Excellent adaptation, Edward! History repeats itself, but as usual, in a more bizarre and grotesque way. Not sure of 2023 but certainly 2022 ahead of us will be a dark year, perhaps the darkest one in modern history since the end of WWII. Let's hope that the skies are the darkest before dawn! If you celebrate, Merry Christmas to you in cold, wintery Moscow!

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Thanks Stanley, same to you!

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Great piece! I used to put up bitches and Bentleys on my Lil' Kremlin rap music videos, but my next single will feature swag as ' eating 100% beef steak', 'wearing no mask outside for a total of 30 seconds', and 'standing outside unbothered by bots for two minutes' - that's 100% swag homie! To show how much I'm more ballin' than the average peasant.

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I felt like I was there with you. Thanks for the tale and Merry Crisis to you!

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'A picture is worth a thousand words (referring to the very first one accompanying this thread's article)'. We have entered a truly dark era for sure. My tears go out to the children, and my prayers go to God for them, in Jesus the Christ's Name, Love and Peace (ONLY True Peace through the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ---John 4:16), from, Steppen-Wolf

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Finally - after 2 years of silence we finally get a statement from the Church, from Patriarch Kirill himself. He spoke out against chicken codes digital apartheid and compulsory vaccinations.


What a breath of fresh air after those other priests that appeared on TV, who were repeating big pharma cliches and demonizing "anti-vaxxers" (I hate how they inserted this word into the Russian language, another clear sign that this коронабесия is imported and doesn't belong to Russia at all.)

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He said that calling the QR codes (and eventually the chips) the mark of the anti-Christ was a sin. He's not on our side.

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He's very cautious. Of course he should have talked about this back in summer of 2020, not just now.

But still, he stepped out and this means something.

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The tale is genuinely terrifying, but it still made my day :)

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Wow. Powerful. You are an amazing writer. That final video - what a gorgeous, haunting piece.

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"Margarita Simonyan really is an insufferable schizoid. By the way, did you know she is now prime minister?"

Cut to face-melting scene from 'Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark'.

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haha, i mean, if things don't turn around... I'd say like a Robo-Putin/Simonyan administration is inevitable.

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Je viens de découvrir un vrai écrivain... et un bon ! S Rozhdestvom Que Dieu vous protège.

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joyeux Noël!

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I really 'enjoyed' this fable of our future. Very nicely done!

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I just ordered the Hesse rendition. Love Hesse, have not read this. Again, great writing! Keep it up, we need more of this as an anecdote to ... a bunch of icky stuff!

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Hesse is wonderful. This story is 90% Hesse. I just updated it. But I found it so fitting to our current era, felt like it needed to be resurrected. Thanks again, be well!

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BTW here is a good quote lest you did not know:

“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine! We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” Jacques Attali

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Few among us today realize that Germans formed a cultural elite in pre-revolutionary Rus; Kevin MacDonald. in his review of Slezkines' "STALINS WILLING EXECUTIONERS" states -

" Germans manned the imperial bureaucracy, formed a large percentage of professionals,

entrepreneurs, and artisans, were more literate than the Russians, and had a sense of cultural superiority and ethnic solidarity"

before going on to quote Slezkine -

"Germans were, occupationally and conceptually, the Jews of ethnic Russia

(as well as much of Eastern Europe). Or rather, the Russian Germans were

to Russia what the German Jews were to Germany—only much more so"

in a revealing display of how we have now come full[dialectical] circle =

the judaists having replaced the Germans after 1919, as the new cultural elite in Rus. but now we have the German judaist Gref at the controls as the designated 'executioner' of Herr "Great Resets'" masterplan for the C21st = a newer. truer \cosmopolitan elite\ who have ascended 'beyond ethnos'/beyond tribal group/beyond indeed 'humanity' to guide us all into Steely Dans' "BEAUTIFUL WORLD (IT WILL BE)

|Spandex Jackets|free for all [up to date] vaxx pakkers ...

