"Food prices in Russia will rise by 10-20% in the near future, according to the head of the economics committee of the Moscow branch of the Union of Entrepreneurs."
It's interesting, that the Kremlin adopted the term "entrepreneurs" a code word for US monopolistic crooks.
That being said, even it Russian food prices rise by 10-20% it'll still be a helluva lot cheaper than the cost of food in the US, especially if you're "not" interested in eating junk but desire food with some nutrition.
Here's a Kafkaesque possibility, if food prices continue to uncontrollably rise pest extermination companies will metamorphosize into food harvesting operations.🤮
Reading today's list of articles/topics I have to wonder how different Russia is from the US and the West with its pushing technocratic control of the public and all information and corporatist medical tyranny that we have particularly in the US. Is there any difference in the direction of these allegedly opposing States?
The globocap oiler-banker-owner-investors (GOBOI) are establishing a new multipolar International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS), a replacement paradigm to the moribund US dollar, debt-as-wealth standard, which are consequences of the unraveling of the geopolitical power of the US. The GOBOI are transferring capital to promote and galvanize the growing Eurasian powers who are establishing alternative international organizations for financial, political, and security cooperation, separate from those central to the US-led world order, institutions like NATO, the World Bank, SWIFT, and the IMF.
Incidentally, the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine looks may in fact have been given the green light to proceed because the expected retaliatory sanctions on Russia by NATO partners would catalyze the establishment of the new system. In that case, we should expect no end to war until the finalization of the IMFS, and furthermore this would explain the avoidance of anything even resembling peace negotiations, the otherwise inexplicable pressuring of Ukraine to continue fighting for an impossible, unobtainable victory, and the squandering of billions from the treasuries of NATO partners on weapons which are immediately incinerated by the Russian Armed Forces.
It isn't unthinkable, then, that in Russia, just as much as in the West, there should have been effected an enforced or coercive lethal injection campaign on the entire population under the guise of COVID-19 countermeasure, because the GOBOI-directed government of Russia will want to get rid of at least the retired segment of the population in Russia. The elderly and the infirm everywhere would equally be considered by the GOBOI as costing too much in retirement, welfare and medical costs, which are expenses that they consider to be net outgoings with too little to none returns. Also, the elderly are perhaps less exploitable in the many ways the GOBOI anticipate for the rest of the population when their new IMFS and the Synthetic Hegemonic Currency is fully-entrenched and in operation.
"The elderly and the infirm everywhere would equally be considered by the GOBOI as costing too much in retirement, welfare and medical costs...."
If we do indeed have (some) Nazis at the helm, and I mean literal Nazis (Klaus Schwab had Nazi collaborators in his family, see Johnny Vedmore's piece), then that particular faction of the 'elite' would be focused initially on what they call the Untermensch: sick, infirmed, elderly, addicts etc. I have a video montage of these ghouls running around (some dressed in fatigues) vaccinating the elderly and mentally/physically handicapped, all done publicly under the guise of 'protecting' them. It's disgusting but nothing they do is surprising if you know the ideology behind it.
Enough of the public were fooled (or sleepwalking) into believing the jabs were "safe and effective", so the planners got away with quite a bit. Many sleepwalkers have since had very personal and tragic/unfortunate rude awakenings.
I never heard if they were killing the elderly in Russia with Midazolam or Remdesivir like they did in the UK and USA, respectively. It wasn't just the elderly, the vented generally were often given those drugs to "treat covid". Both drugs are known to cause organ failure even in small doses. The resulting deaths blamed on covid - hospitals were given financial incentives the more covid cases they diagnosed, because that's ethical and not suspicious.
The rest of your comment I will simply sum up as: Russia and its "allies" are creating THEIR version of the NWO, while the USA and its "allies" do the same. Borrowing a phrase from Paul Kingsnorth, it's the China-fication of the West. 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍. As bad as the Scamdemic was for a lot of people, the people of China arguably had it the worst. I don't know how anyone even lives there anymore as a human being, especially in the cities. Such a beautifully rich heritage indelibly marred by Kissinger and associates.
Thank you, this is a very concise summary, and I believe your analysis is accurate.
"Russia and its "allies" are creating THEIR version of the NWO, while the USA and its "allies" do the same. "
If I may add or modify this point as I understand the situation, it is much less likely that the primary, and perhaps even auxiliary motives in operation at present driving the development of the state of affairs are "Russian," "Chinese," or "American" cultural and historic formations. What I mean by formations is a collective national spirit with particular reverence and sentimental attachments to a historic (and/or largely mythical) national ideal. Instead, what I begin with and highlight throughout are the GOBOI. It is they and especially the capital that they have accumulated over many generations of depredation, plunder and looting that decides the course of transnational and state ebb and flow. Indeed, pivotal historical events and outcomes, such as the Magna Carta and the Treaty of Westphalia, took place primarily and for the most part in order to codify and regulate the accommodation of their interests with respect to each other. Accordingly, it is the GOBOI who are steering the events that are unfolding at present, while the named notables and dignitaries, and the nations they purport to represent, and behind whom the people may be marshaled, are largely playing a role of providing cover.
