Here, in the state of New York, mask wearing has become strictly voluntary, but 10% to 15% of the population is still having a hard time giving up on this "safety blanket" for adults. Notably mask wearing is more prevalent among the poorer, less educated part of the population, presumably because they have more time and habit to absorb MSM propaganda coming via TV rays. In a way I'm happy with this state of affairs, if before it was hard to tell total morons from more reasonable people apart just by their appearance, now this task is much easier.

However in Canada, my home country, liberal repressions continue at a full scale. Members of Canadian parliament are still not allowed to drop down their muzzles inside of a debate hall. Conservative caucus MP was removed from parliament building at Trudeau's orders for not disclosing her medical status. Canadians are the only people in the world that are not allowed to travel by commercial plane, train, bus or even a boat unless they are fully injected. Now federal government plans to raise the bar for a fully vaccinated status from two jabs to three. Using Uvalde, TX tragedy as a pretext, Trudeau has banned sale, transfer, gifting of any handguns across Canada. Outside of couple of independent news outlets like Rebel News and few individual bloggers Canadian media is silent on these issues.

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the last two years have definitely made it easier to identify people who are probably not fun to hang out with. A global phenomenon. The silver lining!

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The Party at the End of the World will be small, but extremely exclusive.

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They were plenty of fun prior to genetic injection and russiagate

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Mockery would stop the virtue signaling

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Jun 5, 2022Edited
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Critical thinking not taught outside Russia and long Gisland

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Riley, good work. Your posts and excellent musical taste make staring into the abyss fun.

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Thanks for reading, John. be well --

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Well, Riley..... there is actually a silver cloud in all this, for me at least. I am glad that I had a set-back and had to put off my flight back to St Petersburg for a few more weeks because, if things go right, I won't need to worry about the insane PCR Test requirement!

I can't tell you how Putin has really disappointed me over the Covid Insanity Program with which he went along.

(However, I still liked St Petersburg better back when they only mowed the grass about twice a year....and you could smoke in front of the metros! ...Well...sure...Putin really cleaned things up, but it was more exciting when things were a little "crusty")

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I see that Anna's chin-diaper doubles as a cleavage scarf. btw, the title of this article made me giggle. A Farewell to Chin Diapers: that book was almost as good as The Scum Also Rises.

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Thanks for the report, Riley!! In so-progressive Berkeley, California. lots of people continue wearing masks, even outdoors. Alameda County, in which the city is located, brought back indoor mask rules 2 days ago, but Berkeley has its own health department, and amazingly this time it is being less restrictive than the county and stopping at "suggesting" indoor masking. Perhaps because the locals are so compulsive about it anyway. :-) A whole bunch of proposed restrictions have been dropped by the state legislature in Sacramento, but one which is still alive would allow 12-17 year olds to overrule parental consent and agree to be jabbed. Particularly sickening to me, having been part of the far left for 50 years now, and my politics haven't changed, i simply think many who had these politics have betrayed core principles, particularly in casting their fate to the state.

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I really hope the PCR test entry restrictions end on June 14 once and for all. Seems strange that a PCR test is needed when flying into Russia however NOT required when traveling by train into Russia.

I vividly remember last summer in July when a so called 3rd wave of infections resulted in a Moscow lockdown and restrictions. In my opinion, this infection wave was the result of a heat wave in July. Many elders (who live in the Moscow region) do NOT have air conditioning and were suffering from heat exhaustion with temperatures well over 30 degrees in July. The deceitful heath minister waved a magic wand and turned a heat wave into a infection wave.

In Minsk, only about 2 percent of people are still wearing a "chin strap" false sense of security.

The WHO really needs to declare an endemic to this so called pandemic.

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Never seen a pic of Putin masked.

He has a prettier face than Anaa popova.

We can take a survey based on facial disCog and make the ugliest people put on masks.

That means most of us in the US of Arrogance.

Hard for me to badmouth Russia while she saves the world

After Russia saves the world from the US Hato then I'll figure out how to hate myself again, but for the whole five decades I've lived in the empire of Lies...

Russia has always been the demon.

So that means everyone has always hated my guts forever here in s f killafornia.

Would I be so hated elsewhere?

Ya Nisnaya, harashoew..


