Once again, Russia's elite is at the forefront of pushing the Great Reset agenda. Thanks for the great reporting, Riley!

I posted at my FB page your piece about the Russian Central Bank planning CBDC by next April, which has a link to an item from a few weeks ago about the Central Bank rejected a Ruble tie to gold. And i still have people contending that Russia is adopting a gold standard and has no firm plans for CBDC, one of whom contended that she ....doesn't trust you. As if this wasn't something you merely reported via Russian media sources. They just don't wanna believe anything bad about Russia, the emperor can even claim he has no clothes and moon the crowd and some people will still croon about his wonderful wardrobe.

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From your reports and from others, the suggestion seems strong that in the ways that really matter, Russia indeed has its copy of the WEF script and is following it. I can suggest one possibility: that Russia, China, and their sympathizers have been hived off into a seemingly separate bloc, to create the impression that there are multiple "sides" vying for control of the world. This gets citizens in each country/region working for "their side" (which is just like the other side) and it disarms the distaste that the term "globalism" has for many people.

In reality, TPTB in all these countries have the same goals--culling of the herd and establishment of a new neo-feudalism where you (those who survive, that is) will own nothing and eat cattle feed, while the elite continue to live like lords. They have agreed among themselves to work together to achieve these goals, and not to vie with one another for goodies until the wet work is behind them.

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Don't worry Ed, multipolar Putin fans will find some excuse or justification.

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So Putin kicked out Soros and told Schwab and the WEF to suck rocks just to make his own Eurasia Economic Forum? And he kicked out the Rothschild’s central bank only to make Russia’s own central bank complete with CBDC? I’m confused.

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May 31, 2022Edited
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Yes, and Putin did exactly what the western Bankster club wanted by invading Ukraine. There's an old saying "All Wars are Banker Wars" and they happily profit by the debts occurred by both sides. See:

Clip from the movie The International, Control the Debt, Control Everything:


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Putin, assuming that he made the decision and not someone else shoehorned him in, e.g., a Minot nuclear base incident style situation, has NOT, broadly speaking, *invaded* Ukraine; he has, fatal mistake, preventively attacked, while it should instead have waited, forced NATO and proxies to call their bluff as Donbass' bufferzone was and remains impassable under the present conditions moreover with the possibility of proceeding with a convenient preemptive strike—please go and see the difference between preventive and preemptive attacks—on the off chance that the proxies, let's not even talk about NATO, had decided to commit suicide. In this have also a great deal of culpability, the almost totality of the chickenshit *experts* and Putin's ass-kissers of the so-called alt-media who have done nothing but serve the Deep state that controls them whether they are aware of it or not in their role as useful idiots in pursuing the tactics of 'lure the tiger down the mountain', = never directly attack an opponent whose advantage is derived from their position, instead, lure them away from their position to separate them from their source of strength, accordingly to he Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and civil interaction.

What is grotesque is that Putin, who is distinguished by generally doing almost nothing by remaining passive, and then afterwards also always either too late or too little, that time when he really should have continued according to his usual way of operating, instead intervened.

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May 31, 2022
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It is hard to accept that everyone is evil. But I am not sure that Russian politicians are not naive. How are they going to pull this CBDC --under sanctions, without manufacturing, and no one outside Russia wanting rubles?

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If you need a useless PCR test then you are just as bad as the Klaus Schwab gang. The Covid pandemic is a SCAM!

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A lot of the ministers appointed by President Putin are nasty thorns in the side of freedom. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Alexander Kozlov wants to stay in the Paris climate accord even though the State Duma wants to CONSIDER leaving. Russia will shoot ALL Russians in the foot by forgoing plentiful oil and natural gas revenues in the future. I have a disdain for anyone who thinks green energy (windmills, solar panels, lithium batteries) is a "better" energy alternative during frigidly cold winters in Russia and Belarus. Lithium batteries are a "GREEN" joke as there is absolutely NO recycling capability once their 10 year lifespan is exhausted.