I cannot deny how irredeemably cynical I am about it all. I'm cynical and fed-up to my back teeth with this utterly abhorrent state of affairs.
"it is much less likely that the primary, and perhaps even auxiliary motives in operation at present driving the development of the state of affairs are "Russian," "Chinese," or "American" cultural and historic formations."
Yes. These are merely shadows cast on the screen while the Hidden Hand manipulates them, unnoticed by a sleepwalking public. However, I argue that the ideology driving it is largely homogeneous, give or take a few differences e.g. one part may not entirely agree with the genocidal/ eugenics based faction. Regardless, the klepto-corporatocratic technocracy aimed at controlling humanity at large would appear to be all pervasive. Their plan relies on humanity becoming dependent on their system (Elon Musk wants Twitter to be an "everything app" like China's WeChat.) They rely on everyone's acquiescence and participation in their scheme.
I believe that in the higher echelons there may be factions at war with each other, hence certain nations seemingly endeavoring to create their own particular versions of a hellscape (cut off and insulated from the other), wanting their version to dominate their own country or region, so it would seem, with the Hidden Hand of course guiding it all.
It can look rather bleak at times but not all hope is lost. The lessons of our forebears are ever before us, imparting us with their timeless wisdom, for what is time but a flat circle? (thank you Nietzsche).
Your comments, comprising your analysis and overview critique of the occurrences and developments in play at present, are some of the most informed and well-articulated I've read on Substack. Thank your for taking the time and effort to elaborate these examinations and thoughts. I'm sure there are are others, perhaps even many others, who are able to weave the many threads together and apprize the fabric from both the resulting texture and the pattern, but it's not common to come across someone with both the expansive and well-stated "gets it" attributes as you do.
And 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years
Whenever I see mention of "superfoods" I dry-reach. "Superfoods" is another idiot marketing ploy with the intent of creating buzz and provocation as a substitute for information.
" I have to wonder how different Russia is from the US and the West with its pushing technocratic control of the public "
There's video of Klaus Schwab at some conference or summit saying verbatim that Putin was a Young Global Leader (as was Zelensky). He may have mentioned it twice on two separate occasions. You can probably find those videos on Rumble or Bitchute. Countless heads of state (figureheads) like Trudeau and others are confirmed YGL's. Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was a YGL. Everything involved with the WEF is suspect and assumed until proven otherwise to not be working for the best interests of humanity.
Unlike the Americans, the Russians have lived under a totalitarian regime. (The Americans are getting the first dose of that regime now.) So I have a tiny glimmer of hope that the Russian people will resist. The future will show...
"Thailand’s Pheu Thai Party says that once it came to power, it would give all citizens 16 years and older a handout of approximately $280 that could only be spent within four kilometers of their homes and would expire after six months.
In a move intended to both stimulate the economy as well as lay the foundations for a digital economy, the 10,000 baht (~$280) programmable handout would be sent to the digital wallets of each eligible citizen that had the application on their smartphone.
For those without the smartphone app, Pheu Thai Party deputy secretary-general Paopoom Rojanasakul said, “There would be no problems […] as they could use their national ID card to get a personal code instead,” the Bangkok Post reported."
Good! That means we'll just vote for the opposition!
Wait a minute .... there is none.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is "democracy" taken to its repugnant conclusion.
But don't worry, just keep voting. It's bound to get fixed next time when we get Trump (or whoever his equivalent counterpart is in the fiefdom you're confined to) back into office.
Ahoj! It is a cause of great celebration that we have lived another week. People should focus on THAT good news instead of drooling in anticipation of more shocking news about the war to control the world or climate change.
Anyone who believes that limiting the rays of sunlight that reach the Earth would be well-advised to watch the movie SNOWPIERCER.
"Ukrainians have been warned about 10-hour power outages
Experts warn that even without new missile strikes by Russia, there's no avoiding power outages in winter, and they may last up to 8-10 hours. This was reported on 17 August by the UBR news website, citing the words of energy expert Yuriy Korolchuk and former Energy Minister Ivan Plachkov.
It is reported that Ukraine's energy system has been damaged significantly by Russian missiles. Restoration work, despite the efforts of Ukrenergo employees, has restored only about 30% of operable equipment. This creates serious challenges for the country before the coming winter.
