Sep 8, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Quantum computing...?

That reminds me of Nuclear Fusuon. When I toured a fusion reactor in 1995 they gave us leaflets promising commercial fusion reactors in 20 years. An attentive student noted the publication date on those leaflets: they were 20 years old!

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Graphene-based quantum-nanotech computers were already 12k faster than "supercomputers" in 2012.

Currently, live data must be fed to a self-improving AI on such a platform, advising the technocrats about their next move.


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Absolutely: as long as humans want to tell the computer what to do, it will be slow and full of glitches. Only self-improving algorithms can evolve well beyond human capabilities and imagination and only in problem-solving contexts. The graphene-nanotech AI that is fed live data and running the global simulation, by default, cannot be binary, but it is easily possible that the base machine develops different structures for solving different problems. It can also switch between structures, depending on its priorities. After all, that's the way I would do it, if I could. :)

Eventually, it's mostly conjecturing, like most human thinking. The way the 2030 agenda is materializing suggests that the threads and the timing are have been too perfect to be decided by humans; the only "mistake" I can locate is that it would have been possible to stop the insanity by opposing the muzzle, but that didn't happen. Since then, everything seems to have followed a schedule without any more mistakes.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I traveled through 1 Russia airport, 1 Belarus airport, 2 EU airports, 1 USA airport, and a land border crossing between Belarus and EU in the past 2 months. In my opinion, "they" believe passport control in not enough. "They" have used a make-believe virus as a fear tactic to introduce a QR code "green pass" digital ID that INCLUDES "injection status" in order to control/restrict freedom of movement.

I traveled with NO mask, NO PCR test, NO injection. I traveled now while this gate-keeping is at the beginning stage. Amsterdam in the most advanced in this technological roll out that I traveled through.

The best counter-measure is to REFUSE injections and try to wake-up as many people via common ground as much as possible. I talked to many people during these 2 months of traveling. Some people were like talking to stone walls and some people agreed with me on the common ground that linking "injection status" to freedom of movement is WRONG.

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When I was younger some time ago, I had a grand mal seizure immediately after an injection inside a hospital that was blamed on me. The neurologist threatened to take my driver's license away because of my "new" diagnosed neurological condition. I went to the hospital's patient advocate office for help. I pushed back, defended myself, and insisted on further medical tests to prove my brain activity was normal and nothing was wrong with me and the injection caused my grand mal seizure. The patient advocate consulted with the neurologist and agreed to conduct 3 sleep deprived electroencephalograms. The EEG tests were all normal (thank goodness) and the neurologist backed down however never admitted nor denied the injection caused my adverse reaction. *This is my personal reason for being totally against injections.*

In my opinion, everyone goes through trials and tribulations albeit different degrees of impact. I think good people need to recharge their batteries from time to time. Without going into too much detail, I hit a low point like an American winning quarterback that was hit hard, picked up, thrown to the ground with my breath being taken away from me. I regained my breath, dusted myself off, and collected my thoughts. At that particular time, I was fired by Amazon and far away (in kilometer distance) from my family with no emotional moral support locally. I repeatedly tried and failed to complete a simple repair job at my home that gave me a "darkest before dawn" moment. I fell to my knees, brought my hands to my face, and openly wept out loud regardless if my neighbors heard or not. (Difficult for a strong man like me to admit however your post inspired me to post this.) I regained my composure and completed the repair job on my next first try after thinking what I was doing wrong. My turning point was helped by contemplation and reflection. I questioned the worth of my life WITHOUT the ability to be an important person like a celebrity, politician, investment banker. I made a strong decision to be a man with a SOVEREIGN sense of purpose to always try my best to be the best person I can be. I set small attainable goals for myself that increased over time and finally appreciated the beauty in nature and found healthy habits to improve my lifestyle.

Domo arigato for you being you and for your posts of truth in defending freedom of our right to make a sovereign individual personal decision to refuse injections.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

The globalist technocracy they put in place to replace the states (as mentioned in total complicity by Tony Blair and Gref in this video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI9RMSvtkBU&t=590s ), is a co-production between the East and the West. The best exemple of that is the Cyberpolygon project. We are supposed to suffer russian threats on internet, which is true, but then why do they secretly collaborate behind the scenes?


