It is Sunday, and I have just returned from a Tea Dance. I am wearing elbow length white gloves to type this and to avoid leaving fingerprints while I stuffed some very fine Limoges into my multiple fanny packs hidden under my bustle. I hope you're having a lovely weekend.
Hello Riley/Edward hope you're doing well man. (Shameless post lol)
I made an article the other week in regards to my country's trend to globalism in my country in the Philippines and we have a globalist mayor/s and a central bank that wants to promote digital currency:
Yes, unfortunately most of Asia still under the globalist trend of COVID and CBDC and here in the Philippines although I would say the America warmongering is still a real thing. Plus we have SIM surveillance requirements now which is due on Tuesday that our gov't is threatening us to do.
Anyhow, keep doing your thing man. You are a voice of sanity in this world of insanity and keep the cheeky humor as always.
Best Sunday greetings from Germany to all of you! I am very glad that I found, albeit much too late, this extremely helpful site of yours. I have contacts to critically minded people in France, Canada and in the Anglo-American language area, but as far as reliable infos about the role of Russia are concerned, I feel that Germany is a desert. And speaking about RT and U. Röper… no, better not. My impression is, that we are deliberately kept in an information bubble here. That's just my guess, but it fits the mood here in Germany, because it has been continuously perpetuating the fairy tale of the saviors (Putin & Trump) since 2020. This week, the fairy tale that Germany with the help of Putin, is becoming an empire again was once again served🤦♀️ The speech in which Putin reminded that Poland got the western parts from Stalin only after WWII, made quite waves in Germany this week, it was published in all kinds of media in short sections (on the respective topic) with subtitles, transcribed, commented ...It was interpreted as a sign that Putin has a great interest in correcting history, especially that of Germany. Well, I’m sorry, but that's what it looks like here at the moment😅 I understand the war in Ukraine as a proxy war that primarily helps to de-industrialize Europe and especially Germany, that seem to me very clear. And a conflict zone is being created here in Europe (see e.g. France). But a new empire...🤦♀️
I wish everyone a nice evening and I‘m sure that I have also contributed a little to the amusement, because we need a little laughter these days, precisely because the situation is so absurd! Every comment on this post is wellcome😅
If Germany was to get the " its historical " lands back from Poland then it should reason that Poland should get its historical lands back from Russia also.
But then Russia should get the historical lands that Poland-Lithuania took when Attila & Sons abandoned what they had taken from Russia originally.
Honestly, it would be a lot simpler if people just tried to get along, though no doubt there's be fewer financial opportunities, aka economic development, aka fraud.
Perhaps the historical topic that many people in the alternative media are currently jumping on is also simply a clever move to mislead people. Many people now know from their research that they were lied to about the causes and background of the two world wars, as well as about the role of the Anglo-Americans as occupiers. A lot has come to light, which is extremely painful and it is in the nature of people that lies are revealed and atoned for. Emotions are awakened, which of course can be used superbly for psy-ops. According to the motto: tell the people that there will soon be justice and that they don't have to do anything, just keep quiet. After all, the whole Q fairy tale works exactly according to this principle, the white hats save us, trust the plan, etc.
If you like Riley's articles, you will most likely like that one too, minus occasional heresy (Marcionism) and indirect devil worship through blasphemies - calling God names. He used to be an Orthodox Christian, but got angry with God for some reason and went down just like Frank Schaeffer. Hopefully, he'll come to his senses before it's too late and repent. I keep telling him that the Russian Tsar will grant him an entry visa into Russia when the time comes, to no avail.
BTW: Germany (FakeArians) has been trying to become an empire again, post-unification and pre-Putin, at least in the Balkans with its revenge against the Serbs for messing up Nazi Germany's WW2 plans [1][2][3][4]!
there are two interesting sites that you might like, both providing international news (and both with rather more comments than 'raw' news though) - and
Thank you for rising this important question, it is also bothering me and unfortunately I cannot answer it satisfactorily. I really don‘t know Moscow’s game in this play.
If it's a proxy war, then it has to be agreed upon and what we see speaks in favor of this: Germany is being de-industrialized, the energy policy here is a disaster that creates new dependencies, a conflict zone is being created within Europe due to borderless immigration policy and who benefits from it is the USA (expensive LNG gas, after our gas pipelines to Russia were sabotaged and this was simply accepted without consequences, which is already a madness!) and the BRICS countries such as, among others, Russia (the so-called. sanctions against Russia have not led to a weakening of the Russian economy, on the contrary) and China (benefiting from their solar power industry, which now supplies us). If you look at it in this way, then a rapid transformation of former power centers is taking place, which also fits with the thesis that this is not about a war between West and East or dollar supremacy against BRICS, but about a coordinated cooperation of the so-called financial elite for the purpose of building new power centers in the south and east. Europe is of no longer interest for these „money-people“ and the last thing that seems to be at stake in the future is the preservation of European states and the correction or compensation of historical injustices. It seems to be only about the creation of new profit centers.
