Truer words never spoken,” sometimes it might seem as if the whole world is drowning in an Olympic cesspool of the most brazen affronts to basic decency and common sense ever conceived.”
I have been to Tbilisi. This is exactly how I remember it. The compulsory regimen of hospitality; eating, drinking, speechifying, toasting — gamar<i>JHOSE!</i> Brutal. The natives nice enough, smiling with those big liquid eyes, joking in that inscrutable language, but a constant undercurrent of sinister conspiracy. I recall, barely, barfing out the back window of a monstrous black and chrome Chaika limo after one excessively festive feast. Visiting a pottery where the potter spun his wares under a framed portrait of local-boy-made-good Djugashvili. Are the streets still filled with smoking cars burning filthy Azerbaijani gas? Good times. You picked a fine place for misadventure. Enjoying your dispatches.
I know: Tell the limo driver to drive to Yerevan (if there's no driver, ask Mr. Strasse and offer something in return like new tires, if the tread is worn down; if not, carefully poke a hole in one tire). I mean, you don't want to be our limo-based writer ("with memories from Moscow") now, do you?
Wow, sorry to hear that. Sounds like a set-up by the Georgian FSB. At least it seems Riley has access to the internet in detention or maybe released from detention by now since this Part III is published.
I could understand if gorgeous Georgian girls lured you into a trap. However Georgian men? I would have NONCOMPLIED with their "instructions".
It figures that Joseph Stalin was Georgian.
The lesson learned for me is that I will NEVER go to Georgia. Way too expensive (total: 545 lari—$195) for tobacco and drinks. And way too many mysterious encounters.
Final note> Riley is always welcome in Belarus. Riley would NEVER have these mysterious encounters in Belarus. I invite Riley to Belarus and will give Riley free lodging while waiting for his Russian visa.
I will send you a message on Friday with more details. Please note that I am due to travel to USA to see my mom and sister in the middle of August for 2 weeks. NO PCR test and NO injection requirements for ONLY USA citizens to USA. Foreigners on the other hand are required to be INJECTED if foreigners want to visit USA. I also plan to double check the EU/Lithuania entry requirements on Friday to see if I missed anything. I will cancel my flight and vacation if there is a injection/testing requirement that I overlooked.
P.S. Lesson learned> Next time be the first one to leave first, throw a crumpled lari bill on the table and stick them with the bill. If the Georgian men play these dirty tricks, I can imagine what Georgian women can do. I am sure that your guard is up now. We on this posting board would help rescue you in Georgia if we could.
Hello Perception Deception, or should I rather say, "hello Myself in Belarus"? Since the weirdo self righteous conspiracy theorist knows it all pseudo 'sandrine' pretend we are one commentator...
It is time for you/me to confess that we are/I am a Transnistrian agent and that we have been promised a cozy Dacha in the outskirts of Tiraspol and at least 100 transnistrian ruble in order to hide the fact that the all powerful Nazi Wagner/Putin are about to conquer Africa while chasing benevolent France in the area.
The Transnistrian government has also financed Afrique Média a pseudo Africanist outlet. I must confess also that I/we are not only BugeyLibre /Perception Deception but also BandaKani, the commentator of the visit of micron in Cameroon and that it is our real face ... Sadly true. And furthermore, this is what You/I said about the glorious French président of the Rothschildian France. Tanslating colourful French African language is not easy but body talks...
From 13'15 something, " We shouldn't even welcome them, unless there is a revolution there (in France) and that they send people who are up to the present challenges, but things like that (micron), we should honor them at home (Africa)?... Laurent Waukiez, a French politician says about him (micron) that he is a souless desert ... When one say about a human being that he is such, that means that we are facing a human form, empty, without a soul, that is an animated object... He pretends to be animated by a God Jupiter (true, he was called like that by one of his minister in 2017 and the minister officialy also said that he himself was Hermes!)... He is a strange man, that is to say, impolite, badly raised by his parents, an arrogant, everywhere he goes, he annoys everybody, he sweat death, nobody want to be close to him... He has a negative power of contagion... That is the man who talks to Africans!...
micron in Benin, watch the reaction of the man while he touches him:
How come you attack another country during a press conference (Russia)... Is that diplomacy? What is it?... You are visiting a country, Cameroon and you make believe that it is with the authorisation of the Cameronese President that you say that Russia attack Central Africa, Mali... And you see him tensed, edgy... anguished... You asked to start your tour in Africa notwithstanding the shit you have poured out for years, notwithstanding you absolute smallness, your insignificance, from our point of view, you are totally worthless... etc...etc." You got the point and you might notice the body language that you /I/him displays while on the payroll of Transnistria Perception Deception/Bugey Libre.
