Its weird, this SloMo not-war is making me more and more uneasy, something dark is casting its shadows over the war in Ukraina, something I cant directly put my mind on, because to me, every day that goes by makes the present Russian Gov more and more corrupt, and treats their own people like shit, lies, diverts, and obfuscate, while they hide the fact that there is little or no difference between the present Kreml and the ZATOs scums.
I dont waist time on the mechanics, etc, some of us talked about Layered AD systems for decades ago, etc. and the Hurrah patriots are insane, and do whatever they can to somehow blame white people for everything, while the claims are backed up with even more hogwash and bullshit.
They dont like me, and I dont like them.
I leave it there, and infact I ended up here after 1.5 years of an insane evil war witch looks more and more like BOTH sides are on the same page, but then again, that Russian Gov is in cooperation with outside forces/gov, even that isnt something new, and I have constantly said that everybody lies, and they lie about everything, and that incl Russia, about the present and the past, fabricating history, witch I know all about because that is happening to my people as we speak, the Norwegian Gov and UiT (University of Tromsø) have been faking history for decades, and only now, slowly, slowly are they been exposed but it dont help because our Gov, whom is behind it, never will acknowledge the lies and forgery of history.
Thats my story, witch incl Russia (kola peninsula/white sea).
But, for this time, since we are in the uh.... conspiracy tinfoil hatters (hehehe I love that, indeed, I couldn't care less what this morons say) corner of the universe, I will give you a site, witch to me is one of the very few that is interesting, and with that I mean, if this dont, "shake your nerves and rattle your brain" you are probably dead.
Its becomes boring, this days, like exposing the scamdemic was childs play, and instead of drooling like the scums in the Zanons, etc, witch are so lame they hurt I will give you something that will change everything.
So just to give you some hints, when I say they lie about everything, did you know that the Napoleons attack on Moscow, was not what you are been told or what the so called History books eh..... writes, in cooperation with the Russian Tzar, and they, burned down "Tartarian" Moscow, witch is the "original" name of what was then Russia, witch came about in the 1800, and so on.
Dont rush, take your time the info level in this site is wast.
This site, is one my few favorites, I indeed pray and hope they and you/others can continue, I am not a wealthy person, I do regret I cant help much, in fact, if it wasnt for my wife things would be much harder, etc, I am practical broke, due to an accident some years ago, and it pushed me to the bottom of the social ladder, belive me, I am broke after some few days, ( cash is to me the equivalent of pink unicorns, hehe, rarely seen ) so I can only encourage people, by spreading you and others to an wider audience.
May the lord bless you all, enlighten you in your journey thru life and knowledge.
And I have more, but ends this with the link above.
I clicked on the link; but I am an old man with limited computer skills. Where would I find that story about Napoleon and Moscow? Thanks.
As to Norway's history, do you have links in English?
I have had a relationship with a Swedish woman for years and she was from Bohuslan, Strömstad at the Norwegian border. I have spent some time, even working there for summer as a gardener. I have heard locals talking of how they help the Norwegian resistance during the 'sojourning' of the Germans during WWII, using boats between Sweden and you nation. I know some of Swedish's dark history, almost nothing about Norway's. I guess their are certainly few interesting nuggets for truth seekers to be found there.
Gud var med dig, Man. One love
I wish you a good summer, much light, inner and outside.
You probably already know, but if using Firefox as a browser, there are very handy tools to translate a site or parts of it. I use "Translate Web Pages".
It's not perfect, but works good enough. Of course also available in other browsers, but FF isn't as strictly controlled as let's say Chrome based browsers.
Look it up! Pay attention to a character named Milo Minderbinder and his ongoings...
Warning - DO NOT WATCH the movie. It has nothing to do with the book.
Nuttn new under the sun - sorry to say... 🙄
I have some... hope.
Putin seems to be able to keep the escalation elevator on a manageable scale. Hitler was not. He struck back at London. Of course - there is no telling how much longer the Russian population will put up with the "slow" bleeding...
"On a more macro level, how is it possible that Russia can't stop the shelling of Donetsk City after one and a half years of fighting?"
This is a mystery. The Russians invaded Ukraine to stop this 8-year long bombing of civilians, ethnic Russians in Donetsk, Donbas. And what's the result? It's now a 9-year long bombing of civilians.
