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Good evening (Moscow Time),
As promised, we are posting a link to our now-not-paywalled appearance on Whitney Webb’s excellent podcast. Whitney is also excellent, obviously. This goes without saying.

For those interested, here are some links for those who want to learn more about the topics we discussed:
Sputnik V/Gamaleya Center
Herman Gref/Sberbank spookiness
Russia & the World Economic Forum/Fourth Industrial Revolution
Central bank shenanigans/possible large-scale gold thievery
Note: Our discussion about the situation in Ukraine was a bit rushed because there were unforeseen technical issues and there was concern the whole recording could evaporate. Readers of this blog will know that we don’t write much about the military standoff between Russia and Ukraine/NATO/the space lizards; this is mostly because other people are already covering almost all aspects of this issue—and their coverage is excellent. For anyone trying to make sense of the possible WAR, we highly recommend reading
That being said, our general position is: “War is a scam and will just lead to more cattle-tagging.” Which we highlighted in these two articles:
And here’s a decent general overview that briefly touches on almost all of the above topics:
Thanks again to Whitney for inviting us on. If you have a podcast we will gladly speak with you.
Sorry for an off-topic comment, but I couldn't not mention it.
Today Zelensky announced that vaccinated Ukrainians aged 60 and above will receive a "high-quality, modern, fast" smartphone for free. "This is a way towards our main goal, Internet access for all Ukrainian citizens", said the president.
I mean, Internet access for citizens is his main goal... Not eradication or at least reduction of poverty, not lowering our exorbitant gas and electricity bills, not supporting the agricultural sector... no, access to the Internet is the priority. And only for the vaccinated...
Very good and well informative discussion! Great thanks to both of you!
At least I know I am NOT alone in this view on Putin-Russia!
Here are what I wrote back in 2018.
The Role That Russia-Putin Has Played
Putin- The Fake or The Stupid?
Putin One Man Show: Russia Will Be In Deep Shit
The Fucking Jews Have Won Again, Putin Has Been On Board With Them, Russia Is Gone! Syria Is Fucked! Iran Is Next!