Canadians put up with a lot of shit, but when we've finally had enough, the game is over. +10,000 truckers driving across Canada to Ottawa. They're not leaving until ALL mandates are lifted.
Not sure of 10,000 plus truckers, but they will be coming from all provinces to converge on Ottawa, where our disgrace of a Prime Minister sits in his colorful socks. Thanks for providing donation link - this is a very worthwhile cause to give money to
Very good news, thank you! Here in France, the truckers have never been obliged to be injected because they threatened the government with the same kind of strikes. But they didn't do it for the rest of us...
It was glorious to behold. And amazingly, despite the fascistic police brutality, people are still flowing into Ottawa to hold the line. It seems the oligarchs have awoken a sleeping polar bear in hammering on Canada with their insane new normal mandates for 2 years.
This might eventually knock some sense into our leaders, but I fear things will continue to get worse before they get better.
They're so far gone that they've tried to downplay the shortages we're facing while also using them to stir up more anger at the unvaccinated. It might be funny if they weren't messing with the food supply. One province is expanding vaccine passports to retail (Quebec, naturally) and others may follow.
There have been similar crowded demos during the week end.
Saturday there was around 60.000 people in Bilbao.
Also a lot of people in Paris.
But the top assistance may have been in Brussels with 100.000 people crowding, a peaceful protest only tried to be broken by the activity of your typical antifa black blocks who tried to storm the EU External Service building plus fought the police during hours in which they left the streets as a battle field.
Of course, this violence comes highly likely from the governments´agencies since the demonstrations start becoming multitudinaire and they need to demonize the growing dissent in fornt of the remaining few who support them
Yes, a classic tactic of hijacking a legit protest and turning it into violence suddenly requiring new "measures" and classification of all protesters as terrorists.
And we'll hear that 100,000 is only a small percentage of the population, probably all right-winger conspiracy theorists anyway.
Good to hear that people are protesting though, since the government knows the real deal sitll and might back off a little bit. Signs of it in the UK with the NHS workers at least.
Yes it lacks grace to say the least but it reminds me a Songhoï saying: "my foot, your foot", which means, walking together... This is what Ed/Riley offered us to do that sunday...
That St.Pete's governor only got one N95 mask and one face shield on and he's probably not even vaxxed up to ten times! That's dangerous behavior, he could infect a person without antibodies while he won't feel a thing from omicron! Full hazmat or at least a gas mask is required!
I am wondering. How is is in Russia with the army and other law enforcement corps? Have they been forced to be injected like in France? My coloc is a Gendarme (a military corp in charge of police operation outside of cities), he refuse to comply and has been obliged to work in offices but cannot be fired. Because the whole thing is like most of the covidian rulings truly illegal, they have organised themselves in a very effective way and are now suing their hyerarchy in penal law.
The police forces have not been obliged into being injected and their even exist one union which is clearly denouncing the whole scam. Like there exist a web site close to Gendarmerie which is also hard on rejecting the covid operation.
Thank you for the answer. So the next war, if it happens, will be Sputnik against Pfizer or Bourla against Ginzburg...
I really wish most of the certificates are from "alternative sources". In France nobody really knows how many people, mostly among health care workers, doctors have "alternative source" certificates but it must be a lot.
They force vaccinated army in Russia as well as all law enforcement agencies there had a policy of mandatory jabbing. That is a huge chunk of male population of the country. Time will tell, perhaps with the birth rate that was already bad in Russia this will only make things worse. Last year population of Russia dropped by about a million - a record since WWII.
All the conscripts were jabbed back in spring-summer of 2021 from what I know. There were cases reported of adverse reactions, one particular fellow in Crimea had problems, from what I have read. I didn't see reports of adverse reaction among army officers or cops, so who knows, you may be right about special batch.
Edward, please post the contact info of people/organizations in Russia to follow (telegram, twitter, VK, other) (if any!) who are resisting these developments like biometrics, QR, vax mandates, etc. Thanks!
Wow, It seems like the communist party in Russia is still aware of the issues of globalism.