Yuriy Korolchuk, an energy expert, emphasizes that even if missile attacks cease, the probability of outages in winter remains high. In case of a warm winter, the blackouts will be the same as last year.
"Even if there are no strikes - there will still be blackouts. If the winter is warm - without strikes the situation will be the same as a year ago. In the worst case, the outages may last for 8 or 10 hours," Korolchuk said.
Ivan Plachkov, the former Energy Minister, supports the opinion about the expected blackouts. He notes that even in case of a warm winter, the probability of blackouts remains high."
It sounds like a threat and oppression. What on earth would be keeping them from not having power. USA GAVE THEM BILLIONS BILLIONS I’ll say it again. B I L L I O N S. There is no reason why they don’t have power!
Yes, this is the truth. They want us to fight each other, and if that happens, besides the fruitless destruction of each other, they will quickly enact marshall law . I agree, get more aware and we can stop it. It is in humanities hands, do you want this digital evil world, or do you want your God given spiritual freedom?
I would like to address Edward's personal input in "Who is responsible for Russia's strategic planning in Ukraine" in the context of "At least we have each other."
Firstly, thank you Edward for sharing. I sincerely hope for positive outcomes for you and your family.
There is always hope.
Secondly, I would like to share a little personal input. I rejected the MSM c---d narrative almost from the beginning because it was obviously flawed. I was criticized, marginalized, eventually crucified and rejected by my family and most friends, basically because my views were considered to be intellectually and morally deficient, and unacceptable to educated, responsible people. Only those who also knew the MSM narrative was false remained in contact. However, almost all of these cut off contact when I decided, that I was not going to remain silent and anonymous, but fight for freedom.
We still face critical issues where I currently live. The government is understandably trying to keep the official narrative alive, because if they do not they will fry. So we have ongoing fearmongering, orchestrated fake outbreaks, and continued restrictions. Meanwhile the WHO & CO are moving behind the scenes of course, to lock us all into iron-clad prisons of pandemic conformity and digital surveillance.
This all gets very personal for those of us who have elderly relatives - parents in particular - in nursing homes, where they are routinely given injections without informed consent, and without the knowledge or informed consent of their relatives. Further restrictions continue to be applied also: limited visits; lock downs in the face of "outbreaks"; forced testing and wearing of face masks for all visitors. Visitors now do not have to be "vac---ated", but they did have to be for some considerable time. People were denied access to their elderly, even dying parents, unless they were injected. People had to choose between risking their own health and life, or leaving their parents alone, even in death.
These are gross crimes against humanity. Especially in the context of cruelly denying the elderly maximum access to family and friends. Overt coercion and blackmail - conform or be denied access to your elderly parents.
My point? Yes the war in Ukraine is a critical consideration. It is also a distraction. Just one more tentacle of the hydra that wants to rob us all of our freedom. I cannot realistically hope to affect the outcomes of the Ukraine war. I can only do my best to fight the war at my door. And hope, that my efforts will bear good fruit, that will benefit us all in some way. Even positively impact on Edward's and others, including my own, Ukraine linked personal agendas.
From theconservativetreehouse.com, why I've not been able to sleep well this past week. FWIW, i've been an IT professional since early 80s, MIT, yadda yadda yadda and all this is spot on:
I shut down my ISP ten years ago or so because I saw this coming. What I appreciate about the article is 1) how FEW still see any of it, and 2) how much worse it is than my nightmares - and that's still only what's visible.
There's a German saying "wer sich nicht rührt, spürt seine Fesseln nicht", translatable to: "When you don't move you don't notice your chains". I think, that's the key point. Normal sheeple don't get shadowbanned on youtube. And if it happens a few times, they don't notice.
This will change quite drastically in the near future with their great plans for all of us.
Curious recent comments by the Russian foreign minister Lavrov, after talking at some length about the evils of the West and the US (which I largely agree with) he says the following:
"In this context, modern Russia sees its mission in maintaining a global balance of interests and building a fairer architecture of international relations. Russia’s updated Foreign Policy Concept approved by President Vladimir Putin on March 31, 2023, spells out our views in a systematic manner. We believe that creating favourable conditions for the peaceful and steady development of humanity on the basis of a unifying agenda should be a universal priority. One of our key objectives in this respect is to revive the UN’s ability to play a central role in coordinating the interests of its member states."
What's up with the worship of the UN? And "development of humanity on the basis of a unifying agenda should be a universal priority" sounds a tad bit... globalist.