Then again, the government isn't exactly known to be efficient. They tend to buy Western products instead of supporting their own industry. Russian banks were disconnected from SWIFT to prevent them from sending and receiving money. Instead of inventing an alternative system, there were reports of a possible deal to reconnect one bank back to the Western banking system in exchange for some exports. With that kind of management, I actually believe that they want to save the civilians of Eastern Ukraine but are unable to coordinate their efforts.
You would think they could fix, build and invest in infrastructure projects there - they've already built some new houses in Odessa and that's great but I'm thinking infrastructure: Just imagine what it would look like if all streets were fixed, then they'd run cables for electricity and communications under the main roads like in other countries. Why, you ask, why not use cheap mobile communications? We've all heard often enough that NATO missiles tend to hit buildings in Eastern Ukraine shortly after cell phones were used in those buildings. I don't know if the Russians have already figured out how the West is using cell phone tracking for its attacks but if they'd run underground cables to every house, people wouldn't need to use cell phones and that attack vector would be gone.
Why not to retake - with similar casualties(God, forgive me) the surroundings of Donetsk City?
It drives me MAD. Insane.
We get our panties in a bunch over the Kerch-bridge - yes? OK.
You understand, that Crimea has been fine and dandy without that support line for - hundreds of years right? So no biggie. It is optix. Crimea is chock full of all the supply it needs. It has ports, ya know. And a landbridge.
Cluster bombs against entrenched troop would be not my choice.
"On a more macro level, how is it possible that Russia can't stop the shelling of Donetsk City after one and a half years of fighting? I don't buy it."
...I am half insane over it...and I am a thousand miles away. How do you do move a finger before solving this problem?
How? Anyone? Why is there not even an early warning system installed? As soon as there is incoming detected - the syren sounds - everyone lays down. Casualties reduced. Why is there not such a system in the city?
I listened to your conversation with Rolo Slavskiy and Nikola Mikovic yesterday. I hadn't heard of Mikovic before but I greatly appreciated his comments and your discussion overall. I hope you guys will convene again.
At the end of the show, you said something along the lines that 98% percent of geopolitics is bullshit and I largely agree, atleast the way it is presented in 98% of the so called "alternative media" where make belief and fantasy dominate the content.
Any way, while Russia is supposedly fighting an existential war in Ukraine against Nato, their Best Buddy Ally Forever China are busy getting cozy with the EU which appears a little funny because let's be honest, there is a ton of overlap between the EU and Nato, even if they are formally two different entities the membership overlaps almost perfectly:
"China and the European Union (EU) should strengthen communication, enhance trust and deepen cooperation which serves the common interests of both sides, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi has said.
Wang said there is no fundamental conflict of interest between China and the EU as both sides advocate multilateralism, support world multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations as well as the international system with the United Nations at its core.
China supports the EU in pursuing strategic independence and making independent judgments, he said, adding that China is ready to work with the EU to leverage complementary advantages and dovetail each other's global initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative and EU's Global Gateway strategy.
Both sides should jointly safeguard globalization and the free trade system by adopting an open and inclusive approach, while opposing protectionism and unilateral bullying, Wang said."
Lengthy, fascinating on-topic thread of comments here from your clearly geopolitcally literate readership.
So, I'll wipe that off the table and move on with my own link dump.
I write about my journey towards self-sufficiency in the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
If you're interested in hearing about the ins and outs of feeding yourself, some lyrical waxing over the natural beauty of Mid Wales, a swift dive into the loss of societal consciousness that characterises 4IR, and some highly amusing pictures of goats, then I can't believe we haven't met already.
Obviously, Riley's tactical comprehension of Russian politics is unrivaled, and couched in caustic wit, but let's face it, his goat anecdote level is rubbish.
A Russian warship gets a cannon salute as it sails into Havana a sign that Russia and Cuba are rekindling old ties.
This rekindled friendship might have something to do with oil as Russia is ready to supply Cuba with 1.64 million tonnes of oil and oil products annually.
Curious how Cuba will pay for it as they're even more broke than Turkey.
