Forced injections won’t be necessary in Russia if people just cooperate and get the gosh-darn vaccine, voluntarily and of their own free will—this is a very wise multi-polar world observation from Vladimir Putin:
Russian officials should try to convince people to sign up for vaccinations before they talk about forcing them to roll up their sleeves, President Vladimir Putin has said, as the country grapples with more Covid-19 deaths. […]
“We are trying to follow a path of persuasion rather than of compulsion,” the president said, commenting on the approach to get jabs in arms across the world’s largest country. “We are trying to combat biased views and prejudices against vaccination.”
Russia is following the Path of Persuasion, but the path is narrow and full of harrowing temptations, like “get the shot or lose your job.”
Compulsory vaccination already exists in all 85 regions of Russia for certain segments of the population. Maybe Putin was referring to universal mandatory injections? Maybe.
Listen: Putin is really trying his best to encourage Russians to get vaccinated so that he doesn’t have to forcibly needle more than half the country. That’s compassionate. That’s worthy of a Retweet.
The Russian government wants to sit in the banya with you and talk. Maybe some of you have questions and concerns—maybe not even about the vaccine, but about life in general? Putin and United Russia want you to know: they listened to you and they didn’t like what you said and now they’ve completely stopped listening.
What is this? This is nihilism. Basic morality and decency, the existence and pursuit of objective truth—fed directly into the woodchipper.
That virus or barrage of positive PCR tests or whatever—it really messed things up, didn’t it?
I have developed the opinion over past couple decades that Putin ruled in the long-term interests of Russia. A benevolent force for his own people, and a formidable adversary for the corrupt & dying West. Sure, he enriched himself in the process and is now worth billions. But on the whole, a great & far-sighted leader of Russia. Looks like I need to do a major re-think. This doesn't make any sense to me.
Can't be hurting the mayor's feelings during his business hours! He needs a safe space!