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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I am a Japanese living in Japan.

Thanks to your Russia Report I am awake.

Or maybe I am still asleep.

In any case, thank you very much.

First of all, I would like to thank you.

Oh, and I love your sense of humour.

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thanks for reading!

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Awake and asleep are a contradiction of terms. Please correct me if I am wrong, however I think what you mean by being "awake" is reading Riley's articles describing the tyrannical method of coercion of the injection. And also that injections are NOT healthy and are used for control.

I think what you mean by being "asleep" is asking why would nations collude in harming their own citizens health.

In my opinion, George Orwell's book explains the reason of collusion very well. Oceania (USA, UK, EU, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Canada) want to expand their absolute control sphere of influence (including mind control) of their population with a unipolar world. Eurasia (Russia, Belarus) want their sovereignty and control over their population as well with a multi polar viewpoint. East Asia (China) want their sovereignty and control over their population as well with a multi polar viewpoint. These 3 power forces want to surveil for traitors to their ideology and control their respective population by any means necessary even if that means collateral damage via injections.

Believe it or not, 6G will be able to control thought patterns (albeit brainwashing is so very effective right now) with positive reinforcement of social credit rewards or negative punishment of mind control headaches for those who have introduced graphene hydroxide nano particles into their bodies via injections. Bottom line> My advice is to REFUSE ALL injections and think for yourself via your own research. https://truthcomestolight.com/6g-closer-than-you-think/

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I say asleep because I am not yet confident that I am awake in all things.

It is better not to be reassured until I die in the sense that it means I have to remain vigilant.

It is clear that vaccines are for population reduction.

I am grateful to the author because the prevailing tone in Japanese conspiracy theory circles is still that Putin is the messiah and is countering the West, which is pushing for the NWO.

I realised that this was an illusion when I read his report on the current situation in Russia, so I thanked him for that.

Moreover, I am a member of the Orthodox Church in Japan, but I have also become disillusioned with the Russian Orthodox Church.

But, I continue to have faith.

I have machine-translated this because my English learning is incomplete. I am sorry if it was difficult to understand.

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Hey Edward, you might be interested in the slightly dubious 'Wikispooks' entry on Gref:


Usually it's a good springboard for deeper investigations. Just don't rely on the citations because companies like to delete webpages, always check archive.org and archive.is for copies.

"Our friends at Katyusha.org have a superb writeup of Gref’s performance, and we encourage everyone to read it."

Unfortunately for us non-Russian speakers, that's a bit of a difficulty. I am sure Google will happily mistranslate segments into clunky English, but perhaps you could - when your schedule is a little freer (I understand the pain) - offer a synopsis of what they're saying?

Keep up the good work!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Sometimes https://translate.yandex.ru/ is better

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This is what those C-19 injections are, they are purely for purpose of establishing nanotechnology platform for blockchain, tracking, mind control, etc. All "vaccines" are toxic (as they contain toxic aluminum, mercury, etc.) thus they cause oxidative stress and oxidative stress may cause autism and plenty of other diseases, including all those mentioned in Pfizer's Postmarketing Experience, p. 30 ( https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf ) Of course, graphene is especially toxic, coated with toxic PEG, plus those C-19 contain also other ingredients, such as cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)), rare earth metals such as cerium (Ce) and gadolinium (Gd), barium (Ba), cesium (Cs), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), sulfur (S), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) that have been found by researchers. There is also toxic PEG! All of them will result in oxidative stress or acute oxidative stress.

People have been poisoned by graphene (a.k.a. C-19 "virus" to be injected with graphene-based materials and other crap). This is why there're so many adverse reactions.