Nevertheless, everyone in Miami waved hello. However, you'd only notice this warm greeting if you happened to possess a pair of high powered binoculars with
Russia's buddies , South Africa , they can't keep the lights on , North Korea , little rocket man , Iran , they shoot women and children in the streets , China , the organ theives and now returning to the arms of old lover Cuba. I know times are tough but..........what is this malarkey , c'mon man!
I think the restructuring of the Earth's economy requires a change in the flow of resources. But more importantly, Russia needs to keep the flow of oil going as it's almost impossible to reopen extraction sites once they're closed down.
I doubt they'll be living on love.😁 Interesting how this new multipolarism or regional hegemony is redesigning trading partners creaing new one's and eliminating or modifying others.
Thanks Riley for the piece, enjoyed it. The song "Krasňanci - Nepi Jano nepi vodu," is actually in Slovak and those of you who don't speak Czech or Slovak it means "Don't drink water Johnny, don't ... drink wine." It's an old folk song, perhaps anticipating idiots poisoning water with fluoride...
Are you suggesting that Russia isn't fully compliant with like 98% of what the WHO says? The differences on the transgender issue have been known for a long time -- and have been noted on this blog. Mentioned it in May, in fact:
To answer your question : Who cares about suggestions or allusions. If somebody wants to say something, let him/her say it clearly, or they have failed, and that's their own problem.
To simplify slightly: There are facts, and everyone needs to figure out their meaning.
"Are you figuring it out" -- ok, what am I supposed to figure out? Seems like you are insinuating you have information that I don't have. Can you share?
If you are suggesting that differences on sex reassignment surgery shows Moscow doesn't support the WHO, even though a Russian delegation went to Geneva in May and said they support the WHO, despite differences on transgenders, I would ask you to enlighten me.
Not much talk about the “Global Threats to Biological Safety Problems and Solutions “ international conference last month.I read your article covering it but it was a kinda and this happened coverage. Not having ago for that :) but I’m hoping you may revisit this, as to me it’s massive on many levels. The striding forward to the biometrics and the significance of the attendees from the likes of Johns Hopkins, British military intel and nato peeps. Kind of a slap in all of our faces don’t you think?
"And the Soviet Union was the most fake-educated intelekshual Puritan moral fart-sniffing society that ever existed in the history of humanity, that is, until the USSA rallied and took back the crown with its new and improved moral crusades to save Black Lives, the borders of Israel and New Israel (Ukraine), and the rights of perverts to access young boy bodies."
It says all, that is worth knowing, for one`s actions are dulled by too much savvy. My fav sentence over our ladz committed by Rolo Slavskiy. Doode, won`t let me comment.
Ain`t that a dandy?
Appearantly not Mr S.
They have just made a rule to out the fagz inda Duma. Second reading...
I'm sure all restrictions were dropped around a year ago, but this is sort of an official announcement that COVID is no longer worthy of "high alert" status, or whatever. Other regions have been making similar statements in recent weeks. They definitely had QR codes though in late 2021/early 2022.
Meanwhile in France, the micron/Rotshild/CIA/Mc Kinsey regime is preparing for war. The law on military preparation has been rewritten in a Mc Kinsey/Bain's style, that is unclear and leading many people from all side to detect another absolute power given to micron and the prime sinister and the ability to declare state of emergency with flimsy reasons. This law has been passed during the riots.
In the same time, micron and his gang of criminal perverts are booed every time and everywhere they appear and this is was particularly obvious during the national day of the 14th of July when the president appear in front of the army, which is supposed to be fighting hard pretty soon.
The riots are most likely a psy-op since there are lots of elements leading in that direction. Has the youth really been killed?...
Yesterday, a writer told us about a wisleblower refering to an internal note sent to regional administration, warning them of a pandemy in 2024 and the need to be ready.
If any of you want links to back that up, I will provide.
I can't verify any of this but it looks credible. Putin's goal of "de-nazifiying" Ukraine seems to have failed miserably, and this by the hands of his close "allies" Abramovich and Erdogan. Tricked again!
"Lieutenant Colonel Denys "Redis" Prokopenko has again assumed command of the Azov Brigade in Ukraine after over 1 year in captivity!"
The whole concept is fubar. How are You not a nazi? How can you tell at this point? It is a snake eating it`s own tail.
