Happy International Workers’ Day to the lucky handful of laborers who haven’t been “made redundant” by robots (yet).
In the United States, May Day is celebrated in September and is commemorated with a hotdog eating contest and explosive deals at the local discount mattress warehouse. Or is that a different holiday? (Trick question: it’s every American holiday.)
In Russia, Den' Truda is marked with marches. Lots and lots of marches. In 2019, an estimated 100,000 Muscovites participated in May Day festivities. But that was before the COVID Troubles.
For the last two years, Spring and Labor Day processions across Russia have been canceled due to the threat of positive PCR tests. Two years of humiliation, gaslighting and state-sponsored soul-rape.
But this year is different. Russia has finally freed itself from the Globalist Yoke. All virus scam restrictions have been lifted—Russia is finally free. Finally, dignity. Finally, basic human decency. Finally, the nightmare is over.
From Moscow to Vladivostok, millions of Russians are expected to partake in marches today:
Wait… but… didn’t Moscow cancel its face diaper regime on March 14? Didn’t Putin hold a massive rally in the capital on March 18?
Maybe the traditional slogan of “Peace, Labor, May”—highly incendiary!—triggered an outbreak of Xtreme Stealth Omicron? Yes.
(Even if they changed the mantra to “Labor, May”—that would still be way too provocative. According to Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, around 200,000 residents could lose their jobs due to the exit of foreign companies.)
Nobody in Russia actually believes marching down the street on May 1 would spread “coronavirus”. Not a single Russian, anywhere, actually believes this. Everyone knows it’s total bullshit.
But the authorities don’t care. Why should they? “They lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”
Nothing changes.
Seven days from now, a huge number of people will gather in Moscow to mark Victory Day. This particular public gathering will be permitted of course. However, there are conditions:
Russia has not defeated the Virus Scam. On the contrary, the scam has become more wanton, shameless and arbitrary. It is being turned on and off like a light switch without even the pretense of trying to safeguard public health. This is a feature, not a bug, of Permanent Biosecurity.
And yet: some of the liveliest intellects of our time continue to insist Putin karate-chopped COVID Tyranny on February 24.
No. Completely wrong. Anyone who claims this is horribly misinformed.
As your humble Moscow correspondent observed more than a month ago, around-the-clock news coverage and public rituals are now reserved for the “special operation” in Ukraine. The dreaded Virus has become an omnipresent but normalized danger that can be suppressed—but never fully eradicated.
It’s true that in many parts of Russia, the most glaring physical manifestations of the scam (masks and cattle tags) have receded into the background. But how is this evidence of anything? Most countries began canceling COVID rules weeks before Russia did. For example, Israel—a devout disciple of the Virus Cult—rolled back its infamous “Green Pass” in early February (reportedly it’s still used for concerts and other large events). Yakutia wasn’t fully QR code-free until April 15. Yakutia!
Does this mean Israel has abandoned Anti-Human Biosecurity? Of course not. Even without the vaxx pass, the main tenets of the public health hoax remain untouched and unchallenged. It’s the same in Russia.
We understand there is still much confusion on this subject so we have prepared a helpful list of Frequently Asked Questions about COVID Russia.
Q: My favorite 5D Russia Pundit told me Putin pulled the plug on all COVID restrictions as part of a judo shadowplay to expose the Empire of Lies. True?
A: Yeah…. no. This fairytale is so far removed from observable reality that it’s difficult to know where to begin. Consider the following:
On April 29, authorities in Primorye announced mandatory COVID testing for certain business sectors and categories of citizens. In some cases, residents will be forced to get tested once a week.

On April 25, Buryatia extended its face diaper requirement until May 31. Perm followed suit two days later.
These aren’t isolated cases. Regions across Russia are doubling down on masks and other COVID restrictions.
In some respects, the scam is becoming more sophisticated and high-tech. On April 19, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that scientists in St. Petersburg had developed a new method to detect COVID “based on the use of DNA machines.” The new screening process involves inspecting a sample of “DNA or RNA.” Their words, not ours.
We picked that story out of a hat. Every day, a Russian technocrat announces some new COVID-related atrocity.

On April 4 —more than a month after Russia launched its “special military operation”—it was reported that only 29 of Russia’s 85 federal subjects had completely or partially removed COVID restrictions.
By the way: compulsory vaccination is still going strong in Russia. Some regions have dropped coercive vaxxing after reaching the Holy Grail of “80% herd immunity,” but numerous federal subjects are still actively shoving dangerous, unproven slurries into Russian arms.
Take, for example, this TASS article from April 22 announcing Pskov’s decision to extend COVID rules:
Yes, two months after allegedly checkmating the globalists, liberals, and fifth columnists, Russia is still vaxxing its population with useless genetic goo. More on that below.
Q: Yeah okay but they are winding down the vaxxing in Russia, right? Right?!
A: If anything, Russia is gearing up for more injections.
At the start of April, Russia’s “nasal vaccine” became available for anyone who wants to get nose-vaxxed.
Fun fact about the genetic nose spray: Nobody knows what it does because it’s barely been tested. This has been a common theme over the last two years.