At the same time, however, the thesis is repeatedly put forward in the alternative media here that Moscow has an interest in Germany regaining its strength and that economic convergence is desired again (the former nightmare of the USA!). Maybe there are these tendencies in parts of the Moscow government, it would be conceivable, but the question is, how realistic would this be and how can this be read in concrete terms? Unfortunately, I have not yet found any concrete evidence that there is a reliable counterpart in this regard. But this is only my impression and as I already mentioned, my impression is, that we are living here in Germany in a huge information-bubble😬
I never heard the word cotillion before. And that is an embarrassment for sombody whose grandmother attended a prestigious boarding school at lake Geneva. But 2 generations later there was no money left for such a kind of luxury. And so I am happy to be too old to wear white gloves while typing.
even though we made and served canapé on sundays for the family and my sister and I used to wear an embroidered camisole (like my mother), white gloves were considered too bourgeois and considered unfitting for upper-working class girls. but I understand the grace and politeness from Edward's cotillion (which comes from the French 'cotillon' [petticoat]).
A question for Riley. Ok, so one can lose the Russian nationality for being "extremist". Stelkov will remain in custody until September for, "extremism".
Good question. Well, if he's being charged under Article 280 (as reports claim), this is what it says:
Article 280. Public Appeals for a Forcible Change of the Constitutional System of the Russian Federation
1. Public appeals for a forcible seizure of state power, its forcible retention, or for a forcible change of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 500 to 700 minimum wages, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of five to seven months, or by arrest for a term of four to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.
2. The same acts, committed with the use of the mass media, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term from three up to five years entailing the deprivation of the right to hold certain jobs or engage in certain occupations for a term up to three years.
A: Beset with crisis. But, by struggle and collective effort, we can make through!
B: Yeah, I agree.
A: The climate change, the pandemic, wars and terrorists,... AI, aliens, it’s as if scripted by a bunch of stoned Hollywood writers!!
B: Ahem. What if all those things you listed are just instances of a single and simple problem?
A: What!?
B: Imagine a tiny minority of people in privileged positions manufacturing threats out of thin air, thereby goading us like sheep to be fleeced and slaughtered... What if the true situation is a class war, a war against us?
If so, then the only problem is that we, the small people, are so much in denial, and disunited. What do you think about it?
A: I think I’m going to cut all contacts with you.
B: There you are.
<A leaves>
B: Once, again, that stubborn resistance to different viewpoints. It’s hard to get my head around that. ....
And the people on my side?
Mike Yeadon highly recommended two researchers: Hedley Rees and Sasha Latypova. And the other week, Hedley said Sasha’s message is bunk and called her a controlled opposition.
And you have this : Riley writes “the “worldwide freedom movement” (which doesn’t exist),” while Tessa writes “what’s happening in the Medical Freedom Movement? .... millions of brave people all over the world, people like yourself, seeking answers.”
It looks like we can’t agree even on whether we agree or not.
It’s mindboggling. As if by some cosmic malice, anything can go wrong, even when that requires a break-up of all logic.
C. Perhaps you’re over-dramatising. Some of these differences may be just a matter of semantics.
B: Semantics don’t fall from the sky: you would have thought that we would have straightened out the semantics of our basic ideas.
C: And what if the class war, and the unwillingness of the majority to accept the reality, and the failure of the minority to unite, are all instances of an even deeper cause?
B: What?! ... Do go on: what do you have in mind?
C: The fact that the ruling class are homicidal psychos, and the people refuse to see that, and that even those who see that but are mired in mutual quarrels and accusations, — all these may have a common element: people’s minds are fucked up.
B: Fucked up by what? Hmmm, in fact, we know the answer : the psychological predators around us. I’m compiling a list of spies and controlled opposition members in our movement. It explains everything, except why did my closest ones cancel me, even *before* they were chipped with the vaccines, and brain-fried by the 5G.
C: Generally, the top predators’ malignity is far ahead of their competence. What are the concrete pathways by which things went this bad can be determined only by future research. But what strikes me as already self-evident, is that the delicious meal of ‘modernity’ , when consumed on a daily basis, makes you sick. It makes you sick physically, it makes you sick psychologically. Then, what appeared to be marvelous, broad boulevards in life turns into a labyrinthine nightmare from which you can’t find a way out.
B: Yes, but we *can* be more precise about the reasons. Even many normies have told me:
We have become too alienated from Nature. That’s one reason.
Another big reason, but please don’t tell it to normies: government is a scam.
We need to return to the life in small communities, in close connection with nature,with horizontal rather than hierarchical organisation.
C: Let’s try to be more precise about what it means. Living with nature the way our grand-grandparents did would halve our babies’ chances to live to adulthood. For that reason alone, and others, some modern technologies in say food production, used selectively, are still something most of us would choose as a part of life. And just their maintenance requires complex systems of training and manufacturing, that require collaboration across large geographic areas.
Even the Amish communities of today have quarrels among each other, and can speak of each other with derision. Even they have to do the thing called politics.
Which reminds me that although small communities in the past have been living peacefully sometimes, at other times they have been engaged in mutual bloodshed.
And even in the popular epitome of stateless freedom, the 19th century American West, people survived only through communities that had strong autonomy, but also : *formal* institutions, with * hierarchies*, “occasionally mobilizing millions of people.” See Tanner Greer.
We point to threats out there, and freak about other people's plans for us. But when we look at us, the test for everyone is: ‘What would be *my* choices? How would *my* ideas work in reality?’, it looks that even under some kind of ideal conditions, we'd still be pretty troubled.
