Uncle Putin, opening markets for the Russian version of the military-industrial complex and the Russian "vaccine" peddler cartel, because nazis and patriotism. With "enemies" like Putin and Xi, the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate's top of the pyramid is in no need of making any friends.
Congratulations, Riley!! You've officially made it to the Big Guys league. No one would bother to "debunk" a non-famous humble Russian correspondent. Raising a glass of vodka to the FORMIDABLE BRAND RECOGNITION of my favorite Russia COVID writer.
Hah, because of this I learned about Harold Beeley, Vanessa's despicable father and an architect of the state of Israel... She's got some baggage, no wonder she gets regular shock therapy.
Thanks for your comment about Vanessa B's father. Very enlightening. I just did however, take a quick look at his Wikipedia page. I know that Wiki is not the best resource for "real" unbiased info. However, the page did reveal at great deal about her father's career. He def was very much part of the establishment. So one could only speculate that Vanessa might have relied upon some of her family connections to get where she is today. But, if you had any additional info the share? It would be much appreciated?
Yes, indeed, Tessa and Riley, in my neck of the woods people have started to ask questions : what is this about Russian obligatory vaccination? Is it true? I ask them how did this topic appear, they say they've seen it in mainstream tabloid news, this morning, Croatia.
No one should be injected with an "experimental mess" that's neither safe nor effective and does not prevent the contraction or transmission of the virus.
Vanessa Beeley has been ignoring the con-vid and sputnik v mess in Russia forever.
You would think she would bring up her issues with it, as she has done with most of the west, but in her mind, it seems Russia is immune to criticism when it comes to con-vid, lol.
You have once again been quotated in an article in the French alt-media. This time it is on Égalité et Réconciliation, one of the most famous and with a large audience.
" Antony Fauci of the Putin regime, Gintsburg claims authorship of the Sputnik V serum, an AstraZeneca clone (as he himself has acknowledged), at least as toxic and dangerous as the latter, and which the Russian administration promotes among its population by means of nudging methods almost identical to those which the McKinsey philanthropists have "advised" the use of to the E. Macron governments. On covidism in Russia, see the blog of the excellent Eduard Slavsquat, a defector from the English-language editorial staff of Russia Today."
hes been lashing out at some people that are on our team, i gave up watching him a while back so im not familiar with the details but going after people speaking up against the jabs no matter who they are is counterproductive
Unfortunately, this always happens amongst what normies consider to be "conspiracy theorists".
Part of it is probably paranoia. Part of it is strictly business. Sad but true.
I personally like Stew Peters. He has some outlandish guests on, and I engage critical thinking skills always, in the same way I do as regards to Alex Jones. You won't win any non-believers over with Peters or Jones but if you have an open mind they are worth listening to, sometimes.
I think you are mainly talking about Peters in regard to Malone. Malone was working with an Indian vaccine manufacturer for Covid injections. Stew, rightly in my opinion, was quite irritated by the fact that Malone was working on the project whilst simultaneously coming out against Covid injections, specifically for children.
Peters specifically asked if Malone's project would be given to children if successful.
Malone's answer? "Let's see the data". It was a stupid answer and as far as I am aware, it made Malone realize he was being a hypocrite and he abandoned the project.
Unfortunately, you have to read everything you can in the alt-media and believe nothing. Use your brain and draw your own conclusions. Sadly, most people don't have time for that, which is why we are in the mess we are in.
During the Cold War there was the “Convergence Theory” that the Soviet Union and the West were becoming similar, especially economically. Same applies today with the vaxx.
And just as Communism was a western creation (Karl Marx, German) that Russia ran with, the vaxx insanity started more in the West but Russia is implementing it in a more draconian fashion than we are. Dumb move, Russia. Stop adopting the dumbest ideas that come out of the West.
Communism was not a "western creation." It's how humanity lived for 99% of its existence, before the rise of the grain based states some 7-8000 years ago, see "Against the Grain" by eminent historian James C Scott, 2017. And what Marx wrote about had little to do with the Soviet Union. The first act of the USSR, upon founding by Lenin, was to take away all power from local councils (soviets) and factory committees which had sprouted after the fall of the Czar, and institute "state capitalism" (Lenin's words), with communists and anarchists thrown in jail. Maurice Brinton, Bolsheviks and Workers' Control, 1970.
