Jun 24, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Listen to Bach? Why not Wagner?

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this situation has already produced a certain result: Russia is fast approaching martial law, which has just been reviewed by the Duma. Anti-terrorism legislation is being introduced in many regions. war is the state of emergency par excellence. the fourth industrial revolution is taking place through forced stages, legal bottlenecks, created in the name of emergency.

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So, the giant shit show of Not-War aka "SMO" is finally over...

Damn, I kinda liked how vague and deliberately nonsensical its officially declared goals were.

No matter what great ideas "authorities" & WEF-controlled "leaders" of this world come up with - be it "protection" from nonexistent viruses, "denazification", etc. - it somehow always ends up with SUSTAINABLE DEPOPULATION aka democide and even more SLAVERY.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thanks a million for your reporting, Riley. Your blog is hands down the most honest and objective source one could ask for.

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You really got into a serious controversy by mentioning Glenn Gould. He's a very divisive figure in the classical music world. I was once called an old fuddy-duddy on a mailing list for amateur pianists by expressing dissatisfaction with Gould's playing of the Brahms Op. 117. So I try to stay away from this subject now (except I think I just failed in that effort).

Also, that Chickering he plays in the video sounds terrible, in great need of voicing and tuning. But maybe Gould liked keeping his familiar things around forever, like that super-low chair he always used.

BTW, thanks for writing about Russia from the inside -- always fascinating and a good antidote to the simple talking points of both mainstream and alt media.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thank you, Edward. You're a lovely man. Not at all a manlet.

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Are there truly NO stupid questions?

I'll challenge that premise:

Who the heck is paying Prigozhin ?

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Why do the Wagner tanks still have their barrel covers on?

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Maybe this would be a good time to discuss how Russia ended up with a mercenary force, who allowed that to happen? Is anything known about the contracts between that force and the military in the context of this war?

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Edward, I was one who only turned on the noise after several late-morning phone calls alerting us to what is going on. To say I am surprised is an understatement! I'm shocked for several reasons:

First, the US led western vassals will have a field day with this and even be emboldened to further escalate the current conflict both in words and deeds.

Second, what effect will this have on the morale of those fighting and the rest of us at home?

Third, after living in Russia for 3.5 years, and coming here since 2016, I have learned from many experts, especially economists that if Putin ever lost the support of Russians he would be gone in a nanosecond. I believe it is correct to believe that he didn't clean out all of the western-loving, capitalist opportunists in 2020, and therefore is has that very powerful cabal on one side to appease (they are the oligarchs who control Russia's major industries, gas, oil, mining, etc.) and on the other side, loyal, patriotic Russians who love their country. They are equally very powerful. This is the teeter-totter that Putin finds himself trying to balance.

Fourth, I believe there are treasonous forces within the upper echelon of the military who are also western-loving.

Fourth, I have two very serious that must be answered by Shoigu and Gerasimov! 1) Why have they not ended the genocide in Donbas, especially Donetsk that continues unabated today when Mariupol and Artyomovsk, better armed and fortified, were wiped out? The people of Donbas are Russians whom Putin promised to defend at all costs. WHY? and 2) another important question, why was General Armageddon Surovikin placed in charge on the SMO on the ground and then suddenly removed and demoted? WHY?

Finally, watching Putin's address to the nation, I have never seen him so stern-looking, determined and angry. FINALLY, he came out and told the Russian people what really is at stake and that is the future of Russia. He made clear that it is a real, existential threat, and the only threat to the nation's existence.

May the Universe restore balance, peace and harmony to a very troubled planet.

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MoA has a great quote from Machiavelli, the whole story reminds him of Machiavelli's warning against mercenaries:

I say, therefore, that the arms with which a prince defends his state are either his own, or they are mercenaries, auxiliaries, or mixed.

Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies; they have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men, and [one’s own] destruction is deferred only so long as the attack is; for in peace one is robbed by them, and in war by the enemy. The fact is, that they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you.

I wish to demonstrate further the infelicity of these arms [i.e., mercenaries]. The mercenary captains are either capable men or they are not; if they are, you cannot trust them, because they always aspire to their own greatness, either by oppressing you, who are their master, or others contrary to your intentions; but if the captain [i.e., the leader of the mercenaries] is not skillful, you are ruined in the usual way [i.e., you will lose the war].

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U da man, Riley. :-)

"it’s highly weird that there’s a private army operating in Ukraine, which is in open conflict with the Russian military’s top brass". I'd say it's worse than weird: it's nuts. Mercenary armies are paid by their chance employer. In the present case, Wagner is paid by the Russian Government, who also pays -of course- for the regular army. Why would the Kremlin pay for two armies to fight two mutually conflicting wars? It does not make the slightest sense to me. No matter how correct Prigozhin's appreciations are about the incompetent (or even treacherous!) way the MoD is fighting this war, it would be plain imbecile on the part of the Russian Government to continue paying Wagner after it is in clear insurrection against its own employer. Someone's pulling our legs real hard.

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But... but... Ritter boy and lardass MacGregor have been soothing me with these constant tales about how the Russian SMO has been a smashing success since day one? How can this be happenin'?!

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It’s definitely weird 😬. Thank you again for the updates.

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

According to Wikipedia, "Prigozhin is a Russian oligarch, mercenary chief, and a close confidant of Russian president Vladimir Putin until he launched an alleged coup in June 2023".

A little surprised to see how quick Wikipedia has already updated Prigozhin's page and added a full page dedicated to the June 23 rebellion. If Wikipedia is already mobilised on the topic, the "correct" interpretation of the present events must be important.



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Even if we're not on the same page on the Russian situation Edward, you still receive a like from me.

We need Russian Citizen Journalists on the ground to report back to Edward HQ as to what the fudge is going on.

My recommendation to people is to keep an eye on Intel Slava Z, because they keep approximate updates (they have an 80-90% hitrate on factual reporting, but don't trust them fully because sometimes they... fudge interpretations of news articles):


I did try to bug Edward for a translation, but perhaps one of the nice Russian linguists can give a translation of what Prigozhin is saying in this video here?


I don't trust Western media's translation, given their tendency to mistranslate Putin's speeches. So I'm trying to determine if this is yet another 'mistranslation'.

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