Don't worry, qr codes are 7d chess to help prevent NGOs from messing up the brics alliance, which is doubleplus good

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Now Norway will ease up on the strict measures and let Omicron gently make it's way through the populace. At a press conference the Prime Minister said that there will be no difference in the measures remaining, between waxed and unvaxxed. But still they are thinking about wether to make a corona passport or not. So we all see that this has nothing at all to do with health.

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On a positive note, some mayors of Dutch cities have declared they will not enforce lockdowns in their cities anymore, including QR checks. Despite the lockdown measures, a lot of stores (amongst which also chains) will reopen next saturday. Our government will have a press conference tomorrow, but they don't care anymore.

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U.S. Supreme Court just struck down Biden's OSHA vax mandate.

It's over here.

Europe & Russia will probably fold like a cheap suit soon.


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"U.S. Supreme Court just struck down Biden's OSHA vax mandate."

Two things happened. They upheld the 5th Circuit's stay while more cases consolidate, and meanwhile they effectively codified the right of at least Congress to do whatever they want with us. This wasn't a win, this was a delay and a loss.

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Re: the OSHA rule, the Supreme Court upheld the stay and also said the plaintiffs are "likely to succeed" on the merits of their case. That's Supreme Court speak for "Hey, dumbass lower court, we've already tipped our hand on how we're gonna rule on the merits of the case. So you might want to take that into account or we'll reverse your ass again."

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The vaccine mandate was allowed to stand for healthcare workers, but the Supreme Court ruled that OSHA was exceeding the current authority given them by Congress to mandate for the general population. Therefore, the SC ruled that the government does own your body, and can therefore strip a person of all other Constitutional rights, but it is the Legislative branch that must do it. However, if Congress doesn't mandate vaccines, I expect the Supreme Court to issue another ruling, or something, somehow this will be made to happen, because this is global.

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Correct. They said OSHA had overstepped it's authority. The Supreme Court never tested against the constitution.

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Thanks for the report Riley. I've been a paying (very little) member of James Corbett's "The Corbett Report" for some time. I don't agree with everything he says. But he has done a lot of amazing work. But covid seems to be undoing him as he interviews faker Robert Kennedy Jr (who is a big promoter of fraudulent health care who is seen as a hero because he opposes others who promote fraudulent health care). He recently did a report on the unrest in Kazakhastand and neither he nor his colleague, James Pilato, said boo about one underlying factor, but a big one, namely the mandatory jabbing. I was alarmed and said so in the comments section where I pointed people to your reporting. I see one other, the last I looked, has also recommend your website. I'm happy to see that. I'm not happy to see James Corbett slide. But if there's one thing that the covid hoax has made crystal clear, it has shown that someone can be a stellar human being one day and a fascist the next day. (It's a free universe.) The covid hoax has outted, not just fraudulent virology but, so many progressives and supposed champions of human rights as well. I have always considered myself to be a progressive, and still do (depending on exactly what that means), but I've watched, literally, as 99% of the bloggers and journos and writers in the progressive community came out in favor of tyranny. They were closet fascists, even while denouncing fascism.

A big part of the problem is false pride. I have no problem with someone taking a position and then showing the courage of his or her conviction. (The apostle Paul is a famous example. He persecuted Christians before he became one. I have my doubts about him, but that's another story. I'm just making a point here.) I used to believe that climate crisis is a hoax. Then I started reading James Corbett and Cory Morningstar and came to the realization that it is a hoax, primarily because those publishing the message of climate crisis are hoaxsters. (Climate crisis, like pandemics and viruses, are a cover for environmental destruction caused by too free capitalists.) I even went so far as to contact various organizations (which were sources of information that I liked and used in my blogging) in order to tell them to get with the program and stop calling 'climate crisis' climate change.

The bottom line is: Everyone is somewhere. You have a level of knowledge and a package of biases. Bias is not the problem. Bias for Rockefeller medical dogma and against terrain theory is not an insurmountable problem - but only 'if' the person holding it refuses to examine it. We must examine our biases and that requires humility (opposite of false pride) and integrity (rather than letting our donor base dictate our direction). Smart people who possess false pride are a great danger, not just to us (when they're fascists), but to themselves as well. My landlord worked for the Ontario Science Center here in Canada. I never made it through high school. He can't be told a damn thing if he's already made up his mind. We all have to be dumber than he is or his world falls apart. When I pointed out to him, early in this pandemic hoax, that they are bringing in mandatory vaccines, he called me a conspiracy theorist and said he had to get back to reality as he hung up the phone on me. His reality? TV no doubt.