In the west, we have fake left parties that promote the Crapitalism that got us into this mess. Even the unions in the west have forgot their true purpose
And you have non stop anti-communist ranting. I hate it, not because I am for communism (which hardly exists, like real progressives who hardly exist), but because it's nonsense. It's propaganda or stems from propaganda. The world is right now in the firm grip of fascism and idiots and trouble-makers (pro and anti covid 1984) are ranting about communists.
A friend sent me today this small image of a famous Hollywood star. It nourished in me a great respect for this man, Keanu Reeves, the star of the Matrix movies and others.
"No bodyguards, no luxury houses. Keanu lives in an ordinary apartment and likes wandering around town and often seen riding a subway in NYC.
When he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 - On the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account. In his career, he has donated large sums to hospitals including $75 million of his earnings from “The Matrix” to charities.
In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.
In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.
In life, sometimes the ones most broken from inside are the ones most willing to help others.
This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: To be a caring person"
I hope this is still so. As I look about me and see people desperately fearful. It is a fear stoked and inflamed by a completely corrupt news, what we refer to as media. I am grateful for the overstanding that we all are soul, not bodies with souls but souls inhabiting bodies on this earth.
With the example of Keanu Reeves a middle east story comes to mind. A wealthy and great king had, on occasion, taken the advice of a holy man who lived simply in a village. The advice was proven to be remarkable and clear headed. But the man refused to be a part of the king's court. Finally the King invited him to his castle for a meeting. Here he offered the man, dressed simply, anything he could want to become a part of the king's court. His own castle and land, women, slaves and servants, great power and wealth were all his. The man looked at the king and spoke clearly to the court. "I have all the world. You would have me settle for a mouthful and a rag."
The world leaders have settled for the lower rungs of consciousness they may possibly attain and they preside over a mouthful and a rag. Every soul they deny free consent in their personal affairs is merely another rung down from the little consciousness they possess.
Though they may do great harm, if anything, they have only earned pity.
The chief of Germany's navy resigned after suggesting that Putin "probably deserves” respect. He said it was "nonsense" that Russia wants Donbas. As I posted yesterday: Yes, Russia could annex Donbas but it has neither need nor reason. What it can’t allow is NATO missiles five minutes’ cruising time from Moscow — especially not in a country that has proved politically unstable.
But his biggest blast was Western politicians who fawn to China. It is “not that nice country we probably thought,” he said -- nor does China have any obligation to be!.
But European politicians should look out for their own workers — instead of fawning to Beijing.
the cold and hard reality is that once you remove the Americans from the picture Germany and Russia have no reason for conflict and many reasons to partner. that Mackinder guy wrote that a hundred years ago and the famous Durnovo letter to the Emperor of Russia was quite explicitly in saying war wiwth Germany was suicidal
This is such a painful read :( but there are people out there that care, even if they are just strangers on the internet. As Natasha said, it is something at least. Please... don't do it.
is it really? there's plenty of work to do here. even as a homeless person... thank you for what you have done already. And an internet family who understands may be no substitute for people in person, but it is something. at least we have each other.
Crypto is our way to usurp governments control in the mid-long term. It's most important feature is that it is censorship resistant. Learn to use these tools and central banks become irrelevant. It's just a matter of time. The people trying to control us are dumb and idiotic. They have been successful for a long time but that time is up. Humanity is infinitely innovative. Watch the explosion of free speech when they try and ban it. Controllers only know tic-tac-toe. We can play chess. is the way. Pulsechain will be the rails. Hedron is for the really big brains.
yep but there should be a separation of the good ones from the trash. I wouldnt buy bitcoin anymore, ethereum has some chance of survival since it is the ecossystem for smart contracts.
Yeah I agree. Bitcorn is old tech now. Eth works great but is off the charts expensive to use and the Devs have been shooting themselves in the feet with the latest forks. Rather than make it better/cheaper to use they made it more expensive. So doing anything with Eth has become a whales game. And both Btc and Eth use Proof of Work which is a negative externality by having to pay for all that electricity. That's why I think Pulse chain (fork of Eth not out yet) will be the rails. The longer term future is probably a multi-chain world as these databases fill up and become expensive to use. There are too many people in the world to have them all on one chain. That will be great for competition and development.
