Brilliant interview, very interesting indeed. Also, your interviewer was very good, I will definitely check out his other interviews.
On a side note, while listening to the interview where you described some of the bizarre circumstances and, for want of a better word since you like memes as much as I do, habbenings, I can't help but be reminded of something.
In 2012 I was doing the whole Internet dating thing and started talking to a beautiful bi-lingual Russian lady. We met, first in Paris and then went to Vienna. It was a great experience.
She gave me an English copy of The Master and Margarita. I'm not really into fictional works but when I started reading it on my way home from Austria I could not put it down. I finished it in a day and a half. It is, by far, the best work of fiction I have ever read.
I only mention this because I am sure there is an opportunity for a satirist to replace all the parts of the book where people are "disappeared" by the Communist regime (which is blamed on magic) with mental Covid vaxx stories. I have a feeling that would likely resonate with people.
In 1988 my Dad (a massive technophile) bought an Amiga 500 so that "we could all enjoy playing computer games together (yeah, right Dad...).
We used to subscribe to a magazine called Zero which was part-video game reviews, part Private Eye satirical shitposting. It was hilarious.
In one episode, they invented(?) a game called "Bock."
Bock is a nonsensical game played at the dinner table using anything on the table as a "piece". After strategically locating say a fork or lazy susan, you finish your "turn" by saying "Bock".
I introduced this game to some musician colleagues of mine on an orchestral tour the night after we played at the Military Naval School Francesco Morosini (hilarious because they broke ranks and started dancing, which was totally not ok at such a formal event).
Anyway, I quickly found myself totally outnumbered and surrounded by everything on the table - a highly dubious example of the "Panama Move" which should be banned in my opinion, but explaining such technicalities to noobs is pointless.
Reminds me of the eccentric family game played called “Vaccination” (OMG) in Anne Tyler’s “Accidental Tourist” (also a brilliantly understated film):
They played something called Vaccination – a card game they’d invented as children, which had grown so convoluted over the years that no one else had the patience to learn it. In fact, more than one outsider had accused them of altering the rules to suit the circumstances. “Now, just a minute,” Sarah had said, back when she’d still had hopes of figuring it out. “I thought you said aces were high.”
“They are.”
“So that means –”
“But not when they’re drawn from the deck.”
“Aha! Then why was the one that Rose drew counted high?”
“Well, she did draw it after a deuce, Sarah.”
“Aces drawn after a deuce are high?”
“No, aces drawn after a number that’s been drawn two times in a row just before that.”
Sarah had folded her fan of cards and laid them face down – the last of the wives to give up.
Macon was in quarantine and had to donate all his cards to Rose. Rose moved her chair over next to his and played off his points while he sat back, scratching the cat behind her ears. Opposite him, in the tiny dark windowpane, he saw their reflections – hollow-eyed and severely cheek-boned, more interesting versions of themselves.
The telephone in the living room gave a nipped squeak and then a full ring. Nobody seemed to notice. Rose laid a king on Porter’s queen and Porter said, “Stinker.” The telephone rang again and then again. In the middle of the fourth ring, it fell silent. “Hypodermic,” Rose told Porter, and she topped the king with an ace.
Very interesting, thank you, I will definitely check it out (btw the last movie I watched that I really enjoyed was The Illusionist - I'm not a big movie person.
Coaster to butter dish? FML this is Grand Master level. Hmmmm...(sweating) bottle dispensed into very large wine glass. Bock!
Brilliant interview, very interesting indeed. Also, your interviewer was very good, I will definitely check out his other interviews.
On a side note, while listening to the interview where you described some of the bizarre circumstances and, for want of a better word since you like memes as much as I do, habbenings, I can't help but be reminded of something.
In 2012 I was doing the whole Internet dating thing and started talking to a beautiful bi-lingual Russian lady. We met, first in Paris and then went to Vienna. It was a great experience.
