Another excellent one! One has to wonder if this is part of the script, setting the stage for some sort of "mutual understanding" whereby the US *appears* to be slowly giving up monopoly control over the world order, smoothing the way for a more "multi-polar" approach favored by many in the WEF.


The Great Reset Phase 2: War, “Special Correspondent, 3/9/22. Particularly this.

"6. This war marks a major inflection point in the globalist aspiration for a new international rules based order anchored in Eurasia.

As the ‘father of geopolitics’ Halford Mackinder opined over a century ago, the rise of every global hegemon in the past 500 years has been possible because of dominance over Eurasia. Similarly, their decline has been associated with losing control over that pivotal landmass.

This causal connection between geography and power has not gone unnoticed by the global network of stakeholders representing the WEF, many of whom have anticipated the transition to a multipolar era and return to great power competition amid America’s receding political and economic influence and a pressing need for what technocrats call smart globalisation.

While America tries desperately to cling to its superpower status, China’s economic ascent and Russia’s regional ambitions threaten to upend the strategic axial points of Eurasia (Western Europe and Asia Pacific).

The region in which America previously enjoyed uncontested hegemony is no longer impervious to cracks and we may be witnessing a changing of the guard which dramatically alters the calculus of global force projection.

Although China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has the potential to unify the world-island (Asia, Africa and Europe) and cause a tectonic shift in the locus of global power, the recent invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for China-Europe rail freight.

The Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that Ukraine could function as the BRI’s gateway to Europe. Therefore, we cannot ignore China’s huge stake in the recent tensions over Ukraine, nor can we ignore NATO’s underlying ambition to check China’s rise in the region by limiting the sale of Ukrainian assets to China and doing everything in its capacity to thwart The Modern Silk Road.

As sanctions push Russia towards consolidating bilateral ties with China and fully integrating with the BRI, a Pan-Eurasian trading bloc may be the realignment which forces a shared governance of the global commons and a reset to the age of US exceptionalism."

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Respectfully disagree that the World Economic Forum envisions a "multipolar" world. I believe the WEF wants and needs a unipolar world. Hence the unipolar sanctions. And the one world government and the one world UN health mandate that is up for a UN vote in May/June and the unipolar World Health Organization. George Orwell's intelligent book tells all> Oceania>US/EU/5 eyes. Eurasia>Russia. East Asia>China. is multipolar. Hence the conflicting power struggles. The WEF wants and needs a John Lennon perverse "imagine there is NO countries" dystopian future. Hence Klaus Noseswab is on record saying he is taking the side of Ukraine. All the more reason I support Russia in this "special military operation".

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You are being deceived big time. See https://thenewamerican.com/whats-really-up-with-ukraine-deep-state-seeking-new-world-order/

Starting at 3:00, but the core is starting at 6:50, an article in 2011 by Stewart Patrick of the Council on Foreign Relations regarding a speech by Robert Zoellick, at the time head of the World Bank, about the "coming multilateral world order."

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It doesn't matter who wants what exactly. Whatever they all want, it's going to suck for us. "Prosperity" is no longer the objective of government action -- anywhere.

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Apr 12, 2022
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Thanks, though i do need to clarify that the text is not mine, but from Winter Oak. :-)

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Jeffrey Strahl, thank you for the link to Winter Oak, very good work indeed. The situation is clearly summed up.

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You are very welcome, Bugey libre!

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Another great song! I've never heard any Soviet Synthpop until now. I'm starting to wonder whether I come her for the next gem of a song or the geo-politics.

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Overcast day in Belarus -Tuesday April 12 -no rain. My point is Russians/Belarusians WOULD be better served by self-making lemonade from USA/EU/worldwide ANTI-capitalist LEMON sanctions.

1) Forget FIAT dollars. Now is the time for Russians to buy GOLD. (Really wish Belarus would allow us to buy gold as well.) Please correct my math if wrong. At $1900 per ounce that calculates to $60 a gram. Russians would have lost money if gold was bought when ruble dropped to 120 rubles to dollar ($63 per gram). Now at 80 rubles to dollar ($52 per gram). Since ruble is close to 80 rubles to dollar now ( Source>https://www.moex.com/ :> then I recommend Russians to buy gold NOW. Russia sells at 5000 rubles per gram that last time I researched.

2) Belarus has local food stores in so many places. Belarus has NEVER had a food shortage except during the "GREAT RESET" in 1990s when Soviet money became ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS. There is an abundance of mason jar food that locals sell to earn "extra" income near the huge market in Minsk. My point is Russians SHOULD research to find LOCAL sellers.