"And the former Bolsheviks supreme leaders were all Zionist Jews. Thanks :)"
I wrote about my contempt for the Bolsheviks and their notion of "communism" as being state capitalism earlier. And about communism as being the human way of life for 99% of the species' existence. But the above quote is ridiculous. Lenin a Zionist Jew? Stalin a Zionist Jew?
Whatever. Stating Stalin was a Jew is equivalent to claiming that due to gravity objects move upwards when let go in mid air on a still day, not a matter of "debate," except for post-modernist post truth hardliners. As if the world is a fact free zone.
You asked for UKC Telegram account. Not sure if they have it, but Alex Thomsom (UKC commissioning editor) has a very active channel and actively participates in it:
Alex Thomson of ukcolumn.org. Geopolitics, Christianity, education, constitution.
[Or maybe some of us just don’t like having Russians (including members of our extended family) subjected to coercive injections with an unproven genetic experiment? — Edward]
I was wondering how many people are in a similar position. In our case, our family includes people from four continents, which broadens the perspective considerably. 99% of blogs and news sources or more are absolutely one-sided. It doesn't matter if they are gloating about the imminent end of the West or Russia's supposed setbacks. Until they realize that we are all being lied to and instrumentalized for goals that are not our own, they have not grasped the real tragedy of events.
Please inform of us of who this Roper guy is that he’s considered so authorities on Russian MOD?
Tbh I’m reconsidering my stance on UK Column of being entirely trustworthy. But then I’ve often found their Israeli coverage questionable. Actually, I find most reporting is dependent on which side of that situation the writer supports. Aka it’s biased.
US MOD - mandatory in active and retired service men, women and other
UK MOD - not mandatory however often considered a factor so they’re not deployable. Letters and line management putting pressure on non-conforming V-free service personnel.
Why do you think all the MOD’s are so keen to in essence, possibly weaken their military? I don’t know. Illogical.
I’ve been considering the ‘war’ messaging particularly from BoXi (Johnson). It has indeed been a War. Against the public citizenry.
Then I was thinking of WW2 and the Film “Mrs Minever”. How many died from young men that had signed up or were drafted to the Military and varied ages from indiscriminate bombings in London?
Could it be that the victim numbers will work out the same? Such as to partially fulfill desires of Brandtland report?
All such results from their BATTLEGROUPS since even before Jan 2020 (bailouts, V schedules, gmo etc) is heart wrenching and painful. I am so stupefied by their obvious EVIL that I have no words to describe my thoughts.
Perhaps Munch’s Scream is the best describer.
Imagine telling a young 20 year old man that he must screen all dates to ensure his future mate is undone?
Or happy to have grandchildren but terrified of their futures?
It’s like a permanent nightmare. I hope I can wake up soon.
How does this happen? How is that people figure out that the World Economic Forum or Dick Cheney are bad people, and then wind up a few years down the road parroting Russian gov bollox? It's like a parasitic psy-op. First you escape the Western psy-op, next level: escape the Kremlin psy-op.
One other point, I’ve read from another substack a pondering question: where is the sat images of the frontline? Where is the footage from embedded reporting of the front line?
We only know the narrative they choose to tell us FROM BOTH SIDES.
Hey Riley. How are you? I hope all is good with you mate.
OK, this is a very weird situation. I've given this several hours to perculate and here are my thoughts.
First you got attacked by Tom Luongo, who I actually spent many hours chatting to one evening on his YouTube channel comments. He was cool and we shared the same worldview at the time.
The problem with Tom these days, as I have stated very loudly on Zero Hedge comments, is that he is existing in the wrong paradigm. Forgive me if I have misinterpreted your work but I am very much of the opinion that Putin (and Xi) are all-in on the globalist agenda and the idea that Russia and China are somehow "rogue states" viz-a-viz the "West" is laughable to me at this point.
I regard The Duran, along with their new sidekick Coach Redpill (pukes) as listening to a never ending epistemological treatise on how many angels you can fit on a pin head. So much hot air spouted, so many vital points missed, so much idiocy. If they have ever uttered the name Klaus Schwab or mentioned UN Agenda 2030, I haven't heard it.
Back to Tom again. He's allergic to the words "World Economic Forum". He can just about muster a "Davos" now and again. What's wrong with him, doesn't he want to be in the cool kids club of conspiracy theorists where we get everything right, often within 24 hours these days?
