Father of Sputnik V tells Russian child scary bedtime story about anti-vaxxers
Inject 'em while they're young. (Sponsored by the Ministry of Education.)

Children are our future.
This is why TASS, in partnership with the Russian Ministry of Education, sent a defenseless orphan (?) into the bowels of the Gamaleya Center, where she was forced to stroke the ego of clot-shot superstar Alexander Gintsburg.
I have just provided you with a synopsis of the latest episode of “TASS Kids”:
The video begins with some undisputed journalism facts:
Alexander Leonidovich Gintsburg has saved and is saving residents of Russia from the disastrous coronavirus with his scientific work. The future academician became interested in biology while still in school, and has remained loyal to it his whole life.
The TASS-Kids film crew was granted a rare chance to interview him in the Gamalaya Center, where normal people, and cameras, as a rule, are usually not permitted entry.
Cameras, as a rule, are usually not permitted inside the Gamaleya Center because Gintsburg doesn’t want anyone to take a photo of his top secret AstraZeneca clot-shot recipe.
Also, the Gamaleya Center resembles a place where methamphetamine is consumed in large quantities. This has been well-documented.

Let’s return to the child exploitation.
A schoolgirl who identified herself as “Daria” asked Russia’s friendliest scientist the following question:
TASS child slave: And now a question about the vaccine. What are your thoughts on anti-vaxxers?
Alexander Gintsburg: I think they are unfortunate people. On the one hand, if they are aggressive anti-vaxxers, who push their opinions on the people around them, then this goes beyond all scientific conversations. This becomes a function of the state, and, I believe, law enforcement authorities, because in doing so they bring terrible harm to the health of those around them, children as well.
Well, there you have it.
If you don’t like being injected with a barely tested genetic goo that was developed in close cooperation with AstraZeneca, that’s perfectly fine with Gintsburg so long as you get injected anyway and keep your inappropriate opinions to yourself.
But when you start pushing your vile anti-health hate speech on others, the authorities might have to get involved. Because refusing the clot-shot is murder. Child murder, actually.
If you want to prevent the mass extinction of children in Russia, all Russian youngsters need to be injected with Alexander Gintsburg’s safe and effective genetic slurry. Again, this is basic science that has been definitively proven by Sputnik V’s trial data, which is a confidential trade secret that has yet to be released to the public.

It’s really great that even in 2024, Russian state media is still drooling over Alexander Gintsburg, a beloved man of science who received one of the country’s highest civilian honors just hours after calling for open discrimination against the filthy Uninjected.
It’s also reassuring that the Ministry of Education is pouring rubles into programming young Russians to view “anti-vaxxers” as dangerous criminals.
Whoever controls education controls the future. And let’s just say that the future looks a bit “precarious”.
It is what it is.
And now I must go stack wood.
This Gintsburg, likeable fella with a typical Russian name - he is a proof these psychopaths are ready and willing to do unspeakable things to us, and won't spare children. They learned things can be achieved smoothly without using terror behind an electrified barbed wire, just use fear and appeal to positive human emotions like caring for fellow man, protect elderly etc.
One can only hope ww3 won't be some globalist orchestrated mass slaughter but instead ordinary people finally standing up to evil globally.
"Anti-vaxxers imposing their viewpoints upon others"...if we didn't you bums in science and big pharma would murder us all. Dear papa Sputnik...you need to go to a rehabilitation center and get your mushy brain rewired.