Many people have said : this is all for the goal of global digital enslavement. A new slavery system is the ultimate aim. One to which all the other goals are subordinate. But, the goal to inject everyone with poison as soon as possible does NOT look to me to be subordinate to the enslavement. What do the “vaccines” do in regard to the enslavement?
1) provide a pretext for Digital IDs - with low level of persuasiveness
2) catalyze the resistance against this totalitarianism, and as such actually put the whole globalist plan in jeopardy.
3) make people weaker, hence reduce their capacities to resist
Of these three, number (2) stands out to me as the strongest effect.
How much less resistance there would have been to the injections if they were to be shown neutral or beneficial to health, by being e.g. full of vitamins or stem cells. How more smoothly the plan for depopulation would have worked if the global digital reich were established firmly, before the commencement of mass poisoning?
This has an obvious parallel with the German troops' extermination of the civilian populations as soon as they would take hold on some piece of Soviet territory: something that discouraged collaboration with them, increased the resistance against them, and ultimately made the Nazi chances for ultimate victory, low as they were, even lower.
Whatever the reasons for this inject-everybody mania,...
(mass medical experiment? plain old hatred? insanity? )
it remains distinctly peculiar, and extremely creepy.
You are giving these psychopath narcissists in power way too much credit. Most "conspiracy theories" explain some "5D chess plot" after everything happened, like "oh they had this planned all along and here were their steps from the beginning" - but most of the time, power hungry psychotic grandpas plan something, royally fuck it up and then spend the rest of the time trying to fix the situation by diverting public attention to some other crazy shit designed to terrorize the population. Usually large amounts of money being made and/or stolen is involved every step of the process.
What if its a giant fuck up and they just can’t admit failure and like all crazy people they just keep at it until it sticks. I don’t think it will work, they can’t inject EVERYONE, they’ll move on to some other thing. Knowing what I know now (and I barely know anything!) I do believe they are constantly playing with us like disposable toys…like in that movie , if you’re lucky you get left on the shelf.
Continued: This has an obvious parallel with the German troops' extermination of the civilian populations as soon as they would take hold on some piece of Soviet territory: something that discouraged collaboration with them, increased the resistance against them, and ultimately made the Nazi chances for ultimate victory, low as they were, even lower.
Whatever the reasons for this inject-everybody mania,...
(mass medical experiment? plain old hatred? insanity? )
it remains distinctly peculiar, and extremely creepy.
One thing that has really stood out to me is the assumption that the alleged forces conspiring here are unified. Which would be absolutely required at this point, can't have anyone break rank now. I would say you'd need leverage over each other, almost a ritual humiliation. I believe some conspiracies' touch on this but it would make sense. You'd have to be absolutely vulnerable, perhaps even romantic/sexual with someone or a group. More on this later.
Here's the good news: The war in Ukraine is hot air from the mouths of Western politicians, even as the autonomous region of Donetsk evacuates its civilians.
The bad news: The other war is real and it may be won without firing a shot. The target is Britain, U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia. They are under assault and The Investors are molding the world in their image.
The two wars are a single project, being orchestrated by the same people for the same purpose: which is to seize property or deny it to others.
BTW, For those of YOU who are somehow still stuck with Windows 10, here is a lite edition of Windows 10 v 1607 which has all windows spying/ data mining modules REMOVED. This version of Windows 1607 is fast and takes less RAM. Give it a try and decide for yourself folks.
Windows 1607 anti Microsoft Spying with WPF (webcam, printers, Frameworks ) still intact.
Defender, Auto Updates, Diagnostic Data (Tracking a.k.a Connected User Experience Telemetry) REMOVED. Plus many other unneeded spying modules removed..
This de-spying windows10 (1607) boots up, runs, restarts, and shutdown very fast . Tested!
*As for Windows Auto Updates, I did remove it, but somehow the main module "WUAUENG.DLL" still there, but do not function anyway! However, the solution is: AFTER Installation, I manually remove it along side with Cortana, SIHClient, Compatelruner.exe Devicecensus.exe etc by Boot up in Linux (Fedroa) and remove (or just change the names if you want to play safe) them all!