As an avid browser of the entire political spectrum, I am aware that Putin may actually be a multi-billionaire (at least). I would not be surprised if Xi were the same, or even richer.
As I have communicated to you before, Rockefeller created modern-day China. People like Bill Gates (and indeed the whole apparatus of institutions like the UN) are Rockefeller creations. After the "collapse" of the Soviet Empire [see https://jrnyquist.blog/ for some interesting takes], the CIA got in there real quick and helped a bunch of no-name literal-whos to become oligarchs under the drunken "rule" of Yeltsin.
Are you seriously telling me that the CIA got kicked out of Russia and magically disappeared because of Vlad The Bad? And then these newly minted oligarchs got to keep everything they stole coz reasons? This is ludicrous.
As you can already probably tell, this is going to turn into one of my fabled essays.
What really does it for me is that, here in France, where we had some of the most draconian anti-coof measures in Europe, suddenly the government said "all good it's all over now", and then a week or two later, the Ukraine narrative became dominant. It was like a narrative light switch. The cattle tags were quickly replaced with Ukrainian flags hanging from every building.
I always wondered why the CIA, Soros and the Obama administration overthrew a democratically elected government and replaced it with a CIA, Yeltsin-style oligarchical corrupt shitehole. Now we know, it was a placeholder event for current year. Forgive me if my figures are slightly off but I believe Ukraine went from third least corrupt country on Earth to the fourth most corrupt shitehole in six months after Nuland got involved. But the West hates corruption and loves democracy amiright?
It's quite clear to me that the whole purpose of the current psyop is to destroy Europe, and the US if at all possible. The so-called "sanctions" on Russia were nothing but the complete and utter destruction of European energy and consequently food.
It's somewhat astonishing that the anarcho-tyrannical plutocratic kakistocracy known as the UK is going down the tubes faster than almost any other European country, but with WEF member Liz Truss and her "financial reset", surely things can only get better soon? At least they removed "Build Back Better" as the first thing you see on their website - https://www.conservatives.com/ - now they just hint at it in speeches. How charming!
OK, so onto current nonsense. I don't know what to make of this Vanessa Beeley, and never have. She lives in Syria apparently. First of all, in 2022, WHY? Second, who is paying her bills? I haven't seen any discernible way she has "kept the lights on" over the years, although she does now appear to have a Substack.
Drama follows this lady everywhere, most notably in the case of James Corbett telling Sibel Edmonds to do one after she attacked both Beeley and Eva Bartlett.
I watched the UKColumn video in question and my opinion was she genuinely had an axe to grind with your work. I'm not sure if I am remembering correctly or not but I am pretty sure you have called out her quoted "experts" as full of it in the past. The names certainly ring a bell.
UKColumn do such great work normally, but adding Beeley to the team made me suspicious the first time I saw her on there. The tone of the last few episodes has been "the West bad, Putin good", which in my view is completely naive (see Luongo and The Duran).
It's the definition of the expanding brain meme, quite honestly. Here's one I made just now, specifically for this post.
NAILED IT, Riley. Thanks for addressing this matter. Beeley's account is even worse than i suspected. She doesn't even use people with names as her "sources." She, like so many in the West, are just desperate to believe Vladimir because they're pinning all their hopes for countering the Evil Empire and its Great Reset upon him and the rest of the BRICS bloc. That's why she and UK Column have an audience among the "health freedom community" people i know.
Very informative. Thank you
most welcome. Thanks for reading.
Uncle Putin, opening markets for the Russian version of the military-industrial complex and the Russian "vaccine" peddler cartel, because nazis and patriotism. With "enemies" like Putin and Xi, the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate's top of the pyramid is in no need of making any friends.
Congratulations, Riley!! You've officially made it to the Big Guys league. No one would bother to "debunk" a non-famous humble Russian correspondent. Raising a glass of vodka to the FORMIDABLE BRAND RECOGNITION of my favorite Russia COVID writer.
Hah, because of this I learned about Harold Beeley, Vanessa's despicable father and an architect of the state of Israel... She's got some baggage, no wonder she gets regular shock therapy.