Will James Corbett come around or slide all the way down?

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I find this Murashko, only attending to his face and expression, as a really bad faced person.

Experience of life have informed me this always goes along with a very bile character.

What does he mean with that sick leaves will be digital, that people not owning a QR will not be payed his/her sick leave?

Which is this dude´s background? He would fit better at the KGB, or carrying "The football".for Putin....Has he been encomended this dirty work of cattle tag the Russians because he shows such a face of hard guy and because he feels at ease at authoritarian level? It seems so.

You should write a semblance , Riley...

If the alleged warrying with the West would be real ( my theory is that it is all pure theatre ) he should be sent to the NATO seat to negotiate with Stoltenberg, instead, he was placed there to imposse sanitary tiranny on the Russians.

At least Mishustin looks like your average burocrat..although he came as well to digitalize the Russian people´s lives, after digitalizing the treasure..

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Someone said peaceful demonstrations leads to slavery. War leads to freedom.

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I agree with the late William Blum who noted that, when it comes to violent revolution, the people are outgunned. Isn't it obvious? Do we possess a CIA? Do we own Silicon Valley? Do we have armies and police forces and spooks? Do we own banks? Do we own a zillion NGOs ready, willing and able to do our bidding? Do we own tv networks, the way pharma does? Do we have mountains of cash, like Bill Gates, with which to buy politicians and doctors and scientists and educators?

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LOL, beating up security guards... 👍

> Meanwhile, St. Pete residents—well, at least some of them—appear to be running out of patience with the city’s “health” measures.

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If the guards don't care, I don't care. I worked in security, full time and permanent (for most of that time) since 1999. I lost my full time job here in Toronto on October 29 because I would not consent to be poisoned with their covid injectable. If I can do it, then other guards (or a lot of them) can do it too. I had one guard in the organic supermarket I have shopped at for years chase me around the store because I wouldn't pull my mask up over my nose. I finally said to her "Can I talk to you for a minute?" She said yes, and I explained to her that I could never do what she was doing. And I tried to explain to her that the pandemic is a hoax. I have no trouble explaining that to anyone who will listen because I've kept myself informed. As a blogger with more than 200 blog posts just on covid, I consider myself informed. Nothing I said fazed her. She didn't care. I don't care about her therefore.

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Russia has fallen

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Until the last people opposing this tyranny have been removed, Russia has not fallen. Not by a long shot.

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The world has fallen. This toilet world will fall in the sense that it will be destroyed, as it needs to be. As for people - whether Russian or Canadian or whatever - who care, who uphold God's standards (honesty, justice, compassion) they will survive, even if they have to pay a high price for their integrity. Independent sovereign nation States haven't existed for some time. They really are an illusion, like the Sars CoV 2 virus.

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That is a very interesting comment. So you do believe in the nation state? As a viable concept, or a historic remenance? Because if you don't, aren't you acknowledging the globalist principle? And it's all right if you want this toilet world destroyed. You may well be right. But what do you want in return of it?

Me, I believe in the nation state as the highest ranking entity. I'm not called a partisan for the Dutch for nothing. And as long as I am here, the Netherlands have not fallen, you can bet on that.

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I do believe in global government, but not Klaus Scwhab's version. Jehovah's Kingdom is universal (including the spirit realm) government. But within his government, you have the realm of earth. Jesus Christ is Jehovah's deputy king and is said to be a king alongside God. He is said to be 'our' King. "King of kings and Lord of lords." God is not, however, a micromanager. While the concept of nation State is one that people are familiar with, that concept is based on a reality that, in some respects, is going to change forever. Nation States that don't acknowledge Jehovah God's universal sovereignty (He's only the Creator for gosh sake!) shouldn't expect to continue forever. And they won't.

"The Issue Of Universal Sovereignty - What Is Satan's Goal?" / https://app.box.com/s/8cbs618k6nxds4ten3jd

Will there be a Russia in the new world to come? Why not? If every street had the same name, we'd be lost in no time. But what will 'Russia' mean in the new world?

