Holy shit. I didn’t know it was that bad. I’m feeling like CJHOPKINS is absolutely spot on about the Global criminalisation of dissent!

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Found this from a Russian in Telegram

"Я тоже. Говорят только врачи из независимой ассоциации врачей и ещё несколько.

Все смерти от спутника на кладбищах. МСИ или куплены, или боятся говорить.

Знакомая вжаренная спутником убралась от турбоонкологии за 3 дня, 43 года. Знакомый патологоанатом видит в трупах такие же тромбы как и от мРНК типа "вакцин". Всё то же самое, если ещё не хуже."

Seems like there's an independent doctors association in Russia trying to keep track of the Russian "vaccine's" kill rate. Since "vaccination" was a "public health" state policy of the Kremlin, gotta watch out for what happens to the Russians calling out the plandemic aspect of this global convergence to control, handle and micro-manage taxcattle life and death across the board.

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That would be a nerve-racking endeavour

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That is normal. Every nation in a war or war-like situation acts in this way.

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Yeah true, you are right.

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Different languages, different political lines, different excuses, ... but one united front dedicated to repression and dehumanizing disembodiment on the part of the 0.1% global elite against the 99.9% rest of us. Thanks, Riley, it's a small, small, small world after all.

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Moscow likes Kiev so much they copy the same tactics! Taping pensioners who lost grandsons to posts soon for disloyalty?

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Putin is not Jelzin. Putin is not Selenskyj. Putin is not Biden.

Putin is, I think a kantianian conservative. In his administration you will find multipolarists, right wing etatists, classical liberals, patriots, national technocrats, globalist technocrats,moderat libertarians.

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I am sure that Tucker Carlson has questioned Putin very intensely over this and other undemocratic issues in Russia .........not.

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I believe Tucker Carlson was a CIA asset

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Why are so many "anti-war" Americans like Scott Ritter supporting this?! I have followed and read his material for a long time, and he seems to have a boner for Mr. Putin now. What is going on here, controlled opposition? I feel very sorry for anyone being jailed for social media posts, especially the woman who's brothers was killed.

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I can't prove it obviously, but some of the actors such as Ritter, MacGregor and others are likely paid to do their inane shilling.

If this war was such a booming success for Russia as these characters claim, why the need to expand the war on info-terrorism and alleged fakes (and why is Donbass still not 'liberated')? To me it appears Kremlin wants to delegitimize legit criticism of their Special Needs Operation (SNO, courtesy of Rolo Slavskiy) by simply calling it fake news. Now, where have we seen this tactic before?...

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I have wondered the same lately. Especially after his recent tour of Russia, and his YouTube show featuring major Russian media figures. I always wonder about his wife as well, he met her when most translator's assigned to any visiting Americans were KGB honey pots. I don't have proof of this either, but it's an interesting fact.

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Back-to-back wars of aggression that destroyed and destabilised Syria and Libya caused a split in the so-called left: the anti imperialist 'tankies' (many of them Radish Communists) went hell-for-leather in support of the Axis of Resistance - whilst the rest supported 'bombing them into democracy' in true liberal style.

Then came the coup in Ukraine and the latter actually fell for that as well.

'Both sides bad' was simply not an acceptable stance: everyone was encouraged to choose a side and to stick with it.

The Fascist Creep slips in when any and all criticism is suspended and the person becomes an apologist for obvious crimes.

Ritter has been an active pro-Russia voice for more than a decade now.

He is also a convicted sex offender, "having been caught exposing himself to minors online on several occasions. He served a year and a half in prison. Despite this, he claims he was being targeted by the US administration for his opposition to the war in Iraq."

Some say he 'needs the money'. Others that, as a disgraced American, he is allowed to reinvent himself in Russia.

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Ritter in the 90s was the number one cheerleader get tough on Iraq. He was actually considered an Israeli asset in like 95-98.