Thanks for your comment about Vanessa B's father. Very enlightening. I just did however, take a quick look at his Wikipedia page. I know that Wiki is not the best resource for "real" unbiased info. However, the page did reveal at great deal about her father's career. He def was very much part of the establishment. So one could only speculate that Vanessa might have relied upon some of her family connections to get where she is today. But, if you had any additional info the share? It would be much appreciated?
Yes, indeed, Tessa and Riley, in my neck of the woods people have started to ask questions : what is this about Russian obligatory vaccination? Is it true? I ask them how did this topic appear, they say they've seen it in mainstream tabloid news, this morning, Croatia.
No one should be injected with an "experimental mess" that's neither safe nor effective and does not prevent the contraction or transmission of the virus.
I agree that no one should be injected, but there really is no virus to transmit, nothing to be "effective" against.
Vanessa Beeley has been ignoring the con-vid and sputnik v mess in Russia forever.
You would think she would bring up her issues with it, as she has done with most of the west, but in her mind, it seems Russia is immune to criticism when it comes to con-vid, lol.
My hunch is she’s on the Russian government’s payroll. She behaves as if she is so she might as well be paid for it...
Hey Riley,
You have once again been quotated in an article in the French alt-media. This time it is on Égalité et Réconciliation, one of the most famous and with a large audience.
You will find the reference in the note 14.
" Antony Fauci of the Putin regime, Gintsburg claims authorship of the Sputnik V serum, an AstraZeneca clone (as he himself has acknowledged), at least as toxic and dangerous as the latter, and which the Russian administration promotes among its population by means of nudging methods almost identical to those which the McKinsey philanthropists have "advised" the use of to the E. Macron governments. On covidism in Russia, see the blog of the excellent Eduard Slavsquat, a defector from the English-language editorial staff of Russia Today."
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Very cool. thanks for sharing, Bugey. Hope all is well with you, my friend
Hey Riley,
I am well bro', got a new job, in a cooperative cheese dairy... Are you still in Tbilissi? Have you tried wine grown in amphoras?
Jah bless you!
i havnt watched UK Column for a while but im very disheartened and concerned to hear they are heading down the stew peters route
hes been lashing out at some people that are on our team, i gave up watching him a while back so im not familiar with the details but going after people speaking up against the jabs no matter who they are is counterproductive
Unfortunately, this always happens amongst what normies consider to be "conspiracy theorists".
Part of it is probably paranoia. Part of it is strictly business. Sad but true.
I personally like Stew Peters. He has some outlandish guests on, and I engage critical thinking skills always, in the same way I do as regards to Alex Jones. You won't win any non-believers over with Peters or Jones but if you have an open mind they are worth listening to, sometimes.
I think you are mainly talking about Peters in regard to Malone. Malone was working with an Indian vaccine manufacturer for Covid injections. Stew, rightly in my opinion, was quite irritated by the fact that Malone was working on the project whilst simultaneously coming out against Covid injections, specifically for children.
Peters specifically asked if Malone's project would be given to children if successful.
Malone's answer? "Let's see the data". It was a stupid answer and as far as I am aware, it made Malone realize he was being a hypocrite and he abandoned the project.
Unfortunately, you have to read everything you can in the alt-media and believe nothing. Use your brain and draw your own conclusions. Sadly, most people don't have time for that, which is why we are in the mess we are in.
During the Cold War there was the “Convergence Theory” that the Soviet Union and the West were becoming similar, especially economically. Same applies today with the vaxx.
And just as Communism was a western creation (Karl Marx, German) that Russia ran with, the vaxx insanity started more in the West but Russia is implementing it in a more draconian fashion than we are. Dumb move, Russia. Stop adopting the dumbest ideas that come out of the West.
Communism was not a "western creation." It's how humanity lived for 99% of its existence, before the rise of the grain based states some 7-8000 years ago, see "Against the Grain" by eminent historian James C Scott, 2017. And what Marx wrote about had little to do with the Soviet Union. The first act of the USSR, upon founding by Lenin, was to take away all power from local councils (soviets) and factory committees which had sprouted after the fall of the Czar, and institute "state capitalism" (Lenin's words), with communists and anarchists thrown in jail. Maurice Brinton, Bolsheviks and Workers' Control, 1970.
Yep... They sabotaged the system that works where people don't need owners...
It's just like how the pro civil rights left turned into fascists during con-vid.