LOL! Latypova's articles (substack) are very good, lots of sources. those who don't like her or her work are entitled to their own opinions, even if they don't make sense.
Riley, you received a very nice little shout out from Jesse Zurawell on this session (below) of the “The End of COVID” documentary/discussion/podcast series which I cannot recommend highly enough. Readers will have to register to access the event which is free until August 1 but then will be for purchase behind a paywall I understand. A pittance of investment in over 100 hours of the most superb time capsule of this assault on civilisation.
• 64 The WHO Pandemic Treaty – James Roguski and Jesse Zurawell with Alec Zeck [1:35:34]
Yes, that's a tricky one. On some blogs I am not allowed to comment unless I am a paid subscriber - simply not possible to consider that option for so many excellent blog pages. Despite there being excellent content and I occasionally have something supportive to contribute, I just accept that situation and move on.
As for the TEOC series, there have been a couple of moments of doubt as to authenticity but overall its structure and content have been just superb. I chose to make a one-off contribution for lifetime access (I am hoping I will be able to download and/or get access to the transcripts) but in the meantime you can cram it all in for free until August 1 (I watch everything at speed x2) and take advantage of quite a number of free downloads of supporting documents. Of course they would like you to sign up for the ?'Law of Mankind' motivational course but so be it - I will leave that. I could not hope to even articulate the 100 hours of content that represent thousands of hours of research, investigation and thought.
Thanks again Freelander. I am in absolute agreement with your comment and sentiments. I am constantly challenging myself to ‘prove myself wrong’ and I apply the same scrutiny and scepticism to anything I read, especially an event like TEOC. I explored it on the recommendation of Dr Sam Bailey.
Yes, at the end of the day they are probably soliciting your subscription to other events and programs but I see nothing wrong with that and do not feel threatened or obliged. I wish them success but have reservations about ‘building a parallel movement for society’ without holding the perpetrators of COVID accountable. (The latter still have all the guns.)
There are a couple of weak sessions (possibly ?gatekeepers) and while they advocate that there can be no future for humanity built on a lie, they overlook perhaps the Biggest Lie of all that mentally enslaves humanity (911 being just a small pixel in that Big Lie).
Nevertheless, I have not heard all aspects of the COVID hoax so well articulated and so well structured in one package, by so many sincere and thoroughly researched and experienced professionals. One word that kept coming up is ‘empathy’, which is a defining characteristic of the key organisers and most speakers.
I will just single out the session #72 “The Journey Home” by Garret Kramer (who I had never heard of until yesterday). His testimony of ‘awareness’ of the hoax really resonated with me and mirrored my own, and he took me down several productive rabbit holes searching for the videos by Tom Barnett (“YOUR GOVERNMENT IS LYING YOU CANNOT CATCH CORONAVIRUS”).
TEOC still gets my thumbs up and I have been able to watch the entire event for free – for a limited time – and under no obligation.
Hey man! Hope you are well. I am currently neck deep in research and writing for a series I am publishing about the Boreal Forest in the hopes of shining a light on the intended massive scale ecocide planned for Northern Ontario/Quebec with the intended lithium/cobalt mines.
I am wondering if you know if anything similar is going on in the Boreal forest over in Russia? Are they clear cutting and blasting their Siberian Tiger forest to bits like we are in our equivalent boreal forests in Canada ?
Hmm, I have to admit I do not know the current situation in Russia's boreal forest, but I do know that logging and other activities have been causing problems in some parts of Siberia. Reportedly there are attempts underway to "deregulate" Lake Baikal, opening the door to various profit-seeking schemes that could harm the lake and the surrounding area:
I plan on writing a post that offers critiques and observations on that film in particular and would value hearing your thoughts on the material presented.
On yet another separate side note, if you are currently residing in a country that I am able to ship heirloom seeds to (and you have an interest in growing some of your own food/medicine) let me know and i`ll hook you up! :)
" The number of crimes committed by migrants in Russia is growing. [Tsargrad] "
This sums up the crux of the problem facing Russia, and the rest of the White world. Even if Russia was to win the SMO, it will lose in the end due to non-White invasion / "migration". Concurrently, tens of thousands of Slavic lives are being needlessly slaughtered in Ukraine / Russia further depleting the White population in that region. Its almost like things are all going according to ((( plan ))).
If I believed in the West Asian conspiracy, I would expect a massive nuclear strike on Poland. To finish our cute boyim kind for good. And so, the Türk will rise, mighty and unchallenged, for the pleasure of our esteemed ladies. All an immense shit-test (pardon my uncouth lingo).
In these days, I re-read that old books by Anthony Sutton, Eustace Mullins... about the history of the NWO, World Elite. Rhodes, WWI, FED, Financing of Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Hegel Dialects and so on. It brings for me a good distance to the daily propaganda shit -business we are confronted with. To think in decades is a good approach. For me it's impossible to be confident on what's really going on in the world beneath my individual perception. Things I can observe in reality, with my senses and prove them personally through thinking. Meanwhile in the alternative sources I think there is more bullshit than in the official sources, cause there we know that the goal is propaganda and nothing else. It's a ball de masquerade we observe through the windows and do not know who is master or servant. Isn't that also in the current conflict?
who else here thinks that the "Jesus" story was just a psyop created by you know who? please don't take this personally and remain civil in your reply my religious friends
The Jesus story is the reason of the West's downfall, subsidising all the lowly people, classes, races. No rise of China if America had respected itself - and hated foreigners.
