Many thanks for this excellent recap of what has been happening in Russia. Although, this is my first comment on your substack, I just wanted to let you know that I have been taking the time to read most of your articles and have found them an invaluable resource, so please keep it up!
As for the situation at hand, like other commenters, I find Putin's actions baffling and very disturbing. For over a year and a half, the Russian state's response to the so-called pandemic seemed to be as reasonable as could probably be hoped for given the geopolitical circumstances. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, all hell broke loose.
Recall the first, failed attempt at mass vaccination and QR-codes began in mid-June when Putin was out of the country meeting with Biden. Many claimed that Biden somehow coerced or threatened Putin into these actions, but clearly that was not possible seeing as they were being implemented before he even returned to Moscow. In truth, I suspect that Putin was "persuaded" into joining the WEF agenda in early June during his annual meeting at the Valdai club.
The critical question to ask, in my mind, is what made Putin change his mind into going along with the Globalist plan? It's almost impossible to believe that he was bribed or threatened personally, for if these were potential tools which could be used against him, the West would have already employed them many years ago. Also, the notion of Putin directly acquiescing to a betrayal of the Russian people for whatever reason is also difficult to swallow given his record over the last couple of decades.
I suspect that Putin found himself under enormous pressure from both the West, but, perhaps more importantly, from his Chinese so-called allies as well. Essentially, I could picture the Globalists at the Valdai Club telling Putin, "implement our plan or we cut Russia off completely from outside economic activity in both the West and the East." Granted, of all the nations on the planet, Russia is probably best suited to becoming an autarky, but Putin has always eschewed direct confrontation. And, so he capitulated to the demands.
Why do I suspect the Chinese were involved in pressuring Russia? I base this speculation on the fact that this fall Putin made some pretty transparent excuses to avoid attending the conference in Dushanbe were he was slated to meet with Xi. Putin first claimed he was sick (with COVID, I believe), sent Lukashenko in his stead, and then, instead of convalescing as expected, took a wilderness vacation during the time of the conference itself. Seeing that Putin was going to be a no-show, Xi also cancelled his appearance in Dushanbe. So, not only did Putin not wish to speak to Xi, he, in fact, showed highly uncharacteristic, open contempt for his Chinese 'friend' by taking the vacation instead.
Still, we are left to circle back (to borrow a Psaki-ism) to why Putin is allowing these vaccinations and QR-codes to be instituted at such a maniacal pace? Is it possible that he is biding time waiting to employ one of his patented Judo-moves against the Globalists? Perhaps, for example, once all this social-credit and tracking technology is implemented in Russia by the various WEF cronies, Putin simply turns around, gently nudges the Globalists to the curb and appropriates the system to further strengthen the Russian state itself? It's a possible plan.
Still, the main fly in the ointment of any such scheme would be the enormous damage being done to the health of the Russian people by the injections. But, maybe being a hard-nosed Russian, Putin feels there is no choice but to take the casualties? After all, Russia has been through more than a few horrific disasters and still survived. Still, ascribing such 'clever plans' and 11-D chess gambits to any world leader oftentimes feels far-fetched. Usually what is going on is exactly what it looks like.
You make a number of excellent, thought-provoking observations. I also believe that the Russia-China "partnership" has been seriously misrepresented. As I see it, many people are c-o-p-i-n-g hard and cannot accept that the candy land "multi-polar world order" will be based around Beijing's digital gulag system.
The 11D theories are fun and I think there is value is exploring What Ifs, but personally I prefer to just take Putin at his word (he wants more testing! more vaccinations! central bank-run economic restructuring!).
All this being true, the insanity and weirdness of our current situation is so enormous that I could not possibly pretend to have some sort of airtight theory about all this. I'm just following the facts and calling it like I see it, to the best of my abilities.
I very much agree with your approach of keeping reporting focused on the facts. While speculation is useful at times, it all too often veers off into outlandish territory, namely because those doing the theorizing have neglected the reality on the ground.
As for Putin, it is definitely wisest to take him at his word in these regards. After all, he is surely aware of the 'alternative' viewpoints regarding the situation at hand. If nothing else, one imagines he has spoken to Lukashenko a fair number of times over the last two years. And, if a ruler of a small nation of 10 million can, for the most part, tell the Globalists to pound sand, it's hard to see how Russia could not do the same, if it's rulers were so inclined.
Your Chinese speculations are quite interesting. By now, it must be clear, even to a well trained former KGB man
that international finance capital has chosen Sinoland as it's next 'skipping stone' in the millennia-long march from cutout Empire to cutout Empire - and that Rus can only be a sidekick/also ran in that contest to be the next dogsbody.
The Han are notoriously 'racist' themselves; they privately look askance at the mixed "Turco/Slavonic/Mongol bloodlines of their neighbors to the north and west, and it would be unsurprising in the extreme if Pootie was uncomfortable hanging with such a crowd - begging off for a chance to spend some quality time shooting ducks whilst riding wild equines.
Personally I believe that the populist prez for life is trying to play his cards right so as to keep open the promised chance to share in the spoils when the USA goes down with a thud. You can mark any latent hesitancy to destroy his own people at the behest of the powerz to a need to cover his bets, just in case the who 2030 project somehow comes acropper.
It's already come a cropper. In fact it came a cropper the instant that they set it off. Someone worked out here in NZ that we would have to increase our supply of electricity by something like 80% to cope with demand from an electrification of the car fleet. How much more would we have to increase it to cope with the demand of blockchain and crypto coin algorithms, not just ordinary algorithms but crypto algorithms which are power hungry beasts.
Of course there's a plan to remove 30% of the population. We currently have vaccine free entry for Afghans.
Dr Coleman has been blocked for years for his opposing the narrative on AIDS and now covid. He also has something to say about what might be coming. In light of Putins change of mind, you might want to listen to his story. I was surprised to read Putin and Erdogan on the list of WEF people. WEF is collecting everyone they can. Ivanka Trump, the crown princesses of several European kingdoms, Yo Yo Ma, multiple Malaysian and Indonesian government people. Coleman could be on to something.
I've always been offside with the local climate warriors most of whom are in their 20s or early 30s. They deride me in public and seek my advice in private (for example on cycle lanes). And they've always been a little too willing to latch on to gender for example.
I think that it's idiocy to use up the oil resources of the world for the private car. I also think that the electric car is an idiot idea.
Global warming? Well I live in Dunedin which is somewhat a cool climate. And it's definitely warming up, if I were to analyse the raw data from the University weather station on top of the physics building I would see a significant average temperature increase in the last 20 years. Dunedin is far away from industry and right next to a breezy ocean (the Pacific). And the local beach which is below a sea wall barely exists in 2022. Is that CO2? If I were to go on past periods, thousands or millions of years in the past then I'd say no. Today? Well if it's not CO2, if CO2 is just following warming caused by some other pressure on the climate, as has been the case every time in the past, then we need to find out what that pressure is.
As a Geologist, I would be extremely wary of using the temperature data gathered from the top of a building... The materials buildings are composed of hold onto heat, and buildings also release heat, from their exhaust systems and from radiative heat release from the buildings' compositional materials. Thus, readings on/near buildings, roadways, parking lots, sidewalks, etc., yield falsely high temps. Unfortunately, MANY temp stations are located in such sites, falsely skewing temp data too high.
In addition, CO2 is NOT a major contribution to "global warming". CO2 does hold heat, but the atmosphere is currently comprised of only 4% CO2! Water vapor holds less heat than CO2, molecule by molecule, but comprises up to more than 90% of the atmosphere! There are numerous other gases, and they all add up to 1-2% of the atmosphere. And, we are no longer warming, and haven't been for a number of years. NASA satellite data show that we are cooling... We are in a cycle of solar minimums, in which solar output is lower than usual. And, that we'll likely be experiencing lower temps for a couple of decades more, and possibly longer. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) DELIBERATELY ignores all effects of water vapor on the climate, as well as natural sources of CO2, such as volcanoes, fires of various types/causes, decomposition, etc. AND, solar output. In fact, they define "climate change" as any/all change to the "climate system" as being caused by man's activities. This an utter and complete lie.