I agree with you. As much as we can, we must band together against tyranny. And the first stage is staunch personal noncompliance. As I see it, this is a truly a spiritual war at the bottom. The enemy is that old serpent, the father of lies (counterfeiter “wannabe” god) who is trying to remake humankind in his distorted image.
Wow, what a passionate expression! I support you, Anri, in your call for leaving us and all of our genetic makeup, not just humans, but all creatures on Earth alone!
Btw, I really think you have to start your own blog. You have a lot to say.
In France, insurers consider a death after injection as a suicide and thus don't pay any money to the relatives. They officialy say that they would have done it if it hadn't been an experiment and if it had been compulsory, hence the sicko government "pissing off the unvaccinated". The experimental phase will end at the end of 2022 or 2023 depending on the "shit" injected.
Canadians put up with a lot of shit, but when we've finally had enough, the game is over. +10,000 truckers driving across Canada to Ottawa. They're not leaving until ALL mandates are lifted.
this is very good news. thanks for sharing, Bruce!
Not sure of 10,000 plus truckers, but they will be coming from all provinces to converge on Ottawa, where our disgrace of a Prime Minister sits in his colorful socks. Thanks for providing donation link - this is a very worthwhile cause to give money to
gofundme will be classifying them as terrorists and cancelling the donations.
Lucky-truckie, goofunderme is hardly the only game in crowdfund town.
Very good news, thank you! Here in France, the truckers have never been obliged to be injected because they threatened the government with the same kind of strikes. But they didn't do it for the rest of us...
It was glorious to behold. And amazingly, despite the fascistic police brutality, people are still flowing into Ottawa to hold the line. It seems the oligarchs have awoken a sleeping polar bear in hammering on Canada with their insane new normal mandates for 2 years.
This might eventually knock some sense into our leaders, but I fear things will continue to get worse before they get better.
They're so far gone that they've tried to downplay the shortages we're facing while also using them to stir up more anger at the unvaccinated. It might be funny if they weren't messing with the food supply. One province is expanding vaccine passports to retail (Quebec, naturally) and others may follow.
I've been seeing major antivaxx demos across Canada, how many people do you think are out on average?
I would say there was a hundred thousand or more in Toronto because of the longitude and crowded space. Mate that looked like Soleimani´s funeral...
There have been similar crowded demos during the week end.
Saturday there was around 60.000 people in Bilbao.
Also a lot of people in Paris.
But the top assistance may have been in Brussels with 100.000 people crowding, a peaceful protest only tried to be broken by the activity of your typical antifa black blocks who tried to storm the EU External Service building plus fought the police during hours in which they left the streets as a battle field.
Of course, this violence comes highly likely from the governments´agencies since the demonstrations start becoming multitudinaire and they need to demonize the growing dissent in fornt of the remaining few who support them
Yes, a classic tactic of hijacking a legit protest and turning it into violence suddenly requiring new "measures" and classification of all protesters as terrorists.
And we'll hear that 100,000 is only a small percentage of the population, probably all right-winger conspiracy theorists anyway.
Good to hear that people are protesting though, since the government knows the real deal sitll and might back off a little bit. Signs of it in the UK with the NHS workers at least.
That's the worst photo I've ever seen in my life
Yes, Beglov is truly gross.
Well done. Rim-shot for you!
Yes it lacks grace to say the least but it reminds me a Songhoï saying: "my foot, your foot", which means, walking together... This is what Ed/Riley offered us to do that sunday...
That St.Pete's governor only got one N95 mask and one face shield on and he's probably not even vaxxed up to ten times! That's dangerous behavior, he could infect a person without antibodies while he won't feel a thing from omicron! Full hazmat or at least a gas mask is required!
> Moscow City Duma deputy from the Communist Party Ekaterina Engalycheva compared vaccination of pregnant women against coronavirus to a “sacrifice”.
Communists standing up more for human rights than United Russia or any "democratic" parties in the West.