This new flavor of genetic goo is so blatantly unnecessary that Kommersant, Russia’s most normie newspaper, felt the need to speak out:
The developers have put into circulation a drug that they themselves do not yet know much about, said Anton Barchuk, director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Medical Research at the European University in St. Petersburg: “I would warn against using the nasal [vaccine]. Despite the fact that it was registered, we had precedents when registered vaccines did not show any effectiveness in the future. And we again have made the same mistake, like at the very beginning of the launch of COVID vaccination in Russia, when before the completion of clinical trials of the drug, it was sent to civilian circulation. It is desirable to complete the trials to see how the nasal vaccine works as a replacement for the injection.”
Uh. Trust the plan?
Meanwhile, the federal government has been aggressively pushing Sputnik-M, the untested abomination given to Russians aged 12 to 17. The only good news here is that Russia’s Supreme Court recently ruled that minors cannot get the clot-shot without parental consent.
On April 27, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko triumphantly announced that Sputnik-Kiddo was now available in every region of Russia, and recommended that teenagers get vaccinated before going to summer camp.
No, we’re not done yet.
In April, Russia’s Bill Gates-linked technocrat, Veronika Skvortsova, launched her own line of barely-tested goo, “Convacell.”
The current plan is to pump out 2 million doses of Convacell, but in the future Skvortsova wants to ramp up production to 30 million doses per year.
Probably just a “feint.” The Kremlin is really good at those.
We’re still not done yet.
In mid-March, R-Pharm (a Russian drug company that manufactures both AstraZeneca’s shot and Sputnik V) asked for permission to sell the British-Swedish slurry in Russia. Curiously, the Kremlin has financial ties to R-Pharm. You can read about this beautiful Big Pharma love affair here. (Fun fact: Iran is already importing AstraZeneca doses produced by R-Pharm. You’re welcome, Iran! Enjoy the blood clots.)
All of this points to one thing and one thing only: more vaxxing. It is what it is.
Q: Okay, fine! Russia hasn’t dumped the Virus Scam. But surely the federal government would never try to antagonize the population with a new “wave” while the country is at war with the Collective West?
A: One would hope not. But unfortunately there is a large amount of evidence to suggest otherwise:
April 29: “It is important to prevent a rise in the incidence of coronavirus infection after the May holidays, according to Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova… Golikova also considers it necessary to increase vaccination coverage against COVID-19.”
April 22: Residents of St. Petersburg were warned by the city’s epidemiological surveillance department that “COVID has not gone away” and that there was a risk of a new wave after the May holidays.
April 19: Rospotrebnadzor, a federal agency responsible for “human wellbeing” in Russia, predicted that a fresh batch of coronavirus could terrorize the country at any moment.
“There is no need to talk about the end of the pandemic,” Anna Popova, Russia’s COVID Nanny, declared.
April 17: Russia’s health ministry published an article on the government’s official information portal reminding Russians that the COVID vaccine is included on the country’s epidemiological vaccine schedule (a decision that was made at the end of December), and warning of a new wave of COVID:
The level of herd immunity from COVID-19 is 46% and is decreasing.
Head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko said that in Russia at the end of May-June a new wave of coronavirus can be expected. “Everything will depend on us. The new wave, including its strength, will depend on how you and I act. In particular, both issues related to revaccination, and issues of compliance with sanitary norms and rules, and timely response,” the minister explained.
The clot-shot’s inclusion on the epidemiological vaccine schedule does not mean it is compulsory for all citizens. However, the health ministry felt it was important to point out that refusing the shot could have consequences for certain groups of people:
We could keep going but we’ll stop here.
Enough already
On January 21, Strategic Culture Foundation—the most elite group of 5D chess analysts on the planet—declared Russia “had essentially given up on anti-COVID measures.”
Five days later, on January 26, Moscow canceled planned hospitalizations for children due to “an unprecedented rise in coronavirus infections.” At least a dozen other regions halted routine care for residents, allegedly because omicron had overwhelmed the healthcare system.
In Rostov—which has been providing Donbass refugees with free medical care—planned hospitalizations and screenings for residents only resumed on March 24, a full month after the “special operation” started. C’mon now.
Sadly, Rostov wasn’t the last region to reboot basic healthcare for Russians. On April 7, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin revealed that there were still regions that hadn’t restored routine medical care because of “COVID”.
Do you know what canceling routine screenings and medical care does? It kills people. A lot of people.
As Kommersant reported on February 7:
In 2020, 100,000 fewer cases of malignant cancer were detected in Russia than a year earlier. However, already in 2021, a trend towards an increase in the number of detected cases became noticeable. Experts believe that the increase in the number of patients diagnosed with advanced cancer is due to the pandemic, during which the volume of scheduled examinations decreases, and people postpone the diagnosis. In 2025, we should expect a significant number of deaths, experts believe.
Such a massive, retarded own-goal. Criminal and awe-inspiring. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
С Праздником!
Putin definitely stopped covid tyranny in Ukraine, even if only temporarily. The Cabinet of Ministers graciously allowed the unvaccinated employees to return to work for the martial law period. Vaccination stations disappeared from the malls, nobody asks people to put on masks, and nobody is wearing them. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts.
"They lie, we know they're lying they know we know but they lie anyways and we pretend not to notice" I'm paraphrasing slightly but well said. It begs the question why we would consider these liars and thieves and their lies at all, much less trust them with life and liberty. Very well written inside view thank you