Oh my God, these videos brought tears to my eyes...

Gates, Schwab and Co. are not the problem. The real problem are the little people (cashiers, clerks, shop assistants, guards, you name it), who were temporarily given a tiny bit of power, and it just went to their head like a strong drink. They CAN refuse to comply, and if they did, this house of cards would collapse in an instant. But the little people choose "just to follow orders", horrible, inhumane, openly sadistic orders... To deny food to a fragile old lady is unfathomable, regardless of orders you've been given. I don't know how that poor excuse for a human being sleeps at night.

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it's really bad.

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Unrelated (maybe?) but thought I would share:

Conflict Coming To A Ukraine Near You?

An unexplained death occurred at the Russian embassy in Berlin. According to information from SPIEGEL, property protectors of the Berlin police discovered a lifeless body on the sidewalk in front of an embassy building in Berlin on October 19 at around 7:20 a.m. Resuscitation attempts by rescue workers who were called were unsuccessful, reported Der Spiegel.

I’m sure 35-year olds regularly “accidentally fall” out of the upper windows of buildings.

Apparently the man fell from an upper floor of the embassy complex on Behrenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin.

According to an official list of diplomats, the 35-year-old had been accredited as second embassy secretary in Berlin since summer 2019. The German security authorities, however, saw him as a disguised employee of the Russian domestic secret service FSB.

Ok, so a Russkie spy is taken out by the Germans. A warning? Who the hell knows? Surely not me, but I do know that Davos man has been heavily, and I mean heavily, investing in fomenting conflict in Ukraine.


So the same people pushing the clotshots and the Great Reset are also trying to provoke some Russia/Ukraine shenanigans. This is definitely a ruse and a setup for something else.

As I've shared before:

3 Russian doctors fall from hospital windows during pandemic


So now we have a "Russian spy" "falling from a window" in Germany? I doubt the author of the ZH piece is aware of the above article. It's almost like it's not about falling from a window, but some kind of code or warning or threat to someone who would "get the message".


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interesting, thanks for sharing

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And now Austria ramps it up even more. €3600 ($4000) fine if you miss your mandatory vax appointment. And the fine DOUBLES for your second (and subsequent?!?) missed appointments.

Basically, if you're middle class and can't move your assets out of the country you are screwed. Home equity anyone? 10 missed appointments and you're out $76 grand. How much does the average house in Austria cost?

Of course the authorities will probably leave the poor alone and just target the middle class who have money to lose. Basically a Communistic seizure of all private property if you refuse to bend the knee and take the jab.

Well, I'm glad I'm not on the front lines there. It seems they will either have a revolution or a dictatorship. Bad times coming.


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Okay, a Modest Proposal for you folks in these crazy European countries (Austria, Germany, Russia, soon to be all of the EU?) with their mandatory vaxxes: Fly to the U.S. and overstay your tourist visa. We don't deport anybody; half of Mexico lives here.

Pick any state in the South or maybe the Midwest. Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, etc.

No one thinks the USA is going to remain together as a union for much longer so we need all like minded Europeans in the "Free States of America" to help us out. If we had a few million freedom-loving European immigrants here we could break this puppy up and ensure our freedom. "A House Divided Cannot Stand" and the people of the free states are not going to be able to live with the fanatics in California or New York / New England much longer.

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Thank you John for the kind invitation :D I know somebody (UK national) who went to prison in the US and was deported for overstaying her visa, so there is some enforcement.

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Doh! I guess you gotta sneak across the Rio Grande to avoid ICE.

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Talked to a friend the other day in St.Pete. She says nobody wants the fluid and people are already leaving their jobs rather than get injected. She was very surprised when I told her that hundreds of thousands are demonstrating in Vienna. Not a word of it on Russian TV. Very curious how things will work out in Russia. In Germany if they make a law it is usually followed. In Russia people usually find a way to shirk it. Corruption, false Qr codes, administrative ineptness.... That is one solution that I can imagine. Will people be out on the streets? Somehow I can´t imagine Russia being successful in implementing forced vaccination.

