Left-wing and right-wing patriotism is a direct threat to oligarchs who practice gangsterism. This is the case in Russia and in the US.

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I wish it were otherwise, but I think the situation is different in the US. There has been no left wing patriotism, not since FDR and the Pearl Harbor Hoax united patriots, left and right, to fight the Axis. Now there is encouraging left protest about Gaza, but it's not patriotic. And the right, who are identified w/ patriotism, is conspicuously absent because they are dominated by Judaic, neo-con oligarchs.

Usually the left only protests their govt not progressing fast enough in their direction. Free the immigrants, free the pronouns, free the thugs. No leftist is ever going to wrap themselves in a US flag. Rainbow flags, pussy ears and electric cars are their preferred symbols. I'd love to see any kind of connection between left and right in America, but it ain't happening yet.

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It's true that US political ideology has been "toyed with" by intelligence agencies so that the supposed Left and Right are ideologically a fragmented mess. That's a testament to the thespian performances of several political misleaders, like Obama, Trump, and Bernie Sanders, etc...along with the state-run mainstream media news.

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So do you think there could be left patriots in the US? Perhaps we could cite Occupy Wall St as a recent left populist movement. Economics would seem to be a potentially unifying issue. Oligarchs will hate that. They offer faux populists to co-opt economic reform. Yet audit/abolish/jail the Fed is already popular on the right. And it was key to Occupy as well. Demilitarizing seems another potential plank across the ideological moat. Paleos get it re foreign wars. Now US military support for Israel is disillusioning liberals. Abolishing all our foreign bases should appeal to both sides.

I don't know if this line of thinking is interesting to others. Nobody talks about dialectical convergence. Conventional pundits condemn "when extremes meet". To me that's an exciting place - a third way.

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I personally believe the entire planet is under Global Governance by criminal cartels, so the best we can hope for is to push back relentlessly by throwing numerous wrenches into the "totalitarian machine."

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What I don't get is that the east fanboys love to ignore things like this.

If they're really russiaphiles, they would want freedom and justice for their own citizens.

And then I remember, they remind me of those people in the USSR that thought America was great and free.

I think the illusion is popping now. We were in this 1984 like isolation until people started talking to each other.

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Why do all White nations seem on the same suicidal trajectory ?

" Russia launches project to attract workers from African nation "


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Interesting article. Thanks.

Comments under article show the way. It's not about work, it's about cheap work in the short term and the destruction of culture in the long run. Yeah baby, it's the Great Reset.

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Not good, v. disappointing. Happening everywhere.

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So ...

The Western fairy tale is wrong.

The Russian fairy tale is wrong.

The real story can't possibly be right, because it is far too evil to be right.

Good people are being jailed or worse, for being good.

Bad people are being paid to be bad, or profiting massively from human carnage.

Where does that leave us?

Rowing our little canoes upstream to safety?

Fortifying our castles?

Or facing up to Goliath with a sling and three smooth stones?

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Thanks Edward for bringing up the fact that left wingers/socialists and right wingers/patriots inside Russia both are critical of the government and are oppressed by the government.

Both have ZERO power and influence.

Most left wingers are pseudo socialists. Some right wingers are pseudo patriots. Both have been heavily infiltrated by government agents.

Russia is a hideous oligarchy. There are no civil rights in Russia. There is no economic justice in Russia.

The only thing that will change things for the better in Russia is GENERAL STRIKES EVERYDAY.

But for that to happen the Russian public has to become more politically aware and face the reality that they are being exploited by psychopaths.

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Laugh at us? Fuksake, "They" probably run a betting pool on what They will get away with, next, as we are all slowly strangled by The Vampyre State.

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I hope Russians take their country back.

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It is so disappointing.

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CJHopkins is also a thought-criminal so you won’t be alone when you are in jail.

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CJ Hopkins thinks Russia is resisting "GloboCap" and he is busy pumping this nonsense to his not unsubstantial 'following'.

Like many Western hipsters, he probably moved to Berlin believing it to be some sort of libertarian/anarchist stronghold.

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He is letting go of that perception I think. I’m with you Russia is as GloboCap as they come!

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It is insanity, we are trying to understand insanity, and one can not. The evil ones, who bomb and bomb, plus the terrorists who claim to capture terrorists, all have crossed the evil, insanity line, impossible to deal with, evil has consumed them, we are dealing with this, orctrying too.

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A few months ago there was a brief report that 58.6% of the wealth of Russia is owned by just 1% of the population. That group is closely related to the 1% who control other countries. It seems clear that the (((really important people))) don't want uppity proles challenging their appointed managerial puppets. Why would they tolerate that?

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I agree 100%. Just last week, Ukrainian soldiers crossed the border into my country (PMR) and kidnapped two unarmed citizens. The response? One giant shoulder shrug. The Bystander Effect is real, yo.

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The Tribe is one of the main Problems worldwide. However many within are innocent.

Great cartoon Rurik on the True Predators Masters of Humanity including the Tribe who literally bows down to them as do most Christians and other religions. Keep in mind there are 3 main "Families" of the Predators who work directly against humanity through their whore/blackmailed human agents, virtually every world leader and those in power in all fields. These 3 "Families" fight together against humanity but also fight each other for a bigger piece of the spoils and Head Boss. THEY LOSE IN THE END!

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Oh Papa !! For a lifetime now I have been ashamed to call myself a leftist.

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Intelligence agencies are anything but Intelligent. They are excuses that don't not provide anything and a suspicious of anything everything and eventually become scared of their own shadows. Fear is the driver and is very emotionally powerful tool.

Of course the narcissists and psychopaths are dominant in the "Intelligence and security apparatus". So they seek approval from the powerful. They are easily convince politicians who have become drunk on power to destroy competition that threatens their power structure.

I suspect that is what has happened to Russia and the US and Zelenskyy in Ukraine and Israel and Israel's enemies. It the same fear that threatens tribal leaders.

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