Covid is a hoax! Covid is the greatest and biggest lie in this century! They never isolated a virus! Listen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan on www.vaticancatholic.com and Brighteon.com

As they explain in great detail the Covid 19 Hoax/scam! Prayers and greetings from Ireland. 🙏 🌹 and ❤️

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You are absolutely right. It was just about introducing graphene oxide to people.

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And frequencies. The most common effects of 5-G poisoning include head-ache, fatigue, flu-like illness.

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effectively, the two go hand in hand, rGO is radio-modulated by microwaves.

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Wonderful Eastern bullshit.

They messed up, disease X was con-vid. A pseudo pandemic 😂!

Relying on PCR for anything is like believing in fairy tales.


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It seems the PCRs contain Graphene Oxide -

as do the wax and the masks...

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I got caught without my personal pure cotton mask once, and wore a commercial mask - Chinese no doubt - for about two hours.

I have an ongoing serious skin condition, on facial areas where the mask touched, which defies explanation.


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You probably mean 'Don't wear any fucking mask', either you believe in viruses, making you a virus hugger... Think before talk.

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Perhaps YOU should think before YOU talk Lois.

Respectful communication is always appreciated.

Disrespectful communication deserves deletion without consideration.

For the record:

I wore a commercial mask, to be able to accompany an elderly person into an emergency hospital ward.

Should I have abandoned this person on principle Lois?

Many people still face being unable to visit elderly parents, relatives and friends without wearing a mask, in some hospitals and most nursing homes here ATM.

What do YOU suggest Lois?

What if it is YOUR Mum, Dad, relative or friend Lois?

Stick to YOUR PRINCIPLES regardless?

Let them live and die alone?

Trying to reason with or negotiate with, "health care workers and administrators" in the current situation is counter productive, and can even get you banned from the premises.

For YOUR information and consideration Lois.

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I see. Sorry about the mistaking.

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Apology accepted and appreciated.

Thank you.

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It's gonna be like the "war" in Ukraine, Syria, etc. and the COVID-19 plandemic shitshow: Sustainable mindfuckery for unwittingly captive taxcattle audiences.


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BTW that "technology transfer center for creating vaccines in Africa" is actually located in South Africa. Cost quite a lot of money to build as well. And here's the kicker: when it opened in 2022, there were literally no customers. They couldn't land a single contract to manufacture a single vaccine. It's like building a stadium for a city with no sports clubs.

Obviously, though, the globalists can't let that multimillion dollar investment go to waste!

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That's the rub. We Plebs produce so much stuff that they can't even steal it fast enough.

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I can hardly even read these depressing reports. But it does clear up one question I have had and that is whether or not Russia was using Remdesivir and apparently they have been. What a shitshow Russian Health turned into.

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"What a shitshow 90% of the planet's health care systems turned into". FIFY.

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Yeah that drug is probably responsible for half the deaths in hospitals of people addmitted for Covid. It was never more than marginally effective and causes massive damage. Far better off using cheap and widely available ivermectin, vitamin D, and antihistamines/steroids when cases are severe.

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Also Hydrochloroquin+Zink.

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Within a week of each other, Putin and Trump said that a cancer vaccine is just around the corner. Both are Globalist Stooges,

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I think both stay in their lane. Putin's lane is far wider than Trump's and he is a better driver of the country out of poverty and corruption, but he seems to know little about medical science and pharma history.

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You are dumb as horses**t. Putin nor Orange Man don't care about all of this. We are not in their club. Period.

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I guess the main source of misunderstanding is deeper (a few states deeper :) ) than if we just try to identify nation states behind neferious actions.

The solution only emerges if one assumes that there are above-state actors (families grooming each others generations since many hundreds of years). Receipts for that are in many authors' works from Caroll Quigley through Lyndon LaRouche and lately Matthew Ehret.

If you approach from this standpoint, then it becomes evident why everyone seems to be deceiving everyone else because waging war against this invisible hydra is only possible if you pretend you are pushing their agenda. The problem with this is of course that one can never know who is telling the truth, unless you observe them personally and their consistency of humanness and courage over significant amount of time.

There is only one means of defence left in our control: the demand for free and honest expression of expressing and stating the truth as it is. As opposed to tactics.

"In the begining there was the word." In many languges this phrase from the bible means much more than just a "word". Its much more than that. Its the ultimate truth and creative action, manifestation, revelation...