For what I read the climate on earth has changed violently without any human interference. There have grown palm trees on the pole, there have been ice ages, there have been very cold periods while humans were here but without fuel (I think somewhere in the 1300s but not sure). I think earth does as earth does. In case of pollution I think humans are fouling their own nest, with millions of tonnes of garbage pushed into sea, oil leaks from tankers etc. but for the rest? Do humans cause volcano eruptions ? Earthquakes ? Tsunami ? If earth is tired of humans she gives a good shudder and we are all gone. And if the sun gives out we have 8 minutes left.
I agree. As for palm trees at the Pole, I don't think there's any evidence for that. There is evidence for trees though, just that they're cool climate ones.
You cannot decipher cause of climate change over that small of an area. (Today's science cannot. Weather, certainly, climate, nope.) In general it is NOT CO2 driven. Why? Because, per the IPCC, CO2 caused warming MUST originate in the troposphere, and that warming is 1/3rd of projections. End of story, as those satellite reading are verified, checked and re checked, and again verified via weather balloons and the finest instruments.
More importantly there is zero increase on a global bases in SL rise ( see tide guages) hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts or floods.
Weather and climate are a little malleable. Climate would be a trend over 20 years though and Dunedin's looks like it's warming.
Sea level rise is about 4-5mm a year, higher in some places and lower in others. You also have some land that is bouncing back up still from ice on it for millions of years, say Scandanavia and Scotland.
If you're going to make claims for zero increase in SLR do you mind providing some references for that?
sea oh too. weather schmether. it's all the sun, plus heaps of geoengineering, DEW, and other enviro terrorism to "morally" admonish everyone to stop using/eating petreoleum.
that's the real reason for "cry mate" - it's PEAK OIL. that's why infinite growth/debt/travel/driving in the old model is DOA.
So, I take it vaccine-free entry for Afghans to NZ does in no way mean that one can have vaccine-free exit from NZ to Afghanistan? Because, the way things are headed, I would prefer to be in Afghanistan than NZ. Say what you will about the tenets of sharia law, but at least it has an internal consistency and doesn't change every fortnight according to some muppet's whims.
As for the increase in electrical demand---as you alluded yourself, first, they plan to cull a significant chunk of the population, and, second, what give anyone the idea that 99% of the unfortunate peons who survive will be allowed to drive---let alone, own---any form of transportation other than an ox drawn cart?
The smart cities with their lack of freedom inside and everyone else outside under some sort of ox and cart system is something that came up in a University of Amsterdam paper that I did earlier this year. The population culling was extant in an address to the Sustainability Centre at Otago that I attended in May this year, the presenter, a Finnish professor at Auckland University, going red in the face when a few of us asked her some hard questions. The people who held the seminar btw were as thick as pig shit.
And yeah I agree with you about muppets changing law at their daily podium stand for the shitty taken media of this country. The most recent one is this one, presented on 23rd November, not put out for public submission, not put out to a Select Committee to have a look at and acceded to by the idiot Governor General 2 days later.
The people who held the seminar were from the Business School at Otago and from the "Business Community". The "Business Community" part of that had no idea what they were presenting. And a local rep (though she was English) of Silver Fern Farms which is 50% Chinese owned was an extreme bore who constantly interrupted because she loved the sound of her own, two electric cars owning, voice.
What would a peon do with an ox cart. Oxen will be killed to stop them from farting methane. Peons will be eating bugs. Most likely locusts. Just like a certain Biblical prophet.
How is it that those in "international finance capital" do NOT see that China (the CCP, actually) will gut them like fish when the time is "right"? How is it that such "learned" and "experienced" business folks have learned so little from history? What's their "dain bramage" (from an old Rodney Dangerfield special, many years ago) that they don't see that coming? Or, has their insatiable greed for money, control, power utterly blinded them to that inevitability? Are they as blind as they presume us to be? Ha.
Ignorance beyond belief. I did a stint in mutual fund customer service. Their clients included teenage Saudi Princes with billion $ funds in "monopoly money".They kept the call center in US for "friendly, recognizable" voices.
They moved paper to India for cheap labor & physical storage.
Total meltdown when things heated up between India & Pakistan & there were riots "just down the street" (oh my!😮 from their warehouses.
The ignoramuses had no idea -- NO IDEA -- that both India & their next door neighbor, Pakistan, were both mortal enemies & nuclear. Who could've known? (Besides everybody who didn't spend every second of their pathetic lives chasing every penny in existance)
Let’s call them what they are: Jews. They’ve spent the last 2000 years working towards their goal of The Kingdom of Judea, aka Greater Israel. We’re talking about an ethnic group that defines itself as ‘the other’ and practice endogamy to pursue this intergenerational goal of world domination. I know, it sounds crazy, because it IS crazy. It’s insane. And they are insane. That’s why you see them mass-murdering women and children by the hundreds just to expand their borders of Israel. Because the existence of Israel is a mechanism for Jews to control the American government and, by proxy, all of its vassal states in Western Europe.
Jews have invented tactics like the Hannibal Directive, where they kill their own people to gain control, and they invented the Sampson Option in which they claim they will use all of their control over atomic weapons to destroy any and all combatants and even non-combatants should they feel they are going to lose American/Israeli hegemony. They have managed to make Americans look like insane people by taking control of the levers of power, but they should not be confused with European people, they will gladly kill every one of us. America as an empire and it’s population that enriches them is only a means to an end for them.
Mr. Global has a different set of lies for every level: one set is for the folks, another for the state leaders.
while the ordinary ppl are lied to about the scary pandemic (the stick) which could be overcome by the sacred vaccinations, and then the freedom will he back (the carrot), the “leaders of the free world” are offered to exchange their pretty titles of presidency/prime ministry which give them only a limited power over the citizens – to a much more humble sounding titles of top managers in regional branches of the upcoming global planetary corporation, who must follow some orders from the head office, but have almost unlimited power over their subjects (formerly citizens). that’s the carrot.
while the perspective to become an isolated state in the globalized world, cut off the global trade and resources, is the stick.
but as well as the ordinary folks will never get their carrot, same goes with the leaders on their level.
I believe, there’s a contest: the ones who will be at this leading position in their states by the endgame moment, are promised to be the ones to get these top-managers’ seats. that’s how it’s usually done in big companies: make the candidats race against each other in a hope to get the trophy, have the project finished quickly this way, so then you can give the carrot to your own loyal and trusted candidate who never participated in that race and just stood aside and watched, learning, how things are getting done by the big boys :)
but here’s a problem:
it goes well with the “free world” democratic leaders: for them this carrot has a meaning, it promises them something they never had before: the absolute and unchallenged power over the population.
authoritarian leaders have it already, there’s nothing for them to gain in this basic deal, they are just afraid of isolation that could lead to them losing the power they already have. so for them there’s only a stick, no carrots. and I also think that they are much more aware than their democratic peers, of this carrot’s illusional nature :)
so they negotiate. especially such big entities as Russia that have all the sorts of their own natural resources. I think, they are trying to bargain for a place as a regional manager instead – something like a franchise, where they are listed as business owners, but at the same time, they pay some tribute to the big bosses.
anyway, I’m sure that with this sort of leaders Mr. Global talks differently, than with the democratic morons. with a bit more respect.
"It promises something they had before: the absolute and unchallenged power over their population".
The United States is declining with all the nonsense but still much stronger at the community level than the world understands. And with the populace armed to the teeth the above "eventuality" is not as etched in stone as one might think.
