Damnit, more substacks to follow and add to my ever-growing reading list. ;)

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Yep, having a hard time reading everything meaningful these days.

INBOX bursting at the seams.

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Cheers for the shout out my friend! I always appreciate your insights on the goings-on in Russia, given there is next to no English-readable independent reporting on things like mandates and the like in Russia.

You'd think if the Western media were truly critical of "despotic" Putin, they'd point to all the COVID tyranny mandates. But they obviously fear getting burned with the very fire of which they play with themselves. Wouldn't want to draw any parallels to the US mass facial recognition schemes or their own QR code biometric passports.

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The space lizards hijack every quality phrase. All of them.

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This is interesting: "Golikova has been widely accused of corruption by several Russian media outlets, mainly for her alleged connections to the Pharmstandard, which is producer of the heavily-hyped drug Arbidol...

Arbidol, is an antiviral medication for the treatment of influenza and COVID infections used in Russia and China. The drug is manufactured by Pharmstandard."

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Is Mr. Slavsquat still stuck in the boot of the creepy Georgians' vehicle?

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Is this a request for a Part IV of Cringey Casablanca? Don't tempt me

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I am temptation itself (also known as Margarita Simonyan eating Slavsquat's hard-earned pelmeni).

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Riley, I join that band requesting your, up till now succesful, first steps in litterature. It must be therapeutic in your case.

Riley, I am sorry, you will have to wait a little bit to claim that your next coffee came from France, unless you can be helped with french cheese, I am waiting for the next pay check.

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I was about to send the 5 'roupis' a month formula but my gendarme friend told me it was safer to send the money once and for all... I have a card now and used it once with the non contact shit. I want to get cash and pay with cash.

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Mystery of 13 new subscribers in one day solved! Thanks for referring your readership to my humble and not so frequently updated Substack page, Riley!

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you are most welcome. Stanley. The least I can do for all of your wonderful comments (and now, published commentaries). Looking forward to reading more!

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I realise this point doesn't relate to the Russians invasion of Ukraine, but I have to remind you all; Bill Gates is the biggest financial investor (contributor) to the WHO. (This means he owns the WHO and their Policies!) The WHO 'TREATY' is a massive Control, Vax promoting and De-Population Con, designed to facilitate the ultimate sinister intentions of the Elite (NWO) (WEF), which is to control every element of the remaining 'enslaved' population. If LIABILITY was re-introduced for DEADLY VAX MAKERS, (COMMON SENSE?) this unethical plan would start to fall apart! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Yes please and thank you Riley!

Here goes...

"Conspiracy theories through the medium of goats."

"Subsistence farming at the dawn of the 4th industrial revolution... so you don't have to."

"Everything you never wanted to know about self-sufficiency."

"Five stars! Incredibly depressing!"


Join me. The words are free and always will be. Solidarity. (With goats.)


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Our take on leadership in Russia as compared to China, the United States and Europe:


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Hi Edward,

Thank you for your dedicated work. I am curious to know what you think of this take:




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The russians also do it. How many times have I seen pictures of dead body allegedly killed by explosions, next to intact windows?

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Hope you're doing well in Tbilisi, Riley.

Just curious: is Slavsquat short for "no slav blood in me whatsofuckinever"?

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THAT'S a good guess..... let's hear the

answer Riley 👀

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Thanks for the music and the Austrian China blog! "enthusiasm within government circles for Soviet-style deportations in middle of the night seems to be distinctly on the wane" 🤣

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Hello 'low energy' racing Turtle! Hope you are fine.

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Doing fine! Read your post on the other blog. Dutch opposition parties are also behaving strangely.

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Great to know. Marine Le Pen has just declared that her party would follow if the left weird coalition asked for a motion of no confidence. Micron and it's gang are in deep trouble but I will very soon write about that on Stan's two cents in my follow up on French politics.

Meanwhile take care.

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" basic rights (sorry, “privileges”) " : needs to be said, again and again ...

Hope that what's left as "humans" will survive together..

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This is a plan of the SAME agenda

Same "LAWS" are passed EVERYWHERE, all under WHO guidance

Thanks Edward


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🤷🏼‍♀️ What happened to New Powers a, b and c? Lol. Love your open forum - can anyone translate the lovely color coded chart? Or did I miss it??

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The martial law and new alert levels are explained here: https://www.rt.com/russia/564976-putin-ukraine-campaign-orders/

(Bwahahaha, I linked to RT on Slavsquat.)

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I just came across this website.

Do you know of it.


He seems to have a bunch of stuff about intelligence ops worldwide and he resides in Russia now.

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