Sheesh, that was rather long. This guy has basically learned to love the Algorithm Ghetto. Which means there is really no point in being anti-EU or anti-NATO. He may as well just learn to love the EU and NATO also! Because, as he points out, East and West both de facto now have to develop and implement the Digital Gulag...in my mind, the primary directive of the EU/NATO (Global North) is to create a global Algorithm Ghetto! And apparently it is so for the Global South. So we end up at the same place anyway.

And he has been disingenuous regarding accusations...how difficult is it to understand that one can both be anti-EU and anti-NATO (ourselves as Westerners) and not pro-Moscow or pro-Beijing?

And I don't understand the Putin bromance (or any politician or state for that matter).

But he does have a good point about the digital system being global now, it being a universal paradigm, and everyone being possibly forced to participate, though I am not certain that needs to be the case. Ultimately, he sounds like an apologist for the 4IR transhuman Great Reset when he says the world accepts it and that we accept it. No, some of us do not, and some of us do not want to scan our eyeballs and be forced to own smart phones and are attempting to find ways to live without these new systems and go back to the old world.

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agreed, Substack has removed my ability to 'like'...

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You posted on your Telegram Paul Craig Roberts' failure to get internet connection, in the heart of the empire, and at a time of absence of any bad weather or social calamity. Which is just one example of what we face, the lack of digital infrastructure and the lack of competencies to even build it, let alone maintain it. So, what is that makes you continue talk of "a *digital* Gulag"?

We are both educated enough to know that human beliefs are best judged NOT by what people say, but what they do. What you, Hrvoje, as well as Riley and Whitney do, is create new, young families. Some of you appear to have expanded your families with babies exactly during the "covid" global coup, when it seemed that totalitarianism is about to swallow us.

That just shows how real your belief in the possibility of universal totalitarianism is, actually.

If you truly believed that such totalitarianism from which you cannot escape is possible, you would have rehearsed the situation of facing it with small children, and chances are you'd have concluded that it's impossible to be really concerned and "make babies" (quoting you, Hrvoje).

What's going on here, then?

Human psychology is complex, and it would be vulgar to say you're such-and such, or it's just this or that. Our minds are a network of many psychological mechanisms and causes.

This was to bring a certain mirror to see ourselves in it. And to do the dissenters' daily job, cut the bullshit in face of a vast opposition.

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I don't really understand your comments here...some people get knocked up without a plan. That's life. Haven't you seen "A Quiet Place"? In my case, my baby making was intentional. And prior to COVID1984. Do you think I conspired to have babies during Covid or something?

You don't understand me. I do believe that the totalitarianism is inevitable (blackpill/doompill/realitypill). I'm a Christian. My white pill is Jesus. So ultimately, it doesn't matter, our days are numbered anyway. Death, eternity, heaven, and hell are more important. I can be happy and content in the worst of times, gulag or no gulag. Look at the lives of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Richard Wurmbrand (some of the people I look up to). I don't subscribe to some of the ideas or paradigms or solutions of some of alternative media or yourself, especially the ones that aren't Christian.

What makes me keep talking about the Algorithm Ghetto? I see it being built all around. I FEEL it being built. Next year I'll have to fill out social credit forms (EES, ETIAS) for my family to go visit my homeland in Europe...the Algorithm Ghetto is going live. They are now openly deploying 15-minute cities in Mexico.

I ain't taking nobodies bullpoop.

Dissent? Just a month ago I had a spook cut-out website doing a write-up on me as a "Russian agent" (lets remember the DHS deplatformed me on PayPal) just as fellow Americans (and past podcast guests of mine) are having their homes raided (e.g. Scott Ritter) by the Feds for being "Russian agents" and the DOJ going after podcasters for being "Russian agents". Come on Dors, get some skin in the game, jump into the arena!!!

P.S. I'm considering making yet another baby! And I will train him up as a John O'Connor! Juanita O'Connor if its a girl!

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i fully agree hrvoje!

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“I'm looking for the ‘alternative’ or ‘provocative’ perspective in this [interview], but it sounds like French and NATO mass media”

-- What a lamer, he sets out looking for the specific narrative that would be emotionally satisfying to him, and when he finds that's not the reality, he blames the messenger, rather than the people who failed to live up to his expectations.

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Absolutely psychotic answers and accusations on his part.

And why did he launch into an exegesis every single time you asked a simple question?