"At this point in time that it's clear

The future looks bright

On that train all graphite and glitter

Undersea by rail

Ninety minutes from New York to Paris

Well by seventy-six we'll be A.O.K.

What a beautiful world this will be

What a glorious time to be free

What a beautiful world this will be

What a glorious time to be free"

Graphite n glitter///

Fagan knew the game long before the rest of us huh?

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artists, in particular, seem to be prone to precognition ... maybe tapped into Akashic plane...

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Of course, if most people keep getting these "boosters", most of them will be dead, or extremely physically (and mentally?) ill, very close to death. It's another willing holocaust, being marched to the "showers", but this time, so far anyway, without the heavily armed goon squad to march us there. Most people go willingly, having been brainwashed for decades to comply without question. "Oh, how wonderful our extermination will be!"

I have loved Hesse since I was seventeen [I'm sixty-five now, 66(6) in four months]. As the song goes, "...It's the end of the world as we know know it, and I feel fine...". I still have a sixteen part poem dedicated to Hesse on my original website from the turn of the century (I'm ancient don't you know), with some of his own excellent poems mixed in (and much better than my scribblings, of course):


And, if anyone's really interested, there's my blog too, from 2005 on:


Sorry, I haven't (yet?) updated the impeachment graphic to change the name from Trump to Biden [or, as I like to call him, Herr "Can't-(a)Bide(n)-him", since he's nothing but another "al CIAduh(!)"-created cutout and "Manchurian candidate" like several of those before him, especially his partner in war crimes, Herr ("Fourth Reich" Globalist Nazi), "Barack 'Insane' 'Odrona' (or, 'Obomber', or 'Obummer', if you prefer)".

I just, relatively recently, purchased the latest translated-to-English collection of Hesse's, poems, THE SEASONS OF LIFE: A Companion for the Poetic (aka, Pathetic Covid) Journey:


"...It's the end of the world as we know it, and I (DON'T!) feel fine..." about it all, OR ANY OF IT, (either).

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Look at this Hesse poem I just miraculously opened right to(!):





Are we then all so sick

that childhood's sweetest songs

charm our hearts with melancholy

and the echo of beauty lost?

All innocence of kindergarten

all bright hues of joyful dawns

can they never more return to us?


Nonetheless, I want to take

the way to my dear mother,

and re-see with fresh, new eyes

all withered scenes of joy.

May all else fall apart for me

what others call so big and holy---

I am sick of fathers' promises,

they brought us stones (and "vaccines") instead of bread.

I hear the mothers speak again

from deep down in the earth.

Their soft sounds are restoring

the joys of my own childhood heart.

The meadows gleam again with color,

stars chime and sparkle across the sky,

and I respond with joy and pure delight.

Drawn by the dark, sweet voice

I turn homeward again and glide

into the magic circle of the mothers' warmth.

Fathers, oh how you deceived us!

You bequeathed us struggle, pain and war.

Take them back, let them finally die.


At home in our ancient motherland

freedom's song we hear once more,

and the withered staff in our hand

greens again to be a magic wand.



[Ibid.; words in parenthesis provided by me.]

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The Nazis were anti-vax.

Maybe you mean Bolshevik goon squads.

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Thanks, but I'm obviously talking about the modern-day Nazis, the "Fourth Reich" globalists, who are clearly NOT anti-vax (since they are behind all of this neo-holocaust nonsense and madness). Please read more closely and think before you reply.

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Well the Nazis were fighting the people who are now pushing this globalist project and were anti-vax, so your Fourth Reich metaphor/comparison simply doesn't work. Bolsheviks/Bolshevism is a much more accurate descriptor. Especially when you consider that the same tribe who was behind Bolshevism is behind this globalist NWO project. Start calling our enemies Bolsheviks instead.

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Where is your proof for that? Perhaps they're the globalists in Russia who are fulfilling the will of global government there (I've said for some time that Putin is likely a secret globalist, even though he puts on an act of resisting them).

