Thanks for your service. Best for 2022!

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We have our own Dr. Redko's (and we have our own RT's too) in the west. Problem is that most people over here either can't or won't think for themselves in the face of something that obviously coordinated worldwide. But then we don't have a history of Stalinism either in the west, so that's not in our blood. It's about time we learn to see people have made their choices, and you're not going to save everyone. The meat shield is a real thing. So is war economy, always an option.

But there are also plenty of people in the west who are not going to be assimilated, and resistance is not futile. It never is. We just have to stand together in places like these.

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fully agree!

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Thanks for this; the gathering storm.

“For a multitude of reasons, it’s possible Russia will serve as both a “last stand” Alamo and also a place of refuge—a place where no matter what happens, normal life will be able to continue, in some form, in some far-off corner.”

I was thinking this very thought before opening your page this morning. может быть, Кисловодск все-таки хороший выбор.

However there is this news article found at revolver.news (don’t bother) which links to BBC (I know, I know!):


Is there any truth to this? And, would you recommend moving to Russia in the face of all that has happened or is very likely to happen? About the only thing standing in favor for the USA is the 2A and literally millions of very pissed-off Americans who also will not go quietly into the night.

HNY, Riley.

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happy new year! Yes I saw that, and yes it's true and not very cool. I guess the original plan was to even do the tests every 3 months--insane--but they changed their mind? currently these tests are already carried out if you want to get a work visa here. I'm not a fan.

I also think there are states/regions of the US that will do quite well. The three main advantages Russia has is: 1. most people ignore/hate all covid rules 2. it's a big place, lots of places to hide 3. government is incompetent and corrupt, making hiding a lot easier

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What I don’t get is why so many can’t see these obvious truths. Does it boil down to genetics and the nature of nurture? Both of my siblings are lost, likely permanently as both have enthusiastically accepted the inoculations. I fear neither will live to see age 70.

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Indeed! Us Russians and those millions of pissed off Americans should come together and clean things up. Proper leadership is the only thing missing at this point. Perhaps in 2024 we will see something like that happening.

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This is so much bigger than just vaccines, QR-codes and so on. One has to wonder, is any nation on earth really independent, or are they all under the power of unelected techocrats in private entities?

It is interesting that you say Russia might be kind of a last refuge for free people. I was convinced of that before I realized what is going on there now with the Covid disaster, but then kind of went back on that line of thinking. It is an interesting question and I hope you're right because here in the west it's all going in the wrong direction if one is a believer of the natural human condition. But are most people? Imagine if it turns out that the majority actually would welcome living in the Matrix?

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probably most of Russia will be not a great place to live in. But it's a big place.

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checkout the plot line for the 1973 movie Soylent Green... the source of the ‘Narratives’ goes back decades... if it weren’t so pathetically sad it would be funny... God Bless the Skepticism of the Russian people... especially the elderly who have ‘been there, done that’...

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Lew Rockwell just published a fabulous essay by a tremendous genius on the lies, survival and remaking the future from the ash heap of liberal democracies across the west. First we must wait for the gradual awakening to accelerate one collapsing narrative at a time.


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I was introduced to your substack by a simple citizen just the other day. Subscribed.

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Andreii lives in Florida, and I don’t understand why he thinks this way about the CCooofff. His wife is a Nurse so it could be that she has taken the Blue Pill thinks like the Medical Establishment. It’s a Mystery to me as well.

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Happy New Year and Thank You, Edward

EMEL - New Year's Prayer


Moranbong Band - Let New Year's snow fall (설눈아 내려라)


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Déjà vu?

The Bolshevik Revolution – Darkness Descends (documentary 54 minutes)


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what you weren’t taught in school... what it looks like when Lies are allowed to flourish, Truth is actively concealed and Complacency rules the day.

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“The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand. […] As time passes, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it’s blown away and what’s below is revealed.“


“You can hide memories, but you can’t erase history.“

- From ”Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki” by Haruki Murakami

Keep them coming :-)

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plan on emailing your video out... the nature and extent of this was glossed over in my Western History college course... also treated superficially, flippantly with degradation in popular culture with programs like Netflix ‘The Romanovs’...

