Understand that Russia is no different than the US in pushing through legislation without actual reading of the law or the public even knowing of the law. Executive Orders by the president are even more secretive such as the one from last summer? that directs several govt agencies to begin developing surveillance technologies with regard to the public's behavior and finances in particular.

The goal to create a one world order that is run by the oligarchy is not new but has moved forward astronomically during this planned pandemic with its hysteria and excuse to totalitarian actions by heads of State particularly in the developed countries! Besides the accent I think we are all the same.

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"Besides the accent I think we are all the same." -- you've summed it up nicely, Tanya. Thank you.

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A kabbalist stated on a youtube video that the agenda is to create the borg, that was the literal comparison he made. That the cube would descend and we would be converged into a hivemind consciousness. No man or woman or child or poor or wealthy...

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So much multipolarity it doesn't stink of bullshit at all:

12 Apr, 05:31

Gazprom delivers 41.7 mln cubic meters of gas to Europe through Ukraine via Sudzha

The day before, the pumping volume reached 40 mln cubic meters


And that's not counting all the Putin fuel the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate are buying from Indian, Turkish, Chinese, etc., resellers. Same shit as always but with a very inflated geoplitical markup that taxcattle is made to pay for.

When the curtains drop in China's EUkraine, that is the Taiwan theater of war, there won't be any mask to protect from the barrage of "multipolar" bullshit punditry incoming.

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Remember in WWII the US banned trade with Germany but the Rockefellers (oil), ITT, ATT and IBM and probably others continued to supply fuel and services to Nazi Germany which was known by the Us. Treasonous as this was by law, nothing was ever done to interrupt the flow of fuel and money.

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The same shyster banksters supported the Bolsheviks in 1917. It is worth noting that without a consistent transfer of money and technology via these banksters on Wall Street the Soviet regime would never have survived. The plan was clear from the start. Support the Nazis in Germany and the Reds in the East and get them to fight a war with each other while supplying both sides. Two US Presidents are direct descendants of one of these bankers. This is why the cold war and the space race were hoaxes. Neither side went anywhere near the Moon. They simply used fear to control their docile populations with the threat of non-existent nuclear weapons, which they still don't have no matter what nonsense they come up with. Their main weapon is inducing fear in people and they are good at it, I will give them that. The other weapon they use is the fear of contagion. And guess what? Yep viruses and bacteria aren't pathogenic, in fact the former don't even exist. It's a mad world and unfortunately, I am in it.

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No moon landing, that boat sailed a few decades ago, no point waiting for it to return. Of course faking the moon landings would have been easier if the earth was flat.

Watch the playlist here and perhaps a few others that CuriousMarc has to offer. If you have any engineering background you will be able to follow easily. Basically before the internet you propose that magically a globally coordinated conspiracy was able to fake the ranging signals from the space craft. They barely were able to generate the required signals but would not have had enough computing power to fake them.

Your claims are bold, they need some facts and not just theories to prove them true.

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Apr 14, 2023
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Sorry, I did not include the link.

If you watch the series and then consider that faking everything would have required a doubling or tripling of the effort to some how generate signals that looked like the real deal but were not. Doppler shifting and delays that magically matched a predicted path in space. MASSIVE radio telescope antennas had to point in the correct direction to be able to receive a signal that could not be faked with period technology.

The no-moon, flat earth, chemtrail conspiracies are kept alive by the enemy to keep people divided. Those theories that have no credible evidence and lots of facts to disprove them are fake and should be left behind. They are used to instil fear in grannies, waste time of the resistance and divide the resistance.

Here is the play list I left out last time.


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The oligarch feudal lords demand that the spice must flow, Putin knows to stay out of their way. Not much of a badass dictator...

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Volovin must have gone to the Nancy Pelosi's Finishing School for Politicians.

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Good on the Kremlin for discovering a problem that nobody else had noticed. Undoubtedly this will be a big help for the not war effort. Neither the chronic dooming pessimists like Strelkov and Murz nor the optimist like Sladkov ever said anything about the war effort needing digital summons to prospective conscripts but that didn't stop Moscow from solving this issue. Amateurs try and figure out how to properly supply troops and destroy the enemy, professionals study how to digitally summon guys they cant even properly supply in the 1st place.

