Did you see the headlines on Drudge this morning? That sell-out of a site is doing its best to scare everyone.




Depressing. They should add Russia to the headlines to scare us even more.

Well, on the flipside, DeSantis signed four anti-mandate bills into law yesterday in Florida. And so far the Federal courts in the U.S. are slapping down Biden's mandate. So perhaps there is still hope on this side of the pond.

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Meanwhile Moon of Alabama, Saker, Unz, Orlov, et al. fret over impending war, theology, and grand declarations and meetings, as well as Kyle being acquitted on all counts. I fully expect them to run a coordinate campaign titled "look, a squirrel!" next. Surely a small war could be organized if it is thought that it can help push national (or should I say trans-national) agendas.

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drb -- do you want to write a guest post about this? I'm serious. your analysis of the Blog People is spot on!

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Hi Edward, sorry for delay. Been traveling twice since so I did not look in my spamtrap email. I would be, about ten days from now. can we take it to email? reply to thread and I will contact you within a day.

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write to me at the first opportunity! riley (dot) waggaman (at) gmail.com

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LOL, I stopped checking on Moon of Alabama's site after he went off the deep end during the great covid freakout last year. I think he's regained some sanity, right, but just focused on the grand chessboard rather than the giant clotshot in the room...?

As for Unz, he's a strange cat vis-a-vis the clotshot but at least he still let's others with a different point of view post on his site. I still remember one of his essays saying something like "yeah, I don't know what's in the shot and I don't really care... it's fine..." But OTOH, I can't remember if he definitely said he took it or just blithely ignored looking into the shot because he didn't plan on taking it. Whatever, the last time I checked in he was still obsessed on whether the virus came from China's weapons program or ours. But the clot shot - crickets.

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He's buried his head in the sand good and hard there. If you weren't a regular when this started, he banned or limited a lot of us for questioning the narrative. All he cares about is this "deep state" fiction, while the actual deep state does its work in plain view.

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Curse you, substack. Is there no edit button? "lets", not "let's". I violated my own pet peeve. At least it's not an "its/it's" mistake. I hate that one even more. If I ever do a "their/they're", I'll have to shoot myself.

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LOL. Its what its.

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I wouldn't be so sure about DeSantis. I mean, how does he get into Yale AND Harvard with his background - mother a nurse, father a Nielsen Ratings box installer, if his wikitrash bio is to be believed?

The tell will be if he enters national politics, not that anyone here believes the Red vs Blue nonsense these days. If he stays in FL I would be inclined to believe he's the real deal. He could do so much more for the whole country in that role.

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Here's how. Same old, same old.

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Anti-Semitism Protections Bill CS/CS/HB 741


European Christian society has been in the process of being dismantled for the last 100 years. Nothing against jews, most of whom are terrific people and neighbors and contribute to the greatness in our world, but we need to protect our constitutional freedoms and bill of rights and these kind of special carveouts are blatantly unconstitutional but common. Many non-jews are participating in the destruction of western civilization without realizing what they are doing. Protecting and maintaining Christian beliefs and values is at the heart of the highly desirable civilization created by Christians, now unraveling before our eyes. Secular/satanic society takes its place. It's horrifying and suicidal. Especially considering most of the people on the planet who took this experimental toxic jabs are white (i.e., of European origin), the future is bleak, since these are the people who create the most viable, beautiful civilizations based on their Christian values, from which we get science, private property, schools, markets, individual rights as well as the good of the collective society, etc.

We are in a time right now where evil prevails and we witness the trashing of nation states and marketplaces based on Christian notions of freedom and livelihoods, love and great society as manifested in astounding art, music, culture.

Also, the fact that we're grasping for great men, individuals who will resist strong pressure from the elites and their sick ideas, is confirmation that we have left the time of great laws and are now in a time of great men, completely dependent on the goodness of whatever leader we live under. One can see with this trend how we are slipping into a time of feudalism, which I frankly welcome over satanic globalism. But feudalism is all about great men, i.e., warlords, rather than great societies ruled by laws. So we're all desperate to find the great warlord who will protect us from sick globalists and grant us the freedoms we have witnessed disappear in the last year. Which is very unstable, because the son or replacement of the warlord may be a corrupt and lousy leader.

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Well said, and thank you for this.

I wanted to link to a ZH post re: DeSantis’ (((them))) protections for the benefit of Rich Seager below, but decided the Plebian Resistor will figure things out in the end.

Or maybe not.

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Living up to your handle...

He's doing great so far.

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Yes fear is being used even on our side of the argument where deaths are being exaggerated.

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Can you imagine any member of the US Congress being half as honest and direct as this guy?

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It's rather amazing, isn't it? Not a word about it in English language media though. I wonder why...

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Wow. Terrifying. Sharing.

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If people don't listen, they are soon going to envy the position of 19th century serfs.

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Video unavailable. Anyone have a link to the video mirror?

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You suggest we make corrections in the translation, then: Where is the link to the original Russian article?

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Love to see the paranoia machine itself

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Dec 10, 2021
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Thank you.

I've said it before and I will say it again: the digital world is not a place I will inhabit.

While there is much appealing content there [Балет Игоря Моисеева, Отава Ё, et al, just to name Russian contributions] it is looking increasingly like the exposure isn't worth the risk.

Pop quiz: Most lucrative business worldwide in the history of humanity?

A. prostitution

B. illicit drugs smuggling

C. arms dealing

D. slavery

If you answered A, B, or C, just kill yourself now. I t will be a lot less painless for you in the end. Thanks to Ms. Fitts for this important wake up call.

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