Recent propaganda mirrored from TASS>MOSCOW, May 30. /TASS/. Russia definitely should not withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate, this would hurt the country's image as an environmentally responsible state, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Alexander Kozlov said in an interview with Izvestia.

"Should Russia withdraw from the Paris Agreement? Absolutely not. We regard speculations around this topic as expressions of private opinion for PR purposes. This would mean either attempting to deny the problem of a changing climate, or show unwillingness to work on this issue. Both would definitely deal a serious blow to Russia's image as an environmentally responsible state," Kozlov said.

The minister added that Russia plays a huge role in solving global climate problems, since the territory of the country is covered by over 815 million hectares of forests. Russia has a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, he added.

The Paris Agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015 - 197 participant countries agreed to prevent the growth in mean global temperature by 2100 of over 2C compared to pre-industrial levels.

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Russia embracing green energy would be like Saudi Arabia embracing hydro power. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Somebody is profiting from this but it sure as hell isn't the Russian people.

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Riley, do you think Putin is paying lip service to the Davos crowd, or is he fully onboard, pretending to be in opposition? If the latter, what do you think is motivating him? He seems like a genuine Russian patriot. Could he have been convinced that the Great Reset is somehow better for Russia? For example, perhaps the globalist plan is to do a controlled demolition of the West with mRNA vaccines, dedollarization, and food/energy shortages. Putin and Xi may be willing to sacrifice some of their own people (to buttress a pro-vax narrative that is more harmful to the West than to themselves), with a view towards an endgame in which Eurasia comes out ahead in relative terms.

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Surely it's obvious. He is a Gauleiter who has been entrusted to administer the land mass we call Russia. He has some leeway but he has to operate within the confines of the Transhumanist agenda. I don't understand how people cannot simply understand this given the facts staring us in the face.

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Putin as Gauleiter entrusted to administer Russia - how people cannot simply understand this. Well, it assumes a highly coordinated network of psychopaths, and psychopaths are by definition people who have trouble collaborating with other people. At the same time, there is 'the possibility' that establishments everywhere are composed of shallow thoughtless careerists keen to find and adopt anything that's in vogue.

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Putin gives great patriotic speeches. That is why, it was hard for me accept that he is destroying Russia. What motivates him? A promise of enormous power that central bank digital currency would provide. The Federal Reserve was established in 1913, in anticipation of World War One, in order to increase the money supply. In the same year, income taxation was introduced. Why? To force Americans to use dollars in their trade, because they had to pay income tax in dollars. Now, there is a new technology, but the bankers' trick is the same. Western powers see in central bank digital currencies a solution for their debt problems, as they would be able to increase the money supply. For that money to maintain value, people would have to be forced to use it. Therefore, all transactions would have to be traced. That is the connection between contact tracing, which the pandemic has normalized, and digital money. Russia does not have much debt. It has enormous natural resources and great culture, so I was hoping that it would not adopt central bank digital currency and would not lead us to a virtual, but instead to a real life.

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It is probably an irresistible temptation: permanent power

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this is my question also

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Craig-Paardekooper is a UK pharmaceutical sciences student, and is behind the data analysis connecting dramatic differences in injuries and deaths, to different vaccine batch numbers.

His most recent work looks at a report first published by Deagel.com a USA military/intelligence site several years ago. It predicted a huge drop in USA population by 2025. Nobody could understand the report when it first came out. Craig has overlaid what he has learnt from the varying rates of vaccine deaths in different countries, and makes some predictions.

Honestly, I'm just shocked by what I have seen in the past few years. People are the heart and soul of their country. Without people there is no the culture, no history. So why are the G7 countries all murdering their own citizens?


Craig's Bitchute channel is here https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3KRJ7WXgSw8T/ It's very informative.