Who behaved this way?

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Also first thing he did (after "thank you for your work..blah...") is attacking the person, not attacking any argument, which is an immediate red card. I just read a bit more bc of his sick support for the control grid.

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Narcissists behave that way - Cluster B to be more precise.

They invest themselves into some "savior", and then when someone starts tearing down their idol/world with hard facts, they attack the messenger, instead of admitting they were naive and taken for a ride.. They are actually not defending the main subject, but rather themselves indirectly. That's the thing. They would rather die than admit they were wrong - it's right there in the DSM-5.

But both you and Riley want them to admit they were wrong and do a mea culpa. It's never going to happen! You can be sure of that.

So instead of wasting both of your times, trying to argue with narcissists, just ignore them, and concentrate on tearing down their idol/world. That's the approach Whitney Webb uses.

P.S. And no drowning in sarcasm - as we have learned from Riley's article, the narcissist used it against him.

You are welcome.

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French people do. They really do

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there’s another group that likes to talk a lot and obfuscate while playing victim that comes to mind.

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You talking about women my friend ;-)

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I must commend you for your patience in this discussion, Slavsquat. I stopped reading about a third way through. This Lucien - while he has some insights here and there - seems to have already made up his mind about how things are, and only seeks to discover whether you are consciously or unconsciously wrong (according to him). Meanwhile, he comes across as febrile and frenetic. It makes for tedious reading.

Quite ironic it is, how he says that he "is not interested in subjectivity", while he relentlessly tries to bludgeon you with his own subjective perspective. He has a serious blind spot there.

All that being said, I think he means well. He is just caught up in the propaganda blitz, I guess.

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I noticed that too: he claims to eschew concern for others’ subjective intentions, but then keeps going on about what those he sees as bad actors are “trying” and “working” to do.

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“applied the “precautionary principle” and all the measures of a health dictatorship so as not to risk being accused of endangering the health of your citizens.”

I stopped reading him after that. Pro health dictatorship dudes freak me.

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That's not what he was saying. Read it again in context and use some critical thinking skills!

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I just went ahead and read it again. I think you may be suffering from the belief that there was a safety risk for Russia to defend against. I’m highly critical of anyone defending authoritarian health measures.

Otherwise ban cars. Or anything that kills more than Covid. Oh yeah that means everything including Vodka.

It’s Lockstep. This is what Edward is trying to communicate.

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I didn't get out of it that he "is a health dictatorship dude".... if he is I then I would agree with you.

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Oh, what....... so now, I gotta read it again?

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"Or anything that kills more than Covid"



1. The symptoms are non-specific

2. The symptoms are neither necessary nor sufficient for a diagnosis

3. The specificity and sensitivity of the assays (PCR/NAAT and Antigen) is unknown because they have never been validated against the gold standard (the virus)

4. The existence of the virus "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2" (SARS-CoV-2) has never been scientifically proven

If one accepts all of the above then one has no choice but to conclude that disease called "Coronavirus disease 2019" aka "COVID-19" is not real.

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Boom 💥

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"Read it again in context and use some critical thinking skills!"

The fact is that Lucien's reasoning can be "understood"(accepted) only by cognitively disabled (preferably brainwashed with Marxist diarrheas)...

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AI. This is how they are programmed to place the responsibility of enslaving all of humanity on us!

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Are you saying that Lucien might have used AI to shape his "replies"? Could be..

Or that the goal is to make AI look as a savior of humanity?

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The full AI text! He gives such texts to those who ask! I think the reason Edward had to wait was because he was now programmed to eliminate the traces of the "elite" globalists and to make it seem like there was no deadly game going on on earth.

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"I stopped reading him after that. Pro health dictatorship dudes freak me."


(I can not hit likes due to my ancient browser)

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Lucien cerise can't stand living in a world where Putin isn't the dream counterweight to the Western oligarchy. It means a world without hope, so let's believe in it whatever the cost.

He sees the influence of Putin and his sponsors as an external means of destroying oligarchic power in Europe and France in particular.

That's not a bad idea in itself, but it does mean bending his perception software to suit his wishes.

All his language and false logic are aimed at supporting his views without agreeing to question some of them.

He has written books on mind control and manipulation, only to end up self-piratising himself...

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Great effort, Riley, but I just couldn't finish reading it. The guy reeks of Russian cointelpro, it's just sickening. I hope he gets paid for his services.