And that's absolutely ridiculous that at the time of the Third Reich the globalists were supposedly fighting the Nazis, when top Yale Skull & Bones (Bonesmen) adherents aided and abetted Hitler, aka the Bush family, the Harriman brothers, the Dulles brothers, "al CIAduh(!)" (the W.W.2 precursor to same, the OSS), et al. Sure, the latter also put on a show of fighting them, while empowering them from the get-go and throughout, as well as thereafter (since they were allowed by the U.S. government to get away with it, and continue to be; and because the globalists now run the U.S. and all other Western, "democratic" governments).

Are you one of the shill-trolls here?

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You seem to not be wise to the you-know-who-ish question and so you think secret Aryan nazis run the world and view the world with this inverted lens. I don't blame you, because from your posting style, I'd estimate your age to be 60 at least. Controlled you-know-who-ish propaganda is all you've ever known. You probably still haven't figured out who I am even referring to. If you did, you'd probably blow a gasket.

Anyways, there's plenty of anti-vax German propaganda that I can't attach here, but even the you-know-who-ish media admits that the Nazis never force-vaxxed anyone: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/11/19/anti-vaxxers-try-rewrite-history-truth-nazis-vaccination-not/

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"Pride comes before a fall." Your thinking you're "wiser" is an illusion. So, though you falsely think that I'm supposedly unwise, it is you who are quite unwise. Until we are Truly, Fully and Completely transformed by God the Father through Jesus the Christ, and restored to Him, we are all unwise sinners.

"Don't think too highly of yourself...". I don't, about myself. I have come to realize that I'm an awful sinner, and that is the level of humility that we're ALL supposed to have; otherwise, those who don't obtain it are all definitely going to have their souls destroyed for all eternity.

Also, I never said that the Third Reich Nazis were pro-vaccination. I have never believed that, and I don't believe that now. Perhaps they were anti-vaccination because they were concerned that their "pure, Aryan race" would be destroyed by a plot of the "vaxers" and their vaccinations/vaccines.

So, instead of being so cryptic, just tell me who you believe the "you-know-who-ish" people are. My "gasket" can handle it. But, if it's bullshit, I call out bullshit. Thus, maybe you're being so cryptic about it because you know it will be called out as the bullshit it very likely is.

I stopped believing all of the false propaganda a long time ago. I came out of the "Matrix" control grid, and I don't swallow any of their propaganda anymore at all. It sounds like you haven't come out of the "Matrix", and that you still do believe some if not much of their false propaganda.

Further, I didn't say either that the "Fourth Reich" Nazis are Aryans. You put words in peoples' mouths that they did not say or believe. The "Fourth Reich" may primarily be made up of white people, but they are actually made up of many different races and/or ethnicities, and many of those who are Satanists.

Perhaps those at the very top are Aryans, I don't know. The globalists put Hitler in power (creating the enemies to fight), that's for sure; but whether that makes his Western supporters Aryans, who knows. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, or were just putting on a show of being pro-Aryan "super-race".

I believe Nazi Germany was a trial run for what's being foisted on us now, but today the "Reich" is pro-elitist corporate-fascism, similar to Third Reich Nazism in that they falsely believe, in their Godless incarnation, that they are supposedly "superior" to all those who are not a part of their elitist corporate-fascism.

Now, if you are going to spew Godlessness and Godless hatefuless, please spare me and all of us that evil tripe.

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are you sure this is a fairytale... because fairies are real💕🐱💕

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In KGB building

"I am a spy and want to surrender"

"You are American?"


"Room 2"

In Room 2

"I am American spy. I want to surrender."

"You have gun?"


"Room 4"

In Room 4

"I am American spy with gun, here to surrender."

"You have communication device"


"Room 9"

In Room 9

"I am American spy with gun and communication device wanting to surrender"

"You have assignment?"


"Then go do it and stop interrupting us. We are working here."

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