I have developed the opinion over past couple decades that Putin ruled in the long-term interests of Russia. A benevolent force for his own people, and a formidable adversary for the corrupt & dying West. Sure, he enriched himself in the process and is now worth billions. But on the whole, a great & far-sighted leader of Russia. Looks like I need to do a major re-think. This doesn't make any sense to me.

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It's admirable that you are willing to re-think things. I wish you good luck on that journey. It's not a pleasant one. None of us really have the answers. But I do believe the evidence certainly points in certain directions. Thanks for reading and be well --

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In the US, all we see is a clearly corrupt media & political class that paints Russia as the perpetual bad actor. So it's easy to fall prey to a knee-jerk reaction in the other direction, whereby Putin is the hero. And much of what Putin does seems eminently reasonable, wise, balanced, patient, strategic.

The current disputes over Nord-Stream 2 and the Ukraine reveal just how dangerously unbalanced & dishonest US policy makers are, they reek of grasping desperation. It makes me wish we had a Putin of our own.

And yet when I read of Russia's disturbing vaccine policy, it gives me great pause. It's as if I somehow hope that Putin & Russia will ride in for the rescue, not that I am so naive as to think that Russia does not have interests of their own at odds with the West, but still I hope that somehow Russia might be the last "reservoir," the last "salvation" --->>> and if I have this hope, it is because I so often despair of the US and Western Europe

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I think that's a totally fair and reasonable assessment. But here's a question: when we speak of Russian "interests" -- are these the interests of the Russian people, or policy objectives which serve a small but powerful minority? Russia has some of the worst wealth inequality in the world. 1/4 of children here live below the poverty line. It has a monstrous and cruel prison system -- all of this despite the fact that its vast resources should make it one of the most wealthy nations on earth. Russia is basically a less polished USA. This begs the question: who are we supposed to root for in the oligarch tug of war?

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That's the thing. I was under the naive impression that Putin was the great tamer of oligarchs, that he had put the fear of the lord into them during his consolidation of power, that he had diminished their influence and role in Russian affairs. Russia had its oligarchs, but Putin and the State were predominant. And this, to my mind, was in great contrast to the US, where politicians are mere puppets of the globalist oligarchy.

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And there you have it!

The whole fight, wrapped up and put to bed by Howie(Cosell)and his interlocutor. (Those were the daze,,, when sports events had commentators who were part of the show... and didn't just talk to here themselves speak),,,,

"but Putin and the State were predominant."

In the west, the cloying notion of THE STATE as a protector of 'rights' and guardian of the peoples will still hypnotizes legions of unwitting dupes who - when confronted by the OBVIOUS breakdown of that same cherished institution into a mafiya structure inherently foul

move their fantasies of purity eastwards, in search of solace and redemption both. Camel meet needle.

Think of the STATE as like a wet spruce flooring, hidden under a carpet of mischievous lies, where termites & other critters can work undisturbed. The whole like soon nuff lies wholly holed - and rotted - tho still sound enough to hold the weight of its political class for a while longer

That's Rus/Usa... and all the rest! Chabad/chasidic termites have eaten the floorboards and packed off the movable wealth to their loot bags. Their media scribblers tell ya's to look over there - skqirrel waving a flag!

Works every time.

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Can't be hurting the mayor's feelings during his business hours! He needs a safe space!

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[Putin] "It is important to persuade people so that they understand that inoculation is necessary."^1 "NECESSARY" ?!!! That was on Sun Dec 05 2021, meaning Putin is either DEMENTED like Biden [according to Vladimir Zelenko's characterization of Biden], or a traitor... or both; an asshole, to call a spade a spade. Now, check here: Renowned Virologist [Geert Vanden Bossche] Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Health System’ Due to Complications from COVID Vaccines https://www.globalresearch.ca/renowned-virologist-warns-collapse-health-system-due-complications-covid-vaccines/5763796 SEEN? Putin is illiterate in science which he doesn't understand, but it falls under his responsibility to be advised by intelligent and competent people, which he visibly did not do. So there are no excuses.

1. https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/271881318/putin-comments-on-mandatory-covid-vaccinations

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I am disappointed in Russia. Not Putin, he's always been a prick. But in Russia.

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Gotta be something else going on, no? Russia is running the same profrom as my local health nazi...

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Trillionaire Incorporated.

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for me Russia should be a huge supporter of climate change action. either it is a lie and Russia lets the West self destruct while pretending to act, or it is true abnd Russia gets millions of square kilometers of tundra to suddenly become farmland. Russia´s real territory decreases due to sea levels but useful territory may actually increase

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Dec 7, 2021
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Not really, he's been on board with climate change, official narratives on 9/11 and every other globalist initiative. Just because he is protecting geopolitical interests doesn't mean he can't be cooperating in other areas.

"Reptilian overlord elites" are also competing amongst each other in business interests worldwide, but they all team up when it comes to keeping the system alive for their mutual benefit.

I just can't wait until Russian wannabe illuminati politicians try to enforce this QR code system which is very hard to implement even if you're a top notch freemason.

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Yeah. Blackmail, bribe, or worldwide elite self-extinction brain parasite. Don't know what else it could be. Putin's actions are the same as everywhere else.

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