Of course, they want a more "equitable" (what was wrong with equal(ity))? world order:
"We are not alone in this endeavour. More and more countries in the Global South and East are becoming conscious of their national interests. They are beginning to spell them out and pursuing policies focused on asserting these interests in the spirit of international cooperation. These states are increasingly advocating the formation of a more equitable world order through the reform of the existing formats of interaction or the creation of new ones to address specific problems concerning security and development. We support this trend because we have a clear understanding that it is the future."
The problem this days hasnt even began, and its going to be much worse, dont think I write this because of been some od dooms day pimper, etc, and I dont even belive in the Old Ts rapture/whatever also, dont belive in a divine savior, period, since this realm is ours and ours to do something about, you know, free will and shit like that, witch most dont can do, nor care, due to various reasons but by large, cowardliness, raw stinking cowardliness.
The system will prevail, who buckles under is irrelevant, since they maintain hegemony, created platforms as NWO, AGW, the scamdemic witch will be kicked into motion again, and people will obey.
They belive in the AGW idiot saga, and thats, is runn hard in the MSM, and will eventually create a solid foundation of new policys like the C40 to 15min. Citys, and all that simultaneously running along with their programs of destroying Europa and White people.
Its on track, people, and mark my words, unless we hang em all, we are going to loose.
I am old, not much left, but my concerns goes to children and life in general.
And the worst part of this downfall, is that people are indeed ignorants, the Inflation swindle is running high this days, and nobody talks about why Inflation even exist.
Have anyone of you read about that, why.
Then comes the second issue, and thats about Time spans, they do it because they know over time, lied enough about, promising a path pawed by gold, witch of course have been pimped since the dawn of man and they stil fall for it, hoping the same scums whom have slammed humanity into a wall is going to save us, huh, dunka dunka (my head onto the table).
Just to give you an ex. the perverted obsession about Hitlers Germany, the most lied about shit the last 80 years, and somehow, this is used and abused to make more hate propaganda against white people, we sold all die, because we didnt stop this Not war, yeah, like the same sites gloated about poor NKians when they where slaughtered by drones, remember that, MoA (among others), if you dont, I do, and they even pimped faked images and blamed this war on One man, the president of Armenia, while they lied and faked everything regarding the atrocity comitted by the Turko-Mongols.
I warned them then and I warn you again, in 10 years, Russia will be gone, and thats by the hands of this present corrupted shit hole called Kremlin, whom was called in the old days for the Old Whore.
But then again, I come from a region where we had what was nicknamed Little Moscow, but I guess you dont follow me on that one.
So, its a cluster f..... of epic proportions.
Why debate the Not war, when everybody does what they can to NOT mention who actually runs the show, in Russia, in Ukraina, in the ZATOstans, incl Norway.
And it makes the entire show unbelievable uninteresting, its simply nothing more this days to read, ex. on what happens in Africa, and dont underestimate them, real progress and worth, never comes easy, and sometimes it takes time, and right now, Africans havent gotten many choices, and Russia gives them some, and thats where we are right now.
And if all this isnt eh.... interesting, or bad enough, I guess, and assume, of course, that the 2020 election was the last one in the Imperial banana republic UssA (the Union of Sociopaths, Scumbags and Assholes).
The reasons, is as above, but also the Trump spectacle is going to push the present DemonKraut regime into denying election of various reasons, (ESG/DEI/whatever, to white supremacy is going to destroy everything, etc) witch comes is not that relevant, but it will happen, and if not, fake it to you make it, but never the less is about maintaining the present direction, sett by the NWOs and above all, the FeD witch is basically the same bunch. They, the Yankikes are going to be butt f....., hard as we all are going to be.
But never the less, have a nice day, take care, plan ahead for further problems, and Inlfation is never going to go back down again, dont even think that, wait until the AGWs insane policy kicks in, watch Nederland.
Warning: this is NOT investment advice, but just my thoughts about the possible (!) future direction of the Ukraine war, by looking at the PLN (Polish Zloty) and the RON (Romanian Leu) the currencies of 2 NATO countries that are profiting a lot from NATO spending in Ukraine, versus the USD. Is this a trend reversal, or just a temporary summer doldrum 'glitch' in the Warmongering Matrix? https://substack.com/profile/63975829-fulgurite/note/c-36847296
"Food prices in Russia will rise by 10-20% in the near future, according to the head of the economics committee of the Moscow branch of the Union of Entrepreneurs."
It's interesting, that the Kremlin adopted the term "entrepreneurs" a code word for US monopolistic crooks.
That being said, even it Russian food prices rise by 10-20% it'll still be a helluva lot cheaper than the cost of food in the US, especially if you're "not" interested in eating junk but desire food with some nutrition.
Here's a Kafkaesque possibility, if food prices continue to uncontrollably rise pest extermination companies will metamorphosize into food harvesting operations.🤮
Reading today's list of articles/topics I have to wonder how different Russia is from the US and the West with its pushing technocratic control of the public and all information and corporatist medical tyranny that we have particularly in the US. Is there any difference in the direction of these allegedly opposing States?