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Thank you kitten. Please stay away from Netflix. Let me explain. My awakening commenced around five or six years ago around the time Russia intervened in Syria (which was September 2015). The reporting of Eva K Bartlett (In Gaza) and Vanessa Beeley (21st Century Wire – and now The Wall Will Fall) was central – evil Bashar and Asma al-Assad – good Bana - fake chemical attacks on civilians – Omran Daqneesh (Aleppo Boy) - Russia bombing schools and hospitals – White Helmets (championed by Boris Johnson) and so on. Once I found out that ISIS were proxy terrorists for Israel and the US-backed ‘coalition’ (including Australia) I just had to find out more about Putin and Russia. I turned the TV and radio off – they just became offensive to my ears and insulting to my integrity and my intelligence. After many hours of viewing and reading I became quite an advocate for Putin, as well as a Russophile. I went back through the centuries of history and particularly the last few hundred years (the Romanovs) – as best as I could from as many sources as I could find until I felt I could discern who to trust. This brought me inevitably up to the Bolsheviks [Putin says they were mostly Jewish] and on to World War II. Nothing – NOTHING – is as we have been led to believe. Good on Russia and Russians today for having emerged from that terrible period. But Edward’s revelations over the past few months are now making me question just what Putin is up to, letting this happen on his watch – are his detractors right? – but perhaps for the wrong reasons?

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Reed Hastings is funding the devil’s work... along with Soros.

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will do... on board.

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Recommendation: Ron Unz (Unz Report) - American Pravda Series


Starting with:

• American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (American Pravda series)


I download the audios and burn on CD for car or walking and/or play at a comfortable speed through an audio player (eg FTW). As well as a prolific writer he really does have a smooth and soothing listening voice.

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...think i have some homework to do🐱💕

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I don't mean to hog this thread but ...

“Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed and a picture presented which by its crude colouring will persuade the ignorant people that their Government is blameless, their cause is righteous, and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy has been proved beyond question.“

“Departments have to be created to see to the psychological side. People must never be allowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats, if not concealed, at any rate minimized, and **the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind by means of "propaganda.**"

“… the injection of the poison of hatred into men's minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. **The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.**”

Read on … (please do – and share this resource)

• Falsehood of War-Time - Arthur Ponsonby


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but oh what a journey! - at your own pace. Challenge yourself and critically challenge everything you read or hear - as Edward has done. Be patient and stay calm - and develop your own legacy to share with your friends and family.

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I havn't checked out your doc but it was always a little suspicious that Lenin was given a nice protected train ride back to Russia.

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If you wanna know what Lenin was up to (hint: he was financed by Western banking families and took all gold and artworks and gave them away to said elites) - read the works of Vladimir Soloukhin. He loves the “Czar” a little too much but broke down Lenin’s atrocities quite well.

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Sounds like Baghdad. I'll have a look.

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Thank you for the recommendation - recently finished Ilyin (On Resistance to Evil), Tzouliadis (The Forsaken) and part way through 'Suvorov' (x2). Scenes from Russian Life added to my get list.

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as an aside (1:46 quote grab)

Lenin Regarded Europeans As Animals (re Pavlov)


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Sorry they're propagandistic videos both. Not worthy of my time.

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“All propaganda has a direction. The quality of this direction determines whether propaganda has a positive or negative effect. Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that the people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run. A good propaganda will always come along that serves a good cause. But propaganda is still necessary if a good cause is to succeed. A good idea does not win simply because it is good. It must be presented properly if it is to win.”

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Any particular point that you wanted to dispute? A Netflix enthusiast I take it.