She gave me an English copy of The Master and Margarita. I'm not really into fictional works but when I started reading it on my way home from Austria I could not put it down. I finished it in a day and a half. It is, by far, the best work of fiction I have ever read.
I only mention this because I am sure there is an opportunity for a satirist to replace all the parts of the book where people are "disappeared" by the Communist regime (which is blamed on magic) with mental Covid vaxx stories. I have a feeling that would likely resonate with people.
Thanks, I will definitely check it out.
"Putin putting COVID powder up his nose "
COVID powder is a helluva drug.
108-2 😂
I'd like to introduce you to another game.
In 1988 my Dad (a massive technophile) bought an Amiga 500 so that "we could all enjoy playing computer games together (yeah, right Dad...).
We used to subscribe to a magazine called Zero which was part-video game reviews, part Private Eye satirical shitposting. It was hilarious.
In one episode, they invented(?) a game called "Bock."
Bock is a nonsensical game played at the dinner table using anything on the table as a "piece". After strategically locating say a fork or lazy susan, you finish your "turn" by saying "Bock".
I introduced this game to some musician colleagues of mine on an orchestral tour the night after we played at the Military Naval School Francesco Morosini (hilarious because they broke ranks and started dancing, which was totally not ok at such a formal event).
Anyway, I quickly found myself totally outnumbered and surrounded by everything on the table - a highly dubious example of the "Panama Move" which should be banned in my opinion, but explaining such technicalities to noobs is pointless.
Anyway, spoon to wine glass 8. Your move.... ;)
Sorry about this Riley, we aren't completely bonkers I promise you....
Hysterical—and fascinating to hear the history!
Reminds me of the eccentric family game played called “Vaccination” (OMG) in Anne Tyler’s “Accidental Tourist” (also a brilliantly understated film):
They played something called Vaccination – a card game they’d invented as children, which had grown so convoluted over the years that no one else had the patience to learn it. In fact, more than one outsider had accused them of altering the rules to suit the circumstances. “Now, just a minute,” Sarah had said, back when she’d still had hopes of figuring it out. “I thought you said aces were high.”
“They are.”
“So that means –”
“But not when they’re drawn from the deck.”
“Aha! Then why was the one that Rose drew counted high?”
“Well, she did draw it after a deuce, Sarah.”
“Aces drawn after a deuce are high?”
“No, aces drawn after a number that’s been drawn two times in a row just before that.”
Sarah had folded her fan of cards and laid them face down – the last of the wives to give up.
Macon was in quarantine and had to donate all his cards to Rose. Rose moved her chair over next to his and played off his points while he sat back, scratching the cat behind her ears. Opposite him, in the tiny dark windowpane, he saw their reflections – hollow-eyed and severely cheek-boned, more interesting versions of themselves.
The telephone in the living room gave a nipped squeak and then a full ring. Nobody seemed to notice. Rose laid a king on Porter’s queen and Porter said, “Stinker.” The telephone rang again and then again. In the middle of the fourth ring, it fell silent. “Hypodermic,” Rose told Porter, and she topped the king with an ace.
“You’re a real stinker, Rose.”
Napkin to salt shaker. Bock!
That's awesome, I will have to watch that film (reminds me suspiciously of the accusations I got regarding my 100% win rate at Monopoly....). :)
I'm castling, pepper grinder to bottle of Perrier. Bock. people hate it when I do that.
It is a delightful film! I’ve gained new respect for William Hurt in light of his recent brave article countering the 9/11 narrative (
I am way out of my league when it comes to this game, but here goes: coaster to butter dish. Bock!
Very interesting, thank you, I will definitely check it out (btw the last movie I watched that I really enjoyed was The Illusionist - I'm not a big movie person.
Coaster to butter dish? FML this is Grand Master level. Hmmmm...(sweating) bottle dispensed into very large wine glass. Bock!
Great interview Edward - thank you for sharing. I have subscribed and will definitely check out more on Regis' channel.