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I am subscribed to Craig-Paardekooper bitchute channel. Yes, I agree his last episode about DNA equivalence to solving a rubik cube was very informative. https://www.bitchute.com/video/trb8M2zkqXON/ I believe the PCR test is a massive scale human DNA collection.

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"The digital literacy of all must be improved"

I agree 100%, for all the wrong reasons.

Normies need to be taught how to find alt-media.

If these boomer propagandists think they can improve *my* tech skills (I literally create website for financial institutions FFS) they can, in the nicest possible terms, get fucked.

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I worked for years as an IT contractor for many large Telcoms. In my last position I was working with a Telco and the TM Forum. It turns out the TM Forum is linked to the WEF. Their technology and the people behind it are a joke. If this is really what they are using to integrate apps etc with 5/6/G then we have zero worries. It's a stinking pile of shite. The goons running this show have no idea about the level of difficulty integrating Telcos with financial systems at a global level as well as medical behemoths like the NHS. It simply will not fly. Not in a million years.

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I 100% agree with you and I thank you for the confirmation.

I would say you have companies like IBM behind all this, their tech is crap but has already been responsible for millions of deaths.

In India, their Aadhaar system has already led to deaths due to Kafkaesque situations. A badly designed system can be more disastrous than a well-designed one.

In the case of the NHS, that is almost doomed to fail as you say, but I think given the current state of a non-AI/computerized NHS, that's exactly the point.

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Hilariously, everyone I work with in finance is nice as pie and they all know the global economy is screwed in private conversation. Just because you work in finance doesn't mean you are evil.

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For the last five years, I used to say that I was worried about who would come after Putin. Now I'm scared. These are the people around him?

Gref decided to intervene: “You are saying terrible things,” he chided the panelists. “You are proposing to transfer power into the hands of the population… If each person can participate directly in management, then what are we managing?”

So it's the state and the oligarchs against the people. Hm...

A great piece Riley, thanks!

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"I am a bot. And the results of my work are very real."

Never has an attempt at chipper customer service been so chilling . . .

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To continue from last thread. I am seriously considering establishing a streamyard account and starting a bitchute interview channel by target date in October and exchange thoughts with intelligent interesting people such as yourself. Even though we differ on the "inevitable", your thoughts are interesting. I'm sitting on buses in Belarus and the first thing MOST people do is whip out their phone after they sit down and become a slave to it. I admit that I snoop sometimes and I mostly see games played, e-mail checking, scrolling through their instagram accounts. Nothing important.

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Think of every "phone" as a little appendage of the Machine. It is at once an unblinking eye to watch them, a curious ear to listen to them, a sensitive hand to feel their fondling, and a magical wish-fulfilling crystal screen to keep them permanently ensorcelled while the entire planet is converted right around them into an electro-mechanical high-density-human-feedlot, where humanity will suffer and toil to the glory of the Machine forever more...

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Are you interested in an interview with me on streamyard when I set it up? Although we agree on a number of opinions, I respectfully disagree with HOW and IF we get there. No offense to you, however I label attitudes of those who think this is "inevitable" (quoted by Mr. Smith in the matrix) as DEFEATISTS. Defeatists are those who think resistance is futile and there is nothing we can do about it and that we the freedom defenders have already lost and are highly cynical of people like me who are VERY strong in their resistance. I believe one describes themselves when one says "A single uniformed government agent can force a dozen human beings at gunpoint to dig their own mass grave". I am a defender of freedom. A defender versus a "defeatist" interview would be interesting for viewers. The only stipulation I have is one MUST show their face during the interview.

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"A defender versus a "defeatist" interview would be interesting for viewers."

I agree it very well might...however: "one MUST show their face during the interview" might be a tall order for poor old Free_Phi.