*This Gatist Microsoft is really an information thief. They use every trick to steal ALL PERSONAL DATA of gullible users!
Congratulations to all People of Donbass regardless of your “origins”! At last you've got what you wished and fought very hard and bravely for and rightfully deserve! It's a little bit late. But as and old adage "better late than never."
*This inevitable and unavoidable reality or I should say the true will of the people of Donbass should have been RECOGNIZED years ago when YOU, Donbass PEOPLE expressed publicly, clearly, categorically, unequivocally, and LAWFULLY in a REFERENDUM on 11 May 2014 with almost an uncontested (~90% ) YES!
Unfortunately, But ALL of the crooks, including Putin played "politic" and BETRAYED YOU ! And the result is tens of thousand people have been murdered wastefully and unnecessarily for eight (8) years.
Those people would have been alive today and the Donbass people would have had that (8) years to rebuild their lives earlier. That's what they call "Realpolitik" which treats human life just as an object and as pawns in a chess game of power!
So, please, Donbass people, don't be complacent! Governments of both sides will not let you enjoy your independence in peace! This "recognition" is just a new beginning of a not-very-new game that has been playing!
In Australia where I live now. People suddenly stop talking about the "Covid and lockdowns" that have been killing and wrecking their lives and taken away their freedoms and human rights, and started to talk about the war with far away Russia and particularly China, while keep importing, buying, and using the cheap good products of the latter! Don't take me wrong! I always stressed that without those Chinese in CHINA working hard in hard conditions, millions if not trillions of people and I could NOT have afforded many things. In my case, a good computer, a good tenor and an alto saxes and many other things!
These brainless "western" people are now angry and envy with you while being oppressed by their own tyrannical regimes! They are still wearing facial diapers while driving and jogging even We are in summer! Such a free, brave, and smart people they claim they are!
I survived the Viet Nam War. I know and understand their game inside-out. I have felt and shared your pain, and now I can share and feel your joy!
"Realpolitik" is the game of power played by psychopaths, and war is a racket, in which we, the people are nothing but their toys. Don't ever forget that "Realpolitik" is also an effective excuse for plain brutal mass murder!
I am not alone in this real life experience.
Please, read General Smedley Darlington Butler "War is a Racket"
It automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate co-operation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense. The machinery of government sets and enforces the drastic penalties, the minorities are either intimidated into silence or brought slowly around by a subtle process of persuasion which may seem to them to really converting them. Of course the ideal of perfect loyalty, perfect uniformity is never attained. The classes upon whom the amateur work of coercion falls are unwearied in their zeal but often their agitation instead of converting, merely serves to stiffen their resistance. Minorities are rendered sullen, and some intellectual opinion, bitter and satirical. But in general, the nation in war-time attains a uniformity of feeling, a hierarchy of values, culminated at the undisputed apex of the State ideal, which could not possibly be produced trough any other agency than war. Other values such artistic creation, knowledge, reason, beauty, the enhancement of life, are instantly and almost unanimously sacrificed and the significant classes who have constituted themselves the amateur agents of the State are engaged not only in sacrificing these values for themselves but in coercing all other persons into sacrificing them.
Yeap! It's hard to tell clearly since THE FACT is even NOT EVERY VIALS IS EQUAL! and since the "ingredients" are still unknown. All guesses are equal!
At any rate, As said before that this Covid-Operation is a hidden blessing, at least to me personally.
Thanks to this Covid-Operation, I’ve realized that the vast majority of humanity have been trained NOT ONLY to BE FORGETFUL but also to CONCIOUSLY REFUSE TO REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT may force THEM to THINK CRITICALLY AGAIN… In fact, people have been trained NOT TO THINK AT ALL, but just to memorize and repeat what are allowed to be memorized and repeated, ESPECIALLY THE SO-CALLED INTELLECTUALS IN our MODERN ACADEMIA!
So I guess one of the prime functions/purposes of the mRNA Covid-injection booster is to make this “quality” permanent in “DNA”. I call it the slavery gene!
