Change your channel settings - right now nobody can comment - which means less "engagement" - which, when it comes time, to be thinking about monetization - is a minus...

Interesting video... But that's way too many horseman... I only expected to see four.

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You are either one weird dude, an alien or a genius.

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possibly all three?!

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Gamarjoba means 'Hello there!'

Enjoy your vacation "from a Caucasian hill in a southern direction"!

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Really appreciate your good sense of humor too!

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I'm assuming you're in Georgia, but if you're in the country of Paradjanov's ethnic origins, could you please give us some intel on what is happening in Armenia? I have heard that from being something of the wild east just a few years ago, it has suddenly had cameras installed everywhere; the president was in Davos last month; though most of the country (including all my relatives) ostensibly got Covid and scoffed at the vaccine, now they are pushing it. I have no direct sources of info (who are awake), so if you know anything or know of a journalist who might be reporting what is really going on, I'd be so grateful.

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was only in Yerevan for a day before heading to Georgia. So not much to report, I'm afraid. I know a few people who might have a good sense of the vax situation there; I'll ask.

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Msg. from a previous subscriber -

Riley, I've been enjoying your latest 'gold' essay, stopped by to see if there was more today.

Georgia. If you have time & opportunity, consider a trip to Borjomi(two hours or so outside Tblisi -train slower) Summer home of the Czars, the whole family packed up and left Moscow by train - the station is still there. Minutes walk from it, you get to what is now a municipal park - immediately inside the old Rus unfolds - the photos are wonderful, the atmosphere congenial for dreams of bygone eras. Natural hot springs soak a few minutes walk further. Town itself is a pleasant stay. Great mountain park 11/2 away by what is prolly the best train ride I've had since the old Ferrocarriles Mexico pullmans!

You've done a great job here - my way of sayin "thanks!"

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Yes, I concur with your request for Riley to provide investigative information/"intel" from his vacation location. I would also like to know what everyday people are thinking about this plandemic/scamdemic at Riley's vacation location. Riley has lots of sources and one may chose to send him a direct personal e-mail to see IF he has a point of contact in Armenia. (By the way, Armenia has had many protests recently about their sovereignty.)

Most interesting that relatives you know 'changed their minds' and are now PUSHING the injection. In my opinion, people who are most prone to 'change their mind' are those who believe in a virus and that a virus exists. Please note one can NOT 'catch' a disease and only bacteria, fungus, parasites, radiation, and poisons exist in a terrain. Please research Antoine Bechamp's "terrain theory". A virus has NEVER been isolated and NEVER proven to exist and thus does NOT exist.

People who are PUSHING the injection are those who are brainwashed in my opinion.

Last point, frequency weapons now exist (Havana syndrome) .


However, there is NO 5G capability that exists today that can absolutely control one's mind. When 6G millimeter wavelength is rolled out, then that possibility of mind control can exist. We still have some "breathing space time" left. Brainwashing works so very well as it is.

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I was coerced to take Pfizer but got covid anyway so obviously it doesn’t matter if you take it or not. The one in the house unvaxxed had a case also but mild. My case was mild until my daughter rushed me to hospital where I was treated abominably, but did survive and now discharged with a parade of worthless home health therapists scheduled to come by for a few weeks writing in their agencies data collection online pages. As gas gets scarcer they’ll switch to virtual visits probably. There are few war correspondents getting info out for those interested in Ukraine. I like Alex Christoforous still on UTube.

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A human detox has been rebranded under the name "Covid ". If you are interested in learning more, then please research Doctor Andrew Kaufman and Doctor Samantha Bailey videos on bitchute.

Doctor Andrew Kaufman> https://www.bitchute.com/video/am7X69cFhJHU/

Doctor Samantha Bailey> https://www.bitchute.com/video/RB07mSbG4hYO/

I have empathy for those like you who have been coerced into getting an injection. All I can say is please do NOT get the boosters. Inspiration keeps us going so continue to seek out inspiration whether it be a good book, a person to talk to, a walk in nature, learning to play a musical instrument, favorite songs, achieving goals whether big or small, et cetera.

Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster are very good 'on the ground' journalists concerning Russia's "special military operation".



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but what about your die hard fans who are boycotting youtube? how will we satisfy our intense craving to check out everything the genius alien weirdo is posting now????? bitchute linkup?

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Oh,, sects are the end of the common sense!

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A Youtube channel?

It would be great if you could comment on political news close to the American journalist Alex Newman, he's the best, with you Riley of course.

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