New World Order (nouvel ordre mondial), the one that Putin and his counsellor Aleksandr Dugin are implementing with the war crisis, a way to reshuffle the cards, and with eurasism as a milestone to the Nwo. Putin somehow is a false opposition. The hassidic lubavitch branch and economic branch he is linked to are both leading to Nathaniel Rothschild.
I don't know if I do but i posted many detailed links about Putin's relations (economic financial and hassidic lubavitch ones) in Riley's article "is Russia complicit with the great reset?"...
Any producer interested in making a remake of the Dirty Dozen starring Nat Rothschild, Putin, Herman Graf, Mandelson, Berel Lazar, Sobyanin, Deripaska, Chubais, Wallenbergs,...any other suggestion ??
Riley what are you doing in Russia you should pack up your things and fly away :-)
to be fair, I think many Moscovites wanted these measures. Liberals in Minsk took to the streets not too long ago to protest FOR harder lockdowns that Luka refused to enforce and for western vaxxes.
Anyway...what people want....those vaccinated did not go to the abattoir with a gun ontheir foreheads. I am not a democrat. Democracy is idiocracy. Democracy without indépendant medias is the tyranny of idiots.
Mattias Desmet (researcher into the phenomenon of mass formation, which is widespread adoption of observably false beliefs) observed that the educated class is the most highly susceptible to mass formation. Covidmania is clearly a mass formation phenomenon. The educated government and medical 'authorities' who imposed all the idiot mandates very much seem to honestly believe they are saving us all from certain death. Desmet observed that 30% (sheep) of a typical population believes whatever they are told by the authorities. On the other end, 30% (us) believe only what they can confirm from observed evidence, research, rational analysis, and logical conclusion. 40% (the educated authorities) are victims of mass formation who impose it on the sheep, to the consternation of everybody (us) who believes in evidence rather than authority. Mass delusion - to the point of rapidly locking down the whole world because of an imaginary 'pandemic' - is an amazing thing to witness. Who would have believed it was possible if it hadn't been done? We live in interesting times (:
President Lukashenko of Belarus called this plandemic/scandemic a "mass psychosis" in April 2020. President Lukashenko is the only world leader (I know of) that is NOT injected whether it be saline solution or the MRNA experiment injection or another injection cocktail. I credit President Lukashenko for Belarus being the MOST FREE nation in the world. ALL businesses stayed open. NO lockdowns. NO mask mandates. NO injection mandates. NO QR codes to buy food/ride on public transport.
No idea of why one would bring North Korea as a response to my post. North Korea is locking down their country now as I post with 1000s of "fever" cases.
Thank you for clarifying. Yes, North Korea has REFUSED injections so far although I read reports of North Korea locking down their citizens now. Belarus, unfortunately, has accepted injections and ONLY given voluntarily. Belarus, unfortunately, has reported "cases". Eritrea is now the ONLY country in the world that REFUSES to report "cases".
Everything TV experts said in 2020 applied to a regular cold as well as to the pandemic. The words were carefully crafted to cause maximum fear while being technically true.
In the background, the Dutch authorities closed 4 hospitals and 25 intensive care departments. If you visited a hospital, even during peak pandemic, it was quiet. Nurses would complain about reduced hours and increased administrative load.
Based on this, the educated government and medical authorities knew what was happening. That's not to say they had a bad motive. The could have thought the alternatives were even worse. That is what I believe.
I been to Moscow at least 5 times and Saint Petersburg once. The young people I talked to were progressive and wanted change so I wonder why lots of young people comply with the VERY unpopular Moscow mayor decrees. If Russians are dissatisfied with Russia, then Belarus welcomes Russians with open arms (if one can live on the low wages with the benefit of low expenses). The Russians I talked to before 2020 were open in their disdain for the Moscow mayor so I highly doubt Russians are "scared" of authority. Even Riley speaks out so I think the preponderance of evidence SUGGESTS a "mass psychosis" as Belarus President Lukashenko described the "obedience" to insanity. If I was in Moscow, I would get the word out by word of mouth to noncomply with these tyrannical, restrictive, useless measures. Hopefully I can go back to Moscow in June and ask these questions to find out while expressing my contempt/displeasure of the Moscow mayor.