Interesting. Here in the states, I mostly use Yandex for searching. I trust it more than I do google or microsoft. Although I don't know any Russian language, it looks easier to master than Chinese.
Very interesting and potentially very important while every steps are taken by the occupation regime in France to go to war. As I have already said, the military are not on board with any kind of NATO violent involvement in the "not-war" against Russia. I know from direct testimony that many officers are pro-Russia :
"In an article published in the French magazine Défense nationale, several former general officers of the French army, including Lieutenant General (2S) Jean-Pierre Bosser, former Army Chief of Staff, and Air Division General (2S) Jean-Marie Fayard, former Commander of the Strategic Air Forces, call for a radical change in France's foreign and defense policy. They consider that the United States, which has abandoned its allies in Afghanistan and lost interest in Europe, is no longer trustworthy. They also denounce NATO, calling it an "outdated" organization that is "ill-adapted" to the realities of today's world. They argue that France must break free from this "American stranglehold", which deprives it of its sovereignty and freedom of action. They also criticize the European defense construct, which they deem "illusory" and "dependent" on the strategic choices of the United States. They therefore call for closer ties with Russia, which they see as a major player on the international stage, with which France has converging security interests. They assert that Russia is not Europe's enemy, but an indispensable partner in confronting the threats of Islamist terrorism, global warming and Chinese hegemony. They call on President Macron to take bold, visionary initiatives to re-establish a relationship of trust with Russia,
whom they consider a major player on the international stage, with whom France has converging security interests. They affirm that Russia is not Europe's enemy, but an indispensable partner in confronting the threats of Islamist terrorism, global warming and Chinese hegemony. They call on President Macron to take bold, visionary initiatives to re-establish a relationship of trust with President Putin, based on mutual respect and dialogue."
Your "perhaps" guess might be the more probable. That being said, micron and his gang of reptilian crooks are just hated by a very large majority of the population, the military, police etc... the main problem is the national/Zionist right (Zemmour and co) and the thugs in the suburbs. At that point I must stress that in these areas there are a lot of good people from maghreb origin and that the thugs are the reserve army of capitalism in terminal stage.
There are potential saner candidates which I had mentioned in Stan Two cents when he opened his blog for my analysis of French alternative politic. François Asselineau (Union Populaire Républicaine, pro-Frexit), Florian Philippot (Les Patriotes, pro-frexit), Jean Lassale, Philippe de Villiers...
Zemmour is a terrible individual, a national Zionist finance by an oligarch, Bolloré and his media.
His election was fraudulent in the first place. Now, when I write that a large majority really hate him, I mean it. Since yesterday, even the police nationwide is against him and it has been reported in the MSM. He has talk on TV to report on his 100 days to quiet down the country. What a failure, to say the least. I haven't check how many people even listened to his speech but if we considered the last time he did, it was very few, unseen before. I guess it hasn't progressed. the guy just talk non sense every time he speaks and it is obvious that nobody can buy that crap.
One of my neighbor was defending him during the last year (small industrialist, three factories, one in Romania) you know what? It is over. When we had that conversation, she told me that Mélanchon was an asshole, to which I agreed. Then we talk about Le Pen and agreed that she was a fraud.
No, the guy is grilled. Some independant commenters think it has been planed that he would be a scapegoat to be replaced by someone else less hated. Some say it could be Philippe or the abominable Gabriel Attal but my take is that they are both as hated as he is.
There are no alternative indeed and France is a powder keg...
"It’s too early to say that COVID is gone, according to a random infectious disease specialist cited by RT."
Hmm, it appears COVID is here to stay as asserted by an anonymous expert.😉
Another gift that keeps on giving for security states around the world who might need an excuse for lockdowns, or for prohibiting large public gatherings. It's always good to keep a repressive tool in the bag of "sadistic tricks" just in case feisty proles refuse to buy the climate change hysteria.🤨
Besides, the pharmaceutical gangster cartels are manufacturing a bunch of dubious mRNA-based toxic injections which represent a ton of future cash, so of course it's imperative to keep the scamdemic somewhat alive in the MSM.
It is Sunday, and I have just returned from a Tea Dance. I am wearing elbow length white gloves to type this and to avoid leaving fingerprints while I stuffed some very fine Limoges into my multiple fanny packs hidden under my bustle. I hope you're having a lovely weekend.
This is the Sunday News we need!
Hello Riley/Edward hope you're doing well man. (Shameless post lol)
I made an article the other week in regards to my country's trend to globalism in my country in the Philippines and we have a globalist mayor/s and a central bank that wants to promote digital currency:
Yes, unfortunately most of Asia still under the globalist trend of COVID and CBDC and here in the Philippines although I would say the America warmongering is still a real thing. Plus we have SIM surveillance requirements now which is due on Tuesday that our gov't is threatening us to do.
Anyhow, keep doing your thing man. You are a voice of sanity in this world of insanity and keep the cheeky humor as always.
Thanks for sharing, that's what the open thread is for! I'll definitely check it out.
And as always, thanks for reading!