It very much depends on the community... Big cities are effed - but smaller cities and suburban areas, but especially more rural areas are much more tight-knit and many folks will look out for one another.
WE WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP OUR GUNS. I just read an article that stated that historically, w/in 10 years, EVERY disarmed populace has been slaughtered/enslaved. NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS.
And, if you HAVE to, remember that virtually anything can be a weapon.
I think your idea sounds very plausible. Especially the way the western countries try to force things onto their people. Macron, Trudeau and the likes, are not the smartest in trying to make their citizens do what they want. Someone wrote on a blog, if these are the smartest the WEF has, that does not look too good.
I read or saw in a video very recently, maybe both (sorry, I'm retired, and the Plandemic & 2020 Selection woke me up & got me researching a LOT of things, so I don't always recall all the nitty gritty details) that these "leaders" are SUPPOSED TO FAIL. WEF put them in place to start the main push into totalitarianism/fascism/oligarchy/corporatocracy, but with push back from the people being anticipated, they were anticipated to fall short of achieving the full program... Who/what to replace them with? Why with a global gov't. And, they've got one all ready to go! How convenient is that?
There's one problem, though. As they're pushing this on us so quickly, and the lies & liars are being exposed (and even exposing themselves, ha) more & more people are waking up. Thus, more & more people are pushing back. Hence the Canadian Trucker and other protests. Are more of us awake than they anticipated? And how serious are we to push back? How much farther will "they" get in their plans before we've really had enough?
So, that leaves the question for how "they" are going to "convince" so many to accept the prison they're building? I know injuries/deaths from the poison jabs, job losses, crashed economies, and starvation - and utter BS climate change "crisis" hysteria - are all part of what's happening, and "they" are working on digital IDs (and microchips) and digital "money"... But, how many of us will cave? HOW MANY OF US WILL HOLD OUT & PUSH BACK ON THIS INTENDED ENSLAVEMENT? HOW MANY OF US ARE NEEDED TO PUSH BACK SUCCESSFULLY???
Good question. I am hopeful now the young people finally seem to wake up. I don't think too many people will lie awake about climate change. But people tell me for a few months now, that their electric bills are going through the roof. Both in Belgium where my family lives, and in the US. One of these blogs stated, that with the climate change, that will be a next step. To make electricity almost unaffordable, or even cut the power for a short period, to get people on their knees. And to see it happen all over, in democraties, or what we thought were democratic countries, in Russia, where Putin is part of WEF too, and all over. The countries that are more open can be counted on one hand. Sad. I hope it will last my lifetime, as I am not young, but I might have to move once more, and who knows, fate might follow...
The sheep are lead to the slaughterhouse and don't even know it. The only other time I can remember is in WW2 how the Jewish and some other minorities, unknowingly, unbelieving, went to the camps to die. Sad how people have lost their ability to think. I read that people who lived in former Soviet countries are less gullible. I hope they teach the rest not to comply. But it might be too late for all the jabbed ones.
I think, Klaus was choosing his Schwabben-Jugend Global Leaders by two main criteria:
1. having the Dark Triade at the core of their personalities;
2. not being smarter than himself.
first is crucial for them to enthustically accept and then brutally push the agenda with no regrets or troubles with conscience;
second is crucial for them to not oversmart the Daddy boss :)
because if you choose to partner with psychopathic narcissistic machiavellianists, you better make sure your ass is the smartest in the team, otherwise they’ll eat you alive :) lol
and Schwabb himself isn’t the sharpest tool in the box, so his protegees are even thicker :) lol
If you put it like that, I think we will be alright. I have been watching gates for several years and I don't think he is smart either. I am not sure about tedros. He seems dangerous enough.
a monkey with grenade isn’t smart, but no one would claim it isn’t dangerous :)
the #1 criteria ensures the proper level of danger.
most sociopaths aren’t too smart either. most serial killers have an IQ below average.
and yet, it takes a lot of time and effort of people, some of them very smart, to spot the patterns, build the psych profiles, arrange the strategy, hunt them down and catch, or kill.
because, although they aren’t very smart, they think and most important, feel in a way so different, that it takes a lot of intellectual effort to get into their heads, and then some more – to learn how to think like them, practically.
otherwise, forget about catching them :)
and these are lone wolfs.
what happens when you are dealing with average IQ, but very wealthy and influencial psychopaths that are well organized, have a clear agenda, believe they are world saviors, chosen for a higher mission, and are acting in accord against you… well, we already know, don’t we? :)
These are thoughtful comments, and all these posts by Edward Slavsquat are new to me, and just leave me more puzzled than ever at why Russia went along with all this but is fighting the good fight against NATO particularly citing biowarfare, biolabs, and undisclosed experimentation as one of the key crimes and aggressions of the US and NATO.
In reading a more recent post of Slavsquat on the massive rise in mortality in Russia that parallels other vaccinated countries, it seems they haven't escaped the horrific consequence of the spike protein as the virus or delivered by vaccine.
Why are u....puzzled more than ever at why Russia went along with all this... The man bombed his way into the Kremlin. Journalists killed left and right and you are puzzled? What is so puzzling about a country that is no less corrupt than its alleged nemesis? I am puzzled at your puzzlement.
The real Putin is dead or imprisoned somewhere in the West. He was kidnapped at the time of his visit with Biden. Some one with a similar body type is wearing a life like Putin mask. The world is in great danger!
This is very enlightening. Not being in Russia many of these things were unknown to me. But I always suspected Putin was a Globalist stooly. There aren't many political establishments that haven't been captured at this point. That's why I no longer give any thought to the prospect of nuclear war.
we are the victims of nuclear war already. look at all the nuclear power plants that spew radiation into the air daily. 24/7. fukushima has not stopped since 3/11/2011. all the nuke plant accidents over the history of nuclear power generation. not to mention the amazing amount of radioactive waste world wide. also the 2000 or more nuclear bomb test world wide in the air, above ground and underground and in the oceans of the world. old radiation detectors set at max are pegged up activation there is so much radiation in the environment. see nuclear emergency tracking center. citizen managed radiation tracking in u.s.a. thxs j.t.
Fukushima was a hit job. In hindsight I now suspect The Russian disaster - Chernobyl- was too. The primary aim was to rid the world of effectively limitless, truly green power generation so as enable the Green Revolution of unsustainable eco-energy… EV etc. solar is also being sabotaged by Geoengineering so is also virtually useless. They know it’s not realistic and will lead to an energy shortage and the inability of all but the rich to travel. Get it ?
I am Russian living in Australia for the last 20 years. As you may know, the situation in Australia has been tough through the pandemic, with some of the harshest lockdowns and maddest health restrictions. Until recently many locals, myself including, with dual Australian-Russian citizenship were considering to relocate back to Russia if situation in Australia does not improve. We are not so sure any more. Russia seems to be championing construction of a digital GULAG at a record speed. What a disappointment. Russia was always different and it could have become a beacon of hope for the rest of the mankind, but…things look grim at the moment. We can only hope for a miracle with God’s help, such as liberation of the country from anti-people government by ordinary citizens in 1612. Everyone back then thought that Russia was finished, but things worked out exactly when there was almost no hope, because people realised no one will save the country unless they do.
A very thoughtful comment, thank you. Yes, it's bad everywhere. It seems there is really "nowhere to run." Best of luck to you in Australia, please keep us updated on the situation there.
Situation is still insane in Australia. Since March 2020 I am unable to leave the country, even to fly to my home country - Russia, without a permission from the Australian government, such as if I had a dying or terminally ill close family member, which I don’t. The fact that I hold Russian citizenship and have property there does not count. This is a violation of the Australian Constitution with regard to freedom of movement but who cares about human rights nowadays.
I can’t tell you how strongly I have advocated for Putin and shared many if his videos, speeches and quotes with friends and family. Started to learn Russian and the Cyrillic script, even had transient thoughts of emigration. I have to put my hand up and admit that I was wrong – we have been betrayed. The Bolsheviks are still well in control and this is the end game.