Finally, a virus does NOT exist and NEVER proven to exist! If a virus has NOT been proven to exist, then it logically follows that a VIRUS does NOT exist. I strongly believe in medical doctor with university degree Antoine Bechamp's "terrain theory". The "germ theory" fraudulently proposed by Louis Pasteur, a chemist with NO education degree, is only meant to frighten people into a "mass psychosis" of fear for the purpose of control. Only poisons, bacteria, fungus, and parasites have been proven to exist. So peaceful noncompliance and an ACTIVE and PROACTIVE campaign to get rid of (via voting) the Moscow tyrant mayor is the solution to the problem.
"Finally, a virus does NOT exist and NEVER proven to exist! If a virus has NOT been proven to exist, then it logically follows that a VIRUS does NOT exist. "
Actually, that's illogical, for one can't prove a negative. However, it *is* logical to say that the existence of "covid" has yet to be empirically demonstrated on a microbiological level.
As for opposition to Moscow's mayor: I suggest that Muscovites, just like most modern urbanites everywhere, are too busy "building a career" and distracting themselves from ennui and despair, via electronic media, to actually do anything significant in resistance.
Much of the "mass hypnosis" we speak of is, imo, mostly 'mass inertia' (not to be confused with 'inertial mass' ;) ). One reason that "color revolutions" work so well these days is that most people won't bother to hardly even get out and vote unless someone pays them to, much less form organized resistant solidarity.
I highly doubt that one that writes a response to my post such as yours has been to Russia as many times as I have that also includes Crimea twice and Rostov on Don. I base my "mass psychosis" theory on MANY conversations I have had with Russians and Belarusian (all ages). I can tell anyone including ones that reply to my post that so many people I have talked to think this "virus" is real and are brainwashed into thinking this "virus" is real. I agree with you that many people lack the "motivation" to do due diligence and lack the "wherewithal" to research for themselves.
I have a very open mind however I have neither the time nor need to watch a youtube video as I am fully aware of how color revolutions work. Elections are mostly selections HOWEVER some elections are useful such as when Belarus had approximately 75% turn out to change the constitution in Feb 2022 and Belarusians voted for President Lukashenko in Aug 2020 . Also conservatives will over run the liberals in Nov 2022.
I respectfully disagree with your assessment of illogical double negatives because that reason sounds like double speak. According to that "logic", the existence of a "sashsquash" has yet to be empirically demonstrated on a microbiological level. Amazing how some like to split hairs.
Firstly, I am not commenting directly on Belarus or any country: I'm commenting more on the 'mass hypnosis' (MP) concept which has recently become all the rage and all the cool alt. skeptical kids are into. MP is ultimately just another word for 'culture'. Obviously, with modern mass media, especially the advent of handroids, the ability to create a massive behavior/belief alignment is far more powerful than just 20 years ago, and almost ridiculously more so than 100 or 1000 years ago.
But lest we forget, controlled herd behavior among large groups of homo saps is as old as the first city-states or at least King Friday. I made the caveat demurral I did not to imply that mass hypnosis (MP) isn't real nor alive and kicking in ye olde Moscow and elsewhere. I made it to point out that the primary MP is plain old complacency on the part of the people. Complacency is the substrate of which mass-manipulating dreams are made. Personally, I find the term MP needlessly sensationalist. It provides a handy tracking device for the AI bots reading virtually every.single.word that the internet writes, said tracking working to use our own communications against us by mathem-analytically (is 2 a woid! I just made it up!) perceiving patterns in our expressed thoughts and behaviors whereby they can work to keep ahead of us in this infowars game. Sound bites are such handy little RIFD dog tags, jah?
It's also uber-divisive: "I'M not deluded by Big Brother's mass hypnosis; all those other cud-craving sheep are!" It becomes more a platform for salving a sense of social isolation/political despair by deeming oneself superior, a kind of narcissism, than it is a means of sharing valuable information in a positive way that might yield a lessening of said MP.
