Feb 15, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Everyone always complains about Russian domestic cheese (for good reason). My local farmer's market dairy family took a course in cheese making and now for several years has made homemade cheese (from their own amazing organic milk) that is as good or better than what I've had in the US or Europe. I don't even miss the Finnish imported cheese any more...

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I gotta say, your typical Russian-made cheese....is just not very good, lol.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I know! But the fact that this little farming family can make, in the course of a year or two, what I consider world-class cheese themselves, makes one wonder why the quality is so poor. But we know the answer: экономить!

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Excellent analysis of the sanctions issue, goes deeper than the "omg, we're about to be 100% self sufficient, make deals in yuan and US dollar gonna crash tomorroz LOLz".

Could be a 5D chess move: Putin provokes the West, knowing they can only do sanctions, no more US chips with surveillance technologies, then Russia stops being developed technologically, and eventually a nationwide QR code scanning system can't be implemented anymore! But the Soviet era nukes still work because they're made with analog technologies like attaching copper wire to a tin can and guiding it with a flashlight all the way to Washington. Then it's check mate!

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This could easily be expanded into an even broader discussion on several fronts: 1) The impact of Russia’s expanding trade partnerships with countries like Iran, which I understand produces some rather advanced electronics; 2) The risk of using Western-sourced chips & servers which are known to be preloaded with spyware installed by criminal elements like the Maxwell sisters; 3) The potential for expanding defense industry production to include other industries given the risk associated with foreign-sourced materials; and, 4) I’m realizing the whole escalation of the Ukraine rhetoric is a convenient distraction from the gold heist underway.

Excellent insights.

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No one is self-sufficient, but Russia would have fewer difficulties than others to surmount if it were forced to do so. BTW, Vesti writes shit,

cf. China is increasing imports of fruits and vegetables https://east-fruit.com/en/news/china-is-increasing-imports-of-fruits-and-vegetables-faster-than-any-other-country-in-the-world/

and the rest is equally a waste of time discussing it from this perspective, ever heard of GIGO?

Ukraine... too many chickenshit/wannabe-*experts* and wet dreamers shooting bullshit, let's not waste time, anyone here who doesn't have better things to do?

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Ukraine continued,


So Biden, Sullivan, Stoltenberg, UK PM & defense officials, presstitutes, where is the “Russian Invasion”? https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/02/15/so-biden-sullivan-stoltenberg-uk-pm-defense-officials-presstitutes-where-is-the-russian-invasion/

which is readable.

I have been banned from Twitter for having elaborated on that... I have served as a sapper in the army; been banned from Thomas Röper's Anti-Spiegel after having been attacked because I had ridiculed the line of the site, mainly incompetent, alarmist blowhards, well the site lives off of that, a kind of symmetrical tabloid of that other one, not for nothing Willy Brandt designated der Spiegel as »Scheißblatt«.

Other, similar, chickenshit sites, thesaker, and moonofalabama.

Donbass is unconquerable, after all these years. NATO+US+whoever... proxies, Ukrainian army, Academi mercenaries, do not have enough troops of the engineers, sappers in particular, to be sacrificed to open any passage that allows them to advance the troops, where they can forget air supremacy and boots on the ground is the requirement. The Russian military doesn't even need to *physically* step in, other than providing logistical and tactical assistance. Even in the case of false flags, chemical attacks, and the like, it would be enough to make scorched earth and strike certain bases at the source of the attacks without having to penetrate Ukraine. Drone attacks are easily managed. In any other form of military confrontation, excluding World War III, neither US+NATO are equal to Russia. Russia will never bite at the pitfall of an invasion of Ukraine, the largest territory in Europe, larger than mainland France, however much it might do so within days. However, it will not hesitate to give a sound lesson as much as it is enough for anyone who wants to test it. The only prospect for the deep state imperialists is to start a third world war in full swing, where then the nuclear triad would come into play offsetting Russia's military superiority (MAD), which is possibly the true false flag payload of the false COVID pandemic.

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I don't read shit such from thesaker, or the Anti-Spiegel, but the desire to have a laugh was too much. Thesaker's Feb 16 headline is:

So, as predicted, absolutely *nothing* has happened (OPEN THREAD)

AS PREDICTED !!! This reactionary windbag who claims to be a military expert, half a year ago still, in chorus with Röper—the Anti-Spiegel wannabe of the "scrambled" (sic) Russian hypersonic missiles that saw the light of day thanks to Putin (in Röper's fantasy)—, swore that war in Ukraine was inevitable and would intervene at any time, period. Now, both of them swell up like the frogs of Aesop's fables... they always knew, understood, and predicted it. Typical chickenshit clowns.

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Thesaker also, a couple of years ago, made a shitty impression on 'Texas', a kick-ass guy, originally from... guess, Texas, who is a longtime Donbass resident and is active in the local defenses [cf. FortRus]. Texas taught him, our blowhard thesaker, such a lesson that his ears must be ringing even now.

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UK FM Liz Truss Moscow Trip Turns to Farce, Lavrov Gives Stern Lecture in Reply



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Simple question: Should Putin have the same RIGHT to "MRGA" - Make Russia Great Again? What the USA once was, Russia is becoming: independent, prosperous, debt-free and Christian.

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Seems like Russia needs more joint ventures with China. Make Huawei manufacture 10% of whatever chips it sells to Russia in Russia itself. I mean, isn't that how China built up its own tech industry?

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Russia doesn't care but the Russians in London do and that's probably what makes the tiniest bit of difference.


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