So our conversations from now on are gonna consist of distancing ourselves from "nazis", "hollycost" revisionists and critiques of the state of the jews . ...I mean ...jew york...and hollyweird...and the disctrict of legaized corruption
On account of we gud fighting baad "nazis", that the jewish 404 govmnt consist of, financed by the "nazis", that the jewish US state department consits of...down and down and down the rabbit hole...
But naturlich: the elders of zion was a "forgery". Get it? Forgery...😂
Which one of us has not been called a "nazi" at this point for the most mundane reason?....🤣
Thanx jewz! For swinging the overton window wide open...the phenomena defines the expression: cunning of reason.
Yeah, pardon moi for the length.
Its weird, this SloMo not-war is making me more and more uneasy, something dark is casting its shadows over the war in Ukraina, something I cant directly put my mind on, because to me, every day that goes by makes the present Russian Gov more and more corrupt, and treats their own people like shit, lies, diverts, and obfuscate, while they hide the fact that there is little or no difference between the present Kreml and the ZATOs scums.
I dont waist time on the mechanics, etc, some of us talked about Layered AD systems for decades ago, etc. and the Hurrah patriots are insane, and do whatever they can to somehow blame white people for everything, while the claims are backed up with even more hogwash and bullshit.
They dont like me, and I dont like them.
I leave it there, and infact I ended up here after 1.5 years of an insane evil war witch looks more and more like BOTH sides are on the same page, but then again, that Russian Gov is in cooperation with outside forces/gov, even that isnt something new, and I have constantly said that everybody lies, and they lie about everything, and that incl Russia, about the present and the past, fabricating history, witch I know all about because that is happening to my people as we speak, the Norwegian Gov and UiT (University of Tromsø) have been faking history for decades, and only now, slowly, slowly are they been exposed but it dont help because our Gov, whom is behind it, never will acknowledge the lies and forgery of history.
Thats my story, witch incl Russia (kola peninsula/white sea).
But, for this time, since we are in the uh.... conspiracy tinfoil hatters (hehehe I love that, indeed, I couldn't care less what this morons say) corner of the universe, I will give you a site, witch to me is one of the very few that is interesting, and with that I mean, if this dont, "shake your nerves and rattle your brain" you are probably dead.
Its becomes boring, this days, like exposing the scamdemic was childs play, and instead of drooling like the scums in the Zanons, etc, witch are so lame they hurt I will give you something that will change everything.
So just to give you some hints, when I say they lie about everything, did you know that the Napoleons attack on Moscow, was not what you are been told or what the so called History books eh..... writes, in cooperation with the Russian Tzar, and they, burned down "Tartarian" Moscow, witch is the "original" name of what was then Russia, witch came about in the 1800, and so on. ( yup I know its from wiki, but just to give you an aperitiff)
The end of an ancient empire, and this is about when the UssA revolution started, a coincident.
In fact its so much that I will give you the link.
Dont rush, take your time the info level in this site is wast.
This site, is one my few favorites, I indeed pray and hope they and you/others can continue, I am not a wealthy person, I do regret I cant help much, in fact, if it wasnt for my wife things would be much harder, etc, I am practical broke, due to an accident some years ago, and it pushed me to the bottom of the social ladder, belive me, I am broke after some few days, ( cash is to me the equivalent of pink unicorns, hehe, rarely seen ) so I can only encourage people, by spreading you and others to an wider audience.
May the lord bless you all, enlighten you in your journey thru life and knowledge.
And I have more, but ends this with the link above.
Have a nice day.
Thanks for the kind words, Mikael. Be well
-- riley
I clicked on the link; but I am an old man with limited computer skills. Where would I find that story about Napoleon and Moscow? Thanks.
Thank you for you commenting here Mikael.
I will dig the Napoléon's stuff for sure.
As to Norway's history, do you have links in English?
I have had a relationship with a Swedish woman for years and she was from Bohuslan, Strömstad at the Norwegian border. I have spent some time, even working there for summer as a gardener. I have heard locals talking of how they help the Norwegian resistance during the 'sojourning' of the Germans during WWII, using boats between Sweden and you nation. I know some of Swedish's dark history, almost nothing about Norway's. I guess their are certainly few interesting nuggets for truth seekers to be found there.