3) Inflation is a greed factor in Belarus too since prices have risen as well. I can still get 700 grams of delicious buckwheat for under 4 Belarusian rubles. Olives from Greece now cost 28 rubles when olives used to cost 12 rubles last year this time. Higher cost items (>car, laptop) are definitely an issue. >My point is buy BIG ticket items now as inflation in Russia/Belarus may get worse. Personally looking into buying a new laptop now.

4) People OUTSIDE of Russia and Belarus have NO idea of how hard sanctions are for us. Yet we will adapt, be more self-sufficient in our local networks, and RESENT even more those who have unfairly placed ANTI-capitalist sanctions on us. I am hoping to fly out of Belarus this summer to USA if USA/Russia stop this STUPID PCR testing nonsense. The flight cost is 1 thing however flight scheduling is EXTREMELY UNFAIRLY limited.

5) Would Russians contemplate a move to Belarus in order to start a new life/business? I did.

Info only> Russia Central Bank Governor Elvira (mistress of the dark) Nabiullina says Russia holds enough yuan and gold in its reserves to limit the impact of Western sanctions – even after Washington and its allies unilaterally froze half the country’s holdings in dollars and other currencies. Elvira cut the share of dollars in reserves to 10.9% as of January 2022 from 21.2% a year earlier. Meanwhile, euro holdings reportedly rose to 33.9% from 29.2%. At the same time, yuan holdings grew to 17.1% from 12.8% a year earlier, while the share of gold held steady at 21.5% BECAUSE Elvira STOPPED buying gold in March 2020. Coincidence?

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Elon Musk is correct when he says money is just information, a metric that represents the relative value of goods and services. The whole massive financial system is just a scam, people engaged in worthless activity that produces nothing of value, a giant circle jerk to pad the pockets of grifters. Replace the financial system with an AI, treat money as information to facilitate the exchange of things of REAL value, goods & services. Probably cost 0.1% of GDP rather than 30%.

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"Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin told the State Duma it would take six months to 'reorganize' the economy."

That's what I call progress! Under the Soviets, that type of thing used to take five whole years!

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Lust makes people do crazy things. The West's lust to crush Russia is destroying the West.

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Russia's economy has been underestimated in the West.

"If you compare Russia's GDP by converting from rubles to $, you indeed get an economy the size of Spain's. However this is the worst possible way of comparing the size of economies..."


Russia has much more of its own manufacturing and resources than some foolhardy superpower states (you know the ones) that spent the last three decades or so recklessly offshoring everything to where the labor was cheap and the laws lax. Russia was never as thoroughly globalized to begin with, and that may be a big advantage if the rapacious international banksters can be curbed. Good luck!

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Apr 12, 2022
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Getting Europe's energy supply dependent on very expensive Shale Gas from the US is a pipe dream. The US can barely supply their own gas needs and that will get much worse as the rapid depletion rates of shale gas sites dominates US supply. US, like Europe, is rapidly heading to a severe energy crisis if they don't diversify their energy supply. They both have a more plentiful supply of coal, which is the dirtiest fuel. Obvious thing for Europe and America is to rapidly increase Nuclear Energy, which has an unlimited supply, indeed for every country on Earth. Funny while suffering natural gas shortages, the US is shutting down perfectly good nuclear reactors, as are some countries in Europe. Now what is that all about? Think deeply.

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Nuclear energy is a cruel mirage. I worked in the industry, my first job after graduating college.


And the real problem is shrinking supplies of raw materials. You cannot have a global industrial capitalist system which requires infinite growth operating on top of a finite problem.


High-Tech can’t last: limited essential elements with limited lifespans, Alice Friedemann, 6/8/19

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All nonsense. GenIV MSR's, SFR's & PBMR's are all intrinsically safe, operate at low pressures and the fuel or coolant contain the volatile elements that are the only real problem for populations.

Infinite is silly talk by people who can't fathom basic arithmetic. Total population of all humans that ever lived amounts to a mass of a few sheets of paper thick from the Earth's surface. And that is all recycled. Human population on Earth is now projected to peak at 10B instead of 12B, that's far, far from infinite.

Fission energy supply is essentially unlimited. The energy density of ordinary dirt is 26X that of coal in MJ/kg just from the uranium & thorium contained in that dirt. The energy contained in the World's depleted uranium and spent nuclear fuel is worth $3,000 trillion @ an energy price of $100/bbl of oil.

One rare earth mine that makes materials for wind turbines will produce enough waste thorium & uranium annually to supply all the energy needs of the entire planet every year burnt in Molten Salt Reactors. They will pay you to take the thorium and uranium away. And any metal mine you can extract the uranium & thorium by adding an additional flotation circuit. We will never run out of uranium & thorium to power our civilization. We will long run out of regular construction materials before we will run out of fission fuel. And then there is fusion. And asteroids. And the Moon.