Best Sunday greetings from Germany to all of you! I am very glad that I found, albeit much too late, this extremely helpful site of yours. I have contacts to critically minded people in France, Canada and in the Anglo-American language area, but as far as reliable infos about the role of Russia are concerned, I feel that Germany is a desert. And speaking about RT and U. Röper… no, better not. My impression is, that we are deliberately kept in an information bubble here. That's just my guess, but it fits the mood here in Germany, because it has been continuously perpetuating the fairy tale of the saviors (Putin & Trump) since 2020. This week, the fairy tale that Germany with the help of Putin, is becoming an empire again was once again served🤦♀️ The speech in which Putin reminded that Poland got the western parts from Stalin only after WWII, made quite waves in Germany this week, it was published in all kinds of media in short sections (on the respective topic) with subtitles, transcribed, commented ...It was interpreted as a sign that Putin has a great interest in correcting history, especially that of Germany. Well, I’m sorry, but that's what it looks like here at the moment😅 I understand the war in Ukraine as a proxy war that primarily helps to de-industrialize Europe and especially Germany, that seem to me very clear. And a conflict zone is being created here in Europe (see e.g. France). But a new empire...🤦♀️
I wish everyone a nice evening and I‘m sure that I have also contributed a little to the amusement, because we need a little laughter these days, precisely because the situation is so absurd! Every comment on this post is wellcome😅
Welcome to the blog, Petra! Thanks for your thoughtful comment, and have a wonderful Sunday
If Germany was to get the " its historical " lands back from Poland then it should reason that Poland should get its historical lands back from Russia also.
But then Russia should get the historical lands that Poland-Lithuania took when Attila & Sons abandoned what they had taken from Russia originally.
Honestly, it would be a lot simpler if people just tried to get along, though no doubt there's be fewer financial opportunities, aka economic development, aka fraud.
Perhaps the historical topic that many people in the alternative media are currently jumping on is also simply a clever move to mislead people. Many people now know from their research that they were lied to about the causes and background of the two world wars, as well as about the role of the Anglo-Americans as occupiers. A lot has come to light, which is extremely painful and it is in the nature of people that lies are revealed and atoned for. Emotions are awakened, which of course can be used superbly for psy-ops. According to the motto: tell the people that there will soon be justice and that they don't have to do anything, just keep quiet. After all, the whole Q fairy tale works exactly according to this principle, the white hats save us, trust the plan, etc.
Have you checked Rolo's blog
If you like Riley's articles, you will most likely like that one too, minus occasional heresy (Marcionism) and indirect devil worship through blasphemies - calling God names. He used to be an Orthodox Christian, but got angry with God for some reason and went down just like Frank Schaeffer. Hopefully, he'll come to his senses before it's too late and repent. I keep telling him that the Russian Tsar will grant him an entry visa into Russia when the time comes, to no avail.
BTW: Germany (FakeArians) has been trying to become an empire again, post-unification and pre-Putin, at least in the Balkans with its revenge against the Serbs for messing up Nazi Germany's WW2 plans [1][2][3][4]!
[1] French General Truth About NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia 1999 Part 1/2 | English subs | YouTube
[2] French General Truth About NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia 1999 Part 2/2 | English subs | YouTube
[3] It Began With A Lie | English subs German documentary:
[4] Greater Albania Map – Wikimedia Commons:
Thank you very much, I‘ll have a further look at that too!😊
there are two interesting sites that you might like, both providing international news (and both with rather more comments than 'raw' news though) - and
Thanks a lot mary-lou🙏
Thank you for rising this important question, it is also bothering me and unfortunately I cannot answer it satisfactorily. I really don‘t know Moscow’s game in this play.
If it's a proxy war, then it has to be agreed upon and what we see speaks in favor of this: Germany is being de-industrialized, the energy policy here is a disaster that creates new dependencies, a conflict zone is being created within Europe due to borderless immigration policy and who benefits from it is the USA (expensive LNG gas, after our gas pipelines to Russia were sabotaged and this was simply accepted without consequences, which is already a madness!) and the BRICS countries such as, among others, Russia (the so-called. sanctions against Russia have not led to a weakening of the Russian economy, on the contrary) and China (benefiting from their solar power industry, which now supplies us). If you look at it in this way, then a rapid transformation of former power centers is taking place, which also fits with the thesis that this is not about a war between West and East or dollar supremacy against BRICS, but about a coordinated cooperation of the so-called financial elite for the purpose of building new power centers in the south and east. Europe is of no longer interest for these „money-people“ and the last thing that seems to be at stake in the future is the preservation of European states and the correction or compensation of historical injustices. It seems to be only about the creation of new profit centers.
At the same time, however, the thesis is repeatedly put forward in the alternative media here that Moscow has an interest in Germany regaining its strength and that economic convergence is desired again (the former nightmare of the USA!). Maybe there are these tendencies in parts of the Moscow government, it would be conceivable, but the question is, how realistic would this be and how can this be read in concrete terms? Unfortunately, I have not yet found any concrete evidence that there is a reliable counterpart in this regard. But this is only my impression and as I already mentioned, my impression is, that we are living here in Germany in a huge information-bubble😬
Have a nice sunday afternoon.
Greetings from Denmark.
Hi Edward
I love your music videos.
I never heard the word cotillion before. And that is an embarrassment for sombody whose grandmother attended a prestigious boarding school at lake Geneva. But 2 generations later there was no money left for such a kind of luxury. And so I am happy to be too old to wear white gloves while typing.