He reinvented himself when Bush came to office (after voting for him) in 2000

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Yes, I have heard him say he was very involved with the planning of "Desert Storm". But when he realized they were blatantly lying about Iraq not having WMDs, he did as much as he could to stop it. Even putting himself at risk, this is why I believed his anti war stance since then. Is it possible that it has something to do with his current wife? She was from Georgia, but was assigned to be his "translator" on the disarmament mission to Russia. It's well known that most translator's assigned to any American, was a honey pot for the KGB. I just wonder about this angle.

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I love talking about the multiple personalities of Scott Ritter. Mainly because nobody else does.

On 9 December 1998, the San Francisco Examiner ran the following story:

Ex-U.N. arms inspector: Bomb Iraq

New York - Former United Nations arms inspector Scott Ritter has signed a contract to write a book in which he spells out his suggestions for dealing with Iraq: Bomb the country and overthrow its leader, Saddam Hussein.

"Nothing less will work, and nothing less is justified," Ritter is quoted as saying in Simon & Schuster's announcement Tuesday of his book, "The Iraq Solution," due out in April.

Ritter's book will discuss Hussein's use of chemical weapons against Kurds and Iranians, and "why he must be stopped" before he uses mass-killing weapons again, the publisher said.

Ritter, an ex-Marine, created a stir Aug. 26 when he quit the United Nations Special Commission that monitors Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. He said then that the panel's efforts were being undermined by vacillating American and U.N. policy-makers.



The Simon and Schuster book announcement was also carried by the Associated Press, London Times, USA Today and Washington Times, and reported by various local news stations.

It caused a stir because Ritter had a powerful media presence. It was brought up by a reporter at the White House press briefing that day. The following exchange took place:

Excerpt from White House briefing 9 December 1998:

Question: Joe, one more on Iraq. Does the White House have any comment on Scott Ritter's comments, that the only way to settle this is to bomb Iraq?


[Excerpt from White House briefing 9 December 1998 }

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i tell you why this convicted pedophile does what he does, fame and money.

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He was so gung ho before! It is a bit of a stretch to believe that a marine would so suddenly develop a conscience, and become so very anti-war. His new "rah rah Russia" thing just seems a bit off too. How is he able to be on Soleviv (spelling?) and also have access to so many fairly high up contacts in the Russian military and media? There is always a book deal in the works when he does this as well. I still can't figure it out, but I'm happy you notice it too! 😊

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He was more than gung ho. He worked on congress building a consensus for war, for years. He was a right wing media darling who was framed as standing up to the Clinton adminstration who was 'soft' on Saddam

His complete new personality is not gaining a conscience, imo but just doing as his handlers wish

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Scott Ritter 2000

It appeared to be a prison for children — toddlers up to pre-adolescents — whose only crime was to be the offspring of those who have spoken out politically against the regime of Saddam Hussein. It was a horrific scene. Actually I’m not going to describe what I saw there because what I saw was so horrible!

Scott Ritter 2018

[W]e … allowed ourselves during the decade of the 1990s to be pre-programmed into accepting at face value without question anything that was negative about Saddam Hussein’s regime…

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Wow, so did he see it, or did he not? If he truly saw such a horrific thing, he wouldn't be able to change his stance so easily. Was he just disseminating propaganda, or was it true? I'm more inclined to think it was propaganda against Iraq, but yes, he has wayyy too many faces! Thank you for sharing. 👍

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I didn't start paying attention to Bush II . All i knew was the 'anti-war' Ritter and then I stumbled across a blog from the early 2000s talking about his unexplained change. Then I did some of my own digging and, sure enough, he was a different person from 95 until early 99 (when he was in the media spot light all the time). He kind of disappeared from the media and reemerged a completely new person in 2001 .

He was also caught in an underage sting in early 2001 and the Ashcroft DOJ kept it sealed until 2003

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He was the one that did the lying.

Her was the main lier when he was in Iraq being the 'expert'

He did the lying while he was an UNSCOM

After he came back he changed his tune (he still played the expert)

Present day Scott Ritter needs to explain 90s Scott Ritter

Lisa McRee: What are they hiding?