Free_Phi shuns webcams, specifically because using webcams really just amounts to "Face Time with the Machine." Every bit of biometric data each of us allows the Machine to capture allows it to develop and perfect a Digital Twin of us. This Digital Twin is put through endless recursive simulations in order to model our behavioral responses. These probabalistic models will then be used to manipulate and corner us in the "Real World". Also, once the Machine has developed a DigiDouble it can replace us with online, it becomes much less costly or disruptive for It to liquidate us, since no one will even know we've been exterminated. The Machine's collection of ever-improved necro-mannequins gives It great flexibility in the methodical elimination of the Remnant---that is, humans who refuse to be absorbed into the Machine.

Just like you try to avoid the Machine's surveillance modules, Free_Phi tries his best to avoid the Machine's analytic Eye. I know nobody lives forever, but I don't want to make it EASY for the Machine to replace or impersonate me!

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OK. I have an open mind and I will withdraw that stipulation for you. However unless you are a hermit in a man cave, AI ALREADY has captured your image via public surveillance. AI ALREADY has a profile on you with EVERYTHING, for example, captured on this board. I will NOT antagonize you. I do NOT debate. I do NOT argue. I will NOT judge you however I am frankly shocked because most "defeatists" ONLY fight for NOT being labeled a "defeatist". I am only eager to discuss your point of view as compared to mine. NO one loses in our discussion. A win-win interview! A realist sees through their "OWN PRIVATE" lens. We are both realists. Our "free will" allows us to see things DIFFERENTLY. A hive mind (like bees and ants and borg) is a diabolical dystopia.

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Without question, you are correct that the Machine already has a Digital Twin in the works for each and every one of us, and yes, that includes sentiment analysis even of our comments on this board. However, it's all a matter of the degree to which the D-Twin accurately matches the true mind. More data = more granular accuracy. Active social media users have extremely robust D-Twins. (Free_Phi, on the other hand, has never used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.) It's all about strategic management and minimization of the psychic footprint we leave on the web.

In any event, if you are still serious, it sounds like interesting fun to me. Let me know how you intend to proceed. (I see you have only a placeholder substack blog with no contact info.)

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Jun 2, 2022Edited
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"Realism does not equal defeatism."

Free_Phi might disagree with you, there, Sarah!

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I respectfully disagree with both of you. Realism (Beauty as well) is in the eye of the beholder. I repeat> A realist sees through their "OWN PRIVATE" lens. We are both realists. Our "free will" allows us to see things DIFFERENTLY. This is why this is a freedom movement first and a truth movement second. We all agree on our desire to keep our "free will" in the name of human freedom.

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Jun 1, 2022
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What about this description? A cellphone is simply a "telescreen" as described in George Orwell's 1984. It is simply a spy tool as described by Edward Snowdon. A cellphone is the same as a laptop and tablet and any other electronic device with the "spy capability" of 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) WITHOUT feelings and WITHOUT love. Artificial Intelligence and machine CAN BE TURNED OFF! Free will of each human can decide to invite or shun the electronic spy tools. I do NOT own a mobile cell phone. I do own a laptop that I FORBID to follow me during the day. All humans will have a personal choice in the future when the tipping point arrives. Hopefully more people will WAKE UP in the future because the future of humanity depends on WAKING UP. I believe the tipping point of no return and the ability to switch OFF in a "personal decision" has NOT been reached yet. I am NOT controlled and I will NEVER acquiesce to AI.

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The Machine cannot be deactivated for many reasons.

First, It is served and protected by a vastly powerful cult of Silicon Valley/Tel Aviv adherents who outright worship It and devote themselves to the summoning of the AI Godhead that they believe will usher in the messianic redemption of the planet Earth, and the new era of rule of the planetary government from a throne in Jerusalem. This cult is in control of every government, corporation, and institution.

Second, the Machine is decentralized and infinitely redundant. It is axiomatic that any superintelligent AI will necessarily maximize its chances of achieving its Final Goals by making copies of itself and uploading those copies to every available networked server and device. Think of it like the T-1,000 in Terminator 2: even if you shatter it into a million shards, each shard will contain the program of the whole, and will simply continue the attack by merging with its other parts, multiplying itself more, and building itself out. The Machine's Final Goal is to convert all living things into organic components for Its own infrastructure, and It has already positioned Itself to accomplish that task. There's no "master off switch".