Under the (statist) system of government authority, morality and virtues such as honesty, compassion, honor… all become detriments to life and make one with such qualities virtually becomes the enemy of the State!
The so called “smart” people are the worst! They think they are more “educated” than some “simple folk brutes” whether it’s “rednecks” or “bydlo” or whoever. So you give them some smart sounding “studies”, shill “scientists” and a few experts with very slight differences in opinion to where it seems there’s a real debate going on over some minor unimportant detail - and you got them hook line and sinker! They feel like they’re being talked to as “intellectual adults” and buy right into all the bullshit! Because propaganda is written in a way where they think: “oh I can read between the lines and see what’s really going on!” - but that’s exactly what the propaganda creators want to implant into their minds!
Meanwhile a lot of village alcoholics and “stupid bydlo” may not know the nuances of propaganda and elite plans, but they certainly know not to trust the bs experts and anything the government tells them.
Putin talks of "de-communization" — to the confusion of the newly-collectivist Western elite. That's funny.
He challenges Ukraine's borders in the name of Narod, the people. Globalists challenge the existence of nation states in the name of Governance.
Then Russia borrows the Kosovo model, to argue for the rights of ethnic self-determination. Which follows the United Nations logic of subsidiarity — of recognizing populations at the lowest administrative level. This is consistent with its plans for Smart Cities and dismantling national sovereignty.
So Russia and the globalists end up on the same side -- if you see what I mean.
On a basic question :
Many people have said : this is all for the goal of global digital enslavement. A new slavery system is the ultimate aim. One to which all the other goals are subordinate. But, the goal to inject everyone with poison as soon as possible does NOT look to me to be subordinate to the enslavement. What do the “vaccines” do in regard to the enslavement?
1) provide a pretext for Digital IDs - with low level of persuasiveness
2) catalyze the resistance against this totalitarianism, and as such actually put the whole globalist plan in jeopardy.
3) make people weaker, hence reduce their capacities to resist
Of these three, number (2) stands out to me as the strongest effect.
How much less resistance there would have been to the injections if they were to be shown neutral or beneficial to health, by being e.g. full of vitamins or stem cells. How more smoothly the plan for depopulation would have worked if the global digital reich were established firmly, before the commencement of mass poisoning?
This has an obvious parallel with the German troops' extermination of the civilian populations as soon as they would take hold on some piece of Soviet territory: something that discouraged collaboration with them, increased the resistance against them, and ultimately made the Nazi chances for ultimate victory, low as they were, even lower.
Whatever the reasons for this inject-everybody mania,...
(mass medical experiment? plain old hatred? insanity? )
it remains distinctly peculiar, and extremely creepy.
good comment. a lot to think about.
You are giving these psychopath narcissists in power way too much credit. Most "conspiracy theories" explain some "5D chess plot" after everything happened, like "oh they had this planned all along and here were their steps from the beginning" - but most of the time, power hungry psychotic grandpas plan something, royally fuck it up and then spend the rest of the time trying to fix the situation by diverting public attention to some other crazy shit designed to terrorize the population. Usually large amounts of money being made and/or stolen is involved every step of the process.
What if its a giant fuck up and they just can’t admit failure and like all crazy people they just keep at it until it sticks. I don’t think it will work, they can’t inject EVERYONE, they’ll move on to some other thing. Knowing what I know now (and I barely know anything!) I do believe they are constantly playing with us like disposable toys…like in that movie , if you’re lucky you get left on the shelf.
Continued: This has an obvious parallel with the German troops' extermination of the civilian populations as soon as they would take hold on some piece of Soviet territory: something that discouraged collaboration with them, increased the resistance against them, and ultimately made the Nazi chances for ultimate victory, low as they were, even lower.
Whatever the reasons for this inject-everybody mania,...
(mass medical experiment? plain old hatred? insanity? )
it remains distinctly peculiar, and extremely creepy.
One thing that has really stood out to me is the assumption that the alleged forces conspiring here are unified. Which would be absolutely required at this point, can't have anyone break rank now. I would say you'd need leverage over each other, almost a ritual humiliation. I believe some conspiracies' touch on this but it would make sense. You'd have to be absolutely vulnerable, perhaps even romantic/sexual with someone or a group. More on this later.