When you have plentiful energy, you can recycle everything, including rare earth metals which are actually quite common. There is no reasonable analysis that would demonstrate any realistic (i.e. not a silly school-boy fable) scenario of an absolute limit to human growth. There are always limits on rate-of-growth, which fortunately are well over the current falling growth rate of Earth's population. Resource limits are at worst a temporary problem that would have to be addressed by technological methods.

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:-) Sorry, typical LaRouche style disinformation. Not even bothering. Anyone interested can read the link i posted.

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"LaRouche"?!? Don't know her/him. You ain't bothering because you know you are wrong. For anyone who wants to know the truth check out:


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Perhaps Putin will see that his friends are not who they once were, back when he was a WEF Young Global Leader, or whatever that was.


We can dream.

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Many thanks Edward - your reports from inside Russia are most valuable for me in writing my own reports from Great Britain. Combining this with my contact in China and I think I have a chance of cutting through the propaganda on all sides:


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Education costs? I thought Russia didn't have for profit education lol

But then I did see your article about how health care is a mess there

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Surely the entire thing was scripted decades ago? I view Putin, Xi and Biden as little more than Gauleiters. They really are quite low in the pecking order. If then can take out an American President with impunity, then removing Putin or Xi really isn't a problem. After all they have just liquidated several international leaders in the last two years and a British MP and barely anyone bats an eyelid.

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Very funny. I came across that song just the other day by sheer coincidence and sent the link to Musos in NZ: a brilliant studio video.

“Re At Dawn, 1987

That was awesome, poignant, and the audience; really feeling it. I'm thinking it's post Soviet era though, perhaps, maybe....now hunting for more!”


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Apr 11, 2022Edited
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The situation here in France is that the harsh restrictive policy toward the non injected, has been softened before the electoral sinister circus process. Concerning the injection data, it is hard to be sure about how many people got vaccinated twice (because third jab hasn't been popular), official propagandist estimates (non-injected are a small lunatic fringe!) 90% but from other more serious data (none is sure nonetheless since there is a kind of fog of war) have estimation of 70% of the population maximum injected). Many healthcare workers, including doctors have fake injections and very ethical people provided this service, even non profitably. There is no way to estimate that phenomenon. Still we learned that the Mc Kensey's government had already bought loads of mnra killa shots which are due to be ready for the 8th of May.

The injection's morbid, results are so obvious that it has now reach the Sénat and even the MSM. Deaths, amenorhea, Kreutzfeld Jacob syndrom, blod clots, uterine problems, myocardits, etc...

In the area I live one, can still see people driving their cars with diapers on their faces and something like 20% still wear that muzzle in shops where is now possible to roam breathing freely. Most of the people are in terrible psychological condition and it is recognized that at least 40% of the French are into depression. Figures for children mental health are just terrifying.

It seems very possible that the sicko Macron and his arch psychopaths bosses Rothschild will do whatever they can to start a new wave of corona panic amid, according to the words of micron: "famine". The social situation is just explosive.

The first sinister of crooks has declare that a forth dose was already advised to the elders while Delfraissy, the so called head of the official scientific council (of Bain and Mc Kinsey) has declared that the immunity of the injected has significantly decreased... Hum...

Let's get some positive energy from a wise elder from Switzerland, "the universe echoes back": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OutYNwpbKw&t=251s

Hello to Japan! and everywhere else readers might be...

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Thanks for the report, not great news but necessary to know.

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Here in the USA, the FDA has been very busy having chicken, turkeys, ducks, other poultry/fowl slaughtered BY THE MILLIONS due to an "avian flu outbreak"... yet never quite provide PROOF of infection in ANY of these animals. And, backyard flocks are NOT being overlooked... https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks.

Now, a former CDC director is telling us that the REAL pandemic WILL BE avian flu jumping to humans... WILL BE, not "possibly", WILL BE. Hmmm...


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Bird Flu: Another phony “pandemic”…this time for chickens, Kit Knightly, 4/11/22.

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Apr 13, 2022Edited
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Graphene oxide, that's the big culprit in the content.

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Putin's "multi-polar world" will only come into being if it jibes with the WEF's vision of it, i.e. removing the US as the sole pole while retaining the general setup. Unless Putin is willing to abandon industrial capitalism all together and ditch the rest of BRICS, any alternative will not come about. It's about a LOT more than just the money system, it's the entire social/economic/political system and indeed industrial world order itself. Something tells me he's not about to do that.

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