The globocap oiler-banker-owner-investors (GOBOI) are establishing a new multipolar International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS), a replacement paradigm to the moribund US dollar, debt-as-wealth standard, which are consequences of the unraveling of the geopolitical power of the US. The GOBOI are transferring capital to promote and galvanize the growing Eurasian powers who are establishing alternative international organizations for financial, political, and security cooperation, separate from those central to the US-led world order, institutions like NATO, the World Bank, SWIFT, and the IMF.
Incidentally, the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine looks may in fact have been given the green light to proceed because the expected retaliatory sanctions on Russia by NATO partners would catalyze the establishment of the new system. In that case, we should expect no end to war until the finalization of the IMFS, and furthermore this would explain the avoidance of anything even resembling peace negotiations, the otherwise inexplicable pressuring of Ukraine to continue fighting for an impossible, unobtainable victory, and the squandering of billions from the treasuries of NATO partners on weapons which are immediately incinerated by the Russian Armed Forces.
It isn't unthinkable, then, that in Russia, just as much as in the West, there should have been effected an enforced or coercive lethal injection campaign on the entire population under the guise of COVID-19 countermeasure, because the GOBOI-directed government of Russia will want to get rid of at least the retired segment of the population in Russia. The elderly and the infirm everywhere would equally be considered by the GOBOI as costing too much in retirement, welfare and medical costs, which are expenses that they consider to be net outgoings with too little to none returns. Also, the elderly are perhaps less exploitable in the many ways the GOBOI anticipate for the rest of the population when their new IMFS and the Synthetic Hegemonic Currency is fully-entrenched and in operation.
"The elderly and the infirm everywhere would equally be considered by the GOBOI as costing too much in retirement, welfare and medical costs...."
If we do indeed have (some) Nazis at the helm, and I mean literal Nazis (Klaus Schwab had Nazi collaborators in his family, see Johnny Vedmore's piece), then that particular faction of the 'elite' would be focused initially on what they call the Untermensch: sick, infirmed, elderly, addicts etc. I have a video montage of these ghouls running around (some dressed in fatigues) vaccinating the elderly and mentally/physically handicapped, all done publicly under the guise of 'protecting' them. It's disgusting but nothing they do is surprising if you know the ideology behind it.
Enough of the public were fooled (or sleepwalking) into believing the jabs were "safe and effective", so the planners got away with quite a bit. Many sleepwalkers have since had very personal and tragic/unfortunate rude awakenings.
I never heard if they were killing the elderly in Russia with Midazolam or Remdesivir like they did in the UK and USA, respectively. It wasn't just the elderly, the vented generally were often given those drugs to "treat covid". Both drugs are known to cause organ failure even in small doses. The resulting deaths blamed on covid - hospitals were given financial incentives the more covid cases they diagnosed, because that's ethical and not suspicious.
The rest of your comment I will simply sum up as: Russia and its "allies" are creating THEIR version of the NWO, while the USA and its "allies" do the same. Borrowing a phrase from Paul Kingsnorth, it's the China-fication of the West. 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍. As bad as the Scamdemic was for a lot of people, the people of China arguably had it the worst. I don't know how anyone even lives there anymore as a human being, especially in the cities. Such a beautifully rich heritage indelibly marred by Kissinger and associates.
Thank you, this is a very concise summary, and I believe your analysis is accurate.
"Russia and its "allies" are creating THEIR version of the NWO, while the USA and its "allies" do the same. "
If I may add or modify this point as I understand the situation, it is much less likely that the primary, and perhaps even auxiliary motives in operation at present driving the development of the state of affairs are "Russian," "Chinese," or "American" cultural and historic formations. What I mean by formations is a collective national spirit with particular reverence and sentimental attachments to a historic (and/or largely mythical) national ideal. Instead, what I begin with and highlight throughout are the GOBOI. It is they and especially the capital that they have accumulated over many generations of depredation, plunder and looting that decides the course of transnational and state ebb and flow. Indeed, pivotal historical events and outcomes, such as the Magna Carta and the Treaty of Westphalia, took place primarily and for the most part in order to codify and regulate the accommodation of their interests with respect to each other. Accordingly, it is the GOBOI who are steering the events that are unfolding at present, while the named notables and dignitaries, and the nations they purport to represent, and behind whom the people may be marshaled, are largely playing a role of providing cover.
I cannot deny how irredeemably cynical I am about it all. I'm cynical and fed-up to my back teeth with this utterly abhorrent state of affairs.