Oh yes, cotillion is very real--at least at the Brentwood Country Club in southern California.
I appreciate your honesty about the gloves, and I exempt you from the rule.
take care and thanks for reading --
even though we made and served canapé on sundays for the family and my sister and I used to wear an embroidered camisole (like my mother), white gloves were considered too bourgeois and considered unfitting for upper-working class girls. but I understand the grace and politeness from Edward's cotillion (which comes from the French 'cotillon' [petticoat]).
great thread :-))
Hello to all good people here.
A question for Riley. Ok, so one can lose the Russian nationality for being "extremist". Stelkov will remain in custody until September for, "extremism".
How is "extremism" legally defined in Russia?
Good question. Well, if he's being charged under Article 280 (as reports claim), this is what it says:
Article 280. Public Appeals for a Forcible Change of the Constitutional System of the Russian Federation
1. Public appeals for a forcible seizure of state power, its forcible retention, or for a forcible change of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 500 to 700 minimum wages, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of five to seven months, or by arrest for a term of four to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.
2. The same acts, committed with the use of the mass media, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term from three up to five years entailing the deprivation of the right to hold certain jobs or engage in certain occupations for a term up to three years.
There have also been recent amendments to Article 280 which prohibit "discrediting" the Russian Armed Forces:
A: “It was crazy, these past few years.
B: Yes.
A: Beset with crisis. But, by struggle and collective effort, we can make through!
B: Yeah, I agree.
A: The climate change, the pandemic, wars and terrorists,... AI, aliens, it’s as if scripted by a bunch of stoned Hollywood writers!!
B: Ahem. What if all those things you listed are just instances of a single and simple problem?
A: What!?
B: Imagine a tiny minority of people in privileged positions manufacturing threats out of thin air, thereby goading us like sheep to be fleeced and slaughtered... What if the true situation is a class war, a war against us?
If so, then the only problem is that we, the small people, are so much in denial, and disunited. What do you think about it?
A: I think I’m going to cut all contacts with you.
B: There you are.
<A leaves>
B: Once, again, that stubborn resistance to different viewpoints. It’s hard to get my head around that. ....
And the people on my side?
Mike Yeadon highly recommended two researchers: Hedley Rees and Sasha Latypova. And the other week, Hedley said Sasha’s message is bunk and called her a controlled opposition.
And you have this : Riley writes “the “worldwide freedom movement” (which doesn’t exist),” while Tessa writes “what’s happening in the Medical Freedom Movement? .... millions of brave people all over the world, people like yourself, seeking answers.”
It looks like we can’t agree even on whether we agree or not.
It’s mindboggling. As if by some cosmic malice, anything can go wrong, even when that requires a break-up of all logic.
C. Perhaps you’re over-dramatising. Some of these differences may be just a matter of semantics.
B: Semantics don’t fall from the sky: you would have thought that we would have straightened out the semantics of our basic ideas.
C: And what if the class war, and the unwillingness of the majority to accept the reality, and the failure of the minority to unite, are all instances of an even deeper cause?
B: What?! ... Do go on: what do you have in mind?
C: The fact that the ruling class are homicidal psychos, and the people refuse to see that, and that even those who see that but are mired in mutual quarrels and accusations, — all these may have a common element: people’s minds are fucked up.
B: Fucked up by what? Hmmm, in fact, we know the answer : the psychological predators around us. I’m compiling a list of spies and controlled opposition members in our movement. It explains everything, except why did my closest ones cancel me, even *before* they were chipped with the vaccines, and brain-fried by the 5G.
C: Generally, the top predators’ malignity is far ahead of their competence. What are the concrete pathways by which things went this bad can be determined only by future research. But what strikes me as already self-evident, is that the delicious meal of ‘modernity’ , when consumed on a daily basis, makes you sick. It makes you sick physically, it makes you sick psychologically. Then, what appeared to be marvelous, broad boulevards in life turns into a labyrinthine nightmare from which you can’t find a way out.
B: Yes, but we *can* be more precise about the reasons. Even many normies have told me:
We have become too alienated from Nature. That’s one reason.
Another big reason, but please don’t tell it to normies: government is a scam.
We need to return to the life in small communities, in close connection with nature,with horizontal rather than hierarchical organisation.
C: Let’s try to be more precise about what it means. Living with nature the way our grand-grandparents did would halve our babies’ chances to live to adulthood. For that reason alone, and others, some modern technologies in say food production, used selectively, are still something most of us would choose as a part of life. And just their maintenance requires complex systems of training and manufacturing, that require collaboration across large geographic areas.
Even the Amish communities of today have quarrels among each other, and can speak of each other with derision. Even they have to do the thing called politics.
Which reminds me that although small communities in the past have been living peacefully sometimes, at other times they have been engaged in mutual bloodshed.
And even in the popular epitome of stateless freedom, the 19th century American West, people survived only through communities that had strong autonomy, but also : *formal* institutions, with * hierarchies*, “occasionally mobilizing millions of people.” See Tanner Greer.
We point to threats out there, and freak about other people's plans for us. But when we look at us, the test for everyone is: ‘What would be *my* choices? How would *my* ideas work in reality?’, it looks that even under some kind of ideal conditions, we'd still be pretty troubled.
So long, I have to go. See ya later.
