the so-called “Russophile media”? Every day Russia “checkmates” Washington—shouldn’t the chess game be over by now? It’s becoming really silly. Obviously it goes without saying that the western mainstream media’s coverage of Russia is also suffering from a near-total detachment from observable reality. Putin dropping Novichok bombs on orphanages full of endangered Bengal tigers, et cetera.
Muscovite: Both views are exaggerated, and the truth lies somewhere in between. The Russophile media idealizes Russia and Putin, while the mainstream demonizes them both. The Russophile media completely missed the fact that the current Russian government, including Putin, were, and still are, all in on the COVID tyranny.
Whether the government pursued this path because they naively bought the narrative issued from Davos, or they are willing and conscious co-plotters is not possible to ascertain, but that they tried to implement it is the unfortunate truth. This COVID debacle, plus the real possibility of military conflict with the West, could very likely cause the complete collapse of the globalist factions in Russia, and the ascendance of a more nationalist, anti-globalist, anti-Western elite.
Lil’ Kremlin, a (Russian) Russia state media veteran, author and philanthropist
Edward: A lot of foreigners might view Russia as a good option when it comes to escaping or bypassing insane COVID “health measures”. For non-Russians living abroad, perhaps in a really vaxxed-out cattle-tagged nanny state ruled by reptiles, do you think moving to Russia is a good option?
Lil’ Kremlin: On the surface it might seem that Russia's “health measures” are more lax, but in reality Russian officials aren't as good at enforcing rules, due to the general distrust of the population, corruption and incompetence. Also, Russia usually lags slightly behind the “developed Western states” in every policy and cultural innovation. Which means that whatever is happening in say Australia right now, could still happen in Russia, but a few months/years down the line. So I would really weigh all the pros and cons of moving here, because you might still have to deal with the same issues, but in the context of a totally foreign culture.
Edward: As I'm sure you know, coverage of Russia in western media is cartoonishly lopsided: It's either the worst country in the world or some sort of paradise of traditional values and decency. I'm guessing you have a somewhat more nuanced view of your native country. What is Russia's “strong suit”? What does it suck at?
Lil’ Kremlin: I still think that Russia still has more “liberty” and is less rigid in terms of structure and organization than the Western states, which means it could be a fun place to live in. You can have wild adventures with very little consequences relative to other countries. Another thing is that Russians are generally better educated and street smart. Every other taxi driver in the country has Alex Jones-level knowledge of globalist international affairs, Rothschilds, Knights Templar, Freemasons etc.
There are much fewer gullible people who blindly trust the government, and the society is definitely built on more traditional values, which makes social interaction more open and enjoyable. The downside: extreme levels of corruption at every level from assistant janitor to top officials, meaning that most of the places outside of the major cities are in complete poverty. There is a lot of human potential in Russia which isn't being realized because of this. The cart is quickly rolling downhill, and it can't keep going downhill forever without hitting something to make the wheels come off.
Edward: Many “Russia-sympathetic” people in the west view the country through rather rose-tinted glasses. Sort of overcompensation for many of the ridiculous smears leveled against Russia in the mainstream press. What would you say to these people—who see through the western lies but may be unwilling or unable to see past the “pro-Russia” propaganda?
Lil’ Kremlin: I think you always have to go back to basics and think of things in terms of interests and human nature. The best thing to do is to avoid laziness and to read all media sources (alternative and mainstream) to see who is saying what. There is definitely outright fake news on both sides, but most of the time there is some truth to what both alternative and mainstream media are saying—they just focus only on the facts that back up their arguments and ignore the ones that don't.
As long as you have access to all the facts from all sides and understand who benefits from each development, then you can see a more nuanced picture of world affairs. Also let's not forget that every country has mutual interests and competing interests— and they're always pursuing both at the same time. It's like when Russia was hit with “sanctions” and people were screaming about “all-out war with the West”, places like McDonald’s and Burger King still stayed open, and despite the Russia-Turkey beef over Syria they are still great economic partners etc. We are seeing the same thing now with high tensions over Ukraine, but a uniform worldwide agenda on the QR codes and vaccines.
Edward: How do you see things playing out in Russia? Are you hopeful the whole scam will collapse? Are you afraid? What are you planning to do if things get really weird?
Lil’ Kremlin: The old Russian saying is: “The harshness of Russian laws is only offset by their equally lax enforcement”. There will probably be a QR-code system, but people will conveniently ignore it when they can and take bribes from each other when they need to. Big government institutions will of course have the strictest enforcement, which will make it more difficult to get important paperwork done for the regular people, while government employees will be left with no choice but to get the jab. Fake certificates aren't going anywhere, and various new QR-code related scams will be popping up daily. Police will probably be given more powers to harass unvaccinated citizens, but they will use those to take ever-higher bribes too.
I doubt the government will outright admit defeat and stop with their “measures” but it will slowly deteriorate to a type of “work-to-rule” silent protest, barring some unforeseen new events or new “pandemics” or god forbid something worse like a war or “martial law” for another reason.
I'm definitely worried though that some random people I don't even know are coming directly after my health. They already stole all the money and resources and now they want control over every person's body, which is a big no-no for me. I'm even more concerned for the younger generation, as they need to be protected the most.
If things suddenly escalate and get really weird, I'll be joining in with like-minded individuals and building an eco-community somewhere in the vast empty spaces of which there are plenty in Russia.
A sincere thank you to our interviewees!
Also, glorious news: Lil’ Kremlin has released another hot track. This one is about shills, Edward Slavsquat’s #1 favorite topic.
Major props for posting up the interview and the new HEAT from ya boy! The other interviews offered a very interesting perspective too, which was perhaps more optimistic and less cynical than mine - which is great to take in, in order to stay sane.
For me this has been one of your most informative substack posts. Please more like this.