"it is much less likely that the primary, and perhaps even auxiliary motives in operation at present driving the development of the state of affairs are "Russian," "Chinese," or "American" cultural and historic formations."
Yes. These are merely shadows cast on the screen while the Hidden Hand manipulates them, unnoticed by a sleepwalking public. However, I argue that the ideology driving it is largely homogeneous, give or take a few differences e.g. one part may not entirely agree with the genocidal/ eugenics based faction. Regardless, the klepto-corporatocratic technocracy aimed at controlling humanity at large would appear to be all pervasive. Their plan relies on humanity becoming dependent on their system (Elon Musk wants Twitter to be an "everything app" like China's WeChat.) They rely on everyone's acquiescence and participation in their scheme.
I believe that in the higher echelons there may be factions at war with each other, hence certain nations seemingly endeavoring to create their own particular versions of a hellscape (cut off and insulated from the other), wanting their version to dominate their own country or region, so it would seem, with the Hidden Hand of course guiding it all.
It can look rather bleak at times but not all hope is lost. The lessons of our forebears are ever before us, imparting us with their timeless wisdom, for what is time but a flat circle? (thank you Nietzsche).
Your comments, comprising your analysis and overview critique of the occurrences and developments in play at present, are some of the most informed and well-articulated I've read on Substack. Thank your for taking the time and effort to elaborate these examinations and thoughts. I'm sure there are are others, perhaps even many others, who are able to weave the many threads together and apprize the fabric from both the resulting texture and the pattern, but it's not common to come across someone with both the expansive and well-stated "gets it" attributes as you do.
Good grief, please show some courtesy. Please clean, curate, and edit for accuracy the links you intend to share before posting them.
Following your link lands one on an article that seems completely irrelevant to the kind of point I presumed you were trying to make:
"The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle
And 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years
Whenever I see mention of "superfoods" I dry-reach. "Superfoods" is another idiot marketing ploy with the intent of creating buzz and provocation as a substitute for information.
" I have to wonder how different Russia is from the US and the West with its pushing technocratic control of the public "
There's video of Klaus Schwab at some conference or summit saying verbatim that Putin was a Young Global Leader (as was Zelensky). He may have mentioned it twice on two separate occasions. You can probably find those videos on Rumble or Bitchute. Countless heads of state (figureheads) like Trudeau and others are confirmed YGL's. Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was a YGL. Everything involved with the WEF is suspect and assumed until proven otherwise to not be working for the best interests of humanity.
Thank you Tanya.
Unlike the Americans, the Russians have lived under a totalitarian regime. (The Americans are getting the first dose of that regime now.) So I have a tiny glimmer of hope that the Russian people will resist. The future will show...
"Thailand’s Pheu Thai Party says that once it came to power, it would give all citizens 16 years and older a handout of approximately $280 that could only be spent within four kilometers of their homes and would expire after six months.
In a move intended to both stimulate the economy as well as lay the foundations for a digital economy, the 10,000 baht (~$280) programmable handout would be sent to the digital wallets of each eligible citizen that had the application on their smartphone.
For those without the smartphone app, Pheu Thai Party deputy secretary-general Paopoom Rojanasakul said, “There would be no problems […] as they could use their national ID card to get a personal code instead,” the Bangkok Post reported."
The Pheu Thai Party has now formed a new government together with ten(!) other parties:
"Eleven Thai parties, led by the Pheu Thai Party, announced their partnership in forming a new government on Monday, local media reported."
Good! That means we'll just vote for the opposition!
Wait a minute .... there is none.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is "democracy" taken to its repugnant conclusion.
But don't worry, just keep voting. It's bound to get fixed next time when we get Trump (or whoever his equivalent counterpart is in the fiefdom you're confined to) back into office.
Ahoj! It is a cause of great celebration that we have lived another week. People should focus on THAT good news instead of drooling in anticipation of more shocking news about the war to control the world or climate change.
Anyone who believes that limiting the rays of sunlight that reach the Earth would be well-advised to watch the movie SNOWPIERCER.
In celebration of life may I recommend a movie Top Secret! with young Val Kilmer.
A delightful spoof of war movies, rather than horrors of a real war / future the elites are cooking up.
"Ukrainians have been warned about 10-hour power outages
Experts warn that even without new missile strikes by Russia, there's no avoiding power outages in winter, and they may last up to 8-10 hours. This was reported on 17 August by the UBR news website, citing the words of energy expert Yuriy Korolchuk and former Energy Minister Ivan Plachkov.
It is reported that Ukraine's energy system has been damaged significantly by Russian missiles. Restoration work, despite the efforts of Ukrenergo employees, has restored only about 30% of operable equipment. This creates serious challenges for the country before the coming winter.