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Yet more 5D Judo, I hear Putin is planning a meeting in the Soladar saltmines with Trump and Qanon. His reverse engineered UFO's are ready... it's game over for the globalists

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Meanwhile in Ukraine:

1. Men aged 18-60 have been banned from leaving the country since 25 Feb 2022.

2. Verkhovna Rada is considering sending military summonses through message apps


"Too many people, especially men, are now internally displaced persons. Since they don't live at their place of registration, and not all of them registered for the military at their new place of residence, there have been certain problems with the draft."

Granted, there's no law yet, and the Ministry of Digital Transformation says it's "technically impossible this year", but well, they're talking about it...

And the two countries are supposedly at EXISTENTIAL war with each other, no less.

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Pipelines aren't the only things that unite Russia and Ukraine :)

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Good luck with the draft on this endless war.

I remember reading how in Vietnam, after a while the danger to officers was "friendly" fire.

That's why drafts are usually problematic. Force someone to fight a war that they aren't into is a receipe for disaster.

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I think the technical term was "fragging". Democracy in action.

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As Ive been saying, communism did not go away. It is just pretending to be a democracy. As in ex-Yu, so in Russia.

Probably, to many of us from "ex-communist" countries this will not be a surprise. We had 30 years to see that the democracy is a spiel. Democracy is a system for making oligarchs and a ruling class of state sponsored parasites. And seeing how central banks run the show, one has to be a bit slow not to discover who is actually responsible for all this worldwide NWO digitization. How many central banks are owned by Jews? Every last one of them!!!

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Which makes sense why this war also targets white non-Jewish men.

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Isn't Riley a...

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My cousin's jewish. I'm pretty sure the Rothschild's don't include her in their planning meetings because it would interfere with her shifts at Walmart. Probably the same deal with Riley.

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Communism is the final form of christianity/judaism. Neo-hellenics must rise and send the foul platonic theocracies to Hecate.

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And not a peep from the "Aussie Cossack" on the Russian government financially strong-arming all male citizens into military service with this pure economic blackmail. Gee I wonder why?

Imagine if Australia or the USA introduced this kind of conscription law. Would there be a backlash?

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The 5D crowd are a human centipede of english speaking pro-russia shills... I doubt they even know about the bad stuff because they ignore russian speakers.

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"The legislation also deprives accused draft evaders of the right to travel or drive a car."

I bet the ruling elite can't wait until every vehicle is self-driving or remotely controlled so that they can shut them down, or even better yet have self-driving autos deliver each targeted victim directly to the recruitment center or to prison.🤖

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The state treating citizens as assets; practically as slaves. Compliance training started over 100 years ago everywhere:


And culminated in mandating the muzzle:


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I remember how freaked out I felt when companies went from "Employee Management" to "Human Resources" Departments. Did anyone else here notice that?

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Actually, in the UK it was the personnel Dept. As in a reminder that we were dealing with persons. A person has self sovereignty. A Resource is an asset assigned to someone else.

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It did sound abominable. Again, treating people as slaves and as assets.

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My oh my, operational procedures at Russia's equivalent of the US House and Senate sound ... just like the US House and Senate. Rubber stamps around the world. Thanks for bringing us the chilling news, Riley, hardly joyful notes but vital knowledge to have in this time of mass deceit, on all sides of the alleged global rivalry.

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“The law is harsh, but it is the law” — State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin

To quote James Corbett, the "Rule of Law" really means the Law of Rule.

That's the inherent problem with positive law i.e. law posited into existence by fiat, being prescriptive rather than descriptive.

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"The word "freedom," which can be interpreted in various ways, is defined by us as follows: freedom is the right to do what which the law allows. This interpretation of the word will at the proper time be of service to us, because all freedom will thus be in our hands, since the laws will abolish or create only that which is desirable for us according to the aforesaid program." (Sergei Nilus, P.12)

At this moment in time, this law is desirable for the Globalists and their Duma executes.

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The freedom to obey, we wuz Qunari and shit


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Sounds like our current system .. last minute bills .. no one reads & everyone votes YES

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Thanks for the post. It demonstrates that the entire planet is under siege from the globalists. All governments, institutions, corporations under the thumb screws of the World Economic Forum and allied forces. The Biden-Pelosi- AOC-Xi-Trudeau-Macron school of kleptocracy. Pirates all.

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Sure seems like a far cry from a year ago when we were frequently being "reassured" by Putin & co that there were no conscripts and they don't plan on getting them involved; yay, more digital enslavement.

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