Gud var med dig, Man. One love
I wish you a good summer, much light, inner and outside.
You probably already know, but if using Firefox as a browser, there are very handy tools to translate a site or parts of it. I use "Translate Web Pages".
It's not perfect, but works good enough. Of course also available in other browsers, but FF isn't as strictly controlled as let's say Chrome based browsers.
Thank you very much for the information. What I now need are sources in Norwegian about the history of that country, especially sinceWWII.
Hi There Mikael! You are not alone.
Have You read Catch 22?
Look it up! Pay attention to a character named Milo Minderbinder and his ongoings...
Warning - DO NOT WATCH the movie. It has nothing to do with the book.
Nuttn new under the sun - sorry to say... 🙄
I have some... hope.
Putin seems to be able to keep the escalation elevator on a manageable scale. Hitler was not. He struck back at London. Of course - there is no telling how much longer the Russian population will put up with the "slow" bleeding...
Apparently, there is a video of Ukraine using Cluster Bombs against Russian troops. I bet you Putin does nothing meaningful in response.
On a more macro level, how is it possible that Russia can't stop the shelling of Donetsk City after one and a half years of fighting? I don't buy it.
"On a more macro level, how is it possible that Russia can't stop the shelling of Donetsk City after one and a half years of fighting?"
This is a mystery. The Russians invaded Ukraine to stop this 8-year long bombing of civilians, ethnic Russians in Donetsk, Donbas. And what's the result? It's now a 9-year long bombing of civilians.
Then again, the government isn't exactly known to be efficient. They tend to buy Western products instead of supporting their own industry. Russian banks were disconnected from SWIFT to prevent them from sending and receiving money. Instead of inventing an alternative system, there were reports of a possible deal to reconnect one bank back to the Western banking system in exchange for some exports. With that kind of management, I actually believe that they want to save the civilians of Eastern Ukraine but are unable to coordinate their efforts.
You would think they could fix, build and invest in infrastructure projects there - they've already built some new houses in Odessa and that's great but I'm thinking infrastructure: Just imagine what it would look like if all streets were fixed, then they'd run cables for electricity and communications under the main roads like in other countries. Why, you ask, why not use cheap mobile communications? We've all heard often enough that NATO missiles tend to hit buildings in Eastern Ukraine shortly after cell phones were used in those buildings. I don't know if the Russians have already figured out how the West is using cell phone tracking for its attacks but if they'd run underground cables to every house, people wouldn't need to use cell phones and that attack vector would be gone. that is valid.
So why storm Bakhmut(Artemovsk)?
Why not to retake - with similar casualties(God, forgive me) the surroundings of Donetsk City?
It drives me MAD. Insane.
We get our panties in a bunch over the Kerch-bridge - yes? OK.
You understand, that Crimea has been fine and dandy without that support line for - hundreds of years right? So no biggie. It is optix. Crimea is chock full of all the supply it needs. It has ports, ya know. And a landbridge.
What is essential is water.
Cluster bombs against entrenched troop would be not my choice.
"On a more macro level, how is it possible that Russia can't stop the shelling of Donetsk City after one and a half years of fighting? I don't buy it."
...I am half insane over it...and I am a thousand miles away. How do you do move a finger before solving this problem?
How? Anyone? Why is there not even an early warning system installed? As soon as there is incoming detected - the syren sounds - everyone lays down. Casualties reduced. Why is there not such a system in the city?
In deed.
I listened to your conversation with Rolo Slavskiy and Nikola Mikovic yesterday. I hadn't heard of Mikovic before but I greatly appreciated his comments and your discussion overall. I hope you guys will convene again.
At the end of the show, you said something along the lines that 98% percent of geopolitics is bullshit and I largely agree, atleast the way it is presented in 98% of the so called "alternative media" where make belief and fantasy dominate the content.
Any way, while Russia is supposedly fighting an existential war in Ukraine against Nato, their Best Buddy Ally Forever China are busy getting cozy with the EU which appears a little funny because let's be honest, there is a ton of overlap between the EU and Nato, even if they are formally two different entities the membership overlaps almost perfectly:
"China and the European Union (EU) should strengthen communication, enhance trust and deepen cooperation which serves the common interests of both sides, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi has said.