SCOTT RITTER: They are hiding their retained capabilities in biological, chemical, nuclear weapons and ballistic missile delivery systems.

Lisa McRee: Can you be more specific about what you believe they have?

Scott Ritter: I think one of the things that has been in the news recently is the VX nerve agent, one of the most deadly substances known to mankind. Iraq clearly produced this agent in large quantities and put it on ballistic missile warheads. They have lied about that, they have said that they have not done this, despite the fact that we have the proof in our hands.

Lisa McRee: What's our appropriate response, then?

Scott Ritter: It's time to call the game for what it is. This is Saddam Hussein's attempt to keep weapons of mass destruction and get sanctions lifted. Saddam is linked with these weapons, there is no way of dealing with the weapons without dealing with Saddam.

Lisa McRee: But do what? Should we have a military strike against Iraq? Should it be unilateral or should we do it only with allies? What do you suggest?

Scott Ritter: These are issues that have to be addressed by the national security policy team in Washington, DC, that's what they get paid the big bucks for.

Lisa McRee: What do you think will work, though? You've been there.

Scott Ritter: I know what won't work, continuing to provide concessions to Iraq only feeds their strength. Iraq is in charge of this game right now. They are the ones calling the shots. It's time for the United Nations, the [national] security council of the United States to seize the initiative to start taking more proactive measures to counter Saddam Hussein. And whatever measures they take, they are going to have to be decisive and not the half steps that have been taken so far.

Lisa McRee: Are you talking about economic sanctions or are you talking about an attack [i.e., war]?

Scott Ritter: Economic sanctions won't work, we know that. Iraq has turned economic sanctions around and used it against the United Nations and United States. I think you are coming to the obvious point, but that is a decision that the national security team has to make, not Scott Ritter.

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Wow, this is crazy. I'm really only old enough to have followed anti-war Ritter. I'm beginning to wonder if he was sheep dipped CIA? Now he's actually just a free lance Russian Propagandist? So many questions, wayyy to many inconsistencies. I know being in the military brainwashed you a bit, but this is beyond that. Thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it. I doubt he will explain!

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Interesting, I only ever read the left narrative that the Libya debacle was a disastrous massacre? Maybe I wasn't plugged into these leftist views, I wasn't aware of them. I definitely see the split you are describing with the Russia/Ukraine conflict though, very clearly.

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It was a disastrous massacre based on lies.

All major left-of-centre parties in Europe and the US were united in the destruction of Libya.

Consequently their rank and file, many of whom consider themselves to be 'humanitarians', overwhelmingly supported it too.

If you did not follow the party line, you were considered radical.

Over time some pro-war lefties have reversed their opinions - even removing comments of support from social media.

Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Ben Norton and Rhania Khalek all got Libya and Syria wrong..until they got it right and removed their comments.

This is Grayzone's Wikipedia: "Amid the Syrian civil war, the website supported the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria." This is a blatant lie as for a few critical years in the beginning, they were standard warmongers.

It's interesting that many independent lefties also supported Pandemic measures based on their belief that there was a deadly contagion: John Pilger, George Galloway, Tim Anderson, Caitlin Johnstone, and again, all of the Grayzone crew (in the beginning).

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It is very interesting indeed! That's very interesting that the Grey Zone deleted their history, what great journalistic standards. Obama, Samantha Power, and the more obvious pro war left I was aware of, but I didn't know this about the Gray Zone. Thank you for telling me, considering who Blumenthal's father was, it's honestly not surprising. I was the only lefty at my work during the pandemic who questioned every along with my Republican co-workers, we bonded over this. Everyone who was supposedly "left" all of a sudden worshipped the government, like they care about our lives! 🤣🤣 The change in what's right and left has become post-op upon psy-op. Very weird times! I'm happy to hear someone shared my opinions on these things! 👍

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*psy-op, not post op. Stupid autocorrect! 🤣

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These sick a\\holes are all together in this - against we, the people.