There will be a flood of persons in similar circumstances, when the word leaks out about the really real deal behind the "Russian 'white hat Fantasy" promulgated to perfection on the pages of those sly 'alt-media' outlets such as 'zero-cred.con'
but they will be the small percentile still capable of rational analysis and self-critique. Just as with the Trimpfistas who stayed onboard with Mr. "Warped Speed" to the "last days in da Bunker' end, most of the Putin-Pushers will stay in denial about his collusion with tptb
because he was their last, best hope, of avoiding 'getting real.' But the most ironic of endings will be reserved for those of the western exceptionalists who put their munknee where their mouths were - and shipped off to the "Holy Mother Russiastan" to become the C21st equivalents of those poor idealists who left the 'capitalist' west a century ago to help build the socialist paradise which has now - at last - succeeded in exporting its bleak Gulagistan version of the future, worldwide!
So in the upper echelons of his society one side of the ruling class coin betrays the other side and ordinary people die in their millions. Figure this might have happened before. They're monsters.
God is allowing this great shaking to bring about the fulfilment of His plan. Those who know Him must cling to Him in faith, obey His voice, and love not our lives unto death.
Besides praying and asking for the help of God I'm not sure. Personally, I refuse to comply. That way at least, I will force them to reveal their true evil to everyone watching.
Thank you for your blog and the thoughtful and enlightening comments. A couple of things come to mind that I would like to share with your readers … books that I recently read, actually.
• <b> “On Resistance to Evil By Force” by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin</b>
Written in 1925 in the context of the atrocities committed by the Jewish led Bolshevists against [ultimately tens of] millions of Russians (mainly white, Christian), it has only been translated into English as recently as 2018 by K Benois.
Ilyin writes:
“In fact, what would “non-resistance” [to evil] mean, in the sense of the absence of any resistance? This would mean accepting evil: letting it in and giving it freedom, scope and power. If under these conditions the uprising of evil occurred, and non-resistance continued, it would mean subordination to it, a surrender of the self to it, participation in it, and finally, turning oneself into its instrument, into its body, into its cesspool, its playing, an absorbed element thereof. It would be a voluntary self-corruption and self-infection at the start, and the active spread of infection among other people and their involvement in its coordination by the end.”
• <b>“The Forsaken – An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia by Tim Tzouliadis</b>
“Of all the great movements of population to and from the United States, the least heralded is the migration, in the depths of the Depression of the nineteen-thirties, of thousands of men, women and children to Stalin's Russia. […] Communism promised dignity for the working man, racial equality, and honest labour. What in fact awaited them, however, was the most monstrous betrayal.
[…] Through official records, memoirs, newspaper reports and interviews Tim searches the most closely guarded archive in modern history to reconstruct their story – […] idealism brought up against the brutal machinery of repression. His account exposes the self-serving American diplomats who refused their countrymen sanctuary, it analyses international relations and economic causes but also finds space to retrieve individual acts of kindness and self-sacrifice.”
From Chapter 9 “Spetzrabota” [Special Work]
“Through the course of 1937 and 1938, Americans such as Victor Herman began to disappear, one after another. Many of the arrested were shot not long afterward, often with their fathers, who had brought them to the USSR. After their denunciation, the baseball players from Boston, Arthur Abolin and his younger brother, Carl, were both arrested and executed with their father, James Abolin, in 1938. Their mother died later, in a concentration camp. Only their younger sister, Lucy Abolin—the precocious drama student of the Anglo-American school—was left untouched … “
> "I have a hard time believing that a Russian patriot, like Vladimir Putin, would go along with– what amounts to– a takeover of the country by foreign elites, the banker Mafia and the global drug cartel. Is he oblivious to what is going on right beneath his nose or are other factors at play?"
This is the 64 million dollar question. What has Putin been doing these past 20 years if he's just gonna hand the country back to the oligarchs? Is he just a dumb boomer who doesn't get it?
Putin was put in place by the oligarchs. You’ll notice he never took back all the state property stolen by the oligarchs. He only went after a few recalcitrant ones and gave their monopolies on to more favored oligarchs.
Great read. So is there a suspicion that Sputnik 5 is a rebranded Astro Zeneca (Astro in Latin is from the word for 'star' which kind of plays into Sputnik 1, 2 & 3 I guess, but it can also mean 'stab').
It should be remembered in turn that Astro Zeneca is a 'tech' that is mostly provided by the Chinese.
Oh man, that complicates things. Well, I assume you still have your U.S. passport and could get your family out if Russia goes the full Austria. Hopefully it doesn't come to that but who knows what the future will bring. :(
Quite recently, Klaus Schwab commented re. Putin's being one of his "Young Global Leaders" (or was it that program's predecessor, "Global Leaders for Tomorrow"?) - but, that Putin denied this. I haven't seen Putin's name on any of the YGL/GLT lists... But, this appears to not be uncommon, as I've not seen some names on some list versions but present on others... An example is Dan Crenshaw - his name is on some list versions and not others. Can anyone verify Putin's having attended this training?
And, whether Putin did or didn't, what does he really have to gain by going along w/ this insanity??? He's running a HUGE country, with LOTS of natural resources... Perhaps because I don't know the entire picture, that I don't see how going in with these psychos would be the best option for Putin or Russia. But, if he really is sold on the WEF "vision", has most of his behavior & choices to date been a cover, a smokescreen, a trick??? Ditto w/r to Viktor Orban, PM of Hungary - he's a YGL/GLT grad, but seems (from my very limited knowledge) to be more protectionist of Hungary than not... Has that been a smokescreen???
Russia is no better off than Canada in policy and we have the globally acknowledged biggest idiot in the world followed by the most depraved and childish deputy Prime minister that has every had the office. I can see now from reading this essay that there is no political knight on a white charger coming to save civilization and if we are to enjoy any future democratic freedoms we must save ourselves and remove these people from power by what ever means possible!
Many thanks for this excellent recap of what has been happening in Russia. Although, this is my first comment on your substack, I just wanted to let you know that I have been taking the time to read most of your articles and have found them an invaluable resource, so please keep it up!
As for the situation at hand, like other commenters, I find Putin's actions baffling and very disturbing. For over a year and a half, the Russian state's response to the so-called pandemic seemed to be as reasonable as could probably be hoped for given the geopolitical circumstances. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, all hell broke loose.
Recall the first, failed attempt at mass vaccination and QR-codes began in mid-June when Putin was out of the country meeting with Biden. Many claimed that Biden somehow coerced or threatened Putin into these actions, but clearly that was not possible seeing as they were being implemented before he even returned to Moscow. In truth, I suspect that Putin was "persuaded" into joining the WEF agenda in early June during his annual meeting at the Valdai club.
The critical question to ask, in my mind, is what made Putin change his mind into going along with the Globalist plan? It's almost impossible to believe that he was bribed or threatened personally, for if these were potential tools which could be used against him, the West would have already employed them many years ago. Also, the notion of Putin directly acquiescing to a betrayal of the Russian people for whatever reason is also difficult to swallow given his record over the last couple of decades.
I suspect that Putin found himself under enormous pressure from both the West, but, perhaps more importantly, from his Chinese so-called allies as well. Essentially, I could picture the Globalists at the Valdai Club telling Putin, "implement our plan or we cut Russia off completely from outside economic activity in both the West and the East." Granted, of all the nations on the planet, Russia is probably best suited to becoming an autarky, but Putin has always eschewed direct confrontation. And, so he capitulated to the demands.
