"A paradoxical situation has developed in the Russian labor market: companies list numerous vacancies and raise salaries, but there is no one to hire.."

Maybe, that's why unemployment levels are at an historic low of 3%.🤔

Btw, I understand there's a "Prigozhin sighting" in St. Petersburg.


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I highly recommend the book What Really Makes You Ill by David Parker Dawn Lester. It points out that humans have a symbiotic relationship with other organisms and that humans do not have an immune system.

Dr Sankaran, a classical homeopatthist, states in his book The Spirit of Homeopathy that the root cause of disease is DELUSION

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The theater continues. Enjoy the show.

- US imports from Russia double – new data -


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Yeah, I am afraid this world is indeed under attack, and during this idiotic and completely unnecessary war, everything have changed, sites whom for a while was credible, witch again depends on how deep the level of propaganda goes, like never give room for critics, etc or alternative explanations, and this isnt just the MSM whining, its also shitholes like MoA, whom becomes worse and worse.

Seond, I know a lot of you cant nor want to hear the truth, and despite the facts, despite the documentation, its virtually impossible to penetrate this wall of lies, forgery and flatout swindle.

But I ended here due to Russia, and what the f.... are Putain & Co, doing.

Keep up the good work, like others do, aka Rolo.

Apart from you two, its a empty desert.

Be loud and proud.


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Hi, Cheburashka!

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Questions from a layman.

If I got it right, the High Priests of Doom, the True Patriots, the Seven Sages of Ancient Rus' are telling us that:

- The RF is run by and in the hands of the oligarchic elite, who pursue but their own interests.

- Basically none in these elite wanted this war.

- Putin is a weakling, short of a useless girly who, besides, knows nothing about when and how to conduct a war, in which regard he fully depends on someone else's advice.

- The top military staff are a bunch of stumblers and duffers, when not plain traitors.

- The Minister of Defence is the corruptedest (and arguably the most powerful?) man in the Kremlin.

- Unlike Superman-ish, Achilesque Wagner PMC, the regular Russian Army is worthless and utterly ineffective (be it their own fault or their high command's).

- The SMO was launched contrary to any sound military criteria.

If all of this is true, then--and whatever the real reasons for the SMO were--who on earth advised Putin to launch it? Who, if--taking into account all of the above, that could not have been unbeknownst to the advisor(s)--there was not the slightest reasonable chance of success, who told the president to order that utterly irrational, predictably ill-fated operation? No matter how badly the advisor miscalculated Ukraine's strength and NATO support, who could possibly succeed in the SMO with corrupt Shoigu at the helm and hopeless, unfit and cowardly Russian Army as a crew? (Remember: they are so powerless and faint-hearted, they shat their pants when Prigozhin launched his own Wagner SMO.)

Now, if the failure was guaranteed, what could have possibly been the goal? I mean: no matter how heinous, abject and anti-Russian the objective, if you know you are going to lose (or have very small chances of winning) the war by which you aim to achieve that objective, only a demented would undertake the enterprise, right? Except that the goal were precisely to cause havoc, destruction and death...

Me understands nothing.

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China has cut a deal with Moderna to produce mRNA medicines in China:

"The US biotech company Moderna inked new deals with its Chinese partners on Wednesday that enable the company's business expansion in China, a country that holds great potential and could provide business opportunities to global drug makers.

"Today, we signed a memorandum of understanding and a related land collaboration agreement to work toward opportunities for Moderna to research, develop and manufacture mRNA medicines in China," Luke Mircea-Willats, senior director, Media Relations and Communications of Moderna International, replied in an exclusive written statement to the Global Times on Wednesday."


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The comment on vehicles from Russia not being" allowed" Really hits a sore spot with me. There are so many vehicles out there in other countries that are really neat and INEXPENSIVE. Bring them to the USA and the government will literally put them in a junkyard crusher. We must buy $30k + new cars and $60k+ pick up trucks here. IT'S THE LAW!

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An interesting piece: "What Did They Know and When Did They Know?" https://propagandainfocus.substack.com/p/what-did-they-know-and-when-did-they-know?isFreemail=true&post_id=131960751&publication_id=1627418&triggerShare=true

"I have been arguing for months that private armies are highly dangerous to any political formation, democratic or authoritarian or in-between, and I have been virtually pleading for the quick retirement or dispatch of Prigozhin since manifestations that, at least, appeared to be treasonous disobedience, that were not satisfactorily addressed or acted upon or explained by Russian authorities, and yet clearly played into the hands of the equally deranged collective West."

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One question only friends; What's the process for becoming official a new virus?

Thank you in advance

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Ha ha.. just like the ole USSA... yes, true! All over the world to hide the deaths they are doing this... and to manipulate you to thinking what they want you to thing... meantime Edward, can I leave this here? It was done 2 years ago during lockdowns and before Ukraine.. by a wonderfully talented group of comics with MORE than a little technical understanding (space train design.. rotation round central shaft generated gravity in outer ring or train cars?)....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7kr7utvVEs

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Oldie but goodie.

- Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine -


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An interesting take on current events both, in Ukraine , and the rest of the world.


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International seminar on "smart cities" in China. Something that I don't recall ever seeing before is mentioned - "super-globalization".

Thematic forum of Global Digital Economy Conference 2023 on 'Building Smart Cities in a Changing World' held at Peking University


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Lord, does Rolo Slavisnky ever NOT lead with his chin? I was especially amused that he felt that Turkey reversing on its Azov prisoner decision surprised anyone but himself. It's like expecting Trump to do what he's told, or for Biden to remember what he was told to do.

Moravian outlaw songs is a rare gift. I thank, Bela Bartok's ghost thanks you, and so does this guy:


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