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NEW PODCAST! 🎙📡🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸🇨🇳

Rurik Skywalker of The Slavland Chronicles discusses the false East-West divide and how the real name of the game is convergence: creating a one-world elite. The oligarchies in Washington, London, Brussels, Moscow, and Beijing are all feudal lords, they’re just competing to see who gets to be the boss. The totalitarian system in the West is more refined. Patriots in the East like Igor Strelkov are also rounded up and jailed. He discusses personalities like Arestovych, where the Ukraine War is headed, Dugin, BRICS, Russian 15-minute cities, how Orwell is pro-Trotsky propaganda, and how we are well on our way to dystopia since there is nothing stopping it.


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A nice self fulfilling prophecy.

In fact: Most people aren't black or white they are grew, or shizo. Beside there are all over changing alliances or third position currents.

All things must through the political sphere, anyway it is a snakepit.

Ground conflict is between forces which want unify the whole world (globalism) and the other one wants to preserve nation state, different cultures, traditions and peoples (national sovereignists). But even there exists conflicts inside as third positions and crossing alliances

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"At the end of January, a 72-year-old pensioner received five years in prison for posting “information about the number of dead Russian military personnel” and an “emotional video.” The elderly woman admitted guilt but said she had acted emotionally after her brother, who lived in Ukraine, was buried under the rubble of a building that collapsed as a result of shelling. A Rostov region court ruled that she had been motivated by political hatred."

What's the difference between Russia's SVR and Ukraine's SBU? Interesting that in a "not war" Russia still supplies gas to Ukraine and uranium to the US. I guess if it was a "real war" supposed enemies wouldn't be transactional friends. Perhaps the only "real part" of the war are the hundreds of thousands of unfortunate deaths and irreparable injuries.

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There is no difference behind the scenes, it only appears so on the surface to fool the sheep. Its like a boxing match, its an act and they are both in on it together except the spectators dont know and happily cheer on. Sending that old lady to the Gulag for 5 years is the same thing in Europe where the Germans recently sentenced an old woman in her 90s to prison for questioning the holocaust.

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"[The line] is very thin. And therefore, I would advise all those who speculate indiscriminately and throw words of criticism towards our army without understanding the essence of the matter … to think ten times."

That is, "You better stay silent because we can do to you whatever the hell we want."

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Yeah you just be a good little sheep and don't question anything when we send you or your children to the front as cannonfodder against heavily defended Ukrainian positions or as drone bait.

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Actually, the situation in Ukraine isn't better. Forced mobilization, or better said, people hunting on the streets is in full swing, and those who protest are labelled draft dodgers and Kremlin collaborators. Some men have received prison sentences for "draft evasion". Because yeah, how dare they resist the meat grinder...

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Actually this seems to be more Kremlin Propganda, i know a woman from Ukraine and she has a young brother of 23 who is not even been called up to serve at all. I have seen the videos of Ukrainian being kidnapped of the streets but this seems to be very rare and we dont really know the context. Maybe they are just criminals or something.

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I'm Ukrainian and I live here, and believe me, it's not propaganda. Conscription age is 27, so yes, younger men are not (or should not be) called up (they can join the army voluntarily though).

But I've personally witnessed 2 guys being literally dragged into recruiters' vehicles. In broad daylight. They were your ordinary men just going about their business. It's not as rare as it seems :(

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Wow, I didn't expect Russia to go full fascist yet, 😂.

I guess they're desperate.

These idiots keep digging themselves down.


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Why is there not more outrage here in the U.S. over the J-6 witch hunt----there are people in prison right now, and what are the bogus charges, if any?

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Shocking how little support these people get - even from their own side.

It was a stitch-up worthy of a tin pot despotic regime.

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There really should be, I agree. I just don’t know why anyone would’ve voted for Mr Operation Warp Speed let alone gone to the capitol to protest. They pretty much supported the admin and man I hold responsible for the Covid nightmare. ☹️

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my "favorite" is the guy who did attend Trump's rally on J6 but NEVER went inside any buildings and never got into an altercation with anyone. They still sent the SWAT team in to shoot up his house at 4am and now he's facing serious charges as a "J6er".