Why do I suspect the Chinese were involved in pressuring Russia? I base this speculation on the fact that this fall Putin made some pretty transparent excuses to avoid attending the conference in Dushanbe were he was slated to meet with Xi. Putin first claimed he was sick (with COVID, I believe), sent Lukashenko in his stead, and then, instead of convalescing as expected, took a wilderness vacation during the time of the conference itself. Seeing that Putin was going to be a no-show, Xi also cancelled his appearance in Dushanbe. So, not only did Putin not wish to speak to Xi, he, in fact, showed highly uncharacteristic, open contempt for his Chinese 'friend' by taking the vacation instead.
Still, we are left to circle back (to borrow a Psaki-ism) to why Putin is allowing these vaccinations and QR-codes to be instituted at such a maniacal pace? Is it possible that he is biding time waiting to employ one of his patented Judo-moves against the Globalists? Perhaps, for example, once all this social-credit and tracking technology is implemented in Russia by the various WEF cronies, Putin simply turns around, gently nudges the Globalists to the curb and appropriates the system to further strengthen the Russian state itself? It's a possible plan.
Still, the main fly in the ointment of any such scheme would be the enormous damage being done to the health of the Russian people by the injections. But, maybe being a hard-nosed Russian, Putin feels there is no choice but to take the casualties? After all, Russia has been through more than a few horrific disasters and still survived. Still, ascribing such 'clever plans' and 11-D chess gambits to any world leader oftentimes feels far-fetched. Usually what is going on is exactly what it looks like.
Any thoughts?
You make a number of excellent, thought-provoking observations. I also believe that the Russia-China "partnership" has been seriously misrepresented. As I see it, many people are c-o-p-i-n-g hard and cannot accept that the candy land "multi-polar world order" will be based around Beijing's digital gulag system.
The 11D theories are fun and I think there is value is exploring What Ifs, but personally I prefer to just take Putin at his word (he wants more testing! more vaccinations! central bank-run economic restructuring!).
All this being true, the insanity and weirdness of our current situation is so enormous that I could not possibly pretend to have some sort of airtight theory about all this. I'm just following the facts and calling it like I see it, to the best of my abilities.
I very much agree with your approach of keeping reporting focused on the facts. While speculation is useful at times, it all too often veers off into outlandish territory, namely because those doing the theorizing have neglected the reality on the ground.
As for Putin, it is definitely wisest to take him at his word in these regards. After all, he is surely aware of the 'alternative' viewpoints regarding the situation at hand. If nothing else, one imagines he has spoken to Lukashenko a fair number of times over the last two years. And, if a ruler of a small nation of 10 million can, for the most part, tell the Globalists to pound sand, it's hard to see how Russia could not do the same, if it's rulers were so inclined.
A lot may depend on what resources a nation sits on. A "small nation of 10 million" doesn't sound like it has Russia's vast resource wealth.
It may also depend on whether it is the 1st target of another very large nation's wrath & firepower.
The US has forced Putin to align with China. At least for the moment.
It's all billionaire wars. Each individual oligarch intends to be on top.
For the rest of us, life is now a matter of avoiding becoming "collateral damage" from the wars, or purged by Gates/Schwab/Rockefellers/whoever.
Never had I been so happy to be childless. Luke 23:29. We are there.
Your Chinese speculations are quite interesting. By now, it must be clear, even to a well trained former KGB man
that international finance capital has chosen Sinoland as it's next 'skipping stone' in the millennia-long march from cutout Empire to cutout Empire - and that Rus can only be a sidekick/also ran in that contest to be the next dogsbody.
The Han are notoriously 'racist' themselves; they privately look askance at the mixed "Turco/Slavonic/Mongol bloodlines of their neighbors to the north and west, and it would be unsurprising in the extreme if Pootie was uncomfortable hanging with such a crowd - begging off for a chance to spend some quality time shooting ducks whilst riding wild equines.
Personally I believe that the populist prez for life is trying to play his cards right so as to keep open the promised chance to share in the spoils when the USA goes down with a thud. You can mark any latent hesitancy to destroy his own people at the behest of the powerz to a need to cover his bets, just in case the who 2030 project somehow comes acropper.
It's already come a cropper. In fact it came a cropper the instant that they set it off. Someone worked out here in NZ that we would have to increase our supply of electricity by something like 80% to cope with demand from an electrification of the car fleet. How much more would we have to increase it to cope with the demand of blockchain and crypto coin algorithms, not just ordinary algorithms but crypto algorithms which are power hungry beasts.
Of course there's a plan to remove 30% of the population. We currently have vaccine free entry for Afghans.
Dr Coleman has been blocked for years for his opposing the narrative on AIDS and now covid. He also has something to say about what might be coming. In light of Putins change of mind, you might want to listen to his story. I was surprised to read Putin and Erdogan on the list of WEF people. WEF is collecting everyone they can. Ivanka Trump, the crown princesses of several European kingdoms, Yo Yo Ma, multiple Malaysian and Indonesian government people. Coleman could be on to something.
I've always been offside with the local climate warriors most of whom are in their 20s or early 30s. They deride me in public and seek my advice in private (for example on cycle lanes). And they've always been a little too willing to latch on to gender for example.
I think that it's idiocy to use up the oil resources of the world for the private car. I also think that the electric car is an idiot idea.
Global warming? Well I live in Dunedin which is somewhat a cool climate. And it's definitely warming up, if I were to analyse the raw data from the University weather station on top of the physics building I would see a significant average temperature increase in the last 20 years. Dunedin is far away from industry and right next to a breezy ocean (the Pacific). And the local beach which is below a sea wall barely exists in 2022. Is that CO2? If I were to go on past periods, thousands or millions of years in the past then I'd say no. Today? Well if it's not CO2, if CO2 is just following warming caused by some other pressure on the climate, as has been the case every time in the past, then we need to find out what that pressure is.
As a Geologist, I would be extremely wary of using the temperature data gathered from the top of a building... The materials buildings are composed of hold onto heat, and buildings also release heat, from their exhaust systems and from radiative heat release from the buildings' compositional materials. Thus, readings on/near buildings, roadways, parking lots, sidewalks, etc., yield falsely high temps. Unfortunately, MANY temp stations are located in such sites, falsely skewing temp data too high.
In addition, CO2 is NOT a major contribution to "global warming". CO2 does hold heat, but the atmosphere is currently comprised of only 4% CO2! Water vapor holds less heat than CO2, molecule by molecule, but comprises up to more than 90% of the atmosphere! There are numerous other gases, and they all add up to 1-2% of the atmosphere. And, we are no longer warming, and haven't been for a number of years. NASA satellite data show that we are cooling... We are in a cycle of solar minimums, in which solar output is lower than usual. And, that we'll likely be experiencing lower temps for a couple of decades more, and possibly longer. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) DELIBERATELY ignores all effects of water vapor on the climate, as well as natural sources of CO2, such as volcanoes, fires of various types/causes, decomposition, etc. AND, solar output. In fact, they define "climate change" as any/all change to the "climate system" as being caused by man's activities. This an utter and complete lie.
400 parts per million? That's 0.04% not 4% ie.
For what I read the climate on earth has changed violently without any human interference. There have grown palm trees on the pole, there have been ice ages, there have been very cold periods while humans were here but without fuel (I think somewhere in the 1300s but not sure). I think earth does as earth does. In case of pollution I think humans are fouling their own nest, with millions of tonnes of garbage pushed into sea, oil leaks from tankers etc. but for the rest? Do humans cause volcano eruptions ? Earthquakes ? Tsunami ? If earth is tired of humans she gives a good shudder and we are all gone. And if the sun gives out we have 8 minutes left.
I agree. As for palm trees at the Pole, I don't think there's any evidence for that. There is evidence for trees though, just that they're cool climate ones.
You cannot decipher cause of climate change over that small of an area. (Today's science cannot. Weather, certainly, climate, nope.) In general it is NOT CO2 driven. Why? Because, per the IPCC, CO2 caused warming MUST originate in the troposphere, and that warming is 1/3rd of projections. End of story, as those satellite reading are verified, checked and re checked, and again verified via weather balloons and the finest instruments.