"And the former Bolsheviks supreme leaders were all Zionist Jews. Thanks :)"
I wrote about my contempt for the Bolsheviks and their notion of "communism" as being state capitalism earlier. And about communism as being the human way of life for 99% of the species' existence. But the above quote is ridiculous. Lenin a Zionist Jew? Stalin a Zionist Jew?
You asserted something about the early Bolsheviks, and i'm asking questions about Lenin and Stalin. Are you answering with a question? :-)
Whatever. Stating Stalin was a Jew is equivalent to claiming that due to gravity objects move upwards when let go in mid air on a still day, not a matter of "debate," except for post-modernist post truth hardliners. As if the world is a fact free zone.
You asked for UKC Telegram account. Not sure if they have it, but Alex Thomsom (UKC commissioning editor) has a very active channel and actively participates in it:
Alex Thomson of ukcolumn.org. Geopolitics, Christianity, education, constitution.
Hope this helps
[Or maybe some of us just don’t like having Russians (including members of our extended family) subjected to coercive injections with an unproven genetic experiment? — Edward]
I was wondering how many people are in a similar position. In our case, our family includes people from four continents, which broadens the perspective considerably. 99% of blogs and news sources or more are absolutely one-sided. It doesn't matter if they are gloating about the imminent end of the West or Russia's supposed setbacks. Until they realize that we are all being lied to and instrumentalized for goals that are not our own, they have not grasped the real tragedy of events.
Please inform of us of who this Roper guy is that he’s considered so authorities on Russian MOD?
Tbh I’m reconsidering my stance on UK Column of being entirely trustworthy. But then I’ve often found their Israeli coverage questionable. Actually, I find most reporting is dependent on which side of that situation the writer supports. Aka it’s biased.
US MOD - mandatory in active and retired service men, women and other
UK MOD - not mandatory however often considered a factor so they’re not deployable. Letters and line management putting pressure on non-conforming V-free service personnel.
Why do you think all the MOD’s are so keen to in essence, possibly weaken their military? I don’t know. Illogical.
I’ve been considering the ‘war’ messaging particularly from BoXi (Johnson). It has indeed been a War. Against the public citizenry.
Then I was thinking of WW2 and the Film “Mrs Minever”. How many died from young men that had signed up or were drafted to the Military and varied ages from indiscriminate bombings in London?
Could it be that the victim numbers will work out the same? Such as to partially fulfill desires of Brandtland report?
Certainly been a Psyop war.
I’ve no clue regards “Mrs Minerva” but am wondering if you’ve ever read “Gravity’s Rainbow”? by Thomas Pynchon
All such results from their BATTLEGROUPS since even before Jan 2020 (bailouts, V schedules, gmo etc) is heart wrenching and painful. I am so stupefied by their obvious EVIL that I have no words to describe my thoughts.
Perhaps Munch’s Scream is the best describer.
Imagine telling a young 20 year old man that he must screen all dates to ensure his future mate is undone?
Or happy to have grandchildren but terrified of their futures?
It’s like a permanent nightmare. I hope I can wake up soon.
The blowing up of the Guidestones tends to make me think the operation IS completed.
excellent reporting. thanks for providing a well sourced different perspective in the jungle of emotional disinfo
How does this happen? How is that people figure out that the World Economic Forum or Dick Cheney are bad people, and then wind up a few years down the road parroting Russian gov bollox? It's like a parasitic psy-op. First you escape the Western psy-op, next level: escape the Kremlin psy-op.
One other point, I’ve read from another substack a pondering question: where is the sat images of the frontline? Where is the footage from embedded reporting of the front line?
We only know the narrative they choose to tell us FROM BOTH SIDES.
Hey Riley. How are you? I hope all is good with you mate.
OK, this is a very weird situation. I've given this several hours to perculate and here are my thoughts.
First you got attacked by Tom Luongo, who I actually spent many hours chatting to one evening on his YouTube channel comments. He was cool and we shared the same worldview at the time.
The problem with Tom these days, as I have stated very loudly on Zero Hedge comments, is that he is existing in the wrong paradigm. Forgive me if I have misinterpreted your work but I am very much of the opinion that Putin (and Xi) are all-in on the globalist agenda and the idea that Russia and China are somehow "rogue states" viz-a-viz the "West" is laughable to me at this point.