Salut Edward/Riley,
I am wondering. How is is in Russia with the army and other law enforcement corps? Have they been forced to be injected like in France? My coloc is a Gendarme (a military corp in charge of police operation outside of cities), he refuse to comply and has been obliged to work in offices but cannot be fired. Because the whole thing is like most of the covidian rulings truly illegal, they have organised themselves in a very effective way and are now suing their hyerarchy in penal law.
The police forces have not been obliged into being injected and their even exist one union which is clearly denouncing the whole scam. Like there exist a web site close to Gendarmerie which is also hard on rejecting the covid operation.
Take care
Yes the military is officially 97% vaxxed albeit I wonder if some of those certificates aren't from "alternative means".
Thank you for the answer. So the next war, if it happens, will be Sputnik against Pfizer or Bourla against Ginzburg...
I really wish most of the certificates are from "alternative sources". In France nobody really knows how many people, mostly among health care workers, doctors have "alternative source" certificates but it must be a lot.
They better be wearing masks when they roll out or zero comedic value.
They force vaccinated army in Russia as well as all law enforcement agencies there had a policy of mandatory jabbing. That is a huge chunk of male population of the country. Time will tell, perhaps with the birth rate that was already bad in Russia this will only make things worse. Last year population of Russia dropped by about a million - a record since WWII.
Who knows if the military and cops got "real" injections or a "special batch number" with some extra spicy glucose just to keep them hyper for a day.
Either way, the problem is they want to vaccinate all conscripts, and I they might be getting the real thing.
Wouldn't put it past these "globalist reptilians" to commit suicide by vaxxing the very cops and army that's supposed to protect them.
All the conscripts were jabbed back in spring-summer of 2021 from what I know. There were cases reported of adverse reactions, one particular fellow in Crimea had problems, from what I have read. I didn't see reports of adverse reaction among army officers or cops, so who knows, you may be right about special batch.
Edward, please post the contact info of people/organizations in Russia to follow (telegram, twitter, VK, other) (if any!) who are resisting these developments like biometrics, QR, vax mandates, etc. Thanks!
I will so do.
Wow, It seems like the communist party in Russia is still aware of the issues of globalism.
In the west, we have fake left parties that promote the Crapitalism that got us into this mess. Even the unions in the west have forgot their true purpose
And you have non stop anti-communist ranting. I hate it, not because I am for communism (which hardly exists, like real progressives who hardly exist), but because it's nonsense. It's propaganda or stems from propaganda. The world is right now in the firm grip of fascism and idiots and trouble-makers (pro and anti covid 1984) are ranting about communists.
"The Origin Of Anti-Communist Ranting" /
Not really. They transferred Rashkin to a single-member constituency, despite being the Moscow city party boss, to get him out of the parliament.
FIFA Football Deaths in December 2021 alone matched the annual average for the last 12 years
A friend sent me today this small image of a famous Hollywood star. It nourished in me a great respect for this man, Keanu Reeves, the star of the Matrix movies and others.
"No bodyguards, no luxury houses. Keanu lives in an ordinary apartment and likes wandering around town and often seen riding a subway in NYC.
When he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 - On the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account. In his career, he has donated large sums to hospitals including $75 million of his earnings from “The Matrix” to charities.
In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.
In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.
In life, sometimes the ones most broken from inside are the ones most willing to help others.
This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: To be a caring person"
I hope this is still so. As I look about me and see people desperately fearful. It is a fear stoked and inflamed by a completely corrupt news, what we refer to as media. I am grateful for the overstanding that we all are soul, not bodies with souls but souls inhabiting bodies on this earth.
With the example of Keanu Reeves a middle east story comes to mind. A wealthy and great king had, on occasion, taken the advice of a holy man who lived simply in a village. The advice was proven to be remarkable and clear headed. But the man refused to be a part of the king's court. Finally the King invited him to his castle for a meeting. Here he offered the man, dressed simply, anything he could want to become a part of the king's court. His own castle and land, women, slaves and servants, great power and wealth were all his. The man looked at the king and spoke clearly to the court. "I have all the world. You would have me settle for a mouthful and a rag."