This is what almost all of the French alt-media is, a bunch of remote-controlled recycled communists posing as grassroots populists. Apologists posing as pragmatists.

The only pragmatic fact here is that Europe is dead. Not just its politics or its economy, its *people*. God knows they're not the only ones but standing in the middle of it, I can attest to the smell of rotting corpses.

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Edward, I think it was worthless to engage in a debate with Lucien. By engaging in a serious conversation with someone who is so full a shit, you elevate him.

Half the shit he says are lies and the other half is meaningless.

For example, he says that Putin doesn't believe in masks. Then why are people around him forced to

wear them?

He says that Russia and the West are involved in a fight to the death in Syria and Ukraine. Then why hasn't Russia taken out the command and control centers in Kiev, Why does USA have troops stationed in Syria when they could easily be forced out?

Everything that Edward says is the truth. I don't know what his motive for writing it is, neither does Lucien. (To be honest, I do suspect Rurik's motives.)

It's simple, either Russia is part of the globalist takeover of the the world or it's not. To me, the evidence clearly shows that RUSSIA IS A JUNIOR PARTNER.

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Thanks - I found this extremely interesting.

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My goodness he's annoying... in a particularly overwrought and haughty French way. Chapeau to you for engaging as rationally and calmly as you did! Game Theory?

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Anyone who has read this exchange sees that Lucien Cerise has One Big Idea – the technological determinism thing – and of course there’s some truth to it. However, he’s so in love with it that he descends into incoherence by trying to shove the square peg of Russia’s disastrous participation in covidianism into the round hole of claiming every country had to do so to remain competitive with all the others. (I also don’t like how he drags Susan into it, but I’ll let that go.)

Edward rightly asks how a policy so destructive to the nation’s health (in so many ways) was part of Russia keeping pace with its global competitors, and Lucien has no intelligible answer. Nevertheless, the covid phenomenon’s near universality, especially among technologically advanced countries, does show there was a higher level force in play.

What it suggests to me is that the technological inevitability does not lie in international competition (Lucien leaves unexamined the complex issue of which interests within the state will count as the “national interest”), but rather in the fact that advances in information technology create possibilities for the existing power center(s) in a country to amass unprecedented power, and in the long term (and usually much sooner than that) no ruling elite is going to resist seizing that power, *irrespective* of whether it adds to that country’s competitiveness vis-à-vis other states.

A similar dynamic may be in play with the CBDCs. I’m not especially knowledgeable on the topic, but I don’t at all see how a country’s economy will be more competitive internationally after switching to glorified computer-game tokens as the national currency. The hypercentralization, and the resultant abuses that will inevitably be succumbed to by the elites in command of it, may in equal measure prove bad for the economy and irresistible for the elites who will control the omnipotent touchscreens, and for identical reasons.

In fact, it is precisely the damage to a country’s health and economy caused by these post-human excesses that may, if we’re lucky, provide some kind of a check on the power elites’ headlong rush for them.

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"At least Putin knows masks are useless..."

Hmm, then why does Putin prefer a Kamala presidency? 😁 😷

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When a KGB spook says something they usually mean the exact opposite:).

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Not to be disrespectful, but in a case where we have to deal with mentally ill, IT CAN NOT BE HELPED! People like Lucien are incentivized to attack in such a modern politically correct obnoxious LGBTQ bully kinda way that they do.

Perhaps directly (for money, like Marxist Antifa freaks), perhaps less so.

Sometimes they are so cognitively scrambled that they can be steered with well placed prompts only.

But you can be sure that their conclusions will always reek of cognitive dissonance

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I have tried, but this is unbearable. His lenghty yet pointless attempts of making you feel insecure about your work were pretty bad.

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Obfuscation seems to be that mans goal. Tangled word salad. Keep up the good work Edward. You take an even handed approach, from what I have seen. Besides, you have that fabulous reporter, Susan, assisting you.

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Lucien says that, “If you [Edward] were in power, at the head of a developed state like Russia, I’m willing to bet that you would have applied the ‘precautionary principle’ and all the measures of a health dictatorship so as not to risk being accused of endangering the health of your citizens.”

I knew there was something I didn’t like about you, Edward: an alternate universe version of you who ruled a country would have been just another lockdown and vaxx creep. And I thought I could trust you to social engineer me, you son of a bitch.

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