Quite clever introducing it in school. Get the kids to conform while young so they’re less likely to resist as adults. And I bet all the technology looks fancy to them so it’s an exciting prospect, a desired glitzy leash.

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well said.

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yes it's grooming, much like the sex 'education' in the West

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By the time they're adults, they'll miss it if the stuff isn't there, they'll demand their "security blanket."

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🎯... nowhere to hide.

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...not even in far away Siberia

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May 5, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

But Riley, you just don't get it! This is just a 6D chess move from the Kremlin in order to protect themselves from Western Bio-weapons, once the threat is gone they will dismantle all of this. ;)

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hide yo kids hide yo wife

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Virus theory is a fraud, they couldn't prove transmission even with the Spanish flu, where they injected infected blood into others and sprayed sputum


Ps, Matt Ehret is defends the con-vid security state of the east, despite having been against it in Canada. Ignorant fan boy. Or maybe I don't know how 8d chess works... Either way, he's deluded.

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Dutch magazine "Gezond Verstond" also takes this position. No virus has ever been isolated. It has never been proven that a virus causes a disease.

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Hard to believe Matt Ehret is not consciously acting as a flak catcher for Putin, maybe out of deluded reasoning that "he's all we got."

And yes, the experiments you talk about were by Dr Milton Rosenau, 1918-19. published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association).

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Never mind that hand sanitizer is highly toxic and known carcinogen.

Forward comrades!

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Pandemics are a never ending business scam by Gates, Fauci, Bourla et al. Create the problem then sell the solution. Pfizer is predicting profits of between 98 billion to 102 billion in 2022.

Meanwhile miscarriages, birth defects, strokes, myocarditis, seizures, blood clots and sudden deaths are up by thousands of a percentage. Not to mention the fact that these mRNA vaccines are transcribed into the bodies DNA within 6 hours of being injected.

If countries don't stand up to this vaccine scam the earth's human population will collapse. Human fertility is already in free fall. I'm not kidding.


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Some thoughts I had in response to an article I'd just read re. the apparent decision by SCOTUS to "take down" Roe v. Wade...

I'm very much wondering WHY NOW? Why is the Supreme Court - an utterly bought-and-paid-for group (hopefully minus Clarence Thomas) who apparently cannot be recalled or fired - NOW reconsidering Roe v. Wade...??? WHY NOW???

Is it because those in our sad unfunny parody of a gov't, and the various corporations & NGOs propping up these sad and evil people, want to be able to FORCE a woman to continue an unwanted pregnancy, like say one involving a genetically-modified embryo/fetus??? Although the technology for "artificial wombs" is supposedly now "ready", I suppose these psychos want to still be able to force women to gestate a GMO human if/as needed...

And if you don't think GMO humans are already being worked on - as the saying goes - I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you. China's already "been there, done that." I'd read last year that a Chinese researcher cloned a woman's egg (fertilized, I believe) and of the several cloned embryos that survived, only 2 - just 2 - were gestated "successfully" inside women, and the little girls were then a couple of months old. And, just for good measure, human-animal hybrids are being worked on, too.

It just occurred to me that the poison jabs might be about SEVERAL things, not just injuring & killing millions of people. As women of reproductive age who have been jabbed are experiencing stillbirths, spontaneous abortions, vast changes to their menstrual cycles, and other reproductive issues - and jabbed men, too, are having reproductive issues - perhaps this is not just about killing people and making survivors sterile or semi-sterile... Perhaps these reproductive issues are to get them desperate enough for a child that they WILLINGLY ACCEPT A GMO EMBRYO... and perhaps even pay for the privilege.


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well stated. Supreme Court Justices (in the USA) can be impeached by Congress (never happened) or they can be assassinated like Justice Scalia a few years ago; old and very ill but hanging on and a reviled "conservative" voice on the court he was smothered with a pillow while on a bizarre secret society weekend retreat in Texas; no autopsy performed.

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We are living in crazy, crazy, crazy times...

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Soon they’ll have sensors that’ll be able to tell kindergartners if they’re the right or wrong gender in the right or wrong body and promptly prescribe the proper puberty blocker regime!

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can the cameras tell if you have tp on your shoe or if your zipper is down? now that's progress. i mean grooming.