Also, the "appeal to authority" fallacy applies to your greater experience in Russia, which I certainly grant you: I've never been outside of the USA except to spend five days in a Windsor, Canada jail and almost get thrown in jail at the Nogales,AZ, USA<>Mexican border for unwittingly finding myself smack in the center of a heroin bust. But my statement was not based at all on personal experience of Russia et al, and I phrased it in general terms: "MUCH OF the "mass hypnosis" we speak of..." was my reference point, not any specific town, nation, or region.
As for "can't prove a negative" being just a form of double-speak: you go with that. Every logician from Aristotle to Homer Simpson will disagree, but that’s also just an ‘appeal to authority’ fallacy, so you go with it. Come back when you've got something more than some sneaky feeling that it's just double-talk. That and a tingling in your Spidey-sense(t) underwear will buy you a cup of coffee in Manhattan if you throw in a $10 bill as well. As for double-speak, I think that this eminently qualifies: “According to that "logic", the existence of a "sashsquash" has yet to be empirically demonstrated on a microbiological level.” I have no idea (to complete sentence, please watch very brief but possibly annoying video) . You're actually demonstrating my point, but never mind. Here's some help: just because I can't prove that you have sex with animals doesn't mean that you don't.
"I have neither the time nor need to watch a youtube video as I am fully aware of how color revolutions work. "
But a) you have time to waste telling me so with indulgent rudeness, and b) the video was of an awesome (imo) Rolling Stones song as rendered by a young and not yet sold-out Rod Stewart, not some boring youtuber telling us The Way It Really Is.
You obviously enjoy contention, so I'll close by recommending that you spend less time with your head in a digi-screen and more time engaging with plain reality. I also recommend you pull that digi-screen from your rectum, but you just do whatever makes you happy, I suppose. Because I can tell you what you should think just as well as you can tell us what to think, o mighty warrior.
But let's chatter away, shall we? It's what we humans do, especially during the final stage of imperial collapse. Most of the talk reduces to individuals flinging poo, however intellectually styled and erudite said poo may be, and anyone who doesn't enjoy a bit of shit-slinging now and then is either a holy saint or a retired argubot.
Not sure which of this post I am commenting on...but I think it is the "mayor of Moscow" saying no more fines are being collected. This makes me think of the entirely foundation-less truth about ALL of this...none of it is based on any reality. The virus is dangerous one minute, and the next minute it isn't so bad. Masks are required to prevent disease, the next minute they aren't, then the next they are required again. The vaccine is safe and effective one moment and the next moment it no longer is either, but you should still take it because now if you don't you will die instead of just get a cold. Soon it will be totally abandoned for a new vaccine for monkeypox or funkypox or whatever comes up...keep 'em disoriented and confused is a hallmark of psychological manipulation. They do a good job at that...
"A rash of thefts of semiconductor-loaded powertrain control modules from parked Freightliner and Western Star trucks is turning the tractors into oversize paperweights."
Start from 48:00, which is a flashback summary of a November 2021 interview with Vanden Bossche, as what precedes in The Highwire we don't care about, and with the real kicker starting at some 1:00 where '1' = 1h, and is where the updated interview with Vanden Bossche begins.
I repeat, Putin in his capacity as head of state who is accountable for the situation has realized the saying *from hero to zero*, let's also see if he is a coward as well as an imbecile, let's also see if he's a coward as well as an imbecile, where we know he doesn't understand a shit about science, much less about history and the military, the fact that he served on the desk as a KGB officer like there were so many, doesn't make him a military.
As said, let us not even begin to discuss the West with its own pigs. Russia, whose *tactical* situation is fundamentally different from China's, has missed its chance to lead the world, as is characteristic in Putin, the one-dimensional sheep's head (to borrow from Marcuse) of better a bad peace than a good war whatever the cost, and now it shows!