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You bring up excellent points that are worthy of deeper discussion. But here's what I would say in response, shortly: does it even matter if they are able to force the vax on everyone? The vax is not even the end goal, per se -- it's the digital ID. For now fake QR codes are a possibility (although an increasingly risky one), but this loophole can be easily closed with time, especially so if they push forward with digital currencies and other initiatives which would make it impossible to be part of society without an "official" digital tag.

I'm very much against Doom and Gloom, but one has to appreciate the long game here. In a year, the whole vax debate may be non-existent: instead it may be, "ok, we all have QR codes, but can you force people to convert their rubles into digital Sberbank Coins??"

That's how I see it, at least.

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sorry, and just to clarify: obviously it matters what they are doing -- it is evil and wrong. But what I mean is, the vax is just a way to implement new digital controls over freedom of movement and commerce. But this can be done in any number of ways.

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One of the amazing things that you find, when you look at German (European) and Russian history in the 20th century is, how paralell things were. The most important way points might have different extents but were fundamentally the same. For instance: winter 1916/17 great strikes in Germany that did´t break the system - yet - but broke it in Russia. Or the Kirov assassination that paralelled the Röhm putsch or the 1937 great terror in Russia that was paralelled by a huge expansion of the KZ system in Germany. Even the dissident movement of the late 60s is paralelled in Germany.

I was in Russia several times every year since 1992. Only exception were this year and last year. I surmised from afar that you would have something similar to what was happening in Germany. I.e. expanding censorship and growing irrationality of the powers that be. What I was expecting was deepening Russian jingoism. I got a hint of that when researching the fate of a Russian POW who had fathered a child while being captive in Germany. Evidently even the very thought that not all Russian POW in Germany were suffering a terrible fate was already verboten.

I therefore thought that the approaching totalitarianism would take the form of an extreme nationalism whereas in Germany things were going towards medical totalitarianism. About Germany one should add that the quality of our political class is unbelievably bad. They are stumbling into a huge energy crisis and nobody dares tell the emperor that he is naked. Likewise they don´t seem to understand that by mandating the "vaccine" they are alienating a large part of the population that will not submit no matter what. Even worse by making a huge bet on the "vaccines" and by losing that bet they will lose all credibility. In short I foresee chaos caused by a bumbling classe politique. Surely in the background there are the wizards who want to introduce an electronic euro and turn everybody into a QR code. They will only cause chaos and they will not succeed.

I was very surprised when I heard about the vaccine mandate in Russia. It must be the eternal Russian inferiority complex that made them adopt this crazy western plan. Maybe they will succeed to some extent but they are turning the majority of Russians against them. Im some parts and especially in the Caucasus I expect compliance to be sketchy at best.

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Yep, totalitarians love internal passports. Especially digital ones. Marry that with digitized currency (e.g. FedCoin in the U.S.) and control is complete. Ugh. Mark of the Beast.

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It's funny you mention "mark of the beast" because (reportedly) the Russian government is trying to "rebrand" QR codes because they are seen as Satanic. Russians know what's up! https://www.rbc.ru/politics/29/11/2021/61a3c7eb9a79473c0d6f6dde

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I mean, prohibitions on buying or selling in the store! I was never very religious but I also never thought this insane world would turn out this way. Gotta go read the Book of Revelation to figure out what else is going on. Isn't there a beast with 7 heads? Hmmm, is that Russia, US, Germany, Austria, China, Australia, New Zealand? Yikes, gotta go hide under my bed now.

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"it's the digital ID," and digital currencies, as sure as dead!, and U may read among others Catherine Austin Fitts and Ernst Wolf. But I think the #1 price = achieving what Barbarossa did not. (Moreover, subdued Russia once, then they [Deep state] can devote themselves to China.)