Yuriy Korolchuk, an energy expert, emphasizes that even if missile attacks cease, the probability of outages in winter remains high. In case of a warm winter, the blackouts will be the same as last year.
"Even if there are no strikes - there will still be blackouts. If the winter is warm - without strikes the situation will be the same as a year ago. In the worst case, the outages may last for 8 or 10 hours," Korolchuk said.
Ivan Plachkov, the former Energy Minister, supports the opinion about the expected blackouts. He notes that even in case of a warm winter, the probability of blackouts remains high."
It sounds like a threat and oppression. What on earth would be keeping them from not having power. USA GAVE THEM BILLIONS BILLIONS I’ll say it again. B I L L I O N S. There is no reason why they don’t have power!
Yes, this is the truth. They want us to fight each other, and if that happens, besides the fruitless destruction of each other, they will quickly enact marshall law . I agree, get more aware and we can stop it. It is in humanities hands, do you want this digital evil world, or do you want your God given spiritual freedom?
I would like to address Edward's personal input in "Who is responsible for Russia's strategic planning in Ukraine" in the context of "At least we have each other."
Firstly, thank you Edward for sharing. I sincerely hope for positive outcomes for you and your family.
There is always hope.
Secondly, I would like to share a little personal input. I rejected the MSM c---d narrative almost from the beginning because it was obviously flawed. I was criticized, marginalized, eventually crucified and rejected by my family and most friends, basically because my views were considered to be intellectually and morally deficient, and unacceptable to educated, responsible people. Only those who also knew the MSM narrative was false remained in contact. However, almost all of these cut off contact when I decided, that I was not going to remain silent and anonymous, but fight for freedom.
We still face critical issues where I currently live. The government is understandably trying to keep the official narrative alive, because if they do not they will fry. So we have ongoing fearmongering, orchestrated fake outbreaks, and continued restrictions. Meanwhile the WHO & CO are moving behind the scenes of course, to lock us all into iron-clad prisons of pandemic conformity and digital surveillance.
This all gets very personal for those of us who have elderly relatives - parents in particular - in nursing homes, where they are routinely given injections without informed consent, and without the knowledge or informed consent of their relatives. Further restrictions continue to be applied also: limited visits; lock downs in the face of "outbreaks"; forced testing and wearing of face masks for all visitors. Visitors now do not have to be "vac---ated", but they did have to be for some considerable time. People were denied access to their elderly, even dying parents, unless they were injected. People had to choose between risking their own health and life, or leaving their parents alone, even in death.
These are gross crimes against humanity. Especially in the context of cruelly denying the elderly maximum access to family and friends. Overt coercion and blackmail - conform or be denied access to your elderly parents.
My point? Yes the war in Ukraine is a critical consideration. It is also a distraction. Just one more tentacle of the hydra that wants to rob us all of our freedom. I cannot realistically hope to affect the outcomes of the Ukraine war. I can only do my best to fight the war at my door. And hope, that my efforts will bear good fruit, that will benefit us all in some way. Even positively impact on Edward's and others, including my own, Ukraine linked personal agendas.
Thanks for sharing your story. You have a friend in Pennsylvania.
Thank you for sharing. Shalom.
Another fantastic "success" for the Putin regime.
It hurts to see the state of present Russia. I think John McCain was right in the end, Rússia today is indeed a gás station masqueraded as a country
Bach fugue is the answer, anyway
From theconservativetreehouse.com, why I've not been able to sleep well this past week. FWIW, i've been an IT professional since early 80s, MIT, yadda yadda yadda and all this is spot on:
Are you the author? Why do you work for these reptiles?
Honestly, I'm curious. Didn't you get the memo some 10y ago?
No, I'm not the author.
I shut down my ISP ten years ago or so because I saw this coming. What I appreciate about the article is 1) how FEW still see any of it, and 2) how much worse it is than my nightmares - and that's still only what's visible.
There's a German saying "wer sich nicht rührt, spürt seine Fesseln nicht", translatable to: "When you don't move you don't notice your chains". I think, that's the key point. Normal sheeple don't get shadowbanned on youtube. And if it happens a few times, they don't notice.
This will change quite drastically in the near future with their great plans for all of us.
Curious recent comments by the Russian foreign minister Lavrov, after talking at some length about the evils of the West and the US (which I largely agree with) he says the following:
"In this context, modern Russia sees its mission in maintaining a global balance of interests and building a fairer architecture of international relations. Russia’s updated Foreign Policy Concept approved by President Vladimir Putin on March 31, 2023, spells out our views in a systematic manner. We believe that creating favourable conditions for the peaceful and steady development of humanity on the basis of a unifying agenda should be a universal priority. One of our key objectives in this respect is to revive the UN’s ability to play a central role in coordinating the interests of its member states."