The world leaders have settled for the lower rungs of consciousness they may possibly attain and they preside over a mouthful and a rag. Every soul they deny free consent in their personal affairs is merely another rung down from the little consciousness they possess.
Though they may do great harm, if anything, they have only earned pity.
Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO) speaking at the WEF about how they will embed an electronic chip in oral medication that you take:
Hey, I was promised this was only a conspiracy theory!
Quoth he: "Imagine the applications of that... the compliance..."
Those skeptical of the vaccine are "criminals" who are "profiting" from spreading misinformation.
Translation: If you make my stock price go down, you cut into my profits and should therefore be thrown in jail.
The chief of Germany's navy resigned after suggesting that Putin "probably deserves” respect. He said it was "nonsense" that Russia wants Donbas. As I posted yesterday: Yes, Russia could annex Donbas but it has neither need nor reason. What it can’t allow is NATO missiles five minutes’ cruising time from Moscow — especially not in a country that has proved politically unstable.
But his biggest blast was Western politicians who fawn to China. It is “not that nice country we probably thought,” he said -- nor does China have any obligation to be!.
But European politicians should look out for their own workers — instead of fawning to Beijing.
the cold and hard reality is that once you remove the Americans from the picture Germany and Russia have no reason for conflict and many reasons to partner. that Mackinder guy wrote that a hundred years ago and the famous Durnovo letter to the Emperor of Russia was quite explicitly in saying war wiwth Germany was suicidal
As for me, It's time for me to rest:
This is such a painful read :( but there are people out there that care, even if they are just strangers on the internet. As Natasha said, it is something at least. Please... don't do it.
is it really? there's plenty of work to do here. even as a homeless person... thank you for what you have done already. And an internet family who understands may be no substitute for people in person, but it is something. at least we have each other.
Surely there are Canadians here who would be willing to help? I'd gladly help too if I didn't live on another continent.
Please don't go like that.
Please keep writing your opinions man, you have good writing abilities. you're welcome
Crypto is our way to usurp governments control in the mid-long term. It's most important feature is that it is censorship resistant. Learn to use these tools and central banks become irrelevant. It's just a matter of time. The people trying to control us are dumb and idiotic. They have been successful for a long time but that time is up. Humanity is infinitely innovative. Watch the explosion of free speech when they try and ban it. Controllers only know tic-tac-toe. We can play chess. is the way. Pulsechain will be the rails. Hedron is for the really big brains.
yep but there should be a separation of the good ones from the trash. I wouldnt buy bitcoin anymore, ethereum has some chance of survival since it is the ecossystem for smart contracts.
Yeah I agree. Bitcorn is old tech now. Eth works great but is off the charts expensive to use and the Devs have been shooting themselves in the feet with the latest forks. Rather than make it better/cheaper to use they made it more expensive. So doing anything with Eth has become a whales game. And both Btc and Eth use Proof of Work which is a negative externality by having to pay for all that electricity. That's why I think Pulse chain (fork of Eth not out yet) will be the rails. The longer term future is probably a multi-chain world as these databases fill up and become expensive to use. There are too many people in the world to have them all on one chain. That will be great for competition and development.
I'm puzzled by the Edward Slavsquat's avatar featuring E. Snowden.
Your puzzle is my funny cultural reference. I think Mr Snowjob can handle a little mockery.
Who are the members of the Intrenational Illuminati... AKA... Mafia!
I agree with you. As much as we can, we must band together against tyranny. And the first stage is staunch personal noncompliance. As I see it, this is a truly a spiritual war at the bottom. The enemy is that old serpent, the father of lies (counterfeiter “wannabe” god) who is trying to remake humankind in his distorted image.
Wow, what a passionate expression! I support you, Anri, in your call for leaving us and all of our genetic makeup, not just humans, but all creatures on Earth alone!
Btw, I really think you have to start your own blog. You have a lot to say.
In France, insurers consider a death after injection as a suicide and thus don't pay any money to the relatives. They officialy say that they would have done it if it hadn't been an experiment and if it had been compulsory, hence the sicko government "pissing off the unvaccinated". The experimental phase will end at the end of 2022 or 2023 depending on the "shit" injected.