More importantly there is zero increase on a global bases in SL rise ( see tide guages) hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts or floods.
Weather and climate are a little malleable. Climate would be a trend over 20 years though and Dunedin's looks like it's warming.
Sea level rise is about 4-5mm a year, higher in some places and lower in others. You also have some land that is bouncing back up still from ice on it for millions of years, say Scandanavia and Scotland.
If you're going to make claims for zero increase in SLR do you mind providing some references for that?
sea oh too. weather schmether. it's all the sun, plus heaps of geoengineering, DEW, and other enviro terrorism to "morally" admonish everyone to stop using/eating petreoleum.
that's the real reason for "cry mate" - it's PEAK OIL. that's why infinite growth/debt/travel/driving in the old model is DOA.
And only Afghans. Everyone else, including NZ citizens, needs to jab.
So, I take it vaccine-free entry for Afghans to NZ does in no way mean that one can have vaccine-free exit from NZ to Afghanistan? Because, the way things are headed, I would prefer to be in Afghanistan than NZ. Say what you will about the tenets of sharia law, but at least it has an internal consistency and doesn't change every fortnight according to some muppet's whims.
As for the increase in electrical demand---as you alluded yourself, first, they plan to cull a significant chunk of the population, and, second, what give anyone the idea that 99% of the unfortunate peons who survive will be allowed to drive---let alone, own---any form of transportation other than an ox drawn cart?
The smart cities with their lack of freedom inside and everyone else outside under some sort of ox and cart system is something that came up in a University of Amsterdam paper that I did earlier this year. The population culling was extant in an address to the Sustainability Centre at Otago that I attended in May this year, the presenter, a Finnish professor at Auckland University, going red in the face when a few of us asked her some hard questions. The people who held the seminar btw were as thick as pig shit.
And yeah I agree with you about muppets changing law at their daily podium stand for the shitty taken media of this country. The most recent one is this one, presented on 23rd November, not put out for public submission, not put out to a Select Committee to have a look at and acceded to by the idiot Governor General 2 days later.
I'm getting very ropeable..
The people who held the seminar were from the Business School at Otago and from the "Business Community". The "Business Community" part of that had no idea what they were presenting. And a local rep (though she was English) of Silver Fern Farms which is 50% Chinese owned was an extreme bore who constantly interrupted because she loved the sound of her own, two electric cars owning, voice.
May be they suspect 99 % to die and only the leftovers need to drive
Such a world cannot support the car. And especially not Elon's ones.
What would a peon do with an ox cart. Oxen will be killed to stop them from farting methane. Peons will be eating bugs. Most likely locusts. Just like a certain Biblical prophet.
How is it that those in "international finance capital" do NOT see that China (the CCP, actually) will gut them like fish when the time is "right"? How is it that such "learned" and "experienced" business folks have learned so little from history? What's their "dain bramage" (from an old Rodney Dangerfield special, many years ago) that they don't see that coming? Or, has their insatiable greed for money, control, power utterly blinded them to that inevitability? Are they as blind as they presume us to be? Ha.
Ignorance beyond belief. I did a stint in mutual fund customer service. Their clients included teenage Saudi Princes with billion $ funds in "monopoly money".They kept the call center in US for "friendly, recognizable" voices.
They moved paper to India for cheap labor & physical storage.
Total meltdown when things heated up between India & Pakistan & there were riots "just down the street" (oh my!😮 from their warehouses.
The ignoramuses had no idea -- NO IDEA -- that both India & their next door neighbor, Pakistan, were both mortal enemies & nuclear. Who could've known? (Besides everybody who didn't spend every second of their pathetic lives chasing every penny in existance)
Let’s call them what they are: Jews. They’ve spent the last 2000 years working towards their goal of The Kingdom of Judea, aka Greater Israel. We’re talking about an ethnic group that defines itself as ‘the other’ and practice endogamy to pursue this intergenerational goal of world domination. I know, it sounds crazy, because it IS crazy. It’s insane. And they are insane. That’s why you see them mass-murdering women and children by the hundreds just to expand their borders of Israel. Because the existence of Israel is a mechanism for Jews to control the American government and, by proxy, all of its vassal states in Western Europe.
Jews have invented tactics like the Hannibal Directive, where they kill their own people to gain control, and they invented the Sampson Option in which they claim they will use all of their control over atomic weapons to destroy any and all combatants and even non-combatants should they feel they are going to lose American/Israeli hegemony. They have managed to make Americans look like insane people by taking control of the levers of power, but they should not be confused with European people, they will gladly kill every one of us. America as an empire and it’s population that enriches them is only a means to an end for them.
These are the people we are dealing with.
Yeah I've not been able to work that one out. They'll stick out like sore thumbs with nobody anywhere else to punish China for dealing to them.
Yeah, that moment is going to hurt. ;)
I’ll tell you:
Mr. Global has a different set of lies for every level: one set is for the folks, another for the state leaders.
while the ordinary ppl are lied to about the scary pandemic (the stick) which could be overcome by the sacred vaccinations, and then the freedom will he back (the carrot), the “leaders of the free world” are offered to exchange their pretty titles of presidency/prime ministry which give them only a limited power over the citizens – to a much more humble sounding titles of top managers in regional branches of the upcoming global planetary corporation, who must follow some orders from the head office, but have almost unlimited power over their subjects (formerly citizens). that’s the carrot.
while the perspective to become an isolated state in the globalized world, cut off the global trade and resources, is the stick.
but as well as the ordinary folks will never get their carrot, same goes with the leaders on their level.
I believe, there’s a contest: the ones who will be at this leading position in their states by the endgame moment, are promised to be the ones to get these top-managers’ seats. that’s how it’s usually done in big companies: make the candidats race against each other in a hope to get the trophy, have the project finished quickly this way, so then you can give the carrot to your own loyal and trusted candidate who never participated in that race and just stood aside and watched, learning, how things are getting done by the big boys :)
but here’s a problem:
it goes well with the “free world” democratic leaders: for them this carrot has a meaning, it promises them something they never had before: the absolute and unchallenged power over the population.
authoritarian leaders have it already, there’s nothing for them to gain in this basic deal, they are just afraid of isolation that could lead to them losing the power they already have. so for them there’s only a stick, no carrots. and I also think that they are much more aware than their democratic peers, of this carrot’s illusional nature :)
so they negotiate. especially such big entities as Russia that have all the sorts of their own natural resources. I think, they are trying to bargain for a place as a regional manager instead – something like a franchise, where they are listed as business owners, but at the same time, they pay some tribute to the big bosses.
anyway, I’m sure that with this sort of leaders Mr. Global talks differently, than with the democratic morons. with a bit more respect.
"It promises something they had before: the absolute and unchallenged power over their population".
The United States is declining with all the nonsense but still much stronger at the community level than the world understands. And with the populace armed to the teeth the above "eventuality" is not as etched in stone as one might think.
Pretending to be gods they will die like all the wicked men before them.
It very much depends on the community... Big cities are effed - but smaller cities and suburban areas, but especially more rural areas are much more tight-knit and many folks will look out for one another.
WE WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP OUR GUNS. I just read an article that stated that historically, w/in 10 years, EVERY disarmed populace has been slaughtered/enslaved. NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS.
And, if you HAVE to, remember that virtually anything can be a weapon.
Ready to die resisting. They must kill me first to inject me. They can rule my dead body. 💀
I think your idea sounds very plausible. Especially the way the western countries try to force things onto their people. Macron, Trudeau and the likes, are not the smartest in trying to make their citizens do what they want. Someone wrote on a blog, if these are the smartest the WEF has, that does not look too good.