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Who has seen Deagel's depopulation figures 2017-2025? The paper was then withdrawn, but Deagel is no freak, IMO and experience, Deagel is better quality than Janes, and on pair with, e.g., avia pro. Interestingly, and strangely, RF's population remains unchanged, but look at the courtesy!, whereas Western populations, NATO in particular, will suffer horrendous reductions, the US some -70%. Three years remain till 2025, and those dramatic reductions have not yet begun, not significantly noticeably [= greater speed than with the allegory of the boiling frog], they could also not happen on average without the respective populations not noticing it and rising up against their respective governments. So [rhetoric question] what could happen that could reduce the populations in a flash?, assuming that Daegel is right.

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Civil war? Or, some countries manage to hold out against tyranny and the rest go to war against them? Or, to keep it simple, just the aftereffects of repeated boosters?

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"In Russia people usually find a way to shirk it. Corruption, false Qr codes, administrative ineptness..." Yes, but it doesn't last, it has no chance of success, this is Anne's Diary Frank family type strategy, where we know how it inevitably ended. I recommend reading Bruno Bettelheim.

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What's your take on Byelorussia Edward ? How long before Russia impose its "Sputnik" yoke ?

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I am not well informed on the details so I am hesitant to comment. Anti-Empire has been doing some excellent takedowns of the so-called "Russophile" who wants to to overthrow Lukashenko, though: https://anti-empire.com/lukashenko-must-go-florida-narcissist-confuses-eastern-europe-for-his-coloring-book/

In my opinion some very weird things are going on over there....

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Thank you, I will know soon enough because I'm moving over there with my family next week; one of the few, very few countries with no mandatory vaccination !

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Just curious: Are you coming from Russia? EU?

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New Caledonia, French territory in the South Pacific. Same circus here, mandatory vaccination the 1st of January, masks for school kids, economic ruin for independent businesses etc...

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I guess just yesterday Lukashenko said that Crimea is part of Russia?


And he gave that provocative interview with Western media last week:


So the West really has him in its sights. If only Putin would stop being a retard and get off the vax train. Just so weird.

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I guess decades of anti-Russia/Putin propaganda in the West had to result in its opposite -- some westerners developing a compensatory adulation of the alleged strongman and his no-nonsense motherland, which neither argument nor evidence can shake.

As I always say, one year in any Russian apartment building would cure.

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The Judges are not going to let forced shots happen in America. There was another big decision in a Louisiana Court yesterday.

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great news!

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… attempting to buttress what Riley said in response to yolkipalki ~11 hrs ago; couldn’t insert this remark appropriately:

For those readers not in the know, have a look at John Titus’ "Larry & Carstens' Excellent Pandemic":


You’ll only need to watch the first ~10 min.s or so to get an idea of the magnitude of the threat we are all facing. Our current difficulties, though not to be pooh-poohed, are not our ultimate destination if these psychopaths succeed.

Here’s to wishing all of us find our way to be near/with like-minded people. We are shortly going to need each other very much.

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One wonders if the same thing Jeffrey Tucker describes in his review here isn't happening in Russia. https://brownstone.org/articles/a-president-betrayed-by-bureaucrats-scott-atlass-masterpiece-on-the-covid-disaster/

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Maybe. At least in the U.S. we have vestiges of federalism that can give a big "FU" to the central government. Thank God for Florida and the other states that stood up to the Feds' mandates and hectoring.

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Agreed. It seems like some countries are reverting to their past, countries who should know better. Germany=Lockstep obedience, Russia=Totalitarianism. The USA=?

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"doctors are now treating 30,000 children for COVID"

With what? This is utter tosh that make even the Western presstitute media blush.

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ourworldindata says 52% of Russians are vaccinated. Being brazilian, I kind of relate to Russia in the sense that both are incredibly corrupt. An anedocte: Brazil forbid importation of slaves in 1850 due to british pressure, but did nothing to slaving ships that somehow managed to evade the british fleet and arrive in Brazil. the law was made "for the british to see". is something like that happening in russia? are the QR codes and vaxx man dates being enforced? Can I board a (domestic) flight or to to a nighclub in Moscow even though I am not vaccinated?