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“The demand for an open space dedicated to the study, discussion and public presentation of the era of Stalinist oppression can be felt especially keenly now. The history of 20th century Russia is tragic and complex from a moral and humanistic standpoint; to this day, there is no distinct commonly accepted interpretation. At the same time, **without a thoughtful and dispassionate analysis of the past, it is impossible to build a contemporary society with a conflict free national identity**.“

- “Our Projects” section of website of the Gulag Museum in Moscow - cited in “Return to Moscow” by Tony Kevin

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This is worse. The bolshe thing was limited to one country, and it did not involve altering people's DNA on a massive scale.

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Communists are not keen on borders. Italy was a good example from that time. So is France. Pol Pot got his education there.

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There is no such thing as "communism". Some people want power and control from any direction they can.

I am surprised that you mentioned Pol Pot ("Poorte" - softer "Port"" - most younger people have not heard of him,

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Yes, well, for one thing I'm not a spring chicken :-) I've been studying for a couple of years now what the root of that evil is, and how we can prevent it from happening again. So it's a subject of particular interest to me.

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I think you meant "no spring bat"....

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A communist will say (and they have said to me) that real communism hasn't been tried before. If people identify as a communist, regardless of content, it's obviously a thing. And I let them, because in every case I don't have to research if they are the true enemy of humanity.

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I heard that line mentioned as well.

My reply would be: real capitalism hasn't been tried before.

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Both tend to the same, centralized control. A little like Paris dominates France or London dominates England. Let alone some of the colonial cities like Sydney or Melbourne in places where there's no Birminghams or Lilles or Lyons or Frankfurts.

So what's the solution? I figure it's to decentalize the physical as well as the political.

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Vietnamese cuisine is a hoot. i.e. Pho Chicken. What is it then?

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Outstanding video...

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Oh yes. Can you imagine they eyes getting bigger when I explain that communism and national socialism are two branches of the same tree, and that tree needs to be rotted out, root and all? It is my belief that ideologies like that produce the Hitlers, Stalins and Maos of this world.

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"national socialism" doesn't mean anything, the Nazi Party used that term to appeal to the bourgeois as well as the working class. The merger of corporate and state power is literally Mussolini's fascism.

Why do so many people argue that the Nazi Party was socialist because it contains the word socialism? Might as well say the DPRK is democratic, but you never do that for some reason.

Hitlers of the world are not the problem, the problem are the people who listen to them and give them power through their obedience.

Then there are also the people who fincance them, which they can do because of a system that accumulates wealth in a tiny group. And that system has nothing to do with socialism.

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I deeply disagree with you on that one. Mussolini was a radical socialist before he invented facism. Hitler did nothing but speak on the purity and strength of the people (before us the people, in us the people, and after us the people). The only ones that called them "right wing" were communists.

But there's more. Central guided economy, nationalisation of heavy industry are amongst a few aspects of that kind of society. Stifling of dissent another one. The nazi's used the word socialism because that's what they were, socialists. And the parallels between then and now are stunning, obedience and all.

Bytheway, calling the Hitlers of the world not a problem is a bit of an understatement, right? He blamed the German people for his demise. Aren't you doing the same now?

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Which society does not or did not ever “stifle dissent”? Today it’s just called “fact checking”.

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Well, I'd like to think I grew up in a society that still held high "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". I think we're well beyond that point now. Agreeing to disagree does not equate to stifling dissent in my opinion.

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You assume someone like Hitler is a rarity and that he claimed power just by himself. There is a Hitler in many people, like they say, in every coward there is a tyrant and vice versa.

You fail to see the bigger picture, he was just a figurehead who would have been nowhere without the blessings of his Wall Street and big business masters. "National Socialism" was their project. I'm not concerned about the Hitlers, I'm concerned about the JP Morgans, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs etc...

The NSDAP took the popular frustration with the state and turned it into state-corporatism with ethno-nationalist focus. It was a collectively-minded, but narrowly-defined kind of populism that had no interest in destroying capitalism, but rather using it for the good of the state and of the "real" German people. There was never an intent to take the means of production into the hands of the proletariat. Instead Hitler worked hand-in-hand with his corporate/banker buddies from Germany as well as Britain/US who funded his war effort.