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Well I guess it makes sense to slip this in while media is busy reacting to the Cucker Moscow visit like some damn fangirls when Michael Jackson is on tour. Can't wait for them to not bring this issue to light while the state goes after "info-terrorists" and RT spews the same garbage about them like they did to Vadim Cheldiyev & other dissidents.

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I've been a fan of the Corbett Report for so long! Thanks for posting this, I needed a laugh. 🤣

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Putin's government pulls this shit because they know they can get away with it. The Russian people will not do anything about it.

How long will the Russian people live on their knees? Where's the revolutionary spirit that existed in Russia during the late 1800's and early 1900's? Unfortunately, a large portion of the Russian public worship authority.

I read somewhere that Russian oligarchs are selling titanium to Ukraine that is then used in weapons against Russian solders.

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Same reason the Germans are now self-hating American boot lickers, they have been re-educated after ww2. Same with the Russian people after Lenin and Stalin had their ways it left huge parts of the population traumatized after ww2.

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"Just hours after President Vladimir Putin announced the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Roskomnadzor, the federal government’s media watchdog and regulator, warned media outlets that they were required to use information only from official sources when preparing materials about the military intervention."

This is eerily similar to how in Sweden the authorities kept talking about "bekräftad information" ie confirmed information during the alleged pandemic which simply meant listening to the government through public service broadcasting or the privately owned major newspapers. Both of which had the exact same message, of course.

It all reminds me of what Randolph Bourne wrote back in the early 1900's - War is the health of the State:

"War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense. The machinery of government sets and enforces the drastic penalties; the minorities are either intimidated into silence, or brought slowly around by a subtle process of persuasion which may seem to them really to be converting them. Of course, the ideal of perfect loyalty, perfect uniformity is never really attained. The classes upon whom the amateur work of coercion falls are unwearied in their zeal, but often their agitation instead of converting, merely serves to stiffen their resistance. Minorities are rendered sullen, and some intellectual opinion bitter and satirical. But in general, the nation in wartime attains a uniformity of feeling, a hierarchy of values culminating at the undisputed apex of the State ideal, which could not possibly be produced through any other agency than war. Loyalty — or mystic devotion to the State — becomes the major imagined human value. Other values, such as artistic creation, knowledge, reason, beauty, the enhancement of life, are instantly and almost unanimously sacrificed, and the significant classes who have constituted themselves the amateur agents of the State are engaged not only in sacrificing these values for themselves but in coercing all other persons into sacrificing them."


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Millions suffer and die in wars, the state and the dead are glorified, war profiteers hide their evil deeds and massive profits, the masses never see the light, and life goes on.

Me thinks covid may be different.

The state is trying to transition from noisy, destructive wars, to silent, destructive wars.

Trouble is, the glorification of war and the dead is not available to offer state or profiteer cover, more and more people are beginning to see more and more light, and agitating into a stiffened resistance, that may ignite highly destructive volcanic explosions.

The dark lords, will have to perfect an effective prison of restraint pronto, or reduce the population drastically pronto.

Both plays are in operation.

The outcomes are completely uncertain, in the current circumstances.

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Well that just throws out my positive opinion today on Putin the day after his interview with Tucker . Agreed the globalist censorship cabal is all in crushing dissent. Sounds like Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland a WEF member set some precedent in seizing bank accounts in the illegal invocation of the Trudeau invoked Emergencies Act over the Truckers Freedom convoy . Couldn’t happen here right. Yes it can . And did. Beware they’re all trying to move in that direction with the corrupt assistance of the globalist organizations of the UN , the WHO , the IMF , the WEF.

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"Agreed the globalist censorship cabal is all in crushing dissent."

Amazing that the very seed of totalitarianism is in front of us and yet a portion of the population is cheering to "halt disinformation"....

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