1. 8k entry fee

2. Snooze fest

3. PCR test not looking for a virus

Pick your best reason for staying at home and scratching your arse instead.

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Best reason: Itchy Butt???

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Somehow, inside my sister's house, I have gotten two skeeter bites about an inch apart on the lower part of my bottom. Still itching after 3 days even after using anti-itch cream. Maybe I need a fake PCR test to see if the skeeters are covid weapons in disguise.

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Yep, showing up without a test would be nothing short of terrorism. :-) Never mind that the PCR test was never primed with an actual isolated purified virus, because no one has actually isolated and purified SARS-CoV-2. Or at least no one admits to it, per the 217 responses so far (the number keeps growing) to FOI requests for knowledge of proof that such isolation and purification has ever been done. Thanks, Riley!

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Blind obediency is one of the main reasons why the Asian model is being pushed on the west. Masks, tests or ANY government idiocy is always welcomed without questioning. And then, maybe if there are millions of victims, after ten-fifty years - if there are survivors, we can start seeing protesting, in a self-destructive manner!

Thats the type of tax-cattle which is preferred for BRICS

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Sep 2, 2023Edited
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"how can you claim that one thing is effective above another if the other is nothing ??? It all ties in with my comment below: They use adjuvants in one vaccine..."


Where did I claim this? What are you talking about? I did not mention vaccines! I compared Asian population and the fact how they are trained to be much more obedient than populations in the west.

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Yes, I couldn't see why that comment was made either? But I do agree that it seems that the Asian population seems much more compliant. Particularly to modern medical models and anything that comes out of mainstream education which is very highly esteemed...

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The fact that most of the world is on board with this phony "sustainability" crap is proof to me that the Ukraine war is also phony...Russia/NATO/world evildoers are all in cahoots on this one....gotta eliminate

people, pure and simple....the local PTB tried to bring this whole sustainable development crap to my little burg in California by using private property grabs via "redevelopment" agencies...most of the citizens came out against it now they are back and using rezoning to make our sleepy little town into 3-4 story apartments with businesses on the ground floor....this is supposed to be "sustainable" and reduce our "carbon footprint"....now we'll look like downtown Russia!

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Depressing ... no corner of the globe where this shit is not promoted.

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"The World Health Organization (WHO) is now 80% financed by private donors and 20% by Member State contributions. The Bill Gates Foundation, one of the largest supporters of genetically-modified organisms in the world, is now one of its main contributors, second in order of importance to the USA... The WHO’s representation to the EU, works together with the Commission, which is the organisation’s eighth most important financial contributor. However, according to the latest published summary report, eight of the 15 scientific members of the WHO’s strategic advisory group of experts have declared, as they are obliged to do by law, an affiliation with the Gates Foundation or other giants of the pharmaceutical sector. Since the swine flu epidemic in 2009, personalities of all persuasions have wondered how influential lobbyists for ‘Big Pharma’ and private foundations may be in the WHO’s decision-making and in determining its policy."

Sustainability, is just a guise for heightening neoliberal exploitation via a biosecurity surveillance state. Net zero is code for zero freedom.

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"Stakeholder"- also a key NWO buzz word (but always inherent in the logic of fascism) - and there is an entry fee for stakeholder status (tho, "scholarships" are available for - call them - mascot stakeholders) - the language is highly coded.

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I visited Russia last month and in the GUM shopping center (next to the Red Square) there were still posters everywhere calling for “vaccination” and PCR tests. The test/vaccination center on the 3rd floor was closed, but it all suggests that they want to ‘keep the fear alive’ and that they can reactivate the ‘pandemic’ at any time: https://substack.com/profile/63975829-fulgurite/note/c-21498943

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Thats even more hardcore then here in the west. In Europe nobody even seens any posters or people talking about Covid. Its like it never existed.

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The thing that blows my mind is that with all the crap that they pushed around with Covid 1.0 I just wonder how can they even think of making the world swallow bullshit Covid 2.0. And it seems that they want it (it's going?) to happen. I just hope there will be some kind of reaction this time?

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... not reaction but RESISTANCE

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Wait for October...

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Spare a thought for poor Russian companies that will be attempting to fulfill those ESG goals. In the depths of Siberia, with its traditional life and where only yesterday they were hunting the last woolly mammoth, now they will be frantically hunting for black and LGBT employees to reach that ESG recommended percentage.

How Iran, a promising BRICS partner, will handle ESG LGBT requirements remains a mystery. How are you supposed to have xxx% of employees LGBT, when at the same time in Iran LGBT people should be in jail - quite a pickle.

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Money talks, always. Everyone wants to be part of the Rothschild empire, checks are waiting! So they will find a way.

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The Iranian LGBT imprisoned pyrsyns (xi/xis/xxx) will have so many ESG compliance points that Israel will immediately surrender. All the oligarchs will have towork in the pronoun mines for their reeducation. It all comes into focus... I'm sure the Duran will discuss this.

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I shall never NOT read 'Sperbank' as 'Spermbank'.

...the latter being, on reflection, a more useful institution.

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COVID‐19 swab‐related skull base injury


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What is sometimes overlooked when chuckling over Riley's pointed wit, is just how much courage it takes to do what he does. especially in places where freedom of expression has no guarantee. The powers=that-shouldn't-be hate being ridiculed, just ask Gonzo Lira ( BTW, has anyone heard if he made it out of Ukraine?). My hat is off to you, Sir, for poking ALL tyrants with a sharp pen! Each post s a unit of hope just by knowing some people ARE standing up to these criminals. In my estimation, you're made of tougher stuff than me. Thanks for doing what you do. Be well. 🌎☮

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It’s crystal clear that the Russian power structure never desired to overturn the high table, they just want a seat and to be treated as equal partners

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So Putin wasn't really kicked out of Klaus Schwabs young global leaders program after all!

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Maybe Vivek Ramaswamy is likewise a member in good standing in Klaus Schwab's SECRET ADMIRER CABAL in spite of that show lawsuit.....

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I personally would not take a PCR test made in the US or any other country either, nor would I trust what they would try to release.

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Another fantastic article by Edward.

The PCR test swab may contain toxins that cross the blood brain barrier.

I have always found it odd that people who have a lot of money think that they are smarter than the rest of the population. They, in general, are greedier, more clever and more ambitious than the rest of the population but definitely not wiser.

These assholes who attend these meetings live in total ignorance and yet they think they know what is good for the world.

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For everyone still in the dark about test swabs—for over two years straight—independent lab technicians have discovered and been reporting the same contaminates proven to be in the mRNA jabs have been found on some of the test swabs, which are now being discovered in other medications such as insulin and even laced within the capsules & coatings of other meds, vegetables and fruits; self-arranging nanotechnology (bioweapons) that are scannable with handheld sensors. I’m currently writing another article on this topic of public concern to be published next year, along with videos showing what the scanners indicate when scanning the “heads” (between the eyes and inside the brain) of those who’ve never received a single mRNA vaccination, but just the nasal PCR test. It’s also been reported there is another reason for nasal swabbing by specific testers targeting specific individuals: collecting DNA along with other personal information collected at the time of receiving the nasal swab test.

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