Lukashenko is based af man! Handling business like a boss!

When I was in Belarus 15 years ago everybody seemed to love the guy. They had measured criticism of some of his social policy but also a lot of respect for him.

I assume: "don't take a steam bath = не париться?" in the translation.

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yes, thank you Lil K!!

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‘If omicron is such a mild virus, let's get sick of everything, and this will be a vaccine for us.’ A better way to translate this would be: "If omicron is such a mild virus, let us all catch it, and it will become a vaccine for us."

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thank you! improved as suggested

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Let's change that to covid being a MIND virus. He did say that a lot of the issues are in the head and we haven't really isolated a virus lol


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If one likes "purebred" slavic women - Belarus is a place to go. Russia is too genetically diverse because of its geographic position between the East and the West and 120+ ethnicities in Russia proper. Ukraine's genotype is greatly influenced by the turkic people and other "southern" gene pools, that is why Ukrainian standard for beauty is brown eyes, white skin and black hair. Belorussians are quintessential slavs. Actually with recent advances in gene sequencing technology it was determined that core slavic genom is found in Eastern Poland, then it goes through central part of Belarus and continues into Western Russia, in the cities like Smolensk. Also Belarus is probably one of the least expensive countries in Europe to visit. People from Moscow routinely find belarusian prices in restaurants and stores to be 2 or 3 times less that in Russian capital. As for Lukashenko, one of the factors of the events there back in 2020 was the fact that people simply got tired of having one leader for close to 30 years. Given the turbulent period we are going through right now I think they got lucky that pro-Western opposition didn't win there this time.

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Movin to Belarus!

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"Don't sweat it" or "Take it easy" would be a better translation instead of "don't take a steam bath" :)

If anyone's looking for the video source of these quotes, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X49QrPtL-w

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yup, thank you! and thanks for the video!

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I watched that video, thanks for sharing! As usual, bats'ka was sticking to his typical style of folksy directness in expressing himself! But, we have to also understand that this guy is a cunning politician, that won't say things if he feels they are going to hurt him politically. In my view his newfound bravery in criticizing WHO and other international crooks is yet another sign of a shifting tide on the scamdemic. That is why US and Britain decided to go back to the good ol' war and have advised their diplomatic personnel and mandated their family members to leave Ukraine ahead of the "imminent" Russian invasion.

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I like this guy.

Didn't this evil dictator threaten the West some time ago to arm his people in case they install a Corona- regime in his country?

First dictator in human history arming his people I bet.

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Well, Lukashenko, a power freak himself, should have had the ball to tell the crook next to him, Putin, first!

since millions of sane people in the West have refused to take the clot-myocarditis injection. So THEY have put out a new trick:

"Leading US vaccine scientist explains why Sputnik V beats Pfizer against Omicron"


And next Sinopharm...

Folks all the so-called "tension" between China, Russia, and the West is staged as distraction and instilling fear , keeping people in constant fear..

They are all in this culling and absolute control together.

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You gonna move there (serious)?

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a true 5D chess master never reveals his next move....

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Mr. Slavsquat can teach the stylish and sultry Minsk Minks that there are injections even better than synthetic mRNA.

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Lol gay

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He Doesn't understand the 69d chess where you fuck yourself to make a point. He should talk to the russiaphiles that don't live there to learn how to play 69d chess.

But seriously, he's right about being a MIND virus, panic alone can cause sickness and they never isolated the virus. Plus the pcr tests and the genetic code they got are bullshit


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Putin has been trying for years to get Belarus into the fold (i.e., the Union State).

Yet "a house divided cannot stand." If Russia permanently goes into QR-code mode and Belarus refuses to do so, further integration is not possible.

Heck, I'm still wondering how L.A. & Boston can stay in the Union with their vax passports. What happens if I land at LAX or Logan? Can I even enter the terminal building as an unvaxxed person?

Eventually something has to give. Both in the U.S. and in Russia.

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"They have already turned out our pockets...."

Very droll.

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when the war starts America will carpet bomb Belarus into oblivion in retaliation for this posture. Just like Nagasaki was the center of Catholicism in Japan and was chosen because of that

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Maybe for a short time - then they'll be too busy dealing with radioactive craters that will replace NYC, DC and LA.

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Ed, if you have not yet called the movers, you may want to consider this 'no-comment' comment: "No comment on Belarus' claims Russian oligarchs were behind 2020 provocations — Peskov" https://tass.com/politics/1296055

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yikes. thanks for sharing

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