Now, and I agree with Annie Lacroix-Riz who had stated this already two years ago in full knowledge of what she was saying as is always to be expected from her, and even from Sucharit Bhakdi who unlike Lacroix-Riz doesn't understand a damn about humanities and geopolitics despite his brilliance in the sciences of medicine, and who said something similar recently along the lines of Lacroix-Riz, what will be able to save us objectively will be the reaction of the mass of the United States.
Things like QR infrastructure require many microchips and related digi-products. Currently, these are in precarious supply and bound to become more so as China dismembers itself domestically via covidiotic totalitarianism. I suspect that part of the mayor's turnaround was to avoid the embarrassment of a failed QR system. Not to mention that, as the bodies pile up, a man whose face is known to all Muscovites as the man most responsible for promoting/demanding clot-shots that in turn over time produce "VAIDS" ADE, might want to start dissociating himself from the reasons those bodies are piling up.
They said that under Mussolini, "at least the trains ran on time"... but they didn't. That's just academic folklore, according to my reading.
Idiocracy will rely on bank accounts and crypto.. it is possible to do without, but it is a complete change of life..
what is "n.o.m."?
New World Order (nouvel ordre mondial), the one that Putin and his counsellor Aleksandr Dugin are implementing with the war crisis, a way to reshuffle the cards, and with eurasism as a milestone to the Nwo. Putin somehow is a false opposition. The hassidic lubavitch branch and economic branch he is linked to are both leading to Nathaniel Rothschild.
Well looks like you have it all figured out
I don't know if I do but i posted many detailed links about Putin's relations (economic financial and hassidic lubavitch ones) in Riley's article "is Russia complicit with the great reset?"...
N'ayez pas de soucis, Sandrine chérie,
Car dans la vie, il y a tant de choses –
Faut choisir ce qu'il faut voir, ce qu'il pas:
Donc tout aboutisse dans grotesquerie.
Did Sobyanin (Putin's patsy) cancel Face Pay, Qr codes, biometric terrorism? I don't think so.
Both fully agree with German Gref's programme and guess who Gref is dining with?
QR codes are gone (for now), but the infrastructure remains. Everything else-- Face Pay!! -- is being pushed on Muscovites.
Any producer interested in making a remake of the Dirty Dozen starring Nat Rothschild, Putin, Herman Graf, Mandelson, Berel Lazar, Sobyanin, Deripaska, Chubais, Wallenbergs,...any other suggestion ??
Riley what are you doing in Russia you should pack up your things and fly away :-)
to be fair, I think many Moscovites wanted these measures. Liberals in Minsk took to the streets not too long ago to protest FOR harder lockdowns that Luka refused to enforce and for western vaxxes.
Anyway...what people want....those vaccinated did not go to the abattoir with a gun ontheir foreheads. I am not a democrat. Democracy is idiocracy. Democracy without indépendant medias is the tyranny of idiots.
Strange...protests against war in ukraine are not allowed in Russia but the ones in favour of harder lockdowns are tolerated?
Is there also a proposal to resurrect the dead of those who were murdered by the Sputnik pushers?
great question
Here's a lousy answer but great fun. I insist on fun.
gloves and masks, amazes me that places weren't robbed blind
Here in The Netherlands, most people I talked to agreed with the measures. The better educated you were, the more likely you were to agree.
The function of Western eduction has finally dawned on me.
P.S. Thank you for those excellent music videos!
Mattias Desmet (researcher into the phenomenon of mass formation, which is widespread adoption of observably false beliefs) observed that the educated class is the most highly susceptible to mass formation. Covidmania is clearly a mass formation phenomenon. The educated government and medical 'authorities' who imposed all the idiot mandates very much seem to honestly believe they are saving us all from certain death. Desmet observed that 30% (sheep) of a typical population believes whatever they are told by the authorities. On the other end, 30% (us) believe only what they can confirm from observed evidence, research, rational analysis, and logical conclusion. 40% (the educated authorities) are victims of mass formation who impose it on the sheep, to the consternation of everybody (us) who believes in evidence rather than authority. Mass delusion - to the point of rapidly locking down the whole world because of an imaginary 'pandemic' - is an amazing thing to witness. Who would have believed it was possible if it hadn't been done? We live in interesting times (:
President Lukashenko of Belarus called this plandemic/scandemic a "mass psychosis" in April 2020. President Lukashenko is the only world leader (I know of) that is NOT injected whether it be saline solution or the MRNA experiment injection or another injection cocktail. I credit President Lukashenko for Belarus being the MOST FREE nation in the world. ALL businesses stayed open. NO lockdowns. NO mask mandates. NO injection mandates. NO QR codes to buy food/ride on public transport.