What's up with the worship of the UN? And "development of humanity on the basis of a unifying agenda should be a universal priority" sounds a tad bit... globalist.
Of course, they want a more "equitable" (what was wrong with equal(ity))? world order:
"We are not alone in this endeavour. More and more countries in the Global South and East are becoming conscious of their national interests. They are beginning to spell them out and pursuing policies focused on asserting these interests in the spirit of international cooperation. These states are increasingly advocating the formation of a more equitable world order through the reform of the existing formats of interaction or the creation of new ones to address specific problems concerning security and development. We support this trend because we have a clear understanding that it is the future."
The problem this days hasnt even began, and its going to be much worse, dont think I write this because of been some od dooms day pimper, etc, and I dont even belive in the Old Ts rapture/whatever also, dont belive in a divine savior, period, since this realm is ours and ours to do something about, you know, free will and shit like that, witch most dont can do, nor care, due to various reasons but by large, cowardliness, raw stinking cowardliness.
The system will prevail, who buckles under is irrelevant, since they maintain hegemony, created platforms as NWO, AGW, the scamdemic witch will be kicked into motion again, and people will obey.
They belive in the AGW idiot saga, and thats, is runn hard in the MSM, and will eventually create a solid foundation of new policys like the C40 to 15min. Citys, and all that simultaneously running along with their programs of destroying Europa and White people.
Its on track, people, and mark my words, unless we hang em all, we are going to loose.
I am old, not much left, but my concerns goes to children and life in general.
And the worst part of this downfall, is that people are indeed ignorants, the Inflation swindle is running high this days, and nobody talks about why Inflation even exist.
Have anyone of you read about that, why.
Then comes the second issue, and thats about Time spans, they do it because they know over time, lied enough about, promising a path pawed by gold, witch of course have been pimped since the dawn of man and they stil fall for it, hoping the same scums whom have slammed humanity into a wall is going to save us, huh, dunka dunka (my head onto the table).
Just to give you an ex. the perverted obsession about Hitlers Germany, the most lied about shit the last 80 years, and somehow, this is used and abused to make more hate propaganda against white people, we sold all die, because we didnt stop this Not war, yeah, like the same sites gloated about poor NKians when they where slaughtered by drones, remember that, MoA (among others), if you dont, I do, and they even pimped faked images and blamed this war on One man, the president of Armenia, while they lied and faked everything regarding the atrocity comitted by the Turko-Mongols.
I warned them then and I warn you again, in 10 years, Russia will be gone, and thats by the hands of this present corrupted shit hole called Kremlin, whom was called in the old days for the Old Whore.
But then again, I come from a region where we had what was nicknamed Little Moscow, but I guess you dont follow me on that one.
So, its a cluster f..... of epic proportions.
Why debate the Not war, when everybody does what they can to NOT mention who actually runs the show, in Russia, in Ukraina, in the ZATOstans, incl Norway.
And it makes the entire show unbelievable uninteresting, its simply nothing more this days to read, ex. on what happens in Africa, and dont underestimate them, real progress and worth, never comes easy, and sometimes it takes time, and right now, Africans havent gotten many choices, and Russia gives them some, and thats where we are right now.
And if all this isnt eh.... interesting, or bad enough, I guess, and assume, of course, that the 2020 election was the last one in the Imperial banana republic UssA (the Union of Sociopaths, Scumbags and Assholes).
The reasons, is as above, but also the Trump spectacle is going to push the present DemonKraut regime into denying election of various reasons, (ESG/DEI/whatever, to white supremacy is going to destroy everything, etc) witch comes is not that relevant, but it will happen, and if not, fake it to you make it, but never the less is about maintaining the present direction, sett by the NWOs and above all, the FeD witch is basically the same bunch. They, the Yankikes are going to be butt f....., hard as we all are going to be.
But never the less, have a nice day, take care, plan ahead for further problems, and Inlfation is never going to go back down again, dont even think that, wait until the AGWs insane policy kicks in, watch Nederland.
Putin's Rússia cannot shoot straight anymore to the moon nor in Ukraine
I see your Gould and raise you a Gilels (in which he generates an almost Gouldian level of controversy about tempo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyg6XD_NS5s
Warning: this is NOT investment advice, but just my thoughts about the possible (!) future direction of the Ukraine war, by looking at the PLN (Polish Zloty) and the RON (Romanian Leu) the currencies of 2 NATO countries that are profiting a lot from NATO spending in Ukraine, versus the USD. Is this a trend reversal, or just a temporary summer doldrum 'glitch' in the Warmongering Matrix? https://substack.com/profile/63975829-fulgurite/note/c-36847296