B: See ya.
LOL! Latypova's articles (substack) are very good, lots of sources. those who don't like her or her work are entitled to their own opinions, even if they don't make sense.
I concur loudly
Riley, you received a very nice little shout out from Jesse Zurawell on this session (below) of the “The End of COVID” documentary/discussion/podcast series which I cannot recommend highly enough. Readers will have to register to access the event which is free until August 1 but then will be for purchase behind a paywall I understand. A pittance of investment in over 100 hours of the most superb time capsule of this assault on civilisation.
• 64 The WHO Pandemic Treaty – James Roguski and Jesse Zurawell with Alec Zeck [1:35:34]
Cool! Thanks for sharing, Julius.
Yes, that's a tricky one. On some blogs I am not allowed to comment unless I am a paid subscriber - simply not possible to consider that option for so many excellent blog pages. Despite there being excellent content and I occasionally have something supportive to contribute, I just accept that situation and move on.
As for the TEOC series, there have been a couple of moments of doubt as to authenticity but overall its structure and content have been just superb. I chose to make a one-off contribution for lifetime access (I am hoping I will be able to download and/or get access to the transcripts) but in the meantime you can cram it all in for free until August 1 (I watch everything at speed x2) and take advantage of quite a number of free downloads of supporting documents. Of course they would like you to sign up for the ?'Law of Mankind' motivational course but so be it - I will leave that. I could not hope to even articulate the 100 hours of content that represent thousands of hours of research, investigation and thought.
Thanks again Freelander. I am in absolute agreement with your comment and sentiments. I am constantly challenging myself to ‘prove myself wrong’ and I apply the same scrutiny and scepticism to anything I read, especially an event like TEOC. I explored it on the recommendation of Dr Sam Bailey.
Yes, at the end of the day they are probably soliciting your subscription to other events and programs but I see nothing wrong with that and do not feel threatened or obliged. I wish them success but have reservations about ‘building a parallel movement for society’ without holding the perpetrators of COVID accountable. (The latter still have all the guns.)
There are a couple of weak sessions (possibly ?gatekeepers) and while they advocate that there can be no future for humanity built on a lie, they overlook perhaps the Biggest Lie of all that mentally enslaves humanity (911 being just a small pixel in that Big Lie).
Nevertheless, I have not heard all aspects of the COVID hoax so well articulated and so well structured in one package, by so many sincere and thoroughly researched and experienced professionals. One word that kept coming up is ‘empathy’, which is a defining characteristic of the key organisers and most speakers.
I will just single out the session #72 “The Journey Home” by Garret Kramer (who I had never heard of until yesterday). His testimony of ‘awareness’ of the hoax really resonated with me and mirrored my own, and he took me down several productive rabbit holes searching for the videos by Tom Barnett (“YOUR GOVERNMENT IS LYING YOU CANNOT CATCH CORONAVIRUS”).
TEOC still gets my thumbs up and I have been able to watch the entire event for free – for a limited time – and under no obligation.
Thanks again
Hey man! Hope you are well. I am currently neck deep in research and writing for a series I am publishing about the Boreal Forest in the hopes of shining a light on the intended massive scale ecocide planned for Northern Ontario/Quebec with the intended lithium/cobalt mines.
I am wondering if you know if anything similar is going on in the Boreal forest over in Russia? Are they clear cutting and blasting their Siberian Tiger forest to bits like we are in our equivalent boreal forests in Canada ?
Thanks in advance for your time.
Hey Gavin, great to hear from you!
Hmm, I have to admit I do not know the current situation in Russia's boreal forest, but I do know that logging and other activities have been causing problems in some parts of Siberia. Reportedly there are attempts underway to "deregulate" Lake Baikal, opening the door to various profit-seeking schemes that could harm the lake and the surrounding area:
Hey Riley
I appreciate you getting back to me and will check out the link when I have time.
On a random side note, what are your thoughts on Dr. Steven Greer and the material he presents regarding the ET presence and related back engineered tech in covert human operations? (he just put out a movie called "The Lost Century" which you can watch here: )
I plan on writing a post that offers critiques and observations on that film in particular and would value hearing your thoughts on the material presented.
On yet another separate side note, if you are currently residing in a country that I am able to ship heirloom seeds to (and you have an interest in growing some of your own food/medicine) let me know and i`ll hook you up! :)
For reference, a link to the series I mentioned above:
Be grateful, the anonymous commenters on Rolo's site are for worse.
One question (and I may be showing my age), are we talking Ryan O'Neal in Barry Lyndon pea shooter duel or Harvey Keitel in The Duelist sword duel?
I was thinking more Barry Lyndon, but I am not opposed to solving disagreements with some gentlemanly fencing.
Only paid subscribers can post on Rolo's site. Not very anonymous.
" The number of crimes committed by migrants in Russia is growing. [Tsargrad] "
This sums up the crux of the problem facing Russia, and the rest of the White world. Even if Russia was to win the SMO, it will lose in the end due to non-White invasion / "migration". Concurrently, tens of thousands of Slavic lives are being needlessly slaughtered in Ukraine / Russia further depleting the White population in that region. Its almost like things are all going according to ((( plan ))).