as well as North Korea
No idea of why one would bring North Korea as a response to my post. North Korea is locking down their country now as I post with 1000s of "fever" cases.
I said sobecause King Jung Un also rejected covid vaccine and this is no reference...
Thank you for clarifying. Yes, North Korea has REFUSED injections so far although I read reports of North Korea locking down their citizens now. Belarus, unfortunately, has accepted injections and ONLY given voluntarily. Belarus, unfortunately, has reported "cases". Eritrea is now the ONLY country in the world that REFUSES to report "cases".
Everything TV experts said in 2020 applied to a regular cold as well as to the pandemic. The words were carefully crafted to cause maximum fear while being technically true.
In the background, the Dutch authorities closed 4 hospitals and 25 intensive care departments. If you visited a hospital, even during peak pandemic, it was quiet. Nurses would complain about reduced hours and increased administrative load.
Based on this, the educated government and medical authorities knew what was happening. That's not to say they had a bad motive. The could have thought the alternatives were even worse. That is what I believe.
I been to Moscow at least 5 times and Saint Petersburg once. The young people I talked to were progressive and wanted change so I wonder why lots of young people comply with the VERY unpopular Moscow mayor decrees. If Russians are dissatisfied with Russia, then Belarus welcomes Russians with open arms (if one can live on the low wages with the benefit of low expenses). The Russians I talked to before 2020 were open in their disdain for the Moscow mayor so I highly doubt Russians are "scared" of authority. Even Riley speaks out so I think the preponderance of evidence SUGGESTS a "mass psychosis" as Belarus President Lukashenko described the "obedience" to insanity. If I was in Moscow, I would get the word out by word of mouth to noncomply with these tyrannical, restrictive, useless measures. Hopefully I can go back to Moscow in June and ask these questions to find out while expressing my contempt/displeasure of the Moscow mayor.
Finally, a virus does NOT exist and NEVER proven to exist! If a virus has NOT been proven to exist, then it logically follows that a VIRUS does NOT exist. I strongly believe in medical doctor with university degree Antoine Bechamp's "terrain theory". The "germ theory" fraudulently proposed by Louis Pasteur, a chemist with NO education degree, is only meant to frighten people into a "mass psychosis" of fear for the purpose of control. Only poisons, bacteria, fungus, and parasites have been proven to exist. So peaceful noncompliance and an ACTIVE and PROACTIVE campaign to get rid of (via voting) the Moscow tyrant mayor is the solution to the problem.
"Finally, a virus does NOT exist and NEVER proven to exist! If a virus has NOT been proven to exist, then it logically follows that a VIRUS does NOT exist. "
Actually, that's illogical, for one can't prove a negative. However, it *is* logical to say that the existence of "covid" has yet to be empirically demonstrated on a microbiological level.
As for opposition to Moscow's mayor: I suggest that Muscovites, just like most modern urbanites everywhere, are too busy "building a career" and distracting themselves from ennui and despair, via electronic media, to actually do anything significant in resistance.
Much of the "mass hypnosis" we speak of is, imo, mostly 'mass inertia' (not to be confused with 'inertial mass' ;) ). One reason that "color revolutions" work so well these days is that most people won't bother to hardly even get out and vote unless someone pays them to, much less form organized resistant solidarity.