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to briefly answer your questions: for now you don't need QR codes in Moscow for most things. But it's coming; many parts of the country are already requiring these "health passes" for restaurants, shops, etc. Even to receive routine medical care. They are not needed yet for domestic flights but Aeroflot has signaled it is ready to require QR codes for passengers.

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Right now the city of Rio decided to require the pass for bars, restaurants, nightclubs and also taxis/ubers. taxis and ubers revolted so they were exempted. the state iks powerfull enough to partially enforce this, but corrupt and disfunctional enough to leave lots of bypasses. An example: a state here had its health system invaded and 10% of vaccinated people were declared that, so if they to show their healthpasses QR codes they would be denied as the holders were "dead"

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the point is, enforcement is so light that you can live pretty much normally. Is Russia playing the West? They say there is a vaxx passport law, that passport is required nowhere, so you stimulate Western Talebans to impose vaxx mandates and create political polarization in NATO countries

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anything is possible. things are so weird, I am totally open to all theories. But here's the thing: Russia could have done nothing and the West would have still adopted these crazy vax passes. I do not think it is a bluff. I think the Russian government wants to digitally tag its population, just like the West does.

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Sure, makes all kinds of sense.

Given the opportunity, why would anyone refuse the opportunity for total control?

To Vladimir Vladimirovich: this isn’t the route to sainthood!

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declared "DEAD"

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"Cope is when you deny you are being held hostage at all.

There is a lot of Russia-related cope floating around right now. Every day we see furious coping on social media, on The Blogs, even among Reddit Conspiracy Theorists!

It’s time to abolish cope."

Going out on a limb here: fairly clever construction. Maybe not Matt Taibbi-like, but getting there. I suspect this is a function of normalcy bias but WTF do I know? I line up with Vladimir Nabokov on the subject of psychology – people ought to be left alone!

BTW, when are you going to publish your own book on life in the FSU? I have a few rubles lying around that need a new home.

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If we live to see 2025, I book is certainly in order.

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The videos you've posted fill me with rage. Absolutely inhuman!

"By the way: the situation isn’t hopeless. If it were truly hopeless, your humble Moscow correspondent would not be Blogging. No way! He would be running very fast in the opposite direction of Dmitry Kiselyov."

Any direction in particular? Asking for a friend ...

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spoken like a true циник!

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You are a good man Riley, doing great work! I met you before I retired from RT and the media business altogether (that was way before the whole COVID hysteria).

That said, not sure why people are so worried “someone got to Putin” - he was always 100% on board with “climate change”, “official 9/11 narrative” and every other globalist initiative. Battles over geopolitical self interests can still go on with mutual interests elsewhere, kind of like when you work for a company and help your colleagues while also climbing up the career ladder at their expense.

Question is, what are your plans going forward on how to deal with this? I still have immense faith in extreme incompetence and fantastic corruption of Russian officials who are playing “wannabe Illuminati” right now, and also a little faith in the average Russian’s ability to skirt laws. This is a country where 90% of taxi drivers could go on Alex Jones show and keep up a 3 hour conversation on the “globalists” and “Rotschilds” if given a translator of course. Things could get fun and also very ugly since tanks at the White House in Moscow wasn’t that long ago...

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Thanks Vasily! Your observations about Putin and Russian taxi drivers made me laugh at out... correct on all points. By the way, if you ever have any tips or just want to exchange intel, please feel free to shoot me a message: riley (dot) waggaman (at) gmail.com

be well, fellow ex-RT veteran!

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Интересный. Sunflower seeds AND beer? I’m all in!

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Super Spreaders of Truth- about the Poison Death shots


Hope is here. Americans are protected by the US Constitution and Judges who are waking up to the Fact that The Enemy is at The Gates and they have to wake up and protect the Liberty of Americans and stop the Poison Death Shots.


Read the last few Posts because this is a developing story. Hold the Line on Liberty for Russians and everyone in the World.

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So Russia bans GMO agriculture (Is that true?) in favor of GMO people.

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