Wang said there is no fundamental conflict of interest between China and the EU as both sides advocate multilateralism, support world multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations as well as the international system with the United Nations at its core.
China supports the EU in pursuing strategic independence and making independent judgments, he said, adding that China is ready to work with the EU to leverage complementary advantages and dovetail each other's global initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative and EU's Global Gateway strategy.
Both sides should jointly safeguard globalization and the free trade system by adopting an open and inclusive approach, while opposing protectionism and unilateral bullying, Wang said."
Nothing of what is presented to us in the mainstream- OR alternative media makes any real sense when you scratch at the surface of it.
Lengthy, fascinating on-topic thread of comments here from your clearly geopolitcally literate readership.
So, I'll wipe that off the table and move on with my own link dump.
I write about my journey towards self-sufficiency in the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
If you're interested in hearing about the ins and outs of feeding yourself, some lyrical waxing over the natural beauty of Mid Wales, a swift dive into the loss of societal consciousness that characterises 4IR, and some highly amusing pictures of goats, then I can't believe we haven't met already.
Obviously, Riley's tactical comprehension of Russian politics is unrivaled, and couched in caustic wit, but let's face it, his goat anecdote level is rubbish.
You still need me.
Here's my latest:
A Russian warship gets a cannon salute as it sails into Havana a sign that Russia and Cuba are rekindling old ties.
This rekindled friendship might have something to do with oil as Russia is ready to supply Cuba with 1.64 million tonnes of oil and oil products annually.
Curious how Cuba will pay for it as they're even more broke than Turkey.
Nevertheless, everyone in Miami waved hello. However, you'd only notice this warm greeting if you happened to possess a pair of high powered binoculars with
night vision.😁
Russia's buddies , South Africa , they can't keep the lights on , North Korea , little rocket man , Iran , they shoot women and children in the streets , China , the organ theives and now returning to the arms of old lover Cuba. I know times are tough but..........what is this malarkey , c'mon man!
I think the restructuring of the Earth's economy requires a change in the flow of resources. But more importantly, Russia needs to keep the flow of oil going as it's almost impossible to reopen extraction sites once they're closed down.
Interesting now that US has stopped production.
It makes my stomach turn
I doubt they'll be living on love.😁 Interesting how this new multipolarism or regional hegemony is redesigning trading partners creaing new one's and eliminating or modifying others.
Hitler...Churchill...the holocaust and the war in Ukraine...the untold history...
Thanks Riley for the piece, enjoyed it. The song "Krasňanci - Nepi Jano nepi vodu," is actually in Slovak and those of you who don't speak Czech or Slovak it means "Don't drink water Johnny, don't ... drink wine." It's an old folk song, perhaps anticipating idiots poisoning water with fluoride...
A very strong argument that Putin will not make it to the next election.
The State Duma adopted a law banning gender reassignment surgery.
"What is even more interesting, the Duma will tell the Ministry of Health to remove their WHO mandated transgender protocols."
Wait a minute...
From your interview with the head of Russia's Independent Association of Doctors: "Russian medicine is controlled by the WHO"
... ... Are you figuring it out?
Are you suggesting that Russia isn't fully compliant with like 98% of what the WHO says? The differences on the transgender issue have been known for a long time -- and have been noted on this blog. Mentioned it in May, in fact:
To answer your question : Who cares about suggestions or allusions. If somebody wants to say something, let him/her say it clearly, or they have failed, and that's their own problem.
To simplify slightly: There are facts, and everyone needs to figure out their meaning.
"Are you figuring it out" -- ok, what am I supposed to figure out? Seems like you are insinuating you have information that I don't have. Can you share?
If you are suggesting that differences on sex reassignment surgery shows Moscow doesn't support the WHO, even though a Russian delegation went to Geneva in May and said they support the WHO, despite differences on transgenders, I would ask you to enlighten me.
The BRICS, which obviously includes Russia, laid out their views on WHO last summer, see points 14 to 19:
I don't foresee anything of substance happening on this point as long as Russia is part of that globalist outfit.