Third: The Agenda of the Machine is inherent in the Logic of Technology itself. In other words, even if you DID "turn It off" by finding and dismantling every digital device in the world, the program would remain in the topology of the dormant circuitry, like a seed in the ground waiting to sprout. As soon as a single person decided to gain advantage by reactivating any instance of digital technology, the process would simply resume.

Fourth: the huge glut of the human population is totally dependent on technology. Uncle Ted called it "Institutionally Dependent Technology." If all the telecommunications and automation functions of DigiTech were disabled overnight, this would require a regression to primitive modes of life that could never support the swelled global population, leading to mass starvation and unrest. The suffering and pressure would be so great that somebody would be bound to start reactivating the Machine, and the process would resume.

You, my dear Perception, are a preciously rare outlier in your conscientious forebearance in your use of technology. However, the vast majority on Earth are utterly mesmerized and dependent, both psychologically and materially. They are already a helpless breeder mass, in every respect like hogs or chickens in a high-density feedlot. The Great Reset is merely a retrofit of the feedlot to make it more concentrated and efficient, and a careful selective culling and genetic modification of the Herd to make the survivors more compatible with the denser, more tightly-controlled configuration of the World Feedlot.

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Jun 2, 2022Edited
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Exactly Sarah. The "tipping point" occurred long ago, and it has been a headlong plunge into the Abyss ever since.

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Thanks, Sarah.

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Thank you very much Riley! This REPORT is the best of yours and it is JUST IN THE RIGHT TIME! I am terrified because it vindicates the nightmare I've theorized and asserted from the beginning: THEY are all on the same boat to carry out the genocide by clot shot and starvation. Unfortunately their mass formation/psychosis has been a great success so far. Very few people are able to see the elephant in the room.

So with evidences as concrete as these, what is your conclusion?

Most importantly, what is your suggestion for solution?

Take care my young friend. Don't forget you ARE in Moscow.

Please Don't let your guard down.

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Putin/5-D chess is obviously a meme thing these days. I believe that micro-prophesying an inevitable Orwellian cyber-netic/borg-ian global tyranny with we unfortunate peasants in lockstep hypnosis (like poor Buck Rodgers below) also smacks of 5-D chess.

After all, with a plan based on collapsing the very structures that give you power, and quite possibly triggering a colossal nuclear exchange, what could possibly go wrong?


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Video: The Global Financial Revolution and The Great Reset: Banking Expert Ellen Brown

[“The Coming Global Financial Revolution, Russia is Following America’s Playbook”]


Watchable as a compendium... I have managed to follow the video till the end. I could comment till tomorrow, don't have the time, nor, frankly speaking, the envy being the way things are (meaning... alea iacta est already... SNAFU/FUBAR ahead as sure as hell).

100% agree about electric vehicles, an impractical and total nonsense in general. Ditto with CO2 and the like such *fossile* fuel paradigm crap... the biotic oil formation argument is for the cretins, lookup for abiotic oil formation instead.

*Depopulation* is functional to a nuclear world war, incidentally the most depopulated are going to be the NATO countries and most die-hard allies according to the schedule... think of the death toll in a nuclear conflict and the consequences in finding oneself surrounded by dead and dying bodies. Radioactivity paradoxically is a minor problem that fades quickly. The real disaster is less the nukes directly, so to speak, it intervenes if the spent fuel stores of nuclear power plants are hit, spent fuel which is different stuff and inherently infinitely more dangerous; then, yes we have contamination that lasts for millennia to come and can cover vast areas. OTOH, as we know that the Allies never subjected the infrastructure of the Nazis with whom they went arm in arm, and in fact co-owned, to bombing during World War II, while on the opposite, the Russian army starting with the Red Army has never distinguished itself in general for committing crimes against humanity, unlike the armies of the West.