Wishful thinking
превосходно. пожалуйста, вернись к нам./Beyond excellent. Please come back to us.
A Worst Slave is The Slave With Full Of "Democracy Hopium"
Freedom Convoy Is Over, Government Vengeance Begins!
THEY are determined to set an EXAMPLE!
The Rest Is A Repeating Of Statist History as Always!
Here's the good news: The war in Ukraine is hot air from the mouths of Western politicians, even as the autonomous region of Donetsk evacuates its civilians.
The bad news: The other war is real and it may be won without firing a shot. The target is Britain, U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia. They are under assault and The Investors are molding the world in their image.
The two wars are a single project, being orchestrated by the same people for the same purpose: which is to seize property or deny it to others.
Democracy Is NOT ONLY a Deception But a Real Sick Joke
Just in case you want to talk about VIOLENCE, BRUTALITY, HATRED, VENGEANCE and TERRORISM
Democracy Is NOT ONLY a Deception But a Real Sick Joke!
BTW, For those of YOU who are somehow still stuck with Windows 10, here is a lite edition of Windows 10 v 1607 which has all windows spying/ data mining modules REMOVED. This version of Windows 1607 is fast and takes less RAM. Give it a try and decide for yourself folks.
Windows 1607 anti Microsoft Spying with WPF (webcam, printers, Frameworks ) still intact.
Defender, Auto Updates, Diagnostic Data (Tracking a.k.a Connected User Experience Telemetry) REMOVED. Plus many other unneeded spying modules removed..
This de-spying windows10 (1607) boots up, runs, restarts, and shutdown very fast . Tested!
*As for Windows Auto Updates, I did remove it, but somehow the main module "WUAUENG.DLL" still there, but do not function anyway! However, the solution is: AFTER Installation, I manually remove it along side with Cortana, SIHClient, Compatelruner.exe Devicecensus.exe etc by Boot up in Linux (Fedroa) and remove (or just change the names if you want to play safe) them all!
*This Gatist Microsoft is really an information thief. They use every trick to steal ALL PERSONAL DATA of gullible users!
Congratulations to all People of Donbass regardless of your “origins”! At last you've got what you wished and fought very hard and bravely for and rightfully deserve! It's a little bit late. But as and old adage "better late than never."
*This inevitable and unavoidable reality or I should say the true will of the people of Donbass should have been RECOGNIZED years ago when YOU, Donbass PEOPLE expressed publicly, clearly, categorically, unequivocally, and LAWFULLY in a REFERENDUM on 11 May 2014 with almost an uncontested (~90% ) YES!
Unfortunately, But ALL of the crooks, including Putin played "politic" and BETRAYED YOU ! And the result is tens of thousand people have been murdered wastefully and unnecessarily for eight (8) years.
Those people would have been alive today and the Donbass people would have had that (8) years to rebuild their lives earlier. That's what they call "Realpolitik" which treats human life just as an object and as pawns in a chess game of power!
So, please, Donbass people, don't be complacent! Governments of both sides will not let you enjoy your independence in peace! This "recognition" is just a new beginning of a not-very-new game that has been playing!
In Australia where I live now. People suddenly stop talking about the "Covid and lockdowns" that have been killing and wrecking their lives and taken away their freedoms and human rights, and started to talk about the war with far away Russia and particularly China, while keep importing, buying, and using the cheap good products of the latter! Don't take me wrong! I always stressed that without those Chinese in CHINA working hard in hard conditions, millions if not trillions of people and I could NOT have afforded many things. In my case, a good computer, a good tenor and an alto saxes and many other things!
These brainless "western" people are now angry and envy with you while being oppressed by their own tyrannical regimes! They are still wearing facial diapers while driving and jogging even We are in summer! Such a free, brave, and smart people they claim they are!
I survived the Viet Nam War. I know and understand their game inside-out. I have felt and shared your pain, and now I can share and feel your joy!