Not much talk about the “Global Threats to Biological Safety Problems and Solutions “ international conference last month.I read your article covering it but it was a kinda and this happened coverage. Not having ago for that :) but I’m hoping you may revisit this, as to me it’s massive on many levels. The striding forward to the biometrics and the significance of the attendees from the likes of Johns Hopkins, British military intel and nato peeps. Kind of a slap in all of our faces don’t you think?
"And the Soviet Union was the most fake-educated intelekshual Puritan moral fart-sniffing society that ever existed in the history of humanity, that is, until the USSA rallied and took back the crown with its new and improved moral crusades to save Black Lives, the borders of Israel and New Israel (Ukraine), and the rights of perverts to access young boy bodies."
It says all, that is worth knowing, for one`s actions are dulled by too much savvy. My fav sentence over our ladz committed by Rolo Slavskiy. Doode, won`t let me comment.
Ain`t that a dandy?
Appearantly not Mr S.
They have just made a rule to out the fagz inda Duma. Second reading...
Won`t you say so?
A little levity is called for:
There is so much to learn in this world. What's going on with Lake Baikel?
HA!! Is that Zelensky with him on that rug? Pun sort of intended.
What has been going on in Nizhny Novgorod? Did they also have mandatory QR code checks in place (or other forms of ID2020)?
I'm sure all restrictions were dropped around a year ago, but this is sort of an official announcement that COVID is no longer worthy of "high alert" status, or whatever. Other regions have been making similar statements in recent weeks. They definitely had QR codes though in late 2021/early 2022.
How about writing up a piece of the RuF. backing out ot the rona?
Like a positive assessment over what has happened?
Do you have that in Your heart - or is your nature a culture of critique?
Your narrative of meetoo seems to be over. Or are ya trying to keep it plugged in Mr S? Ya know - those machines seem to kill their patients.
You will need to switch. Fast.
Whatcha gonna do? Become a military expert?
Mr Slavsquat - are you jewish by any means? Not, that there is anything wrong with being a jew - just asking...
`Cos if you were - Edward Jewsquat might be a more appropriate handle for ya. Ya know, wah am sayin`?
Why advertising to all these goyim, that you have sympathy for them filthy dirty pig slav goyim?
Patrick Wood of Technocracy News has exposed Vlad's playing footsies with the "enemy"...
Meanwhile in France, the micron/Rotshild/CIA/Mc Kinsey regime is preparing for war. The law on military preparation has been rewritten in a Mc Kinsey/Bain's style, that is unclear and leading many people from all side to detect another absolute power given to micron and the prime sinister and the ability to declare state of emergency with flimsy reasons. This law has been passed during the riots.
In the same time, micron and his gang of criminal perverts are booed every time and everywhere they appear and this is was particularly obvious during the national day of the 14th of July when the president appear in front of the army, which is supposed to be fighting hard pretty soon.
The riots are most likely a psy-op since there are lots of elements leading in that direction. Has the youth really been killed?...
Yesterday, a writer told us about a wisleblower refering to an internal note sent to regional administration, warning them of a pandemy in 2024 and the need to be ready.
If any of you want links to back that up, I will provide.
I can't verify any of this but it looks credible. Putin's goal of "de-nazifiying" Ukraine seems to have failed miserably, and this by the hands of his close "allies" Abramovich and Erdogan. Tricked again!
"Lieutenant Colonel Denys "Redis" Prokopenko has again assumed command of the Azov Brigade in Ukraine after over 1 year in captivity!"
The whole concept is fubar. How are You not a nazi? How can you tell at this point? It is a snake eating it`s own tail.
So our conversations from now on are gonna consist of distancing ourselves from "nazis", "hollycost" revisionists and critiques of the state of the jews . ...I mean ...jew york...and hollyweird...and the disctrict of legaized corruption
On account of we gud fighting baad "nazis", that the jewish 404 govmnt consist of, financed by the "nazis", that the jewish US state department consits of...down and down and down the rabbit hole...
But naturlich: the elders of zion was a "forgery". Get it? Forgery...😂
Which one of us has not been called a "nazi" at this point for the most mundane reason?....🤣
Thanx jewz! For swinging the overton window wide open...the phenomena defines the expression: cunning of reason.
I am.............amused............