Remember, I'm a Christian. I'm might also self-identify as a progressive and leftwing but I am a Christian first and foremost. Seeing how so many people are traitorous these days (and I guess it's always been that way), those who are traitorous can cause confusion that onlookers don't recognize as such. 99% of those who self-identify as progressive (including many who I used to consider to be good sources of information) today are siding with tyranny. Chris Hedges (who I believe has fallen in covid 1984) wrote a good book titled "The Death Of The Liberal Class." He doesn't argue that liberalism was good, or terribly evil. He just makes the point that so many who would self-identify as 'liberal' have betrayed liberal values. Liberal philosophy can be summed up as: 'A rising tide lifts ALL boat'. That's not horrible. I don't disagree with it. Then again, Neither would tyrant Klaus Schwab, who wants us to think that we are all in the Great Reset together, as in together and benefitting equally. Ha!

The hoaxsters do two things at once: 1. They encourage people to understand that we need global government and take steps to move us in that direction. 2. They lie to us about independent, sovereign nation states, because, like electoral politics, it's an illusion that serves the purpose of convincing people that they have democracy.

With a nation State, a province, a city, and electoral politics, you have (on the surface) a situation where citizens can vote for someone from among themselves to represent them and be their voice on bigger stages (city to province to country to world). That's fair and it's representative democracy, which most people would say, for good reasons in my view, is good. But the reality is very, very different. People sort of knew that politicians don't listen to them, but until the scholarly work of Benjamin Page and Martin Gilens, that hadn't been established in any formal way. They showed from careful research that, indeed, politicians take their marching orders from powerful special interests and don't pay attention to the people. (I call politicians gangsters. They fit the definition.)

Iain Davis has done a lot of research on that aspect of our current reality. Visit his website called "In This Together." He also writes columns for "UK Column News." John Perkins (a faker who did write some interesting things) wrote "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man." He doesn't know whether he coined the term "Corporatocracy" or he heard it somewhere and it stuck in his head, but he made the term famous. Corporatocracy, or corporatism, is essentially just fascism, which is just a situation where the business community joins forces with the political class and they run the country, cutting out the people, but telling them that they are important and that they have democracy because they can vote (in elections in which they get to choose from among a handful of already elite-chosen candidates). The thing is, John explains that Corporatocracy is global. (He equates it with the American empire and that's not altogether wrong. Peter Phillips's book, "Giants," talks about the transnational capitalist class but, as Maximilian Forte (probably a faker) notes, the membership is predominantly American.)

The Corporatocracy is dominated by the UK/USA, but it's global and it, in turn, is directed by those who are truly at the top of the pyramid, namely the Giants, in (faker) Peter Phillips's words. (As Andrew Kaufman noted, in a discussion with Del Bigtree, when asked about what's going on with the covid pandemic, noted that if government's were truly independent and sovereign, then you would have seen more variation in their responses to the declared pandemic.) The important policies that guide nations, working together, are made by the Global Private Public Partnership, as Iain Davis points out. Nation States make policy too, but at a lower level. They are not in charge. My comment is already long, so I'll leave it there. Here's a few links:

"Fact Check: Is The United Nations New World Order Website Real?" by Spiro Skouras / https://www.bitchute.com/video/HidGsRbuQNP1/

"The Public Health Army - Do The Right Thing" / https://www.bitchute.com/video/gTZ6QfUW0Cct/

"Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order!" by James Corbett / https://www.corbettreport.com/globalization-is-dead-long-live-the-new-world-order/

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I meant to include Benjamin Page and Martin Gilen's research: https://app.box.com/s/oztel7klkze9mj7pe4gr6z4kau8ekpcf

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at this point the only hope is that WW3 breaks out and NATO is defeated. remove the American EMpire and its corporate sponsors and vaccine mandates are gone, just like wokeism.

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You're not exacly an avid reader of this blog, right?

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yes I am, just think CHina and Russia are the lesser evil. Btw the truly evil russians, that I wasnt aware of until I came here, like Graf and Chubais, are all WEF guys. destroy NATO and America and there is no WEF anymore

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Related to destroying, I found myself past day thinking that if you go to see these elites managing all this and impossing it on us all none of them has a half minute punch.

They are all or very old, or very limp.

You take that Schwab, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bourla or Fink....I see any of those faces and I really wnat to punch them..... Why such ridiculous people are impossing their will on us all?

Thiel looks a bit more slippery, but I think we could manage as well...

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elon musk looks well meaning, also he is improving the world, unlike the ones you quote

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