Just a friendly reminder: Elvira Nabiullina took part in this 2017 WEF document on the challenges of cyber attacks, in which they wrote about the "systemic risks", considering cyber attacks "the single most important risk to the current financial services system" and, of course, advocated for a "public private cooperation to prevent cyber-attacks". She was part of the Steering Committee and a steward of "the System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Financial and Monetary Systems": https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Cyber_Risk_to_Customer_Data.pdf

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excellent info. Thanks for sharing, FLC.

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Apr 30, 2022Edited
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That idiot contributed to global warming. He's a climate suicide bomber.

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Apr 30, 2022
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Thank you so much. Right back at you. BIG love.

Dad has been in and out of the hospital all week and I've had basically no sleep, but I will have a post up this weekend.

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Apr 30, 2022Edited
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Thank you very much. Dad is doing very well today. But PLEASE edit your phone number out of that comment, for your sake! I've seen it so it's served its purpose.

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Apr 30, 2022
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It was 100% a joke because I find net-zero climate cultists a joke even when they aren't contributing to smog.

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Many pundits inverted Russia's bid for Gold at 5000 rubles/gram as supporting the ruble with gold. But obviously if the ruble falls and makes it a bad deal for gold sellers, then no trades occur..so where is the support? An offer to buy gold at a fixed price was putting a floor on gold, in rubles. It does nothing to support the rubble. In reality this offer was always just providing an alternate means for Europe to pay for oil/gas.

1944 Bretton woods, with the cooperation of all the large economies in the world, the US being the biggest by far, the US having he largest military and international organizations to support it (IMF, world bank) failed in just 27 years.

A fixed gold backing, to function, requires the central bank to be willing to buy gold with their currency when the relative gold price is too low, and sell gold for their currency when the relative gold price is too high. If world gold demand increases more than the demand for your currency it requires servicing that demand with your gold reserves, or letting the peg break. How long could a gold peg last given that Russia is a smaller economy and larger hostile economies would weaponize the peg to drain their gold reserves? To enact a gold peg would be foolish.

They are best off free floating their currency, requiring payment in rubles for gas exports, holding their gold as a wealth reserve, and waiting for the LBMA to fail and physical price discovery to correctly value their reserves.

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very interesting comment, thanks!

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So, how many times and for how long will Putin worshipers be fooled? Answer: forever. They have long given up the ability to think critically. Thanks once again, Riley!!

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What is the general Russian public sentiment there about CBDCs, Riley? Are the people raising their collective eyebrow? Они настроеньи скептически?

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That's an excellent question. I think most Russians (like most Americans/Eskimos/whatever) have no idea what is happening re: CBDCs. However, there are alt media sites like katyusha.org that have been writing scathing reports about the digital ruble, as well as the "digitalization" of Russia. My guess is that most Russians won't be super excited about the digital ruble once they find out about it. Reportedly they want to begin issuing pensions and social payments using the digital ruble -- it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out, considering a lot of elderly Russians don't have smartphones, or barely know how to use one. Perhaps the younger generation will think it's cool. "So it goes."

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Такие дела... I hope the younger generation doesn’t forget their бабушка и дедушка. Thank for your reporting. Been a pleasure reading your posts. Incredibly sobering.

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thanks for reading!

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"a lot of elderly Russians don't have smartphones"

One suspects that the life-shorting effects of the Booster regimen will have a serendipidous correspondence to the length of the "phase-out program" for physical cash...

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This reminds me of those "top scientists" who speak out against the con-vid vaccines, yet love to proclaim how they're pro vaccine. There's many of us that looked into the past and questioned the vaccines that we got that were "safe and effective", finding that they too have issues and are not effective.

But the cheerleaders love false heroes.

Oh a nice tidbit to add... I do want assange to be free as he is innocent. However, even he pushed against investigation of the official story around 911 in multiple interviews.

Edward snowden was also not interesting in challenging the official story. But he did give us the fear of surveillance, which is a part of the game; keep people afraid.

More false heroes with people believing in 5d chess.

The amount of wishful thinking is ridiculous.

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Putin doesn't want to end up like Qaddafi. All who threaten to return to the gold standard are targeted with destruction.

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well, F Putin then.

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WHile I despise digital currency for many reasons, I don't think much of gold/silver-backed currency either, which is as corruptible as fiat but in different ways, it's only real value being that it is easier to digitally "create" ten jillion fiat dollars with a computer network than it is by hiding or debasing metal currency as well as metal-backed currency when the metal plays hide'n'seek musical chairs in various inaccessible gov/bank vaults around the globe.

Perhaps a currency based on ergs, calories, joules, what have you, as well as other basic resources, will prevail when the smoke has cleared from this megacollapse.

"I guess bartering for goods will return with a vengeance."

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So what is going on? This is schizophrenic. The biggest robbery ever and the ultimate betray?

From the actual developments and what we know, it sounds logical that Russia and China stole and took over the agenda from the Cabal with first OBOR and then the hypersonic weapons.

Is Putin playing a double game with Nabiullina "playing along" with the IMF pretending she is 100% a IMF lapdog or what? Its confusing.

But so far the Russian population rejected the QR code in transport.