If I believed in the West Asian conspiracy, I would expect a massive nuclear strike on Poland. To finish our cute boyim kind for good. And so, the Türk will rise, mighty and unchallenged, for the pleasure of our esteemed ladies. All an immense shit-test (pardon my uncouth lingo).
In these days, I re-read that old books by Anthony Sutton, Eustace Mullins... about the history of the NWO, World Elite. Rhodes, WWI, FED, Financing of Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Hegel Dialects and so on. It brings for me a good distance to the daily propaganda shit -business we are confronted with. To think in decades is a good approach. For me it's impossible to be confident on what's really going on in the world beneath my individual perception. Things I can observe in reality, with my senses and prove them personally through thinking. Meanwhile in the alternative sources I think there is more bullshit than in the official sources, cause there we know that the goal is propaganda and nothing else. It's a ball de masquerade we observe through the windows and do not know who is master or servant. Isn't that also in the current conflict?
who else here thinks that the "Jesus" story was just a psyop created by you know who? please don't take this personally and remain civil in your reply my religious friends
interesting question. it definitely was a factor in imploding the existing Roman Empire.
The romans invented it to domesticate the jews... who then turned the tables
Or it was quickly co-opted.
The Jesus story is the reason of the West's downfall, subsidising all the lowly people, classes, races. No rise of China if America had respected itself - and hated foreigners.
Interesting. Here in the states, I mostly use Yandex for searching. I trust it more than I do google or microsoft. Although I don't know any Russian language, it looks easier to master than Chinese.
Very interesting and potentially very important while every steps are taken by the occupation regime in France to go to war. As I have already said, the military are not on board with any kind of NATO violent involvement in the "not-war" against Russia. I know from direct testimony that many officers are pro-Russia :
"In an article published in the French magazine Défense nationale, several former general officers of the French army, including Lieutenant General (2S) Jean-Pierre Bosser, former Army Chief of Staff, and Air Division General (2S) Jean-Marie Fayard, former Commander of the Strategic Air Forces, call for a radical change in France's foreign and defense policy. They consider that the United States, which has abandoned its allies in Afghanistan and lost interest in Europe, is no longer trustworthy. They also denounce NATO, calling it an "outdated" organization that is "ill-adapted" to the realities of today's world. They argue that France must break free from this "American stranglehold", which deprives it of its sovereignty and freedom of action. They also criticize the European defense construct, which they deem "illusory" and "dependent" on the strategic choices of the United States. They therefore call for closer ties with Russia, which they see as a major player on the international stage, with which France has converging security interests. They assert that Russia is not Europe's enemy, but an indispensable partner in confronting the threats of Islamist terrorism, global warming and Chinese hegemony. They call on President Macron to take bold, visionary initiatives to re-establish a relationship of trust with Russia,
whom they consider a major player on the international stage, with whom France has converging security interests. They affirm that Russia is not Europe's enemy, but an indispensable partner in confronting the threats of Islamist terrorism, global warming and Chinese hegemony. They call on President Macron to take bold, visionary initiatives to re-establish a relationship of trust with President Putin, based on mutual respect and dialogue."
Your "perhaps" guess might be the more probable. That being said, micron and his gang of reptilian crooks are just hated by a very large majority of the population, the military, police etc... the main problem is the national/Zionist right (Zemmour and co) and the thugs in the suburbs. At that point I must stress that in these areas there are a lot of good people from maghreb origin and that the thugs are the reserve army of capitalism in terminal stage.
Take care Freelander
There are potential saner candidates which I had mentioned in Stan Two cents when he opened his blog for my analysis of French alternative politic. François Asselineau (Union Populaire Républicaine, pro-Frexit), Florian Philippot (Les Patriotes, pro-frexit), Jean Lassale, Philippe de Villiers...
Zemmour is a terrible individual, a national Zionist finance by an oligarch, Bolloré and his media.
His election was fraudulent in the first place. Now, when I write that a large majority really hate him, I mean it. Since yesterday, even the police nationwide is against him and it has been reported in the MSM. He has talk on TV to report on his 100 days to quiet down the country. What a failure, to say the least. I haven't check how many people even listened to his speech but if we considered the last time he did, it was very few, unseen before. I guess it hasn't progressed. the guy just talk non sense every time he speaks and it is obvious that nobody can buy that crap.
One of my neighbor was defending him during the last year (small industrialist, three factories, one in Romania) you know what? It is over. When we had that conversation, she told me that Mélanchon was an asshole, to which I agreed. Then we talk about Le Pen and agreed that she was a fraud.
No, the guy is grilled. Some independant commenters think it has been planed that he would be a scapegoat to be replaced by someone else less hated. Some say it could be Philippe or the abominable Gabriel Attal but my take is that they are both as hated as he is.
There are no alternative indeed and France is a powder keg...
"It’s too early to say that COVID is gone, according to a random infectious disease specialist cited by RT."
Hmm, it appears COVID is here to stay as asserted by an anonymous expert.😉
Another gift that keeps on giving for security states around the world who might need an excuse for lockdowns, or for prohibiting large public gatherings. It's always good to keep a repressive tool in the bag of "sadistic tricks" just in case feisty proles refuse to buy the climate change hysteria.🤨
Besides, the pharmaceutical gangster cartels are manufacturing a bunch of dubious mRNA-based toxic injections which represent a ton of future cash, so of course it's imperative to keep the scamdemic somewhat alive in the MSM.