I highly doubt that one that writes a response to my post such as yours has been to Russia as many times as I have that also includes Crimea twice and Rostov on Don. I base my "mass psychosis" theory on MANY conversations I have had with Russians and Belarusian (all ages). I can tell anyone including ones that reply to my post that so many people I have talked to think this "virus" is real and are brainwashed into thinking this "virus" is real. I agree with you that many people lack the "motivation" to do due diligence and lack the "wherewithal" to research for themselves.
I have a very open mind however I have neither the time nor need to watch a youtube video as I am fully aware of how color revolutions work. Elections are mostly selections HOWEVER some elections are useful such as when Belarus had approximately 75% turn out to change the constitution in Feb 2022 and Belarusians voted for President Lukashenko in Aug 2020 . Also conservatives will over run the liberals in Nov 2022.
I respectfully disagree with your assessment of illogical double negatives because that reason sounds like double speak. According to that "logic", the existence of a "sashsquash" has yet to be empirically demonstrated on a microbiological level. Amazing how some like to split hairs.
Firstly, I am not commenting directly on Belarus or any country: I'm commenting more on the 'mass hypnosis' (MP) concept which has recently become all the rage and all the cool alt. skeptical kids are into. MP is ultimately just another word for 'culture'. Obviously, with modern mass media, especially the advent of handroids, the ability to create a massive behavior/belief alignment is far more powerful than just 20 years ago, and almost ridiculously more so than 100 or 1000 years ago.
But lest we forget, controlled herd behavior among large groups of homo saps is as old as the first city-states or at least King Friday. I made the caveat demurral I did not to imply that mass hypnosis (MP) isn't real nor alive and kicking in ye olde Moscow and elsewhere. I made it to point out that the primary MP is plain old complacency on the part of the people. Complacency is the substrate of which mass-manipulating dreams are made. Personally, I find the term MP needlessly sensationalist. It provides a handy tracking device for the AI bots reading virtually every.single.word that the internet writes, said tracking working to use our own communications against us by mathem-analytically (is 2 a woid! I just made it up!) perceiving patterns in our expressed thoughts and behaviors whereby they can work to keep ahead of us in this infowars game. Sound bites are such handy little RIFD dog tags, jah?
It's also uber-divisive: "I'M not deluded by Big Brother's mass hypnosis; all those other cud-craving sheep are!" It becomes more a platform for salving a sense of social isolation/political despair by deeming oneself superior, a kind of narcissism, than it is a means of sharing valuable information in a positive way that might yield a lessening of said MP.
Also, the "appeal to authority" fallacy applies to your greater experience in Russia, which I certainly grant you: I've never been outside of the USA except to spend five days in a Windsor, Canada jail and almost get thrown in jail at the Nogales,AZ, USA<>Mexican border for unwittingly finding myself smack in the center of a heroin bust. But my statement was not based at all on personal experience of Russia et al, and I phrased it in general terms: "MUCH OF the "mass hypnosis" we speak of..." was my reference point, not any specific town, nation, or region.
As for "can't prove a negative" being just a form of double-speak: you go with that. Every logician from Aristotle to Homer Simpson will disagree, but that’s also just an ‘appeal to authority’ fallacy, so you go with it. Come back when you've got something more than some sneaky feeling that it's just double-talk. That and a tingling in your Spidey-sense(t) underwear will buy you a cup of coffee in Manhattan if you throw in a $10 bill as well. As for double-speak, I think that this eminently qualifies: “According to that "logic", the existence of a "sashsquash" has yet to be empirically demonstrated on a microbiological level.” I have no idea (to complete sentence, please watch very brief but possibly annoying video) . You're actually demonstrating my point, but never mind. Here's some help: just because I can't prove that you have sex with animals doesn't mean that you don't.
"I have neither the time nor need to watch a youtube video as I am fully aware of how color revolutions work. "
But a) you have time to waste telling me so with indulgent rudeness, and b) the video was of an awesome (imo) Rolling Stones song as rendered by a young and not yet sold-out Rod Stewart, not some boring youtuber telling us The Way It Really Is.