I read or saw in a video very recently, maybe both (sorry, I'm retired, and the Plandemic & 2020 Selection woke me up & got me researching a LOT of things, so I don't always recall all the nitty gritty details) that these "leaders" are SUPPOSED TO FAIL. WEF put them in place to start the main push into totalitarianism/fascism/oligarchy/corporatocracy, but with push back from the people being anticipated, they were anticipated to fall short of achieving the full program... Who/what to replace them with? Why with a global gov't. And, they've got one all ready to go! How convenient is that?
There's one problem, though. As they're pushing this on us so quickly, and the lies & liars are being exposed (and even exposing themselves, ha) more & more people are waking up. Thus, more & more people are pushing back. Hence the Canadian Trucker and other protests. Are more of us awake than they anticipated? And how serious are we to push back? How much farther will "they" get in their plans before we've really had enough?
So, that leaves the question for how "they" are going to "convince" so many to accept the prison they're building? I know injuries/deaths from the poison jabs, job losses, crashed economies, and starvation - and utter BS climate change "crisis" hysteria - are all part of what's happening, and "they" are working on digital IDs (and microchips) and digital "money"... But, how many of us will cave? HOW MANY OF US WILL HOLD OUT & PUSH BACK ON THIS INTENDED ENSLAVEMENT? HOW MANY OF US ARE NEEDED TO PUSH BACK SUCCESSFULLY???
Good question. I am hopeful now the young people finally seem to wake up. I don't think too many people will lie awake about climate change. But people tell me for a few months now, that their electric bills are going through the roof. Both in Belgium where my family lives, and in the US. One of these blogs stated, that with the climate change, that will be a next step. To make electricity almost unaffordable, or even cut the power for a short period, to get people on their knees. And to see it happen all over, in democraties, or what we thought were democratic countries, in Russia, where Putin is part of WEF too, and all over. The countries that are more open can be counted on one hand. Sad. I hope it will last my lifetime, as I am not young, but I might have to move once more, and who knows, fate might follow...
The sheep are lead to the slaughterhouse and don't even know it. The only other time I can remember is in WW2 how the Jewish and some other minorities, unknowingly, unbelieving, went to the camps to die. Sad how people have lost their ability to think. I read that people who lived in former Soviet countries are less gullible. I hope they teach the rest not to comply. But it might be too late for all the jabbed ones.
I don’t think, WEF was selecting the smartest.
I think, Klaus was choosing his Schwabben-Jugend Global Leaders by two main criteria:
1. having the Dark Triade at the core of their personalities;
2. not being smarter than himself.
first is crucial for them to enthustically accept and then brutally push the agenda with no regrets or troubles with conscience;
second is crucial for them to not oversmart the Daddy boss :)
because if you choose to partner with psychopathic narcissistic machiavellianists, you better make sure your ass is the smartest in the team, otherwise they’ll eat you alive :) lol
and Schwabb himself isn’t the sharpest tool in the box, so his protegees are even thicker :) lol
If you put it like that, I think we will be alright. I have been watching gates for several years and I don't think he is smart either. I am not sure about tedros. He seems dangerous enough.
one can be dangerous without being smart.
a monkey with grenade isn’t smart, but no one would claim it isn’t dangerous :)
the #1 criteria ensures the proper level of danger.
most sociopaths aren’t too smart either. most serial killers have an IQ below average.
and yet, it takes a lot of time and effort of people, some of them very smart, to spot the patterns, build the psych profiles, arrange the strategy, hunt them down and catch, or kill.
because, although they aren’t very smart, they think and most important, feel in a way so different, that it takes a lot of intellectual effort to get into their heads, and then some more – to learn how to think like them, practically.
otherwise, forget about catching them :)
and these are lone wolfs.
what happens when you are dealing with average IQ, but very wealthy and influencial psychopaths that are well organized, have a clear agenda, believe they are world saviors, chosen for a higher mission, and are acting in accord against you… well, we already know, don’t we? :)
Often, stupid can be very very dangerous.
It doesn't, does it? Lol. Karmellow, 0bamma, 0biden..Clinton, Peloso..from the datk side.
Good analysis.
thank you
and for the China influence on Russia: China has bought a lot of land there.
They are like the anti- humanity hordes everywhere. Just come in, plop down and say you get this and that.
No, pal (facetious), it doesn't work that way. Knock em off their high & mighty arrogant horses
These are thoughtful comments, and all these posts by Edward Slavsquat are new to me, and just leave me more puzzled than ever at why Russia went along with all this but is fighting the good fight against NATO particularly citing biowarfare, biolabs, and undisclosed experimentation as one of the key crimes and aggressions of the US and NATO.
In reading a more recent post of Slavsquat on the massive rise in mortality in Russia that parallels other vaccinated countries, it seems they haven't escaped the horrific consequence of the spike protein as the virus or delivered by vaccine.
Why are u....puzzled more than ever at why Russia went along with all this... The man bombed his way into the Kremlin. Journalists killed left and right and you are puzzled? What is so puzzling about a country that is no less corrupt than its alleged nemesis? I am puzzled at your puzzlement.
The real Putin is dead or imprisoned somewhere in the West. He was kidnapped at the time of his visit with Biden. Some one with a similar body type is wearing a life like Putin mask. The world is in great danger!
This is very enlightening. Not being in Russia many of these things were unknown to me. But I always suspected Putin was a Globalist stooly. There aren't many political establishments that haven't been captured at this point. That's why I no longer give any thought to the prospect of nuclear war.
Yes, I tend to agree.
"That's why I no longer give any thought to the prospect of nuclear war."
Agreed, which is very much part of the reason this is happening I presume.
Biowarfare is very much the new future of war. And free humanity is very much the new enemy.
Yep. Biowarfare keeps the infrastructure intact.
The bioweapons are of course the vaccines and their graphene based nanotech.
If it doesn't work?
It already works.
we are the victims of nuclear war already. look at all the nuclear power plants that spew radiation into the air daily. 24/7. fukushima has not stopped since 3/11/2011. all the nuke plant accidents over the history of nuclear power generation. not to mention the amazing amount of radioactive waste world wide. also the 2000 or more nuclear bomb test world wide in the air, above ground and underground and in the oceans of the world. old radiation detectors set at max are pegged up activation there is so much radiation in the environment. see nuclear emergency tracking center. citizen managed radiation tracking in u.s.a. thxs j.t.
Fukushima was a hit job. In hindsight I now suspect The Russian disaster - Chernobyl- was too. The primary aim was to rid the world of effectively limitless, truly green power generation so as enable the Green Revolution of unsustainable eco-energy… EV etc. solar is also being sabotaged by Geoengineering so is also virtually useless. They know it’s not realistic and will lead to an energy shortage and the inability of all but the rich to travel. Get it ?
I am just learning about all of it, thought I have always wondered how it could ever be s good idea.
I am Russian living in Australia for the last 20 years. As you may know, the situation in Australia has been tough through the pandemic, with some of the harshest lockdowns and maddest health restrictions. Until recently many locals, myself including, with dual Australian-Russian citizenship were considering to relocate back to Russia if situation in Australia does not improve. We are not so sure any more. Russia seems to be championing construction of a digital GULAG at a record speed. What a disappointment. Russia was always different and it could have become a beacon of hope for the rest of the mankind, but…things look grim at the moment. We can only hope for a miracle with God’s help, such as liberation of the country from anti-people government by ordinary citizens in 1612. Everyone back then thought that Russia was finished, but things worked out exactly when there was almost no hope, because people realised no one will save the country unless they do.
A very thoughtful comment, thank you. Yes, it's bad everywhere. It seems there is really "nowhere to run." Best of luck to you in Australia, please keep us updated on the situation there.
Situation is still insane in Australia. Since March 2020 I am unable to leave the country, even to fly to my home country - Russia, without a permission from the Australian government, such as if I had a dying or terminally ill close family member, which I don’t. The fact that I hold Russian citizenship and have property there does not count. This is a violation of the Australian Constitution with regard to freedom of movement but who cares about human rights nowadays.