This is what graphene toxicity causes: physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. Those are causing blood clots, organ failure, strokes, and many other injuries, including death. Graphene can result in acute inflammation response and chronic injury by interfering with the normal physiological functions of important organs. Studies regarding risks of graphene in the brain show that graphene application leads to harmful effects on brain tissue development and the atypical ultrastructure was observed in the brain. Graphene demonstrates its toxicity in the central nervous system and toxicity in reproduction and development system. In the animal studies the pregnant mice had abortions at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when the high dose was injected during late gestation and the development of offspring was delayed during the lactation period. The high dose reduces milk production and postpones the growth of offspring. The developmental toxicity of graphene induces structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioral and functional abnormalities, and even death. Graphene induces the lung injury with inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs. Graphene causes cytotoxic effects and mitochondrial injury, leads to inflammations, induces DNA damage, decreases cell adhesion and induces cell apoptosis - cell death. Graphene inserts between the base pairs of double-stranded DNA and disturb the flow of genetic information at the molecular level, which is the main cause of its mutagenic effect. It is hemotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, harmful to reproductive system. Graphene sharpened edges cause physical destruction... Graphene oxide causes oxidative stress and acute oxidative stress causes blood clots, but graphene is also cardiotoxic and acute oxidative stress (free radicals) causes organs failure, autoimmune diseases, rashes and allergies, mess up with immune system, etc.

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-58861-8_2 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9298084 DCCORONA

https://projects.ics.forth.gr/_publications/CORONA2015.pdf CORONA

Let those WEF "elites" to inject themselves with this crap and access Wikipedia or other great source of knowledge, via their direct high-speed Internet (5G/6G) brain connection. I am okay to stay dumb and have to read a book or from a computer screen and do not participate in this failed horrific scam.

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Case in point> new Apple iPhone 14> What's to get excited about?

>"new and improved" camera to watch you and everything you do?

>"new and improved" microphone to listen to everything you say?

>"new and Improved" GPS to pinpoint your exact location?

Herman Gref is the most evil man in Russia. Herman Gref does NOT even sound like a Russian name or surname. Absolutely NO ONE in their right mind would opt in to Herman Gref's so called tyrannical technological "achievements". Herman Gref is alot like Rolo Slavskiy on the this posting board> pure evil. As evidence look at the posts Rolo Slavskiy posted on Riley's article," The perils of Putin's tea leaf reading" dated 31 August. . I challenged and PUSHED BACK against Rolo Slavskiy. (Thank you Riley for letting that freedom of speech exchange stand as evidence of what we the good are dealing with.) Good people MUST push back and defend freedom!

This is ALL about a problem (so called virus that does NOT exist). A solution (injections). An objective (absolute control with digital QR code "green pass" social credit score IDENTIFICATION. Our main defense is to REFUSE ALL injections.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

First! Almost...

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They are not "augmenting", improving people. They are behind the most horrific crime against humanity ever. This is the largest genocide in the human history, committed on all world's nations.

Oxidative stress, caused by toxicity of used materials, especially the usage of graphene in all masks, PCR tests, vaccines, in food, chemtrails, etc., is the causation between this so called "vaccines" and all injuries or "Covid" and all adverse reactions. So called Covid is caused by THE SAME MECHANISM of toxicity of graphene. We've been POISONED by nanotechnology, that crosses all blood barriers and causes such damage for which a "virus" is blamed.

When acute oxidative stress occurs, blood clots form, organ failure, strokes, heart attacks, amyloid formations, etc., occur...

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If the result of waiting for days is articles like this one, Riley, i'm glad to wait. Thanks for further revealing the scum which dwells at the top of Russia's social pyramid. Hmm, just like here in the States. :-)

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Oh dear. Putin is surrounded by Bad Boyars, like Gref. The Good Tsar will come and save us from the evils of the Great Reset though. I'm sure of it.

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This is a message sent by a French Général to all of us who didn't want to be injected with the mnra/graphene satan soup.

Christian Blanchon, General of the French Army:

"They're there with you, they look normal, but

normal, but they are superheroes.

Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

The people who have been capable of such character, courage and critical thinking are undoubtedly the best of humanity. *

They are to be found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries and opinions.

They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wishes to have in its ranks.

They are the parents every child wishes to have and the children every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered all horizons.

They are there with you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.

And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were alone.

Excluded from their families' Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, they let their careers go down the drain, they had no money... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals and humiliations... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "cast", we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

You are the ones who have passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and geniuses could not overcome.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the darkness."

Translated with DeepL

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I have made a mistake, sorry, since the Général has been injected. Nevertheless, this text is magnificent.

