Sorry for an off-topic comment, but I couldn't not mention it.
Today Zelensky announced that vaccinated Ukrainians aged 60 and above will receive a "high-quality, modern, fast" smartphone for free. "This is a way towards our main goal, Internet access for all Ukrainian citizens", said the president.
I mean, Internet access for citizens is his main goal... Not eradication or at least reduction of poverty, not lowering our exorbitant gas and electricity bills, not supporting the agricultural sector... no, access to the Internet is the priority. And only for the vaccinated...
No, not off-topic at all. My perception is that this blog is for all things slav, centered on Russia. The goings on elsewhere in slavland are icing on the cake, so to speak.
And what is the general mood of the Ukranian, Russian, and other slav inhabitants of your region to this obvious offer of free tracking devices?
"this obvious offer of free tracking devices" - this was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard about it. I knew I couldn't be the only one who took it that way :) but most people I talked to about this initiative are totally oblivious to the 'tracking' part of it. They "have nothing to hide", you know :) And they tend to see it as yet another corruption scheme (as in Ukraine government purchases and corruption go hand in hand). Everybody seems to agree that the money that would be spent on these smartphones could be used for better purposes such as increasing the state pension etc.
At the same time, my friend's mum, who's a pensioner, told me she wouldn't say no to a new smartphone because "why would you decline a free offer?". I can understand the logic to some extent: people who worked hard their whole life only to get a meagre pension that's nowhere near enough to live on are indeed unlikely to refuse a free offer. But they should also know from experience that "бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке" as our saying goes.
All her writing and utterances regards Epstein, MEGA Group, Bronfmans, Maxwell-MOSSAD, israeli Left/Right, Dubin, Kushner/Trump nexus , Florida, Nygard , Brunel etc etc she ripped off Ryan Dawson/ANCReport who has been researching these bastards for 14-15 years and has carefully mapped (literary) the vast connections of this vile web (ha ha).
Kirby Sommers has more information regards others who have experienced this charlatan but I don’t.
Dawson has been kicked off every channel of communication more than once for many years and branded the obvious.
Sorry for an off-topic comment, but I couldn't not mention it.
Today Zelensky announced that vaccinated Ukrainians aged 60 and above will receive a "high-quality, modern, fast" smartphone for free. "This is a way towards our main goal, Internet access for all Ukrainian citizens", said the president.
I mean, Internet access for citizens is his main goal... Not eradication or at least reduction of poverty, not lowering our exorbitant gas and electricity bills, not supporting the agricultural sector... no, access to the Internet is the priority. And only for the vaccinated...
greetings Natasha,
No, not off-topic at all. My perception is that this blog is for all things slav, centered on Russia. The goings on elsewhere in slavland are icing on the cake, so to speak.
And what is the general mood of the Ukranian, Russian, and other slav inhabitants of your region to this obvious offer of free tracking devices?
Hello :)
"this obvious offer of free tracking devices" - this was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard about it. I knew I couldn't be the only one who took it that way :) but most people I talked to about this initiative are totally oblivious to the 'tracking' part of it. They "have nothing to hide", you know :) And they tend to see it as yet another corruption scheme (as in Ukraine government purchases and corruption go hand in hand). Everybody seems to agree that the money that would be spent on these smartphones could be used for better purposes such as increasing the state pension etc.
At the same time, my friend's mum, who's a pensioner, told me she wouldn't say no to a new smartphone because "why would you decline a free offer?". I can understand the logic to some extent: people who worked hard their whole life only to get a meagre pension that's nowhere near enough to live on are indeed unlikely to refuse a free offer. But they should also know from experience that "бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке" as our saying goes.
We can’t do anything about that I’m afraid. Some of us see it. Many, many don’t – and never will.
Move out to the country, plant a garden, get a big dog and a 155mm howitzer?
Very good and well informative discussion! Great thanks to both of you!
At least I know I am NOT alone in this view on Putin-Russia!
Here are what I wrote back in 2018.
The Role That Russia-Putin Has Played
Putin- The Fake or The Stupid?
Putin One Man Show: Russia Will Be In Deep Shit
The Fucking Jews Have Won Again, Putin Has Been On Board With Them, Russia Is Gone! Syria Is Fucked! Iran Is Next!
Who The Fuck Is “Imam of Peace-Mohamad Tawhidi”, And What the Fuck -Putin-RT Rick Sanchez’s up to?
Sorry-Whitney Webb is a famous bloody plagiarist.
All her writing and utterances regards Epstein, MEGA Group, Bronfmans, Maxwell-MOSSAD, israeli Left/Right, Dubin, Kushner/Trump nexus , Florida, Nygard , Brunel etc etc she ripped off Ryan Dawson/ANCReport who has been researching these bastards for 14-15 years and has carefully mapped (literary) the vast connections of this vile web (ha ha).
Kirby Sommers has more information regards others who have experienced this charlatan but I don’t.
Dawson has been kicked off every channel of communication more than once for many years and branded the obvious.