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HIDEOUS! But a must to know. Thanks once again, Riley, this is what investigative reporting is all about. Can't wait for the Putin groupies, sycophants and bots to descend on this post and provide excuses, apologies, and scathing attacks on us "NATO agents."

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Has anyone else noticed that since this crap started, absolutely nobody has mentioned the giant elephant in the room; cheap OTC pain relievers?

Well of course it has nothing to do with health and safety, just like the airport security has nothing to do with stopping terrorism, which is all state-sponsored anyway, and everything to do with harassment by a sadistic, parasitic security culture and racketeering beverage manufacturers.

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Conditioning children to believe they are walking contagion machines.

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please burn them down!

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Orwell’s 1984 in the words of Donald Jeffries. What Russia is doing here to children is the grooming part. And it is happening everywhere in the world in different ways and time lines.


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The Mayo Clinic reported that just over half its COVID patients had no fever. I suspect thermal checks lead to a false sense of security. I think I had it earlier this year, but was doubtful because I had no fever.

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There is no such a thing as covid, just as it never was HIV/AIDS. Fauci’s made up solution, the AZT for the fake disease in the 80’s are what is presented to the world now with these fatal or maiming injections.

The world had a PCR-test ‘pandemic’.

The world needs to resist this freak show of technocracy and the psychopaths love for absolute CONTROL.

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Amandha Vollmer talked about the fakery of the PCR-tests in August of 2020.

Video, 21 minutes


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What is COVID? People are classified as "patients" with it if they have a positive PCR test, a test which is notoriously inaccurate to begin with, inappropriate for diagnosis per its inventor Kary Mullis, and in this case never properly calibrated because the alleged virus has never been isolated and purified, it's just a made up ("assembled") bunch of 0s and 1s on a mainframe computer.

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The PCR "test" is NOT a test - it is a method of "amplifying" what's in a sample enough to where it can be examined & tested using examining & testing equipment. "Amplification" is really a fancy term for "reproducing" more of what's there. Recall the "numbers of cycles"? That's the number of "amplification" cycles the samples are put through. And, the more cycles, the more stuff is "amplified", reproduced. And, the more false positives.

The Corona Investigative Committee has been investigating this entire Plandemic since mid-2020, and has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the PCR "test" is NOT what's it's being billed to be by gov'ts and gov't agencies... Here's an article that lists all 6 portions the example "Grand Jury" they held with a real trial judge, real trial lawyers, and real testimonials and evidence presented by real medical folks, researchers, and the jab injured. https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/03/israel-the-canary-in-the-coal-mine/

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ALL positives are false positives. The matter is WAY beyond the number of cycles. The test was never calibrated with an actual virus, i.e. an isolated and purified physical virus, but with an "in siloco" computer model of something assembled, concocted, out of a bitch's brew of all sorts of chemicals and extracts from humans, in which many small strands of DNA were found and assembled mathematically into a supposed genome. This is like checking tire pressure by putting your mouth on the tire's valve. The "Corona Investigative Committee" hasn't bothered exposing this.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Which part of what you said haven't they "bothered exposing"? Again, I've only watched a few of their 102 sessions of interviews, but I have the 6 sessions of their example "Grand Jury". They HAVE discussed the PCR stuff quite a bit, including the tremendous percentage of false positives, and that PCR was used specifically b/c of the false positive effects. In Session 91, a researcher in the Czech Republic, Sonia Pekova, clinical biochemist & molecular geneticist, who designs sample preparation & testing methods for testing specific substances and materials by the way, gave tremendous information re. the Drosden PCR "test" the WHO forced everyone to use vs. what SHE had recommended to officials in her country, and what each can & can't determine - a bit long at 1 hr 16 minutes, but extremely informative - https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Dr.-So%C5%88a-Pekov%C3%A1-session-91-en:b.

So which part(s) are they not exposing?

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What part of "no proof a virus has been isolated and refined" don't you get? The language of "tremendous percentage of false positives," makes it seem as if there are actual positives, when in fact there is no basis for any positives at all given the test was never calibrated with an actual virus. You are feeding the basics of the false narrative while pretending to oppose it.

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Okay... I'm NOT a biology or medical person, so.... trying my best to catch up with things. Maybe give people a little bit more room for differences in background & education... Just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. Continue to be a d**k if you want, but that's NOT an effective way to get ANY point across you're attempting to. :)

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This is insane! Get me outa here!

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