Without political reforms any removal is mandates, QR code’s, vaccines will be but a template stop gap, until the next corrupt regime has been elected. There needs to be less government control and permanent removal of some laws , particularly ones that control people’s health.

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Oh no! No! No! All the useful "idierts" (my english idiot-expert) such as The Saker will call "this is a multi-color revolution" by the CIA and Mossad!"

To them Putin-Russia is paradise where even the "brave" Ed Snowden can squat among Russians!

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Edward, your dialogue with Regis Tremblay was awesome & I'll share it with everyone I can think of. It was also great filming of you....so I feel better acquainted with our Man in Moscow, who's bringing up such powerful news and analysis. After that, I checked out this beautiful interview with TN Senator Rand Paul on the truckers, Fauci, etc. as he's been clear & strong in working on all of this from the Senate Health committee...with his usual integrity, which is so rare (esp. in our Congress) and beautiful to behold! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eabr9uHEDxc

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Thanks, Jean!

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отлично. исключительный.

Your best work work yet, penguin.

Don't desert us.

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IN the meanwhile the Dep of homeland security has made a terrorist act, to criticize the american government and its actions. Now we have to carry the constitution in our pocket, to make sure we are not arrested for mentioning the name of holy Biden in the wrong context !

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Holy ghosts Brandon...

An inept piece of cardboard

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Romanians are doing the slow-roll. Driving cops crazy with traffic like old Moldovan donkey.

In Canada, not so good. There's a few leaders with authoritarian blood in their veins.


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I admire these truckies and their Canadian supporters with all my heart. However I can NOT see any silverline in this.

The problem is NOT just Canadian government or Trudeau, or any single national government. This is a global conspiracy of the system of government authority. THEY and their national Governments will try to sabotage, divide, pit people against each other very soon! THEY/ National Governments have ALL the resources (especially TIME and useful idiots. i.e cops and jabbed sheeple) and the exclusive brutal violence. Governments' thugs will infiltrate and crack the movement! These brave truckies will be exhausted. So will their families and supporters!

-The only solution is TO OVERTHROW THIS SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT as quickly and as swiftly as we can! Otherwise, as history teaches us, we , the people, always loose in the end!

-I wish and I even pray that I am wrong. I will be very very happy to be WRONG on this!

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