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Yes, it is true, Putin has never appeared wearing mask in public. However, we have to admit that we saw him meeting other leaders in Kremlin across of the 20 meter long conference room table. Also I saw recent footage where Putin speaks before high ranking Russian officials and everyone in the audience without exception wears a mask over their nose, while mask mandate for them was dropped a while ago. Putin's security apparatus apparently takes the health threats to their leader very seriously. I also remember how few years ago, when Putin was still allowed to mingle with "free world" leaders he was sipping his cocktail (or whatever he had in his cup) from an individual enclosed container. Probably he has good reasons for such caution.

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Damn right, the CIA got Chavez. And the president's of Tanzania, Burundi & Haiti, among many others, i.e. the two Kennedy's. You need to rule by a distributed clique, like the Davos Bankster Club do, hard to take it down by assassination. I just wish Putin would have his FSB find out when they have a meeting, assuming they even have in person meetings, and accidentally send a hypersonic missile to that location. And a 2nd one to CIA headquarters.

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Jun 5, 2022
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Well. Demonized Putin is same thing as demonized Russia.

BidenHo turned out to be the killer he accused Putin of being.

Mirrors not microscope.

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Jun 5, 2022
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Putin has no Hunter laptop biolabs metabiota.

Putin isn't really doing anything but leading.

BidenHo is following his diapers.

You are comparing an apple in Putin to a slimey spot of spit from Biden diapers.


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No Biden is destroying our Country.

Putin is saving his country.

Biden is a treasonous, feckless, pervert, pedo.

Putin isnt.

Bidens son has a laptop, Not Putin.

Biden is a prop.

Putin stands.

So many differences.

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Yo haven't been reading this blog very much, have you? Putin is pushin' clot shots and transhumanist "education."

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Biden is owned by the Davos Bankster Psychos, like a hog a farmer buys at an auction. Putin is scared of the Davos Banksters, won't take them on, allows them to run his Central Bank through their minion Elvira mistress of the dark. And the Davos Psycho Parasites punked Putin, suckered him into invading Ukraine for them just like they punked Xi and got him to develop their Covid-19 virus, and then rubbed his face in it by releasing it in China during the Wuhan military games, which Xi was just bubbling with pride because his team won, and completely demolished the US squad. There's one born every minute.

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What about the nightmare the people experienced in Shangaï?

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China is prepping for Taiwan invasion. They are afraid of public uprising and also bioweapons attack so they are prepping the citizenry in the areas most likely to rebel. There are some who are even claiming that Russia & China have an agreement to launch WW3 against the USA, NATO, the EU, Taiwan, maybe Japan and/or South Korea. The claim is they are betting they can take the hit better than the decaying west which will fall like a house of cards once the bioweapons/nukes are unleashed. Claim is Ukraine is the boy's club. Real war is nukes and bioweapons. That's what I've been hearing. Don't know what to make of it.

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Thank you for your reply SmithFS. What to make of it? For my part, I will try to have peace of mind, not letting the rightful sadness or anger overwhelm me especially if think about the playful innocent children, mine and those playing around in our village and find comfort in the magnificence of the European spring. Sharing joyfully a rosé wine with our neighbours later on...

I was in Bamako, Mali during the coup d'état, the programed invasion of the Northern part of the country where my then wife and children were living and I know now that there is a room for the soul in the interstice of the grapeshot. Take good care of you

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Total horror show dystopia for the Russkies.

Where is Comrade Vlad to protect his comrades?

The face diapers are, like all good psyops, experiencing a temporary farewell, only to be reinstated far, far worse for lockdowns 2.0.

Tovarich, the whole jig is up! Trade the bottle of wodka for a weapon and march on the Kremlin -- no one gets out alive anyhow....

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Only Boris Johnson + Johnson and Yeltsin drink vodka.

It doesn't taste good thru a mask.

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The rumor is that Putin is dying of cancer and his eyesight is rapidly deteriorating. Is that true? Did the CIA (Rockefeller/Davos enforcement agency) give Putin cancer like they did Chavez? Is that why he is so paranoid about taking visitors? Is that why he is a puppy when it comes to obeying the Davos Bankster schemes? Note the presidents of Burundi, Tanzania and Haiti were all assassinated (likely by the CIA, as usual) when they wouldn't follow the Plandemic scam. And they promptly tried to color revolution Lukashenko for the same reason.

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Sobyanin has a mask with an exhaust valve which does nothing to prevent transmission to others if he is infected. Easier for him to breathe though as it helps remove cO2

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plummeting herd immunity must mean you have a massive influx of new citizens, congrats!

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