Very worrying. Please check-in from time-to-time to let us all know what's going on over there. And stay safe!
Lukashenko still resists in Byelorussia, no mandatory vaccination, no mandatory mask wearing, etc... but for how long ?
please say hi to Night Owl for me. wish he was here ...
Wrong owl !
From 37:25 of this documentary on President Putin:
Andrei Kondrashev: ”Can you forgive people?”
President Putin: “Yes, but not for everything”
AK: “What can’t you forgive?”
I can’t tell you how strongly I have advocated for Putin and shared many if his videos, speeches and quotes with friends and family. Started to learn Russian and the Cyrillic script, even had transient thoughts of emigration. I have to put my hand up and admit that I was wrong – we have been betrayed. The Bolsheviks are still well in control and this is the end game.
There will be a flood of persons in similar circumstances, when the word leaks out about the really real deal behind the "Russian 'white hat Fantasy" promulgated to perfection on the pages of those sly 'alt-media' outlets such as 'zero-cred.con'
but they will be the small percentile still capable of rational analysis and self-critique. Just as with the Trimpfistas who stayed onboard with Mr. "Warped Speed" to the "last days in da Bunker' end, most of the Putin-Pushers will stay in denial about his collusion with tptb
because he was their last, best hope, of avoiding 'getting real.' But the most ironic of endings will be reserved for those of the western exceptionalists who put their munknee where their mouths were - and shipped off to the "Holy Mother Russiastan" to become the C21st equivalents of those poor idealists who left the 'capitalist' west a century ago to help build the socialist paradise which has now - at last - succeeded in exporting its bleak Gulagistan version of the future, worldwide!
Just an fyi...Harris was a laughing stock. No other choice. And wd will achieve some successes, I believe.
So in the upper echelons of his society one side of the ruling class coin betrays the other side and ordinary people die in their millions. Figure this might have happened before. They're monsters.
Valuable information. Thank you.
How do we stop this profound evil? WE don't.
God is allowing this great shaking to bring about the fulfilment of His plan. Those who know Him must cling to Him in faith, obey His voice, and love not our lives unto death.
It IS spiritual and it IS evil. It's also global.
How we fight it?
Besides praying and asking for the help of God I'm not sure. Personally, I refuse to comply. That way at least, I will force them to reveal their true evil to everyone watching.
Thank you for your blog and the thoughtful and enlightening comments. A couple of things come to mind that I would like to share with your readers … books that I recently read, actually.
• <b> “On Resistance to Evil By Force” by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin</b>
Written in 1925 in the context of the atrocities committed by the Jewish led Bolshevists against [ultimately tens of] millions of Russians (mainly white, Christian), it has only been translated into English as recently as 2018 by K Benois.
Ilyin writes:
“In fact, what would “non-resistance” [to evil] mean, in the sense of the absence of any resistance? This would mean accepting evil: letting it in and giving it freedom, scope and power. If under these conditions the uprising of evil occurred, and non-resistance continued, it would mean subordination to it, a surrender of the self to it, participation in it, and finally, turning oneself into its instrument, into its body, into its cesspool, its playing, an absorbed element thereof. It would be a voluntary self-corruption and self-infection at the start, and the active spread of infection among other people and their involvement in its coordination by the end.”
• <b>“The Forsaken – An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia by Tim Tzouliadis</b>
“Of all the great movements of population to and from the United States, the least heralded is the migration, in the depths of the Depression of the nineteen-thirties, of thousands of men, women and children to Stalin's Russia. […] Communism promised dignity for the working man, racial equality, and honest labour. What in fact awaited them, however, was the most monstrous betrayal.
[…] Through official records, memoirs, newspaper reports and interviews Tim searches the most closely guarded archive in modern history to reconstruct their story – […] idealism brought up against the brutal machinery of repression. His account exposes the self-serving American diplomats who refused their countrymen sanctuary, it analyses international relations and economic causes but also finds space to retrieve individual acts of kindness and self-sacrifice.”
From Chapter 9 “Spetzrabota” [Special Work]
“Through the course of 1937 and 1938, Americans such as Victor Herman began to disappear, one after another. Many of the arrested were shot not long afterward, often with their fathers, who had brought them to the USSR. After their denunciation, the baseball players from Boston, Arthur Abolin and his younger brother, Carl, were both arrested and executed with their father, James Abolin, in 1938. Their mother died later, in a concentration camp. Only their younger sister, Lucy Abolin—the precocious drama student of the Anglo-American school—was left untouched … “
And many, many more horrific anecdotes.
Very interesting, thanks! I'm a huge Ilyin fan, personally.
> "I have a hard time believing that a Russian patriot, like Vladimir Putin, would go along with– what amounts to– a takeover of the country by foreign elites, the banker Mafia and the global drug cartel. Is he oblivious to what is going on right beneath his nose or are other factors at play?"
This is the 64 million dollar question. What has Putin been doing these past 20 years if he's just gonna hand the country back to the oligarchs? Is he just a dumb boomer who doesn't get it?
Putin was put in place by the oligarchs. You’ll notice he never took back all the state property stolen by the oligarchs. He only went after a few recalcitrant ones and gave their monopolies on to more favored oligarchs.
Great read. So is there a suspicion that Sputnik 5 is a rebranded Astro Zeneca (Astro in Latin is from the word for 'star' which kind of plays into Sputnik 1, 2 & 3 I guess, but it can also mean 'stab').
It should be remembered in turn that Astro Zeneca is a 'tech' that is mostly provided by the Chinese.
> "I have a young son. He is a Russian citizen."
Oh man, that complicates things. Well, I assume you still have your U.S. passport and could get your family out if Russia goes the full Austria. Hopefully it doesn't come to that but who knows what the future will bring. :(
I saw a post where Friar Bugnolo basically said the same: that what we are facing is unprecedented and hidden forces are behind them.
Mike Whitney is a legend - his work was invaluable at the start of the year and greatly assisted my research into the experimental death shots.
I tried finding him online as I have some stuff I wanted to share with him - has he got a website or a social media presence?
I don't know but if you have a message you want to pass him, you can email me -- riley (dot) waggaman (at) -- and i can make sure he gets it
That's very kind, thank you. You may be interested in it to.
I'm subscribed to his column at UNZ. He only posts every few weeks though. He's damn good.
You can respond in comment to MW on his articles in Unz Review
This does not mean he will necessarily read it...
Thanks! Love and Light 🌟💛 🌟
This headline literally made me LOL:
(I think it's an old article but still...)
Quite recently, Klaus Schwab commented re. Putin's being one of his "Young Global Leaders" (or was it that program's predecessor, "Global Leaders for Tomorrow"?) - but, that Putin denied this. I haven't seen Putin's name on any of the YGL/GLT lists... But, this appears to not be uncommon, as I've not seen some names on some list versions but present on others... An example is Dan Crenshaw - his name is on some list versions and not others. Can anyone verify Putin's having attended this training?
And, whether Putin did or didn't, what does he really have to gain by going along w/ this insanity??? He's running a HUGE country, with LOTS of natural resources... Perhaps because I don't know the entire picture, that I don't see how going in with these psychos would be the best option for Putin or Russia. But, if he really is sold on the WEF "vision", has most of his behavior & choices to date been a cover, a smokescreen, a trick??? Ditto w/r to Viktor Orban, PM of Hungary - he's a YGL/GLT grad, but seems (from my very limited knowledge) to be more protectionist of Hungary than not... Has that been a smokescreen???
Russia is no better off than Canada in policy and we have the globally acknowledged biggest idiot in the world followed by the most depraved and childish deputy Prime minister that has every had the office. I can see now from reading this essay that there is no political knight on a white charger coming to save civilization and if we are to enjoy any future democratic freedoms we must save ourselves and remove these people from power by what ever means possible!