You obviously enjoy contention, so I'll close by recommending that you spend less time with your head in a digi-screen and more time engaging with plain reality. I also recommend you pull that digi-screen from your rectum, but you just do whatever makes you happy, I suppose. Because I can tell you what you should think just as well as you can tell us what to think, o mighty warrior.
But let's chatter away, shall we? It's what we humans do, especially during the final stage of imperial collapse. Most of the talk reduces to individuals flinging poo, however intellectually styled and erudite said poo may be, and anyone who doesn't enjoy a bit of shit-slinging now and then is either a holy saint or a retired argubot.
We can always do this:
even though you are the kind of poster who makes me feel like this:
And now, back to work, hi-ho.
Not sure which of this post I am commenting on...but I think it is the "mayor of Moscow" saying no more fines are being collected. This makes me think of the entirely foundation-less truth about ALL of this...none of it is based on any reality. The virus is dangerous one minute, and the next minute it isn't so bad. Masks are required to prevent disease, the next minute they aren't, then the next they are required again. The vaccine is safe and effective one moment and the next moment it no longer is either, but you should still take it because now if you don't you will die instead of just get a cold. Soon it will be totally abandoned for a new vaccine for monkeypox or funkypox or whatever comes up...keep 'em disoriented and confused is a hallmark of psychological manipulation. They do a good job at that...
Moscow is safe again
"Do not fold, spindle or mutilate." Used to be printed on machine-readable documents. Maybe we need to stamp it on our foreheads?
On my idea that maybe Moscow's mayor is backing off QR because of parts shortages:
"A rash of thefts of semiconductor-loaded powertrain control modules from parked Freightliner and Western Star trucks is turning the tractors into oversize paperweights."
Omigod, Edvard. Grammar/spellbots are appearing as one writes a post. They're everywhere!! ai-YEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Without even beginning to debate the scum of the West, the number one cause, take the time to view:
John Galt W/ INTEL FROM Geert Vanden Bossche on The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Start from 48:00, which is a flashback summary of a November 2021 interview with Vanden Bossche, as what precedes in The Highwire we don't care about, and with the real kicker starting at some 1:00 where '1' = 1h, and is where the updated interview with Vanden Bossche begins.
Lookup and verify that Russia declares to have 50.50% fully-, and 5.03% only partially vaccinated. Draw the consequences.
I repeat, Putin in his capacity as head of state who is accountable for the situation has realized the saying *from hero to zero*, let's also see if he is a coward as well as an imbecile, let's also see if he's a coward as well as an imbecile, where we know he doesn't understand a shit about science, much less about history and the military, the fact that he served on the desk as a KGB officer like there were so many, doesn't make him a military.
As said, let us not even begin to discuss the West with its own pigs. Russia, whose *tactical* situation is fundamentally different from China's, has missed its chance to lead the world, as is characteristic in Putin, the one-dimensional sheep's head (to borrow from Marcuse) of better a bad peace than a good war whatever the cost, and now it shows!
Now, and I agree with Annie Lacroix-Riz who had stated this already two years ago in full knowledge of what she was saying as is always to be expected from her, and even from Sucharit Bhakdi who unlike Lacroix-Riz doesn't understand a damn about humanities and geopolitics despite his brilliance in the sciences of medicine, and who said something similar recently along the lines of Lacroix-Riz, what will be able to save us objectively will be the reaction of the mass of the United States.
Things like QR infrastructure require many microchips and related digi-products. Currently, these are in precarious supply and bound to become more so as China dismembers itself domestically via covidiotic totalitarianism. I suspect that part of the mayor's turnaround was to avoid the embarrassment of a failed QR system. Not to mention that, as the bodies pile up, a man whose face is known to all Muscovites as the man most responsible for promoting/demanding clot-shots that in turn over time produce "VAIDS" ADE, might want to start dissociating himself from the reasons those bodies are piling up.
They said that under Mussolini, "at least the trains ran on time"... but they didn't. That's just academic folklore, according to my reading.
Excellent article . . . do you know of any WEF or Big Pharma ties Sobyanin might have?
In Florida they paid back the fees too. ( Sept 2020)