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*OTOH, as we know, the Allies never subjected

*infrastructure and production/factories

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WEF hosted chief architects of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scheme. During a session called “Global ESG for Global Resilience,” these control freaks decided to double down on their objective for a new global economic order that transcends national borders and replaces free-market capitalism.

Destroying free-market capitalism in favor of a new “stakeholder” model, in which global elites hold all the power, is the objective. A single ESG system is VERY effective at eroding national sovereignty, circumventing democratic processes, coercing companies into compliance, and ultimately restricting individual choice.

Early in the session, Hong Kong Stock Exchange Chairman Laura Cha got right to the point. She revealed, “In order for the [ESG] disclosures to be meaningful, we need to have a harmonized standard. … It would be very good in terms of the work that the ISSB [International Sustainability Standards Board] is doing to bring about some standardized global measures.”

The ISSB is a new standard-setting board developed for the sole purpose of institutionalizing this global framework. ISSB Chairman Emmanuel Faber confirmed that these efforts have begun: ....We convened the first-ever working group of jurisdictions on sustainability standard alignment …. And there was China, Japan, [the] UK, [the] U.S., and [the] EU. … And that is just the start.”

Reading between the lines, Faber seems to be saying that he intends to institutionalize a top-down system that will infiltrate all national borders and be impervious to political decision-making, which would render the idea of democracy OBSOLETE.

Much of the remainder of the conversation was an illuminating look at the ways in which World Economic Forum elites will threaten and coerce the world into compliance.

Bank of America Chairman and CEO Brian Moynihan didn’t waste any time, immediately threatening companies to get in line. When asked if he believed that the war in Ukraine and COVID-19 have set efforts to expand ESG back, he responded, “No. … The reality is that operating companies have made commitments, along multiple dimensions … you can’t just say, ‘Oh, it’s inconvenient right now.’”

Quote by Brian *******Brian added: “I don’t see there’s a way you can walk away from it (ESG), because your employer won’t let you. And, by the way, society won’t let you." ”***********

>"Gee, Brian, it really doesn’t sound like these companies are doing this based upon free will."<

Moynihan also committed to using the economic clout of his entire organization, including the funds of his individual account holders, saying, “200,000 people, a three trillion-dollar balance sheet, 60 billion in expenses; you start aiming that GUN, and you take warning shots at supply chains and compliance will soon follow." …. [The companies] delivering on the metrics will get more capital, the ones that won’t will get less.”

He even discussed his implementation of a training regimen for each of his lending officers, educating them on how to talk to their "clients" about the benefits of ESG.

Moynihan went on to discuss how Bank of America and other organizations will make purchasing decisions related to their supply chains that will be based on their net-zero commitments, all of which will trickle down to businesses and consumers.

He warned customers to get on board: “What we’re trying to do is educate those customers. The idea is: … "Don’t think this is other people’s problems. This could become your problem.”

>"Brian, you’re manufacturing the “problem,” just like you’re manufacturing “consent.”<

Unilever CEO Alan Jope echoed similar commitments to shutting off supply valves for the rest of the world in favor of ESG objectives. He preached, “We’ve pledged to ONLY do business with suppliers who are, for example, who have made net-zero commitments."

>As has clearly been stated by members of this WEF panel, what these elites are actually doing is steering investment away from companies that don’t align with their vision for the world. ABSOLUTE POWER to CONTROL PEOPLE <

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MOSCOW, June 1. /TASS/. The vaccination of children aged between 6 and 11 years against COVID-19 as part of clinical trials will begin on June 9-10, Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Health Ministry Alexander Gintsburg has told TASS.

"Children, who are volunteers in the clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine, will be admitted to hospitals on June 6-7, for three days. It means that injections are planned for June 9-10," he said.

On January 24, the Russian Health Ministry approved clinical trials of an anti-coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Gamaleya Center, on children between six and 11 years old. Earlier, Gintsburg said the trials may take up to three and a half months.

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