The Nazis persecuted social democrats, socialists/communists. They imprisoned thousands of them after taking power. Nazi writings, speeches constantly reference their hatred of Marxists and Communists. The opposition party to the Nazis were social democrats, liberals and actual socialists. There were left parties in Germany when the Nazis came to power, none were legal within a few years. Hitler equated Bolshevism and Marxism with the Jews - now weren't they supposed to be his friends if he was such a socialist? He didn't even co-opt them, he just exterminated socialists. Even the left-wing of the NSDAP was purged, so the last thing that resembled socialism in the party was nothing but gone by that time.

Futhermore, socialism is about treating the people equally, rather than elevating one group (Arians) while degrading another (slavs, jews...).

So to keep this "purity and strength" he had to cleanse the people of Untermenschen, again the polar opposite of socialism.

Nationalization of heavy industry is not exclusive to socialism (Neither are centralization, obedience or stifling of dissent.) At that point state and coporate power had already merged with companies such as IG Farben operating slave labor camps. Similar what todays "Public Private Partnerships" have in mind.

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You have a warped sense of socialism, if you claim they want to treat people equally. Nothing you say disclaims the fact that the Nazi's were on the left side of the spectrum. In fact you confirm it. But it's all good, you do you, and I'll do me.

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Your ideological blindfold blocks off logic and reason, I see.

"Nothing you say disclaims the fact that the Nazi's were on the left side of the spectrum"

The opposite is true, otherwise you would've come up with something better.

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Humans are basically smart animals and the most psychopathic ones are driven to dominate everyone else. Much of that drive is due to the primal brain and hormones, which is later explained away by “ideologies” and “political systems”. Yes, I’m a little bit cynical 😉

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Russia’s Sputnik COVID-19 vaccine recognised in Australia

The medicines regulator says people with the Sputnik vaccine will be considered “fully vaccinated” for the purpose of travel to Australia.


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It looks to me like Eno is just another liar: https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/everything-must-change/

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oh no!

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I'm telling you; Most of the planet is bowing to Satan. Expect all of your heroes, musical, political, whatever, to be 'raptured' over to the dark side. Expect it and then you'll be a little less shocked when you see the evidence for it. Maybe. By the way, I think that Brian is a musical genius. His Equatorial Stars (with Robert Fripp) is stunning. And I'll never listen to it again.

"Taken" - https://app.box.com/s/m5oupnqti2x7ryrfeyvq1ngfumfgta3l

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I know nothing about Telegram, other than that a lot of good people think it's okay. (And I also thought one good person warned us away from it.) I downloaded whatever it was that Telegram wants me to download (and didn't like doing that). I tried to run it. I don't have data on my smart phone and will never have data on my smart phone. I inputted my phone number. But Telegram didn't respond. Telegram? Is that it?

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Try it on desktop. It's worth it, in my opinion. Lots of good content you won't find anywhere else.

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I think that that's what I downloaded. I didn't get anywhere with it. I'm pretty tech stupid so it may just be me. But if it requires me to have data on my smart phone, then I won't be using it.

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".............. If you blindfolded us and gave us a toothpick we could probably impale about 100,000 lies just by waving that little stick back and forth in the air. At this point you need a pair of surgical tweezers just to isolate the microscopic truths buried under the growing mountain of bullshit."

That's a brilliant analogy of the times we endure, but for the 'tweezers' to isolate the truth you'd have to use an electron microscope, I would think.

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You got the Cowards who pretend to be for truth...

We got fake socialists who don't know much about socialism in the USA.

It's a clown world... There's no common sense

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France on fire (in a good way)! It begins ...


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Side note on the potential for war in/around Ukraine... why doesn't Klaus broker some kind of deal between the western and eastern factions of Great Resetters? After all, national borders aren't going to be a thing where we're all headed.

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Well you still gotta keep the weapons manufacturers happy. Can’t have world peace! It might give people too much time to zero in on the QR code farce.

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They aren't a thing now.

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