So what we see on the phenomenological plain is a Platonic shadow-play. One cannot assess who is playing which role from just the reflections on the wall. We need to go deeper and live our lives as much as possible in the physically percievable world directly around us.

Live local, it will radiate global!

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For simple minds like me, let's just say the mob rules the world. There may be fighting over resources like New York mob fighting against Chicago mob over Movie revenues, there may be submission rituals to get a bigger piece from the cake like Putin mob submits to Western Rothschild mob, but all of these mob people belong to a club none of us is in.

We feed them, we cloth them, but we are just the hamsters in the wheel suffering from these parasites.

Try this theory out to explain current political issues and politics will become transparent to you. You will understand how politicians work against the hamster caste to achieve high hamster or even low nobility state in their pyramid.

It's not that complicated, really, if you skip past the "Democracy" scam.

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The republicans - political theory not political party - think that The Republic is the perfect democracy.

Question this holy cow and you will be sorry.

Have heard more than enough patriotic brass bands playing "America the Great" or "Make America Great Again" to last a lifetime.

"America the Great" exports terrorism in the name of democracy.

The history of America is written in blood - overt and covert.

Actually "Russia (or whatever nation) the Great" or "Make Russia (or whatever nation) Great Again" seems to be a recurring theme.

Food for thought.

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Fits right into the mob theory.

Use army to steal resources from other countries. Use CIA or army to install your dictator to exploit that country and steal resources. However you call it, it always ends with a poor, un-free country for some "magical" reasons. It's like the mob plundering your Restaurant if you refuse to pay them.

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Thats a great song there! Thanks for reminding!

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I am no one to call anyone this or that The Greatest This or That, but there is only one Peter Green. Not just a great artist, but a true blue mensch who list his marbles to extreme righteous intent and too much LSD.


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Second that

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And people will continue to believe Governments act in the interest of its people.

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Well of course governments act in the best interests of the people.

Most people think this, so it must be true.

We live in democracies after all.

Majority rules.

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It's as if Russia and the "Anglo-Saxons" are carrying out the same biosecurity and -surveillance operation: https://apnews.com/article/cdc-airport-surveillance-chicago-miami-bd2eff1faf297003fc408a732c1db546.

One could be forgiven for thinking they're both indispensable actors of global empire: https://www.who.int/groups/one-health-high-level-expert-panel/members.

Oh, and that "technology transfer center for creating vaccines"? It's in South Africa: https://www.arabnews.com/node/2461721/middle-east.

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Thanks again, Riley.

Keep believing the virology myth, and the string of scare stories about pathogens will never cease. Time to to debunk the entire ball of bullshit. See the new book by Doctors Mark and Sam Bailey, "The Final Pandemic." Here is Dr Sam Bailey discussing the book,


The Final Pandemic, Dr Sam Bailey, 2/26/24, 13 minutes.

And here is Dr Mark Bailey discussing it with Eric Francis Coppolino.


Dr. Mark Bailey: 'The Final Pandemic', PWFM interview with Eric Francis. Team Bailey has produced a new book, called The Final Pandemic. It's an easy-to-follow exploration of the sham of virology and the theory of contagion. Eric Francis Coppolino, 2/27/24. Embedded video, 59 minutes.

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Thank you for the links - very valuable.

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Yer welcome!

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But what about Disease Y? If Disease X is going to be 20 times worse than COVID, then Disease Y is going to be 20 times worse than X, i.e., 400 times worse than COVID! We need to be very afraid and have 400 times the amount of genetic therapy slurries and nasal swabs ready and waiting.

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China, is also very ready for "Disease X" as they manufacture a million Tesla's a year.😁

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Gene therapy of any kind is total bullshit, a dead end.

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The biolabs that Russia overran in Ukraine have shown how the US has flagrantly circumvented the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). It is still doing so in other biolabs, mostly located in Africa, to this day.

This has triggered something of a clandestine biological warfare weapons race. Not just by nations, by pharmaceutical companies as well - do some digging and you will find that disturbing incidents have occurred at Big Pharma labs over the years.

Creating a killer disease is easy - stopping it from killing your own is the tricky part. My major fear is some players now belief that they can develop 'safe and effective' (mRNA) countermeasures fast enough to make biological warfare practical.

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"Biological weapons" is a myth. Such weapons require contagion theory to be functional. And contagion theory has never been proven, in spite of 120-plus years of attempts to do so,


Virology - The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.

