Great dancing! My knees would suffer greatly if I were to attempt such a thing.

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Impressive, even for a young buck like Edward! My goodness and his progeny certainly has a dancing career in his future🙌🏻

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Hey, those walls are.....are....painted...!! great post thanks

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All the walls I've seen in the village are some shade of green - some pretty ghastly .... (but I'd move there in a second if I could and love the green walls!)

Trees are already bare .... seems to me - a lot of Older Persons - Hooray Edward Jr !

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Edward told us there is some law that all walls need wallpaper, in houses, anyway. I love that green, its quite something...

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Amazing dancing...both of you!

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OK Slavsquat! This was a very heartwarming post! Your dancing was AMAZING! Is your little guy staying with you? You know, in different ways, we are so lucky to be living in Russia and immersed in all of these traditions. Albeit Yalta is not a rural village, it is still small and traditions are very much maintained among the people and family around me. You know I love your posts and follow you religiously. Miss seeing you in person. Your "Institute" is high on our bucket list.


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Yalta? Are talking about Yalta? The most beautiful place on the Earth? Is that what you are talking about, Yalta?

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In Russia they're celebrating the elderly while Starmer in Britain is relishing the notion of assisted suicide.


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I too was saddened to learn that I was part Polish. Less than 25% so I was able to keep a stiff upper lip and not break down. But I understand the pain.

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Oh, thats why the RIGIDness ;)

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"The village’s new wind-sensitive bus stop" those subtle hints are why I'm subscribed to the blog of Edward Slavsquat.

Also, Edward Junior is adorable. I wonder if the WHO also has a junior's celebration day so the village has a reason for them to gather.

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I loved your blog, Ed. I would have dearly loved to have been there. The food looks fab. I don't drink much tea these days. The dancing was equally fab. Simply the human contact would be so appreciated. Mine fell by the way side during and after Covid as those I knew fell for Covid fairy tales. I don't believe in their fairy tales.

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Thank you for sharing this heartwarming experience. ❤️ I don’t see how it’s physically possible to do that dance! Bravo!

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My dear Edward: this was a lovely post, though I don't see any tea on that table...

Lately, though I hate to say it, you have been 'sluffin' off. And we are by and large an easy audience. All you ever need to do is to supply us with sufficient photos and updates of your kitten Susan, your dog, the goats and some village gossip and we'll be happy.

Then there is the matter of the tunnel you were digging last summer... What's that about??? Is it a bomb shelter and why is it under Ekaterina's yard? So shape up and fill us on all that delicious detail - or else...

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OK Slavsquat! This was a very heartwarming post! Your dancing was AMAZING! Is your little guy staying with you? You know, in different ways, we are so lucky to be living in Russia and immersed in all of these traditions. Albeit Yalta is not a rural village, it is still small and traditions are very much maintained among the people and family around me. You know I love your posts and follow you religiously. Miss seeing you in person. Your "Institute" is high on our bucket list.


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Wonderful dancing!

As a Very Older Person, I think the special Day is a great idea. I'd never heard of it but I'm glad to know your village celebrates it. I've been telling my neighbours about it, in my UK village here, and nobody knew of this Day. I'm hoping it will catch on.

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Thanks for that buddy, brightened up my day big time.

Nice dance moves, that looks like quite a leg work out.

Thanks for the enjoyable post, take care man

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

Heartwarming, but in justice it must be noted that not everyone there was equally entranced by Edward’s dancing:


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Absolutely adore today's post! And your dancing really sent me. As an old dancer and yogini, I know what a feat that was! Tomorrow is my 66th birthday and I do think I'll treat myself to some tea!

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love the tongue in cheek humor Edward! thanks for bringing a smile

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