It has been revealed that the 89 years old President of Cameroon, a benevolent leader installed by France, has invested 10 millions of CFA to pay students and crowds to welcome micron while he was crossing the streets of the capital. It has also been revealed that typical small business owner have seen their small shops so that the micron's cortege could ride pompously:
I guest Naja Tv is also on the payroll of Russia viaTransnistria...
On a final note, I have decided that I should stop commenting on that great blog when it deals with pharma things (THANKS AGAIN RILEY!)and that you/I Perception Deception shall comment since the pseudo sabine has revealed the truth on our/yours/my
Maybe, I will comment on the literary/so funny articles but never again on serious ones. I will read them, learn from knowledgeable commentators and be thankful to Riley for his work.
Keep on writing Riley, may the "Muse on the Hill" keeps loving you and that you can go back to your Moscovite suburb in peace and health with a bottle or two of jar grown wine from Georgian.
It is so sad that my country is being cut from Russian, that the Russian Systema instructors won't be able to come any more. It is also very very sad that France is cut more and more from Africa because of the behavior of it's psychopatic oligarchs.
I'm on the edge of my seat!😳
Truer words never spoken,” sometimes it might seem as if the whole world is drowning in an Olympic cesspool of the most brazen affronts to basic decency and common sense ever conceived.”
Fantastic writing! Fun, funny, and wildly engaging! Real Mark Twain-level greatness!
That's incredibly kind. Thanks for reading, Daniel!
I have been to Tbilisi. This is exactly how I remember it. The compulsory regimen of hospitality; eating, drinking, speechifying, toasting — gamar<i>JHOSE!</i> Brutal. The natives nice enough, smiling with those big liquid eyes, joking in that inscrutable language, but a constant undercurrent of sinister conspiracy. I recall, barely, barfing out the back window of a monstrous black and chrome Chaika limo after one excessively festive feast. Visiting a pottery where the potter spun his wares under a framed portrait of local-boy-made-good Djugashvili. Are the streets still filled with smoking cars burning filthy Azerbaijani gas? Good times. You picked a fine place for misadventure. Enjoying your dispatches.
Have you considered taking a bus to Yerevan?
I can't. I'm in Strasse's limo!
Call Harut!
I know: Tell the limo driver to drive to Yerevan (if there's no driver, ask Mr. Strasse and offer something in return like new tires, if the tread is worn down; if not, carefully poke a hole in one tire). I mean, you don't want to be our limo-based writer ("with memories from Moscow") now, do you?
Wow, sorry to hear that. Sounds like a set-up by the Georgian FSB. At least it seems Riley has access to the internet in detention or maybe released from detention by now since this Part III is published.
I could understand if gorgeous Georgian girls lured you into a trap. However Georgian men? I would have NONCOMPLIED with their "instructions".
It figures that Joseph Stalin was Georgian.
The lesson learned for me is that I will NEVER go to Georgia. Way too expensive (total: 545 lari—$195) for tobacco and drinks. And way too many mysterious encounters.
Final note> Riley is always welcome in Belarus. Riley would NEVER have these mysterious encounters in Belarus. I invite Riley to Belarus and will give Riley free lodging while waiting for his Russian visa.
you're very kind!
I will send you a message on Friday with more details. Please note that I am due to travel to USA to see my mom and sister in the middle of August for 2 weeks. NO PCR test and NO injection requirements for ONLY USA citizens to USA. Foreigners on the other hand are required to be INJECTED if foreigners want to visit USA. I also plan to double check the EU/Lithuania entry requirements on Friday to see if I missed anything. I will cancel my flight and vacation if there is a injection/testing requirement that I overlooked.
P.S. Lesson learned> Next time be the first one to leave first, throw a crumpled lari bill on the table and stick them with the bill. If the Georgian men play these dirty tricks, I can imagine what Georgian women can do. I am sure that your guard is up now. We on this posting board would help rescue you in Georgia if we could.