"Realpolitik" is the game of power played by psychopaths, and war is a racket, in which we, the people are nothing but their toys. Don't ever forget that "Realpolitik" is also an effective excuse for plain brutal mass murder!
I am not alone in this real life experience.
Please, read General Smedley Darlington Butler "War is a Racket"
I found this article today which is highly relevant to the current situation in Ukraine and squarely points the finger exactly where it belongs.
War is the health of the State.
It automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate co-operation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense. The machinery of government sets and enforces the drastic penalties, the minorities are either intimidated into silence or brought slowly around by a subtle process of persuasion which may seem to them to really converting them. Of course the ideal of perfect loyalty, perfect uniformity is never attained. The classes upon whom the amateur work of coercion falls are unwearied in their zeal but often their agitation instead of converting, merely serves to stiffen their resistance. Minorities are rendered sullen, and some intellectual opinion, bitter and satirical. But in general, the nation in war-time attains a uniformity of feeling, a hierarchy of values, culminated at the undisputed apex of the State ideal, which could not possibly be produced trough any other agency than war. Other values such artistic creation, knowledge, reason, beauty, the enhancement of life, are instantly and almost unanimously sacrificed and the significant classes who have constituted themselves the amateur agents of the State are engaged not only in sacrificing these values for themselves but in coercing all other persons into sacrificing them.
Yeap! It's hard to tell clearly since THE FACT is even NOT EVERY VIALS IS EQUAL! and since the "ingredients" are still unknown. All guesses are equal!
At any rate, As said before that this Covid-Operation is a hidden blessing, at least to me personally.
Thanks to this Covid-Operation, I’ve realized that the vast majority of humanity have been trained NOT ONLY to BE FORGETFUL but also to CONCIOUSLY REFUSE TO REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT may force THEM to THINK CRITICALLY AGAIN… In fact, people have been trained NOT TO THINK AT ALL, but just to memorize and repeat what are allowed to be memorized and repeated, ESPECIALLY THE SO-CALLED INTELLECTUALS IN our MODERN ACADEMIA!
So I guess one of the prime functions/purposes of the mRNA Covid-injection booster is to make this “quality” permanent in “DNA”. I call it the slavery gene!
Under the (statist) system of government authority, morality and virtues such as honesty, compassion, honor… all become detriments to life and make one with such qualities virtually becomes the enemy of the State!
The so called “smart” people are the worst! They think they are more “educated” than some “simple folk brutes” whether it’s “rednecks” or “bydlo” or whoever. So you give them some smart sounding “studies”, shill “scientists” and a few experts with very slight differences in opinion to where it seems there’s a real debate going on over some minor unimportant detail - and you got them hook line and sinker! They feel like they’re being talked to as “intellectual adults” and buy right into all the bullshit! Because propaganda is written in a way where they think: “oh I can read between the lines and see what’s really going on!” - but that’s exactly what the propaganda creators want to implant into their minds!
Meanwhile a lot of village alcoholics and “stupid bydlo” may not know the nuances of propaganda and elite plans, but they certainly know not to trust the bs experts and anything the government tells them.
Thanks, I do like a good list of articles!
Are you No 2?
Please find some times to listen to this particular chapter 7 of "
Invisible Eugenics - Mark M. Rich Unseen Genocide"
How Medical System and Public Schools Are Killing Your Children
The week's shaping up as a showstopper.
Putin talks of "de-communization" — to the confusion of the newly-collectivist Western elite. That's funny.
He challenges Ukraine's borders in the name of Narod, the people. Globalists challenge the existence of nation states in the name of Governance.
Then Russia borrows the Kosovo model, to argue for the rights of ethnic self-determination. Which follows the United Nations logic of subsidiarity — of recognizing populations at the lowest administrative level. This is consistent with its plans for Smart Cities and dismantling national sovereignty.
So Russia and the globalists end up on the same side -- if you see what I mean.
War is healthy
The elite have overreached and we're on the verge of mass rebellion
Things are going to be perfect
Just like in 2018
Can’t touch this!
What kind of forum is that? I would never consent if I don`t know a bit more about.