I regard The Duran, along with their new sidekick Coach Redpill (pukes) as listening to a never ending epistemological treatise on how many angels you can fit on a pin head. So much hot air spouted, so many vital points missed, so much idiocy. If they have ever uttered the name Klaus Schwab or mentioned UN Agenda 2030, I haven't heard it.
Back to Tom again. He's allergic to the words "World Economic Forum". He can just about muster a "Davos" now and again. What's wrong with him, doesn't he want to be in the cool kids club of conspiracy theorists where we get everything right, often within 24 hours these days?
As an avid browser of the entire political spectrum, I am aware that Putin may actually be a multi-billionaire (at least). I would not be surprised if Xi were the same, or even richer.
As I have communicated to you before, Rockefeller created modern-day China. People like Bill Gates (and indeed the whole apparatus of institutions like the UN) are Rockefeller creations. After the "collapse" of the Soviet Empire [see https://jrnyquist.blog/ for some interesting takes], the CIA got in there real quick and helped a bunch of no-name literal-whos to become oligarchs under the drunken "rule" of Yeltsin.
Are you seriously telling me that the CIA got kicked out of Russia and magically disappeared because of Vlad The Bad? And then these newly minted oligarchs got to keep everything they stole coz reasons? This is ludicrous.
As you can already probably tell, this is going to turn into one of my fabled essays.
What really does it for me is that, here in France, where we had some of the most draconian anti-coof measures in Europe, suddenly the government said "all good it's all over now", and then a week or two later, the Ukraine narrative became dominant. It was like a narrative light switch. The cattle tags were quickly replaced with Ukrainian flags hanging from every building.
I always wondered why the CIA, Soros and the Obama administration overthrew a democratically elected government and replaced it with a CIA, Yeltsin-style oligarchical corrupt shitehole. Now we know, it was a placeholder event for current year. Forgive me if my figures are slightly off but I believe Ukraine went from third least corrupt country on Earth to the fourth most corrupt shitehole in six months after Nuland got involved. But the West hates corruption and loves democracy amiright?
It's quite clear to me that the whole purpose of the current psyop is to destroy Europe, and the US if at all possible. The so-called "sanctions" on Russia were nothing but the complete and utter destruction of European energy and consequently food.
It's somewhat astonishing that the anarcho-tyrannical plutocratic kakistocracy known as the UK is going down the tubes faster than almost any other European country, but with WEF member Liz Truss and her "financial reset", surely things can only get better soon? At least they removed "Build Back Better" as the first thing you see on their website - https://www.conservatives.com/ - now they just hint at it in speeches. How charming!
OK, so onto current nonsense. I don't know what to make of this Vanessa Beeley, and never have. She lives in Syria apparently. First of all, in 2022, WHY? Second, who is paying her bills? I haven't seen any discernible way she has "kept the lights on" over the years, although she does now appear to have a Substack.
Drama follows this lady everywhere, most notably in the case of James Corbett telling Sibel Edmonds to do one after she attacked both Beeley and Eva Bartlett.
I watched the UKColumn video in question and my opinion was she genuinely had an axe to grind with your work. I'm not sure if I am remembering correctly or not but I am pretty sure you have called out her quoted "experts" as full of it in the past. The names certainly ring a bell.
UKColumn do such great work normally, but adding Beeley to the team made me suspicious the first time I saw her on there. The tone of the last few episodes has been "the West bad, Putin good", which in my view is completely naive (see Luongo and The Duran).
It's the definition of the expanding brain meme, quite honestly. Here's one I made just now, specifically for this post.
I hope that the UKColumn will have you on to address this, I'm slightly appalled by this quite honestly.
You're a great journalist, Riley. As a journalist, you do the job and very few does.
You can easily serve as a role model for UK Column (even though prostitution can not be compared to journalism).
In 2021 I also had the same information regarding compulsory vaccination for russian army.
Your work is essential as it protects children from a irreversible satanist project. So THANK YOU Riley!
NAILED IT, Riley. Thanks for addressing this matter. Beeley's account is even worse than i suspected. She doesn't even use people with names as her "sources." She, like so many in the West, are just desperate to believe Vladimir because they're pinning all their hopes for countering the Evil Empire and its Great Reset upon him and the rest of the BRICS bloc. That's why she and UK Column have an audience among the "health freedom community" people i know.