Hello Perception Deception, or should I rather say, "hello Myself in Belarus"? Since the weirdo self righteous conspiracy theorist knows it all pseudo 'sandrine' pretend we are one commentator...
It is time for you/me to confess that we are/I am a Transnistrian agent and that we have been promised a cozy Dacha in the outskirts of Tiraspol and at least 100 transnistrian ruble in order to hide the fact that the all powerful Nazi Wagner/Putin are about to conquer Africa while chasing benevolent France in the area.
The Transnistrian government has also financed Afrique Média a pseudo Africanist outlet. I must confess also that I/we are not only BugeyLibre /Perception Deception but also BandaKani, the commentator of the visit of micron in Cameroon and that it is our real face ... Sadly true. And furthermore, this is what You/I said about the glorious French président of the Rothschildian France. Tanslating colourful French African language is not easy but body talks...
From 13'15 something, " We shouldn't even welcome them, unless there is a revolution there (in France) and that they send people who are up to the present challenges, but things like that (micron), we should honor them at home (Africa)?... Laurent Waukiez, a French politician says about him (micron) that he is a souless desert ... When one say about a human being that he is such, that means that we are facing a human form, empty, without a soul, that is an animated object... He pretends to be animated by a God Jupiter (true, he was called like that by one of his minister in 2017 and the minister officialy also said that he himself was Hermes!)... He is a strange man, that is to say, impolite, badly raised by his parents, an arrogant, everywhere he goes, he annoys everybody, he sweat death, nobody want to be close to him... He has a negative power of contagion... That is the man who talks to Africans!...
micron in Benin, watch the reaction of the man while he touches him:
How come you attack another country during a press conference (Russia)... Is that diplomacy? What is it?... You are visiting a country, Cameroon and you make believe that it is with the authorisation of the Cameronese President that you say that Russia attack Central Africa, Mali... And you see him tensed, edgy... anguished... You asked to start your tour in Africa notwithstanding the shit you have poured out for years, notwithstanding you absolute smallness, your insignificance, from our point of view, you are totally worthless... etc...etc." You got the point and you might notice the body language that you /I/him displays while on the payroll of Transnistria Perception Deception/Bugey Libre.
It has been revealed that the 89 years old President of Cameroon, a benevolent leader installed by France, has invested 10 millions of CFA to pay students and crowds to welcome micron while he was crossing the streets of the capital. It has also been revealed that typical small business owner have seen their small shops so that the micron's cortege could ride pompously:
I guest Naja Tv is also on the payroll of Russia viaTransnistria...
On a final note, I have decided that I should stop commenting on that great blog when it deals with pharma things (THANKS AGAIN RILEY!)and that you/I Perception Deception shall comment since the pseudo sabine has revealed the truth on our/yours/my
Maybe, I will comment on the literary/so funny articles but never again on serious ones. I will read them, learn from knowledgeable commentators and be thankful to Riley for his work.
Take care! Gamarjoba!!! One Love!
PS: People who really love Freedom accept that others think differently in such a complex world (complex and raving mad for sure.).
Mega Oupss! I had not given the link to the Afrique Média analyses of micron's visit in cameroon:
Oups... the small shops have been "destroyed" for the sake of micron's convoy.
Tbilisi sounds like quite an adventurous place. I had no idea. :-)
Keep on writing Riley, may the "Muse on the Hill" keeps loving you and that you can go back to your Moscovite suburb in peace and health with a bottle or two of jar grown wine from Georgian.
Please tell me you are feverishly writing the next installment & it will ding my inbox momentarily.
Something tells me - not all in this story is fiction.
You must have time to read and you may like this article from Nicolas Bonnal (who knows your blog) about the cultural links between Russia and France since DeepL usually does a good job in translating: "Why Chateaubriand was defending the Franco-Russian relation":
It is so sad that my country is being cut from Russian, that the Russian Systema instructors won't be able to come any more. It is also very very sad that France is cut more and more from Africa because of the behavior of it's psychopatic oligarchs.
I wish the best for you.
Maximum Respect
Regardless of the size of one's pores, one must take a brutal fleecing like a manlet.
Panglossian Hobbit you may be, but closer to poet than blogger.
Those strong Georgian beverages :))
Excellent story telling! ...and I just wasted a really long visit in Sarajevo!
Good stuff. I've no idea how I wound up here but the Georgian dialog got me.
Death to the hill!