Mar 31Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Listen here, Riley, if you're using those puppies as soft propaganda to gain popularity, let me just say... it's working. 🙂 P.S. Happy (Gregorian Calendar) Easter!

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In the US when the Towers went down on 9/11, the businessman who had owned the buildings increased its "insurance value" quite substantially just before the horrific incident and in the end was given a ton of cash.

That being said, knowing that there has been a slew of terrorist attacks in the Moscow region security should've been on high alert at popular venues drawing large crowds.

Despite all that, this was truly tragic and could only be planned by sadistic psychopaths.

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Hmmmm...were Chinese standards of construction and maintenance in effect at Crocus City Hall? Or was the site pre-primed 9/11 style?


I suppose the owners won't be as lucky as Larry Silverstein and get two insurance payouts.

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Did they check Oligarch son’s backpack?

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Great post as ever, hope you’ve got home for some or all the puppies, and nice musical finale. Love the format of your blog. Trumps all I follow.

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The wierdest of all to me is: why on top of that building there are big Hollywood-style letters saying "Crocus city hall" instead of some more local "Kpokyc городский зал" (or however it is said in Russian)? That much for Agalarov's (or Russia's?) patriotic feelings. :-)

For the rest, could we please define precisely "partial roof collapse", "collapses occurring", "roof is collapsing" or "roof beginning to collapse" before finding those expressions, used by different reporters/media outlets/officials/hall owners, with different criteria, so wierd/inconsistent?

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Well, this is weird. How and why all those newspapers can't keep the story straight. On the presence or absence of explosions, on their number, on the timing and extent of fire, on the time it took the roof to collapse. Almost like it's a big game of telephone!

But it doesn't yet mean the attack was a false-flag carried out by Russian Armed Forces. ;) It just means the journos *suck* at their job, which is a well-known thing. :)

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Add some kittens, and I'll become a paid subscriber on April 1st!

(Plan to anyway... and not as an April fool's joke 😉)

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But the terrorists must have been thumping really hard on top of the roof before they fled???

Happy Resurrection days, y'all! While the world around us is hammered to smithereens, don't worry. Even Jesus was Built Back Better.

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Nice song. Better than that techno rubbish.

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Apparently Adidas (33) is the official clothing sponsor of Tajik Islamic terrorists worldwide. Nice masonic double headed eagle and pillars of Boaz and Jachin too (11) ...



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Certain enlightened bods - ES & CO - have noted serious flaws in the Crocus narrative.

Other supposedly enlightened ex- intelligence bods and others - either never saw the videos or found no problems with their credibility.

Bit strange for ex-intell. bods especially.

Most commentary revolves around who did it, how and why.

Not why there are so many holes in the cover story.

Just commenting.

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it increasingly looks like this was a staged event... https://swprs.org/moscow-terrorist-attack-new-evidence-in-favor-of-a-staged-event/

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Lots of puppies! I once had a female Collie that had 11 puppies....they just kept coming....

This second explosion sounds a lot like Bldg. 7 - part of the US' 911 saga....turns out it was heavily insured by some Jewish mogul

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