See also Dr Sam Bailey, https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/bioweapons-bs/

And Dr Mark Bailey, https://drsambailey.com/lab-leaks-and-other-legends/

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Biological weapons work - see Anthrax - but that was bacterial spores.

Viral contagion is obvious to anyone who has ever gotten a cold or flu from someone else without touching them. Viruses and RNA are integral parts of our biology. Terrain theorists will need to produce results that can explain identical symptomology and epidemic spreads better than viral theory can.

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Terrain theories need to do nothing. Contagion is an hypothesis, it needs to be proven, and it never has, most spectacularly with the failure to prove the contagion of the "Spanish" (Kansas) Flu in 1918 experiments by the US navvy. Viruses have never been shown to exist. If you think they have, SHOW US a single such case. No bacteria have ever been shown to be pathogens, including anthrax. Again see https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/bioweapons-bs/

Robert Koch was never able to prove all 4 of his basic postulates with even a single organism.

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okay what are people with salmonella and listeria and botulism getting sick and dying from?

i dont care if viruses exist or not but the theory has been useful to prevent and treat illness. similarly you cannot see atoms but nuclear energy works and nuclear weapons work and something claimed to be radioactive will kill you.

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Not up to us to offer an alternative explanation in order to show that a proposed explanation makes no sense. Again, that's how SCIENCE works.

Nuclear physics employs experiments which are replicable and falsifiable, with *independent variables*. Virology does not, never has.


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Virology explanations do make sense to most of the world and produce useful results, and i will continue to go with that model as long as it does. It is indeed just a theory and perhaps it is accumulating contradictions that will one day result in its overthrow by another explanation.

You can cite all the websites and videos you want, but those are no better than fan fiction / religion until practicing scientists conduct experiments to verify and advance an alternate theory.

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There is no race. It's about new methods to exploit us hamsters first and to better control hamster population second.

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Running on the hamster wheel is fun! As long as we get our treat, do we care if they get power from the spinning wheel?

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What do you get from it?

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Go on killing the stupid goyim.

Question Everything... but Jesus, Kushner Awarded by ADL, Rabbis Reveal the Agenda | Know More News - https://www.bitchute.com/video/VOnNrBkDZBOP/

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I have to wonder why Israel made the Pfizer's mRNA jabs mandatory for their entire population, and continued to do so after they saw the damage and ineffectiveness.

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"The Jewish Hasbara in All its Glory. Lies, Lies Everywhere" - https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/The-Jewish-Hasbara-in-All-its-Glory-1.pdf

and watch the video

"Question Everything... but Jesus, Kushner Awarded by ADL, Rabbis Reveal the Agenda | Know More News" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/VOnNrBkDZBOP/

start at 30:55

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They are Equal Op Genocidal Maniacs:

From my fren Sandra:


Highly recommend all of Larry Romanoff's writings- posted at unz and here: https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/audiointerview/

Learned some new info from this one:


"Rothschild's Brit. East India Co."Taiping Rebellion", organised by Rothschild & Sassoon where gathered army that killed betw. 70-90 million Chinese to protect drug profits - bloodiest war in history of world...kidnapping millions of Chinese as slaves shipped all over the world" (Never heard about these 70-90 million dead Chinese)

And apparently, Easter Island was depopulated due to Jewish slave traders (grabbing them to work in mines in Peru)."

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Most accounts say 20-30 million. Could be more. A lot of dead were never counted. It's all just estimates anyway.

Slaves in Peru's salt mines then when that was ended they were sent back carrying smallpox which wiped out the locals.

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"Slaves in Peru's salt mines then when that was ended they were sent back carrying smallpox which wiped out the locals."

Impossible. Watch Dr. Thomas Cowan's "Boston Experiment"

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The last link is great. Thanks.

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What a scam and isn't it nice that they ALL agree on it? Biden, Putin, Xi and all their respective vassal states just happen to all go along with the WHO.


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Thank you Riley for more balanced, informative and enlightening input.

"The term “Disease X” has been around for many years. The definition implies an abstract disease caused by an unknown pathogen, and the timing of its appearance is not unknown."

Not unknown - or not known?


If the "disease" is abstract, and caused by an "unknown pathogen", how can the timing of its appearance be known?

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sorry, translation error.

Should be "is unknown". Spotted it moments after hitting publish.

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Thank you for the clarification Riley.

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