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Is Russia outside the international state system or is China? Can any national government be independent of the the Global Mafia with her two totalitarian arms of Leninism or Fascism? Technocracy was baked into the cake by WW1.

Berdyaev writes on this subject in the 30's and 40's.

Likely we have no grasp of actual history and properly should be skeptical of narratives. Bolshevism was banditry. Do bandits surrender power? Is the Russia after Bolshevism a legitimate state or a bandit state? Is the dissolution of the USSR actual or merely verbal disguising of more banditry? But writ large, is any state not a bandit state? England say, or the Ukraine

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This may sound paranoid but I’m going to put it out there anyway. Is everything that happens around the world, including this Ukraine Russia conflict , staged? Could the wealthiest transnational oligarchs pull that off? Or are there several totalitarian groups of oligarchs working side by side that sometimes clash with each other? China, Russia, The West (USA)

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That is the question. Is Putin still working on behalf of WEF - create food shortages by hijacking Ukraine’s huge fertilizer industry and continue their herculean task of reducing the world’s population by 6 billion - or has Putin gone rogue? 9/11 and Covid lead to increased surveillance 9/11 and Covid lead to increased government control, so what’s the endgame on the Ukraine war?

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Edward Slavsquat wrote:

“The digital ruble will be used in the implementation of government programs, this will allow more efficient tracking of the use of funds, said Central Bank Chairman Elvira Nabiullina in the State Duma.

This is the final nail in the Great Reset’s coffin. Schwab is sweating bullets.”

Doesn’t Schwab approve of digital currency? Why does Edward say this is the final nail in reset coffin? On the contrary it sounds like Russia is on board with the great reset.

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I'm being sarcastic :)

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Thank you for responding. I should have caught that.

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So, If Putin is in the fix, what the hell is going on then. Ukraine is merely an arms-dealer free for all?

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I don’t know but perhaps even people in the fix have disagreements? Or are there different blocks forming and while independent of each other they share totalitarian goals so they look so similar to us. Or, is Ukraine not so much about making arms manufacturers richer (which it does) than it is for creating a much needed pretend enemy on both sides as in Orwell to get the one world totalitarian government WEF agenda in place?

Care to comment Edward? Are any of the above possible?

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The under-boss Putin wants his own "turf?" But only to keep on extorting and oppressing the people in it? Can we look at it that way. I have had my doubts since the beginning of this "show." Foremost because, indeed, "force-vaxxer the russian remains, says I."

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Confusion everywhere -- not just in the West. Must be genetic.

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Nabiullina sure looks like Julia Gillard.

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Apr 30, 2022Edited
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First step: de-isolate!

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Apr 30, 2022
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In light of your views can you explain to me why, if the Jews are behind all of this, they mass vaccinated Israel with Pfizer? Doesn’t appear from the data that those were saline shots….

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Here's one possibility. When I was at school in the UK I studied medieval history including the Byzantine Empire and the Crusades etc. There was never a mention of the Khazarian Empire, which I only really started to look in to a few months back. It strikes me as odd so few people realise just how important the Khazarian Empire. Was this important information deliberately suppressed in the history books?

You see it's quite simple. The Khazarians are the only nation in the history of the world to adopt Judaism as their national religion. Apparently the Khazarians were at one time in to child sacrifice and worshipped Baal. Either way the theory is, backed up by real historical records, the Kagan chose Judaism because he had the Byzantines to the West of him and the Arabs to the south who had both adopted Christianity and Islam respectively. So to retain their independence and not be dependent in any way on these two great empires they chose Judaism as the national religion.

Well the Empire eventually fell at the hands of the Kievan Rus (and entirely obliterated by the hordes of Ghengis Khan) and the peoples of Khazaria fled mostly to Rus and more importantly Poland and other slavic countries to the West. There they morphed in to....drum roll please....The Ashkenazi jews. Notethe last four letters. So these people are not Semitic. They simply cloaked themselves in the religion for political reasons. The construct of Israel/Zion was created by these people. So of course there are other Jews, non-Ashkenazi, who emigrated to Israel but have no connection to the Khazarians. Do you think they care about these people? It would seem not.

This is why you hear of the term 'The Khazarian Mafia' and why you have images of Gog and Magog in the City of London.


The thirteenth tribe by Arthur Koestler

The invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand

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Absolutely fascinating. Thank you.

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Apr 30, 2022
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What, don't they want clean windows? How about Jewish soldiers, farmers, cooks, and all those nice Jewish clerks who work in their banks counting their filthy lucre for them? You really think they're killing off their own people en masse? LOL!

You're not exactly brimming with management potential, are you? I'll say it clearly: you're just an idiot, as well as a cheap clichéd bigot. Take your smelly bullshit somewhere else.

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May 1, 2022
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Sounds like you're the one considering them "a race apart". And you clearly haven't a clue how incoherent and circular your shitty argument is. What a pinhead. But let's have a little fun here...

Are these big scary International Banking Jews so bad because they're rich, or because they're Jewish? Some combination? Or is it something else? What's so special about them being Jewish, exactly, if they don't mind poisoning all the other Jews?

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May 1, 2022
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