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I saw this recently on one of Tg channels...

Build back better!

- Nothing was built

- Nothing is back

- Nothing is better

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The thing to understand about Herman Gref is that he is not too bright. Just like Trudeau he is good at repeating the globalist mantra. AI, 5G, Cloud, Biotech, Quantum computing - ask any business grad student that regularly reads HBR (Harvard Business Review) and they spit out exactly the same when asked about future defining technologies. He also follows the trends and can flip on a dime, depending on political situation. His behavior at present shows that large part of Russian society and majority of Russian business elites continue to operate in a BAU (business as usual) model despite the rapidly changing situation and the crisis of the entire West declaring war on Russia. Hopes remain strong that crisis will pass and things will settle down again when Russia could continue to play the role of Saudi Arabia with snow instead of sands. Btw, analogy with Saudi Arabia is even closer when we consider Saudi war in Yemen, with the difference that Saudi war that goes largely unnoticed by the world and at least 350 thousand were killed there already. Russian war in Ukraine has a much lower human life toll so far and was declared the pivotal battle of "good vs. evil" by the MSM.

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The space lizard in chief has gone, may her son follow her path soon. Very very well done documentary, informative and entertaining about the British royals, definitely worth watching:

"Royal Babylon, the criminal record of the British Monarchy"


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Who said that monarch should be nice? By all accounts Elizabeth II wasn't a "nice woman" but she was a good monarch. She ruled firmly but discreetly. Retained respect for the institution of British monarchy. Kept the country whole, despite attempts to escape by some parts like Scotland. Understood early on the pointlessness and outright stupidity of Brussel's bureaucracy and guided firmly the EU escape plan. But Elizabeth ruled during an overall stable period. Charles is taking the rein at the beginning of a storm not seen by Britain since WWII. Will he manage to become a stabilizing factor like QEII was? Question remains. The word on a street is that Elizabeth herself didn't believe in his ability to rule and hence kept the powers to herself until the very last moment.

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Hello Stanley,

If a monarch should not be that nice, being outright evil is another thing. The institutions of the British monarchy? What is the British monarchy Saxe Cobourg Gotta and it's legacy? Since I can't find the original link I can only send a translation I had made of an article briefly summing up very essential aspect of tha family "ruling" England... And much more.


About the same aspect:


We should never forget that the British, but also the Canadians and others are 'subjects', a legal number of that family and that it is not a light thing to consider since it has deep philosophical implications. Furthermore, the 'Queen' and the 'prince' of Wales' have a right of preemption on all laws submited to the Parlement and it it to their discretion. So much for a symbolic power.


About the same aspect:


Fundamentaly, this family usurpates it's right to the throne of England. You will certainly be interested by this British documentary dealing with this crucial of legitimity:


A couple of weeks ago, I had posted that very interesting link to a very important text, a must read, dealing with deeper aspects of history:


If you deem it worth reading, don't hesitate to discuss it. It's not a juvenile conspiracy stuff. It offers a deeper background into our very culture.

Don't forget that the queen was also the symbolic head of the Church of England and the free massons...

The first documentary I sent in link, though more 'artistic' in it's style and narration, might also be worth watching.

Take care

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Thanks for the links, Bugey Libre! I'll definitely have a look. As until the very recent the Queen's subject and now King's subject, I'm painfully aware of all the shortcomings of the monarchy, but, this is the world we live in, monarchy is a reality in my home country, Canada. Compared to Russia that has overthrown and killed last Romanoff, Britain did better over the course of last century, retaining stability and not having war on its territory. So the monarchical system has some benefits too, it appears.

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Hello Stanley

How can you compare massive land mass Russia with tiny Island England?

This question might begin an interesting conversation, especially in light of mystical imperialism link...

When I'am asked what political system would be better, I usually answer at that point of my existence as a French 'citizen' that Anarcho-Royalism would be an interesting system.


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Oups: "crucial aspect of legitimacy..."

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The FED would agree with you. QEII worked much better than QEI.

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Quand je pense à la vieille anglaise,

Petite fille de la Queen Mary,

Broutant tout comme au Père Lachaise,

Par la racine les pissenlits....

Ok, I leave. And the original is much more beautiful.

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